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“Are their stories somehow irrelevant?”

December 10, 2019

Jeff Rients has a question for the community!

Are testimonials of the women who support Zak somehow irrelevant, or is it that they were weighed and compared against what Mandy and other women reported and readers’ individual experiences, and about a billion people who interacted with Zak recognized horrifying commonalities of behavior in how Mandy and her supporters reported being treated by Zak and the treatment the readers experienced first hand from Zak? Bullying, aggression, manipulation, terrifying shifts in mood, bad faith argumentation and all those other things Jeff characterizes as “X behavior that [they] don’t like.” Gosh, why don’t people like being treated like that?

Jeff didn’t even see any abuse in that “tiny sliver” of life he glimpsed in the background and says that’s “odd.” I wonder if Jeff’s colleagues at Temple thought it was “odd” that the women Bill Cosby preyed on at the university seemed fine at the time? What a bunch of oddballs, those abuse victims!

What seems odd to me is that Jeff has a dumb take and bad choice in friends and now his poor wife has been drawn in, patrolling the comments section for heretics. Jesus Christ, Jeff, don’t get your family smeared with Zak’s shit…

“Maybe I’m wrong to still be Zak’s friend. But I am.” Cool, bruh. Zak has succeeded in getting some disinfectant sprayed on his brand. Looking forward to the Zak + Jeff Kickstarter in 2020 Q1!


1,452 Comments leave one →
  1. Kent permalink
    December 10, 2019 1:34 pm

    I was an early despiser of Zak (2010?) because he struck me as just another Jew trying hard to seem the smartest non-goy around. And when opposed reacted like a slug in the presence of saint Salt.

    He tried to flatter me once, and once only, but flattery is supplication to me and I mocked him with great mockery, aka with biblical indignity. He never responded to me after that, I tried adeptly to seem friendly for several years without softening the granitic semitic hard face of the soft faced little fag. A *fag* to me is someone I could kill while doing household chores, and forget I had transgressed. Fucking slags does not elevate a *fag* to manhood [although ydis thinks so and communicated his former adulation of Zak to me privately in those terms.]

    At the same time, since when have sensible beings payed any attention to a dialogue, made public like a play, between a harlot and a fag? I mean ‘payed attention’ beyond mockery? If the police are not interested then why should I be?

    Ignore online fags and whores is a precept for pre-teens surely.

    • Andy Action permalink
      December 17, 2019 6:48 am

      Wow, I didn’t think anyone could bring this conversation any lower besides Zak himself – and yet, here is Kent to lower the bar.

  2. December 10, 2019 2:19 pm

    Gaah. So disappointing. Jeff was one of the OSR blogging old guard who had managed to keep his head above the sewage.

  3. Whateley permalink
    December 10, 2019 2:32 pm

    He’s not going to fuck you, Jeff. And if he does its going to be a mediocre one given the looks on the faces of women who agreed to be penetrated by a 90s family sitcom antagonist.

  4. Franky Panky permalink
    December 10, 2019 4:12 pm

    Did Jeff call the whores, like Dani Jang? How do you suppose those conversations went. “So You never saw Zak abuse Mandy. Okay. Say, what are you wearing… or not wearing… right now?” Bonus question, “Do you mind if my wife joins us? After all she fights my online fights for me because I am not enough of a man to fight them myself.”

    Zak is living in a cardboard box on Sepulveda Blvd right now, Jeff. He isn’t going to introduce you or Amy to the *Witnesses*.

  5. Poo Poo Ragoo permalink
    December 10, 2019 4:31 pm

    Jeff, Zak is going to break your heart. He is going to break your heart Jeff and when he does, you will shit your pants. Trust me on this pant shitting thing. I know because it happened to me.

    I shit my pants.

    Just don’t lose Amy over this like I lost Hannah. If you are anything like me – and I think you are because you clearly love Zak too and can probably feel the doo doo percolating inside you even now and heading toward your anus and you won’t be able to hold it in – you will shit your pants Jeff and need that razorback hog you call a wife around to do your laundry.

  6. Reason permalink
    December 10, 2019 6:16 pm

    It’s actually a testament to how brilliant at D&D Jeff is- even an auteur like Zak was so enchanted by Jeff’s DMing that he didn’t even get distracted & start abusing his wife whenever she dragged herself past the monitor during their live online game session. Usually he barely takes a break from that shit.

  7. Captain Kirks Dick Blood permalink
    December 10, 2019 7:25 pm

    Wow, Unca’ Jeffy’s wife got shut the fuck up quick by the reasonable counter-arguments. “are you from” joke is cringingly weak. She’s a fucking idiot.

    Looking at her pic online. Can’t decide if “woof woof” is appropriate or “Oink Oink.”

    Jeff is clearly enamored and bought into Zak’s “Ima cool non-nerd gamer, ya’ll” horseshit. Zak’s constant “anybody who doesn’t be reasonable and publicly defend me is an angry/dumb nerd” crap should be enough to turn off any gamer regardless of anything else. Jeez.

    Fuck you, Rients. You just want to be that fuckface’s sidekick. Even his ass-felching toady Joe The Unblown Lawyer dropped him like a laundry bag full of jerked off into gym socks.


    • Franky Panky permalink
      December 11, 2019 10:45 am

      Where might I view her pic on-line, O captain? Asking for myself. I’d like to be able to recognize her if I see her at a Con. Possibly offer her some private OSR lessons. Her manlet of a hubby certainly won’t mind. He seems quite the wittol.

  8. Frog Gode permalink
    December 11, 2019 3:01 am

    Went to my FLGS today, found these :
    Looks like a French version of the “cream” of LameOldtFP was kickstarted a while back and the deluxe hardcovers have just hit the stores. Great timing. I must say they are gorgeous. The paper alone was orgasm-inducing, and did not smell at all like abuse.

    • Poo Poo Ragoo permalink
      December 11, 2019 6:16 am

      Sorry for the smell but I handled them all with my poopy fingers after I shit my pants. Glad you liked the scent though Frog Gode!

  9. December 11, 2019 6:29 am

    Don’t worry. Someone referred him to ” wundergeek’s recent posts on abusers in a community”. Everything is going to be fine.

  10. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    December 11, 2019 1:59 pm

    Zakko is now on the attack-o. He’s spamming that entire thread with his logical fallacies.

  11. Amy Rients Feminine Hygiene FAIL permalink
    December 11, 2019 2:44 pm


    • Poo Poo Ragoo permalink
      December 11, 2019 2:52 pm

      Sorry Amy but you are losing him. You are losing Jeff to Zak just like Hannah lost me to Zak. But Zak will break his heart Amy. Zak will break his heart and when he does, Jeff will shit his pants. I know. It happened to me.

      I shit my pants.

  12. Franky Panky permalink
    December 11, 2019 5:10 pm

    It’s lika a best of “The Zak Show”, innit? The binary questions with 2 wrong choices, the demands for answers, the constant insinuations of bad faith, the petulance, the insistence that all interaction is on his terms — the very definition of an asshole, BTW , and the empty threats to leave, which we all know his narc-rage would never allow him to do.

    For anyone who wondered why Zak was canceled in the first place, he certainly did a fine job of reminding us of the reasons.

    What do you bet he whined to Amy and Jeff about how he was treated in the comments, and of course demanded that they do something, delete many things, or they are acting in bad faith. Archived here, for posterity

    • December 11, 2019 5:34 pm

      That is the trainwreck-iest thread we’ve seen in a loooong time. Wonder if Jeff will be turning over to Zak the IP addresses from comments, so he can build a more accurate enemies list? Took a few months for the community to turn on JaMal, Jeff’s letting himself get taken down overnight. Maybe he’s done with the scene and just said “Fuck it.” What is the end game here?

      Thank you for saving that thread Frank, in recognition I’ve pledged generously to the Eyebrow Fund at Locks of Love in your name.

      • Let me tell you about my character permalink
        December 11, 2019 7:57 pm

        Without an answer to those questions, I’m done here.

  13. Parvel permalink
    December 11, 2019 7:29 pm

    Zak is very much like Trump: Toadies, sycophants, and even well-meaning but naive defenders in his orbit ALL sooner or later get sucked down into the pigshit with him by the event-horizon-level gravity of his narcissism.

    • Nanda Green permalink
      December 12, 2019 1:14 pm

      Except Trump can draw without tracing on a lightbox

  14. Reason permalink
    December 11, 2019 7:41 pm

    Zak is living a Kafkaesque nightmare where no one will engage with him where Wundergeek is being held up as an example of truth, logic & ethics… And all the shitty ways he used to “win” arguments don’t work anymore, just overnight everyone else decided all the words now mean something different and he wasn’t told.

    His way of engaging with the world that took him so far is now digging him deeper & he can’t seem to adapt. Instead of curling people up in petty semantics & high school level debate cheats people are just laughing in his face.

    Because IF he adapts he admits this new bizarro world is the real world, Wundergeek is worth listening to, the skank tap has dried up & he can’t even bully the unblown anymore. It’s an I Am Legend moment.

  15. Xartan Tssagua permalink
    December 11, 2019 8:28 pm

    It’s like Jeff invited a vampire into his house. Let the right one in Rients! Zak hatred is the one thing that has united the Left and Right of the OSR and for once everyone is correct.

  16. Buffet Slayer permalink
    December 11, 2019 8:31 pm

    Another “friend” like Raggi who waits MONTHS before telling people that they believed ‘hey, this stuff didn’t happen and it’s all not true’ instead of saying that days after the rape and abuse accusations were leveled– when it would have actually mattered. This is like going back and trying to clean up Chernobyl when the continent is already a dead husk. What a weakling and now double so hiding behind his wife. Not even the worst cunt you know deserves friends like these.

    • Mrs. Dr. The Reints (Amy) permalink
      December 11, 2019 8:35 pm

      Ok Twitter game nerds, STOP TALKING ABOUT MY HUABAND
      Who his friends are, is none of your business. Keep his name out of your mouth and off your keyboard. Go back to whence you came.

  17. Zak Zee Smith permalink
    December 12, 2019 12:24 am

    Ok, I asked a bunch of questions nobody could answer. It’s pretty obvious nobody attacking me or Jeff here has a solid reason for what they believe. Pay no attention to all the questions that didn’t answer. I’m not the one acting in bad faith. Everyone else is. Except Jeff and Amy.

    The people saying they believed Mandy didn’t have any facts to back it up (and consistently cited made-up stuff) and the people claiming I was a jerk all along couldn’t point to any real examples, or else pointed to _asking for evidence of abuse as abuse_.

    Any remotely sane third party can see what’s going on here so I’m out. I have no control over these comments and I’m starting to look really bad.

    If anybody does turn up to answer any of the questions I asked, somebody please let me know at zakzsmith AT hawtmayle dawt calm . for all the ‘bots out there.

  18. kin permalink
    December 12, 2019 3:11 am

    he wrote on his twitter that he is thinking about suicide every day. i mean this is getting serious. i still think that a chances that he is going to hurt himself are small but you know this is getting real.

    • December 12, 2019 7:37 am

      ‘ihititwithmyaxe’ tweeted, “I think about suicide every day.” and the next day we have Jeff Rients’ blogpost featuring all his thoughts about his friend Zak and the allegations against said friend. I think there’s a good chance there was a connection, that Rients felt his friend needed a show of support, but I hope he was prepared for the hell that this likely to bring upon him. I do not wish him hell, and this is not a threat, but I believe that hell is what he will get. His wife already seems like she was not enjoying proximity to someone with an unpardonable opinion. And Zak takes a victory lap through the blog comments, then resumes his normal operations.

    • Raggi’s Underwear permalink
      December 12, 2019 9:13 am


      He tweeted that? It’s pretty much the equivalent of cutting your wrists “across the street,” i.e. it’s all for attention, isn’t it? You want to do it, just do it. Cries for help are just cries for attention.

    • Nanda Green permalink
      December 12, 2019 1:17 pm

      Hilarious. Is there a betting pool for the date?

      Of course we know it’s fakery and a plea for sympathy or he would have just done it, not blogged about thinking it. Man has no pride, but then again nothing to be proud of.

  19. Timotheus permalink
    December 12, 2019 7:54 am

    Man, what a glorious mess. Zak is too psychotic to see how he has sliced his own throat, Rients getting butfucked and ghosted for sticking by his “friend”, and the poor wife trolling for her dumb lug of a husband.

    The blOwSR is back, bitches!

    Where is Witchiepoo in all this? And Lesbian Witch Boy? Turdkar? That fat loser who used to run the Temple of Demogorgon? Vulcan Stev!?

    Without the answers to these questions, I;m done here.

    • stonefisting permalink
      December 12, 2019 8:07 am

      You rang? What did I miss?

    • Old Man Timotheus' Impotent Rage permalink
      December 12, 2019 8:40 pm

      wows, Gran’pa Timotheus. You still carrying all that butthurt after all this time? And “blOwSR is back?” Almost expecting you to exclaim ” 23 Skidoo!” at this point. Makes sense, since you still play TFT, a game that had its peak 40 years ago. Um, and I think you once said you play it with your friend’s young boys. Ick. Is it that you can’t get a group of adults together or create anything online that makes you jealous and angry at others? Or that the moms and dads won’t leave you alone with the lads on game night?

      Sorry, Pops. While most of these comments are fun to read, you really just come off as bearing bitter hurt rather than the enjoying spoofs and LOLZ. Maybe Rients and the Mrs. can offer you healing hugs?

      • Timotheus permalink
        December 13, 2019 10:46 am

        I gotta admit, it’s kinda cool having my own stalker here.Especially how little I post here anymore. How’d I get inside your delicate little head so bad?

        Try laughing sometime. It won’t help your impotent jealousy, but you might actually enjoy life.


  20. stonefisting permalink
    December 12, 2019 10:51 am

    GentleMEN. Hygge thule and glad helsk. Miss me?

    All reading this need to know that Amy isn’t actually screening comments. They are going up in real time. It’s just that there are too many for the page to load at once so you need to hit the “load more” link right above the ad to rejoin the conversation.

    While I would never urge right action against a member of the White Oerid and Suel races, I did a little digging and “Rients” is a name of Latvian or Lettish origin, probably with some minor Flan admixture so we’re all good.

    • Amy permalink
      December 12, 2019 11:12 am

      Lots of cis het white gamergate guys performing wokeness.

      • Buffet Slayer permalink
        December 12, 2019 11:26 am

        Last I checked I was pretty fat and of a smooth cafe au lait coloring. Since you hate white males so much, you wanna go out? Ditch that fawning milksop for a real man. While I may not be able to run to the end of the block without collapsing, I could punch out a cow, imagine that tonight while lying in bed, I know I will.

      • OA, BD permalink
        December 12, 2019 11:41 am

        Oscar Anderson Likes this.

    • wundergeek permalink
      December 12, 2019 11:13 am

      OK boomer

  21. FixerFixerFixer permalink
    December 12, 2019 12:03 pm

    Bros, i need some help here. I am currently unable to edit the comments for Jeff Rient’s blog. There are a lot of things there that need fact checking and correction. Jeff is too busy to do it so I’ve taken it upon myself to be helpful. Don’t worry about fixing wikipedia. my friend AlexaSmooth is working on that, but bad faith actors keep reverting my changes.

    • FixerFixerFixer permalink
      December 12, 2019 12:30 pm

      I mean AlexaSmooth’s changes. I haven’t changed anything on Zak’s wiki page in months.

      Why does that little box next to my name look like a swastika? am I being called a nazi?

      • Zak Zee Smith permalink
        December 12, 2019 12:31 pm

        If you’re not addressing that, I’m done here.

      • stonefisting permalink
        December 12, 2019 12:34 pm

        88 my man

  22. Nanda Green permalink
    December 12, 2019 1:09 pm

    Yes, hearsay is irrelevant, Jeff. Just because a person says “Zack never raped her while I was in the room” doesn’t make Zack not a rapist. See the Bill Cosby example so aptly provided. So you have chosen to be friends with a rapist. By the way, your D&D blog sucks and lacks even a glimmer of imagination and I would hate to be a player at your table. Plus you might invite some friend over to rape me.

  23. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    December 12, 2019 1:24 pm

    Christmas is early this year! That exchange has really help Zpastic’s Patreon for sure. All that’s left now is for Speaking Manners (aka not Zakattack) to demand his reinstatement on Reddit because the Rients couple have shown they stand with Zpastic! Are they going to get clued when blindfolds and cigarettes are handed out, though?
    Best part is Zpastic confirming his disappointed father is footing the bills. Love that deflection! Is ignoring questions altogether lying when you’re ignoring them do as not to paint yourself as a pushing 50 year old washed up meth head living on daddy’s cash.

  24. Amy "I though when they said I should really try a douche they meant befriend Zak" Rients permalink
    December 12, 2019 2:16 pm


  25. Zak Langouste verified permalink
    December 12, 2019 2:35 pm

    Speak Now Or Forever Hold Your Peace

    Stats tell me the same number of people read these entries as have for years, so I know this’ll reach the people it needs to.

    Recent bullshit aside, a lot of people in gamer land say I am unnecessarily mean on the internet to gamers. All these gamer conversations, long or short, follow this same basic form:

    Zak: “Well here’s the receipt”
    Angry: “I DON’T HAVE TO DEBATE YOU” (leaves)

    Angry (later, to the internet): “Zak is such a jerk, he said I was made of french fries!”

    Ten years of this–since 2009. I still haven’t learned why everyone else is an asshole.

    Point is, even though I have lots of people do that I legitimately to this day do not know why they think that because none of them ever stick around and answer questions long enough to explain what their beef is or why they have it. I (and everyone in real life who sees these things) go around mystified about it–I have no idea what people expect me to do instead of point to the receipt, never have. And, to a one, gamers immediately change their tune in real-life (cons or vidchat) and never say the stupid things they say online, so talking to them’s no help, either.

    So, if you are reading this and you think I am unnecessarily mean on the internet and can:

    -Point to a specific example of a specific instance but I will still demand more specificity

    -Answer all questions about why you thought it was bad, but do know that the questions never end. It’s how I win internet arguments, by attrition. I never surrender.

    Leave a comment. That’s an order. I need comments to pick apart to fuel my overweening narcissism and to take my mind off of my shitty life, that I might end at any time. Okay, maybe not, but I will make some shallow scratches on my writst and post the photos as evidence.

    Talk as if you’re talking in real life: No talking on behalf of other people (“I think people…”), no running away in the middle. I ran away from Jeff Rient’s comments, because I could not control them. Here I am the master and you will conform to my demands.

    No anonymous comments, you need a persistent identity so the conversation can be tracked and make sense. So you can be tracked too. I will compare your IP addresses to those given me by my besties Amy and Jeff, and add you to my enemies list.

    Leave a comment now. I need to win an internet argument soon. My self-esteem is at an all time low after the drubbing I took in the comments of Rient’s post. I think about suicide all the time, just not my own. I love myself too much to end myself.

    • Nanda Green permalink
      December 12, 2019 3:32 pm

      Whoever wrote this, it’s comedic gold standard satire

      • Basic Witch permalink
        December 13, 2019 7:56 am

        Drubbing is right. That was a motherfucking beatdown.

      • Zak Smith verified permalink
        December 13, 2019 6:05 pm

        I wrote this, but it has been changed to say things I never said. I don’t even like french fries. I never said I like french fries. cite one instance where i said that i like french fries or have your comments deleted.

  26. anonymous- quote from Rients page "load more" section permalink
    December 12, 2019 3:14 pm

    Oof, back of the net… [Here’s the skinny.

    People ghosted on Zak not because he’s an asshole. They ghosted on Zak because his pattern of public abuse matches Mandy’s allegations.

    Just read the comments here. I’ll pick some for you and walk you through what they mean about Zak.

    “I admit I was wrong all the time. For example: I was wrong to support most of the OSR authors I supported. Now you should admit you are wrong or someone might decide you’re a narcissist and therefore a rapist.”

    Here is Zak twisting what someone requested – that he admit wrongdoing, if not factually then at least perceptually – into a way to attack his former peers. He then uses this twisting to try and claim that he’s being unfairly portrayed. I should emphasize this because it’s Zak’s entire combative persona: he never argues in good faith, and gets bizarrely personal, whether it’s about accusations of abuse or somebody disagreeing with him about an RPG.

    This is not the behavior of a well-adjusted person. These two sentences ~alone~ are enough to justify the accusations of abuse to me, because it matches the pattern of behavior abusers typically follow. Most abusers are pathologically incapable of admitting fault, and when confronted with their own misbehavior, attempt to turn it around on the person confronting them. Zak is doing it all over the place in this post’s comments, and he did it in response to Mandy.

    “Rehabilitation is only relevant when you’ve done something wrong.”

    Zak is completely incapable of seeing the damage that his behavior has caused to the people around him. His reputation is not destroyed because of these allegations; it was destroyed by ~years and years of purposefully abuse public behavior~. Like most abusers, he thrives on riding the doubt line. Unfortunately, this only works for so long – once people notice the line, the abusive behavior suddenly becomes VERY apparent.

    So far in this thread, he spent the entire time demanding ~concrete factual evidence~ from people who are talking about patterns of behavior he exhibits IN THIS VERY THREAD. His inability to back down from a fight; his propensity to argue in bad faith; his abusive harassment; and, most importantly, his complete lack of a conscience.

    Zak believes he did nothing wrong, and baby, that’s proof enough. He admitted on his counter-blog (which doesn’t mention him by name, so that he dodges search results! cute) that even if the courts ruled in favor of Mandy – very unlikely, given the way defamation laws work in Canada, something Zak is specifically banking on and the reason why he sued there – and he lost, he would never accept the verdict.

    For all his talk of rationality, of looking at the evidence, of believing women (lol), Zak will never, ever, EVER, concede that he is wrong and someone else is right. He has zero empathy. He is incapable of seeing a situation or argument from a different perspective. And, in the greatest of RPG traditions, he always attempts to rules lawyer his way to victory.

    All of this is to say: Zak is a publicly abusive piece of shit. If you want to remain friends with him because he sucks your e-peen, go ahead. But you’ll be supporting an obviously unstable and abusive individual and helping to shield him from the consequences of his extremely shitty behavior.

    If you’re okay being his accomplice, by all means.]

    • Nanda Green permalink
      December 12, 2019 3:36 pm

      Well said, great summary. All too true.

      P.S. Zack is a piece of shit and his artwork is the only thing worse than his writing. I’m sure he’s also a racist. Read between the lines and look very carefully at his history.

      • stonefisting permalink
        December 12, 2019 3:39 pm

        Tell me more!

  27. Kent permalink
    December 12, 2019 5:53 pm

    Muslim scum Labour voters had a bad day.


      December 12, 2019 6:49 pm

      I didn’t know Boris Johnson had the drunken Irish homosexual vote. Good for you, Kent!

      • Kent permalink
        December 12, 2019 7:06 pm

        If I was an Irish homo would I say that the Irish are the greatest writers of the 20th century and homos have that insane fetish for anuses that you do, You Do.Yo uu dooo.

      • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
        December 12, 2019 8:36 pm

        You mean just like you just said?

        Well, if Zak ever says “PROOF KENT IS A HOMO OR YOU’RE A LIAR!”, we can point him here now.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      December 15, 2019 2:53 pm

      Way to lick Tory boots, there, Ian Gaysley.

  28. Kent permalink
    December 12, 2019 6:24 pm

    I have a Kickstarter which I am using to get cash or scotch.

    The idea is a campaign world of racial hierarchy where every race knows their place or gets beat down.

    At the very low end:

    Moss men
    Humus men
    Scum men, sewer men
    Shit men
    Criminal psycopaths
    Sexual psycopaths
    British Pakistanis

    • Kent permalink
      December 12, 2019 6:29 pm

      If that is a success and makes me famous I will do an aione kickstarter. But only if that is a wild worldwide success and makes me rich.

  29. Hehaw permalink
    December 15, 2019 9:13 am

    “maybe he ( i.e. Rients) can get a job playing the cucked husband in Zak’s next porno.”

    Hahah! Nothing makes me laugh more then when someone brings up Fuckface’s side job of using his ding-dong to generate income. Honestly, I’m surprised more people don’t make more jokes about it. It’s perfect fodder to use on him anytime he starts getting smart with people as it’ll always be his Achilles heel.

    And that twitter of himself saying he’s going to kill himself: yup. It’ll happen one day. Especially if he looses this case.

    • Parvel permalink
      December 15, 2019 5:06 pm

      Is Zak even really a “Porn star”? I looked up his credits once (Back when his blog was new) and IIRC “Minor stunt cock on the edges of the Industry” seemed more appropriate. It’s so weird that a guy with genuine accomplishments (Yale, MoMA, his first two LotFP books) would exaggerate and inflate that, of all things.

        December 15, 2019 5:29 pm

        Kent has repeatedly volunteered to be Zak’s fluffer.

      • Evil Half-Orc Assassin permalink
        December 15, 2019 6:18 pm

        It makes him “edgy.”

        (And lol putting “two LotFP books” on the same tier as Yale and MoMA.)

      • Captain Kirks Dick Blood permalink
        December 15, 2019 8:11 pm

        It was to get degenerate, unblown D&D’ers to “perk up” with interest. I looked up his credits years ago, and there were like 8, and a couple seemed non-sex background “punker pukebag #3” roles. This is what I’m gobsmacked by; more people not looking it up immediately after hearing about him. I mean fuckface has many times stated “make my living having sex.” Fuck that. Ron Jeremy might make a couple grand per scene, but he’s a pop culture icon. Most regular male performers are lucky to get 200 bucks per scene.

        Some living, Zak Smack.

      • Hehaw permalink
        December 16, 2019 4:23 am

        Fuckface likes to call himself a pornstar, and I’m certainly not going to argue if he deserves that entitlement, because deep down, he’s utterly embarrassed by doing something as stupid as porno. Haha!

      • Evil Half-Orc Assassin permalink
        December 16, 2019 5:17 am

        Ya know most men in porn make their nut (pun intended) doing the gay and twink stuff, so….

        (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)

      • Zak Langouste permalink
        December 16, 2019 1:38 pm

        Hey Bro, ya’ll know that i;m totes a porn star. Zak Smith, BSD or Zak Sabbath, BSD are the credits to look for in the IPMDB. I think once I was billed as Zak Smith, BWC. I;m not really all that B, but I’m very W, and very much a D. The money in porn for me was in not in the gay or twink stuff, but the she-male stuff. I plowed a few stink ditches to pay the rent, before Me and Mandy learned to lure in the waifs at the bus stations and get them to do some DIY porn for a hot meal and a warm bed.

        It’s important to inflate my career as a sex worker. Peeps don’t do internet searches for MoMA, Yale or LotFP. Peeps do do searches for porn.

        Parvel, Bro, That little box next to your name looks like a swastika. Are you a Nazi? is this a Nazi site? There are too many swastikas here. Kent is here. He said my hair looked like Hitler’s moustache once. He’s a nazi.

        Peeps who keep harassing me by asking me If I would like some fries with that, nazis. peeps who believe Mandy, nazis. Peeps who commented in Rients blog, nazis. I demand that YDIS ban all the nazis. If YDIS is not addressing that, I’m done here.

      • stonefisting permalink
        December 16, 2019 2:22 pm

        Zak, I thought you would be the last person to infringe my freedoms of speech, conscience and association and my right to buy World War II themed lingerie at GenCon. Not Okay. Because as I said in my own post on the subject, the need to literally strike out at people who disagree with you is infantile, in a very literal sense.

      • Zak Langouste permalink
        December 16, 2019 5:55 pm

        I don’t even know who you are. i;m going to add you to my enemies list anyway. #3, 485) Fisting, Stone: bald nazi harasser with gay devil goatee and badly plucked eyebrows.

        My first few pornos were performed under the name Chad Thundercock. That’s how the name came into popular culture, from me. Mandy made me change it after it got too famous. She was jealous of my success as a sex worker.

    December 15, 2019 5:37 pm

    Kent looking fetching (felching?) in green at today’s RPG meetup!

      December 15, 2019 5:37 pm

      Isn’t Kent lovely!

    • Kent permalink
      December 16, 2019 5:02 pm

      So, this is the reference photograph of the PrinceOfNothing & Bryce Lynch hook up, without kid Melan photoshopped in.

    • PrinceofNothing permalink
      December 17, 2019 11:12 am

      Back to form. Alcohol has invigorated you. Good.

  31. Reason permalink
    December 15, 2019 10:10 pm

    Just as I thought the satire of Zak further above was too good to be true- turns out it’s 95% Zakko direct…

    You literally could not script a better Zak parody than what is going on in his DnDwithpawnstahs comments right now. Either he’s a genius prepping a mental illness/asbergers defence or he’s fucking retarded & you can see exactly how he manipulated, gaslighted & entangled those fringe porn skanks right there in his comments behaviour.

    And that’s the parts he edits so he can “win” & be shown in a good light… yikes.

    • Parvel permalink
      December 16, 2019 4:02 am

      How about those creepy hostage photos he posts of pale porn chicks standing there like deer in headlights holding “I am ___ and this is my official declaration”. So profoundly bizarre.

    • Evil Half-Orc Assassin permalink
      December 16, 2019 5:15 am

      He…he actually thinks this is how people have conversations. He says so. Jesus.

      Just print this out and present it as exhibit A for the defense.

  32. Bigdickduddley permalink
    December 16, 2019 4:33 am

    Those skanks aren’t going to help one bit in his case. One is a convicted felon who was kicked out of the states and another works as a whore in Seattle. The little fat one with glasses even mentioned in her deposition how Fuckface tried to coax her into porn and would play mind games on her and everyone else.

  33. Radovarl permalink
    December 17, 2019 6:23 am

    I’ve literally forgotten who Zak, Jeff, or any of these other wads are, or what they were doing back when I last played D&D. Gotta say I don’t miss the “community”, though. In what must certainly go down as one of the enduring mysteries in the annals of Chrome, and by what I can only imagine must have been the passing whim of the AI that runs Google, my autocomplete brought me here instead of youtube. Are we still calling it the “Old School Renaissance”, now that it clearly has lasted longer than the Old School did? (Really, I’m asking).

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      December 17, 2019 9:18 pm

      It’s the Old School Inquisition now.

    • Timotheus permalink
      December 18, 2019 7:25 am

      Yeah, the renaissance was over in 2010. It is just a marketing term now, deployed by the Pundejos and the Faggis and the Conloids.

  34. Zak Langouste permalink
    December 17, 2019 5:45 pm

    Since literally no-one anywhere ever in ten years has been able to make a defensible claim that I’m abusive, a mob claiming I am abusive is obviously not my fault. It is the fault of that mob being wrong. I define what is defensible, and any claim of abuse must be defended to my satisfaction. A quick look at my internet history will show you that i;m never satisfied with any defense, ergo no-one has made a defensible claim, ergo i’m not abusive.

    Over and over, even here, we’re getting “I DIDN’T ORDER FRIES!!!” and then there’s a receipt and then you run away. No-one can be expected to take indefensible claims seriously. I;m getting tired of being asked about french fries. I will instruct my minion to destroy the next nazi who asks about french fries.

    To the degree it “has to do with my behavior”–mobs generally target people who are well-known in their communities. So in that sense being a well-known opponent of trolls and harassers has, of course, attracted trolls and harassers, but this is preferable to those trolls and harassers acting unchallenged.

    This is a chewbacca defense, but i expect it to work, because i made it. People harass me because I am successful and charismatic and better than they are. Like that one piece of toilet paper that sticks to your shoe, I;m impossible to shake off, no matter what you do.

  35. Let me tell you about my character permalink
    December 17, 2019 7:41 pm

    Q: Do you know what they call French fries in France?

    A: Durka-Durka-Durka, Jihad!

    • Franky Panky permalink
      December 17, 2019 11:00 pm

      A: Pommes Frites. François Marcela-Froideval taught me some very useful French words. He also taught Gary all the French he needed to get nice discounts with Parisian Courtesans. Too bad for Gary he never made it to Paris. The LA prostitutes, on the other hand, were deservedly called whores. Gary couldn’t even bring himself to call them slovenly trulls.

    • Frog Gode permalink
      December 18, 2019 1:11 am

      Pretty much still “frites”, even when it’s served with some suspiciously white-sauced hallal kebab, wich is the case more often than not in our radiant cities. The depressingly white thin stuff served in ‘merican fast food joints used to be derisively called “pommes allumettes”, but McDonalds is now the largest restaurant chain in France and most kids haven’t even tasted the juicy, perfect mix of crispy and chewy delight that is the Belgian frite that once ruled highway stops and Sunday markets.

    • PrinceofNothing permalink
      December 19, 2019 2:45 pm

      Goddamn that takes me back to holidays when I was a kid. The French Frite is a delightful fusion of the obstinate french sourness mixed with the bourgondian richness of the belgian pomme frite, the only thing Belgians succesfully maintained after King Leopold. Oh for the rich expanse of the belgian fry, drenched in mayonaise with just a whiff of vinegar. To experience instead the factory pressed desolation of the freedom fry is too much to bear.

      A Reign of Terror upon Mcdonalde Mon Ami. I don’t care if the Yank is bringing wendy’s to the Avondland.

  36. Kent permalink
    December 17, 2019 9:17 pm

    Friedkin’s 1980 ‘Cruising’ is a gallery of YDIS regulars. Compared to the modern plague of 10 year old girl type of fags, ‘Cruising’ 1980 shows you guys in the raw, very ‘tough’ compared to modern fags, but still **homos** and no worthwhile western culture will stand for ‘Cruising 1980’ hairy homos or modern girly immature fags neither.

    I, for one, probably the only one from what I can see in the OSR, stand for the old fashioned MAN, who thinks of homosexuals as a cultural nightmare, a sign of degeneracy.

    Come on Trump. Come on Boris.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      December 18, 2019 7:45 am

      Great, just great, now Brandoch Durr Hurr treats us to his Donald Trump/Boris Johnson spit-roast fantasy.

  37. Kent permalink
    December 17, 2019 10:12 pm

    I just thought of a new name for you guys here at YDIS:


    Get used to it.


    • Kent's Rectum (Prolapsed with Anal Warts) permalink
      December 18, 2019 4:05 am

      Homorons: Eh, that’s so-so. You never were particularly clever though Kent. I give it it a 4 out 10 in the spirit of the season.
      Will we be getting our “stocking stuffed” again tonight doing gay?

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        December 18, 2019 7:46 am

        That’s our Dunning-Kruger poster boy!

      • Franky Panky permalink
        December 18, 2019 1:17 pm

        Tonight he’ll be off to the beautician to get himself trooned out in order to entice and delight all those rapey Paki boys he’s been ogling.

        Homorons… looks like some idiot mis-spelled hormones. Kents hormones currently come from pregnant mare’s piss, FYI if you’re curious. Mmm, Titty skittles.

  38. Basic Witch permalink
    December 18, 2019 9:37 am

    Never go Full Retard:

    • Wrath Of Mike (official) permalink
      December 18, 2019 2:11 pm

      Good day everyone! Here’s the deal: Shawn Cheng is working diligently on the remainder of the book. Having a picture on every page was more intensive thn originally anticipated. Reading between the lines of my own updates, Shawn is not getting paid up front, so is doing all this on “spec.” Since the process has now dragged on 6-9 months longer than originally anticipated, you can see how frustrating that proposition is for everyone. Shawn still needs to eat, but is also required to keep tinkering with the pages to meet Zak’s standard. He’s a perfectionist, we are unworthy, ha ha! We all want this book to look good, and are willing to sacrifice everything else to make that happen for you.

      I admit we took in $74,000, but after a small payout for Zak all monies have now been spent to get our production run. I know a $74,000 print bill blows you people’s minds but we were aiming big. Once the book is released to the general public the physical copies that sell will be slated (as per the explanation in the update) for charity and then refunds. Once those books that have been flagged have sold, all other books that sell will generate revenue that will be split between Zak, as the creator and illustrator of Demon City, and myself, as the publisher at a contractually agreed rate prior to the launch of the kickstarter.

      I’m not a “math guy” but we figure the market for Demon City is huge! Consider that we only pre-sold copies to 1,300 of Zak’s biggest fans so that barely scratches the potential audience. Maze of the Blue Medusa was a sell-out hit, and he left a lot of money on the table (I think I saw the print bill on that was only $28,000 so we are expecting 3x that). At $60, we only need to sell another 1,300 copies to break even on the prnt bill, and then it’s easy money for Shawn and all involved. Heavy metal override everyone! FYI, you can’t tell your friends to reserve extra copies because there is no store yet. My pal ws helping me set that up but he got in a big fight with another of my partners.

      • Poo Poo Ragoo permalink
        December 18, 2019 7:00 pm

        Oh Mike. If you could only see how many unsold copies I’m stuck with now you’d shit your pants. Trust me I know.

        I shit my pants

      • Zakbot permalink
        December 18, 2019 8:18 pm

        No: Sales have steadily increased. I made a good income from games–better than most people, I bet.

        You didn’t fact-check any of this.

    • Marvin permalink
      December 20, 2019 11:23 am

      Lol his voice

      • Basic Witch permalink
        December 20, 2019 12:08 pm

        Yeah, dude has a voice for novel writing.

        Or graffiti.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        December 20, 2019 12:58 pm

        Such cacophony. The voice of a male whose testes produce almost no testosterone. The voice of a manlet. So many people in the industry sound this way. Such grating on the ears. Unlike Me, as a Prince, I should and do sound like a Prince. The mellifluosity of my rich baritone is a delight to all who hear it. Listen for yourself Truly celestial music to all ears. I was a folk singer with a bright future in My youth, but had to leave the scene. Joni Mitchell had started stalking Me. I like a leggy blonde as much as the next guy, moreso perchance, but she’s Canadian. You Gentle Sirs know how I feel about *those people*.

  39. Basic Witch permalink
    December 18, 2019 9:39 am

    I meant to post the comment section. There is some Retard Gold in there. Would almost beworth kicking in a few bucks to be allowed to comment.

  40. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    December 18, 2019 10:03 am

    Fucking hilarious that Mike tried to keep a leash on the Zakattack and now he’s out there being full Zpastic and thanking Kickstarter backers for their financial help in suing Mandy. Mike is desperately trying to do damage control but failing miserably and I can only hope Kickstarter tells him to pound sand with his deletion requests.
    Zpastic must have found some speed in his closet he’d forgotten about cause he’s in his amped up attack chihuahua mode biting the hand that feeds and oh my gods I wish I could hear the conversations with Zakattack and Mike. Zpastic will probably try to sue Mike before it’s all over. Who is winning bigger than Charlie Sheen? It’s Zpastic of course!

    • Basic Witch permalink
      December 18, 2019 12:21 pm

      I hadn’t thought about Zak suing Mike, but I bet Mike has considered the likelihood of this awesomeness.

      Going to be a bad day for Mike when the Pale Whores start posting their character witness statements about how Zak was abused by Mike in this kickstarting process.

  41. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    December 18, 2019 1:07 pm

    In other news not involving a rampant speed snorting chihuahua with a half head of hair, YDiSuckers will like to be kept abreast that Porky and Saltine are maintaining a Silence spell over on the Destination Gaptastic Cuckstarter. It dawns on a few that a shitastic campaign run by a trust fund manchild and a woman seldom seen without a cock in every orifice may not be the best place to put one’s faith (money). Personally I’m hard pressed to believe Wizurds hasn’t shitcanned Saltine cracker yet. Guess the fact that she can take the entire WotC micro penis brigade in one go is a good form of job security. I can understand Saltine not answer the Cuckstopper cause her hands are busy, but what about Porky? What the fuck could that guy be doing?

    • Frog Gode permalink
      December 19, 2019 3:53 am

      My lil Twitty bird told me that PorkHorny is busy sculpting the reward pieces for the moronic backers of his fully-paid, non-existent show. I guess then he will have to make a shelf to display them until his victims cough up additional delivery fees. Scamming is hard work, haters!

  42. Mike E permalink
    December 19, 2019 10:13 am

    Why is Jeff supporting an accused abuser?

    • Franky Panky permalink
      December 19, 2019 12:18 pm

      Access to whores. Amy Rients, judging from her comments on Jeff’s defense of Zak, is quite the fishwife. A manlet can only take so much of that.

      He may be doing it because Jimmy “the deuce-dropper” Dookie lacks the intestinal fortitude to do so. Rients has an interest in the success of LotFAP through his ennie winning Broodmother Skyfortress.

      • Marvin permalink
        December 20, 2019 11:29 am

        Wtf is an ennie? Is that slang for a micro penis? Wtf is a brood mother?? Wtf is a sky fortress for that matter what the fuck is a jeff reints???? All this rpg nerd horseshit is hilarious

  43. Kent permalink
    December 19, 2019 1:22 pm

    Some of you are Homorons, others Excretins.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      December 19, 2019 6:00 pm

      Poor Kent, he tries so hard.

    • Kent permalink
      December 19, 2019 7:06 pm


    • Kent permalink
      December 19, 2019 7:27 pm


      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        December 19, 2019 10:49 pm

        Finally, after a lifetime of failure, a joke which finally lands. Fess up, your rectum actually wrote this one.

      • Kent's Rectum (Prolapsed with Anal Warts) permalink
        December 20, 2019 1:35 pm

        Tee hee hee!

  44. Poo Poo Ragoo permalink
    December 19, 2019 6:31 pm

    Poor Mike Evans. I just read Zak’s latest outburst on the Demon City Kickstarter comments page. It’s finally happened now, hasn’t it Mike? You’ve shit your pants.
    I can tell. I can tell because your story is my story Mike.

    I shit my pants.

  45. I'm Pissing Caltrops permalink
    December 20, 2019 12:26 am

    It’s really too bad that Google Plus was wiped off the face of the interwebz because that’s where the majority of Zakattack’s worst behavior was recorded. Every time he asks for receipts people could point to specific threads, etc. but now they have to go mine the ancient caves of old blogs and whatnot. Has he been scrubbed from rpgnet & storygames?

  46. Frog Gode permalink
    December 20, 2019 6:10 am

    I came to Pundit’s youtoobz for the (actual) kitchen sink backdrop, stayed for his cat’s butt. His latest 5-views offering is an hilarious attempt to distance himself from Zak while trying to cling to that chocolate medal “credit” (I exchanged so many e-mails with Mike!). Also,, Something Awful and YDIS are mean.

    • Basic Witch permalink
      December 20, 2019 12:42 pm

      I listened to some of that. Goddam weird shit…I think Pundit’s parents were arguing in the background.

      But between his voice and Zak’s voice, you could easily put together a Disney movie. They sounds like two woodland creatures arguing about which way to go in the forest. Squirrels? Ferrets? I’m no expert…

    • Franky Panky permalink
      December 20, 2019 1:16 pm

      Not his parents, they are in Canada, but an elderly couple from whom he rents a room. John Tarnowski is a Canadian. Never forget that, because it explains so much about him.

      A 23 minute rant about Zak the Canceled. How so very, very pathetic. I hope that the Cat goes rabid and turns on him, preferably while he is sleeping. A fitting end?

      • Timotheus permalink
        December 21, 2019 7:43 am

        Yeah, it would be fitting if he went out like Mr. Wilde in “The Repairer of Reputations.” In fact, there is a strong parallel between Wilde and Tarnowski, both believing they are controlling events from their shithole apartments.

      • Kent's Rectum (Prolapsed with Anal Warts) permalink
        December 21, 2019 8:42 am

        Tarnowski thought he saw the yellow sign, but it was just a pee pee stain on his undies.

        And this is the literary fun and games that Kent is denied due to his utter lack of wit.

    December 20, 2019 1:58 pm

    Herro YDIS Everybody! You need rawyer?
    I up in Canada now getting ready for the biggest case of my lifetime: Zak Smith vs. Mandy Morbid! My crient Mandy is in good spirits and ready to chop chop suey the other half of Zak’s hairdoo right off his goofball manlet head! We have more sworn testimony, more witnesses, and more screen shots of Zak’s shitty online behavior thanks to successful GoFundMe and all of you generous dedicated YDIS paralegals collecting it all for us and sharing here! Mandy sends many thank yous! Now I have to get back to pro bonering Mandy if you know what I mean rink 😉 rink 😉

    Remember Folks, next time don’t call whores YOU CALL RAWYER!

    • Zak Langouste permalink
      December 20, 2019 11:15 pm

      Great news Dani. Mandy and the rest of her legal team don’t suspect a thing do they? Everything is according to plan.

      Enjoy my sloppy seconds. Pro-bonering Mandy. Have some french fries with that mustyburger while you’re at it.

      • POO POO RAGOO permalink
        December 21, 2019 6:24 am

        You know I would be there to help you Zak, really I would but well, you know.

        I shit my pants.

  48. POO POO RAGOO permalink
    December 24, 2019 7:59 pm


    • Kent's Largely Destroyed Olfactory Bulb permalink
      December 25, 2019 12:07 am

      Great, now you’ve got Kent all hot and bothered. Kent’s been obsessed with Raggi ever since he learned that Raggi shits himself. Raggi’s ass is like the Holy Grail for Kent. There’s nobody quite like Raggi throughout Europe,,, he’s not only American fat, but Southern fat, so Kent wants to bury his face in Raggi’s twin-slightly-deflated-beach-ball butt cheeks. Kent craves the sort of mutual degradation that only dubious-consent analingus can provide.

      It’s gotten so bad that, everywhere he goes, Kent keeps on muttering “Rim Raggi.” He said it in front of class, and one of his students heard it. Kent tried to pass it off as a formula used to calculate the perimeter of a jagged circle, like a table saw blade. He muttered it in the FLGS and told the proprietor that he was looking for the LJN Toys wizard action figure. When he mutted “Rim Raggi” in the liquor store, he tried to pass it off as ‘rum raggy’, claiming it’s an egg-drop rum inspired by stracciatella.

      Kent’s now trying to lure Raggi into his lair in the steam tunnels at the college so he can hold him in durance vile, emphasis on the vile.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      December 25, 2019 12:30 am

      A Merry Christmas to you Jimmy. Now that you are back in America, you can celebrate it again, rather than celebrate annual reindeer slaughter day or whatever pagan crap those Finns get up to.

      Jimmy, please don’t put anything in my stocking. And do not leave any *Yule Logs* on my lawn either. Mrs. Panky gets completely mental when I run over such things with my mobility scooter tires and then drive around inside the house.

  49. Fanky Panky permalink
    December 25, 2019 12:34 am

    Jimmy has apparently solved his pants shitting problem. He has stopped wearing pants. I saw it, now you have to. Merry Christmas to all.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      December 25, 2019 2:45 pm

      Link’s not working. Try this

    • POO POO RAGOO permalink
      December 26, 2019 5:43 am

      I called my good friend Jordan Peterson and told him I shit my pants. Dr. Peterson came up with this genius solution: Then don’t wear pants!

      I should have put a sheet of plastic down first though. Replacement sofas cost more than new pants.

      I shit my sofa.

      • BACLF permalink
        December 26, 2019 9:12 am

        Got a good reason
        For spraying Febreeze in the house.
        Got a good reason
        For spraying Febreeze in the house.
        He was a couch shitter,
        Sofa pooper, yeah.
        It took me so long to find out
        But I gound out.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        December 26, 2019 1:02 pm

        Febreeze won’t cut it.Jimmy will need the big guns. This and most definitely this We used these when we had a feral cat intrude into the back office at one of the bakery locations. What it did to the couch… pretty much what Raggi is doing to the couch in the photo. I hope it’s an Ikea couch.

        Fire solves the problem too, but then Jimmy is sitting, and shitting, on the floor. Maybe get himself a litterbox?

    • POO POO RAGOO permalink
      December 26, 2019 5:45 am

      Also Kelvin Green keeps asking to sniff my sofa cushions.

  50. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    December 26, 2019 4:01 am

    Zpastic has gone batshit in his DaemonShitty Kickstarter. Trying to manipulate the narrative so Kickstopper will delete all evidence probably with the constant mantra of off topic information. At least Mike da Supporter managed to make his Thundarr RPG make some sweet money. Zpastic has completely lost his ever loving mind though. Mike has obviously lost any control over the meth fueled chihuahua he may have had and the Zakattack is ON. Glad Zpastic spent his whole Christmas acting like a Cyber-lunatic which is not a Shadowrun class.

    • Wrath Of Mike (official) permalink
      December 26, 2019 5:37 am

      We have a staggering print bill to pay off and I do care how people feel but unless these unsubstantiated rumors stop spreading I am going to end up with tens of thousands of dollars of debt and unsalable product. Please stop harassing us and stop leaving comments not related to the content and completion of the book that my business partner has to fact check.

      • POO POO RAGOO permalink
        December 26, 2019 5:51 am

        Some advice Mike: You can’t shit your pants if you refuse to wear any.

      • Marvin permalink
        December 26, 2019 7:15 am

        Proof or you’re arguing in bad faith and I will not respond. Indeed I will rage quit, which proves I win. Did you even call any 3rd-tier porn stars to confirm this? Whatever they say is true. This was established by Supreme Court precedent, probably the Dred Scott case.

      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        December 26, 2019 1:23 pm

        Is Luke Crane of Burning Wheel still in charge of Kickstarter’s gaming branch? I for some reason can’t imagine Crane giving two flying fucks about Mike n Zak wanting there comments page pruned to suit their narrative. I’m stumped there were enough dumbasses out there to give Enabling Mike money to shit out that Thundarr piece of shit.

    • Fake Woke White Wolf permalink
      December 26, 2019 11:07 pm

      Luke Crane doesn’t give a fuck about RPG folks shitting on his terms of service. Consider that he lets Rich Thomas squat on the platform, running Kickstarter after Kickstarter for second-tier White Wolf IP, despite Richy Rich being years behind on fulfilling them. Even lets The Rich run a secondary account. Tut tut. The message is clear; if you’re mates with Luke, Rule Zero applies.

  51. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    December 26, 2019 1:26 pm

    In breaking news Porky and Saltine have revealed the Destination Faptastic model going forward with communication. Something called the ‘Jamal Method’ anyone know what that’s about?

  52. Reason permalink
    December 26, 2019 6:12 pm

    I can’t wait until Porky & Saltine (in about 2 months) speak vaguely about the “dark times”, “personal issues” or other bullshit which is delaying/vaporwaring their show.

    I’ll shit my pants if they say “real life problems” is the cause – like stealing 100k or delivering on contracts isn’t “real life” because the topic is elf games. That really does seem to be the attitude here. And we have no idea how to make a fucking show…

  53. Reason permalink
    December 26, 2019 6:16 pm

    As for Zak’s latest… meh more of the same. The backer arguing with him actually IS incapable of making a single point & sticking to it or explaining it- then runs away screaming bullying whenever he says literally anything in return. Making to very easy for him to paint his critics as hysterical loonies there imo.

    The Jeff Gameblog comments & his own weird puppet show in DNDPawnstars blog are better examples of his douchebaggery.

    • Marvin permalink
      December 26, 2019 8:47 pm

      Proof or you’re arguing in bad faith and I win.

      Got a link? Sounds hilarious

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      December 27, 2019 8:35 am

      Arguing with Zakattack in a rational manner IS pointless though. Zakattack has a strawman trebuchet at the ready with freely movable goalposts driven by circular logic. Might as well fire back with irrational shit. People are only reading to see Zakattack spaz out anyways.

  54. Kent permalink
    December 26, 2019 9:00 pm

    As I sit here musing and amusing in my sumptuous library, casting my eyes around breathing heavily at the spines of spectacular editions of lordly white male literature, it occurs to me that the only material I possess which counterpoises the tasteful dispersion about my sanctuary of the heart-churning words of man … is my sordid stained drawerful of hard-disks brimful of slutty white female buttocks, churning in their own way. This, sip, leads me to wonder does my vision portend a future war between sensitive tasteful (but hardy) readers of books and legions of sluts with beautiful gap thighed asses.

    Who would win? Perhaps some accommodation might be reached?

  55. Andy ready-for-butt Action permalink
    December 26, 2019 9:39 pm

    OMG, I am a black boy with an athletic physique (magazine: p12-13 Worthless Black Scum Fags – aug 1977). Reject the elite consensus at your peril, yo! Young white women may have a gap between their thighs but they will never look like hippopotamuses, and if you are not attracted to hippopotamuses you are RACIST.

    • POO POO RAGOO permalink
      December 27, 2019 8:01 am

      A child is black,
      A child is white.
      Together we’ll shit
      Our pants tonight!

  56. Zak Langouste permalink
    December 26, 2019 11:26 pm

    Bros, its true. I won the arguments on the demon city comments. I won i won i won. I won the arguments on my peeps Jeff and Amy’s blog too, because everybody else cheated, so I won by default. I always win on my own blog.

    Peeps hate me because I;m a winner. I;m a success in the porn biz, in the art world and the RPG world. Ya’ll understand this. the bad faith actors who won’t sign affadavits, the stuff about french fries, all of it is just resentment because I am better than everybody else. I tried to be nice, helpful and generous because that is what we superior peeps do in good faith. The french call it noblesse oblige. All i got was a bunch of nerd-monkeys slinging shit back at me. No more Mr nice guy. I’ve got an apartment full of shit thanks to James Raggi, and I;m going to smear it all over the RPG community.

    Can anyone loan me their reddit account for a while?

  57. Dirtbag Hater permalink
    December 27, 2019 5:40 pm

    Looks like Zackery also shits his pants

    Explains a lot really

    • Franky Panky permalink
      December 27, 2019 6:32 pm

      ‘Twas written by Paul “Ettin” Matijevic of fame. I’d like to see his head jammed up Zak’s ass, and Zak’s head jammed up his ass, creating an ouroboros in reverse. They would both suffocate, but meh. Nothing of value lost.

      • Zack is diarrhea permalink
        December 28, 2019 11:07 pm

        “Fame” lol

        Even dancing with the stars doesn’t

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      December 27, 2019 9:55 pm

      I don’t know about Zak shitting his pants, but I do know that he was cut down earlier this year

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      December 27, 2019 10:15 pm

      The following is designated open gaming content!

      D6 random table: Why was Zak slain by a flumph?

      1. Community defense well within purview of Lawful Good alignment
      2. Constant goalpost moving, Gish galloping, and cod-legalese affront to Law
      3. Excessive sockpuppetry seen as Chaotic behavior
      4. Rogue flumph assassin employed by Mike Evans to forestall Kickstarter derailment
      5. Demands for signed affadavits impugn flumph honor
      6. Weird spiky head proves irresistible to amorous flumph

  58. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    December 27, 2019 6:30 pm

    Shitting his cargo shorts at Chik Fill Aye or not the Zpastic patreon is bringing him a whopping $66/month! That’s more money than any nerd that plays elf games sees with their real job.
    Hmmmm, Zpastic was talking about French fries and receipts, is his lame ass working the register at Big Kahuna Burger?

    • POO POO RAGOO permalink
      December 28, 2019 7:48 am

      I can say with 100% certainty Zak absolutely did NOT shit his sofa at Chick-Fil-A.
      Kelvin Green still wants to sniff my sofa cushions though. And my defecated pants.

  59. Captain Kirks Dick Blood permalink
    December 28, 2019 12:36 pm

    I love all this. Bed-shitting Raggi sitting bare-crack ass on the sofa, looking like a road kill Jabba; Zak’s deeper grave digging; his great endless love of his lame French fry analogy (T shirts to follow?); Pundits gleeful “I guess I won!” (T shirts to follow?) Such great gifts for the holidays. The cherry on top would be Zako declaring he and Charlotte Stokley’s herpie outbreaks have synched up.

    That Aussie article on Zak is the best thing about Wako Zako on the ‘nets, whether he shat the jorts or not (in a good and just world he did it. He shit his jorts).

    • Parvel permalink
      December 28, 2019 4:49 pm

      I’ll probably regret asking but what is this “Aussie article”?

    • Reason permalink
      December 28, 2019 7:07 pm

      I can’t stand Pundit;s little circle jerk forum or stand to watch his videos.

      But he seems to be trying to insert himself into this to get some attention- yeah pal, people will be flocking to but Assholes of India now.

      What exactly does he think he won? Was there some kind of beef he was involved in? Did other people even know about it or was he just hurling insults from the sideline?

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        December 28, 2019 10:14 pm

        Pundejo’s funniest moment is his pathetic exercise video… this is a guy who has called other guys soyboys, which makes this extra hilarious:

        I would pay to watch Pundejo and Kent square off for a three-rounder.

      • Arneson's Spectre permalink
        December 29, 2019 7:08 am

        Question: Does he rent that giant forehead out to RPG publishers for ad space?

      • January 3, 2020 10:33 am

        what the fuck

    • Franky Panky permalink
      December 28, 2019 8:13 pm

      The photo of Jimmy is truly repugnant, but you know that someone, somewhere… fap, fap,fap. Dollars to doughnuts, it’s Kent.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        December 28, 2019 10:10 pm

        That’s Kent for ya, rubbing one out while he fantasizes about Raggi and Zak simulating bombing runs over his face.

    • Suck my lollipop permalink
      December 28, 2019 11:17 pm

      Ya know funny thing about his French fry idiocy is guess what? If i order and you make a mistake, the receipt reflects your mistake, not my order. He’s too fuckin dumb to even realize that. Seriously though he is stupid. Doesn’t even know what a witness is, or that stating you believe he’s a rapist doesnt require proof that he is and his whole “what will you give me if you’re wrong” shtick is a fuckin scream, as well as “will you sign an affidavit” hokum.

      Hey zack, saying “i didnt see zack rape her” isnt being a witness. I didnt see oj kill nicole but that doesn’t mean it didnt happen dummy. Boy and he thinks hes smart is the funniest part.

      Oy that guy…i love how fast the lynch mob strung him up back in February and hes been tryin to claw some way back all year. So joyful. The gift that keeps on giving is he is so stupidly narcissistic he just doubles down when there were so many better he could have used to at least not be so hated. But since he’s never wrong and so thin skinned and pea brained all he can do is ramp up the same “teenager took 1 debate class” shtick and try to argue and flail uselessly like don quijote at a windmill. Oy vey what a shmuck

      I also enjoy how he pretends to be jewish to try to deflect criticism. Zack u aint no jew. Jews dont get tatoos. Stop pretending.

      U also aint no artist. We all saw you couldnt pay someone to buy your photoshopped tracings. And if you were you would dump rpgs in a new yawk minnit and go where the real money is, as you pretend. We know it aint so boychik.

  60. Inquiring Minds Want to Know permalink
    December 28, 2019 11:28 pm

    Zak seems like he would have tiny balls, assuming he has any at all. Has anyone tracked down one of his alleged pornos he claims to make? If so, can you confirm he has peanut-sized testes? Also, does he just drip weak droplets of semen due to lack of testosterone and a functional Y chromosome? He looks like an ugly girl. Can you confirm his penis is undersized and flaccid even at its most erect? He seems like the sort of limp-dicked loser who tries to compensate with aggression and hostility, likely because he can’t afford a Ferrari like other small-cock genderbent failures relying on daddy-cash. Also, regarding his purported career in pornography, is he a bottom in homosexual pornos as I would assume is the case? And, if so, can you confirm he takes anal creampies? Presumably for free, since who on earth would pay such a fey little shit to be in a porno?

    • Frog Gode permalink
      December 30, 2019 5:26 am

      Tried to confirm any of those, could not. The guy hasn’t shot anything in HD, or even regular D. Everything I found at my usual providers’ was so “punk” (= grainy as shit) that he could have replaced Mandy whith a punctured bleached-out bagpipe mid-act and I would not have noticed.

  61. Basic Witch permalink
    December 29, 2019 7:45 am

    We are less than two months from the anniversary of that douchebag’s ouster. Start thinking of an appropriate way to celebrate it. Also, what would one call a holiday such as this?

    I just hope it doesn’t fall on Superbowl Sunday.

    • Timotheus permalink
      December 29, 2019 8:17 am

      Well, the victories in Europe and later Japan were called VE Day and VJ Day. So VZ Day makes sense. But VD Day would be more accurate.

    • Nanda Green permalink
      December 29, 2019 11:38 am

      With any luck we’ll be able to call it Suicide Sunday and then forget he ever existed, much like the RPG industry has done

    December 29, 2019 7:39 pm

    Herro Zak and Mike Evans. You need rawyer?

    Good to see worky worky getting done on Demon Shitty! That is just crazy amount of illustrations. Distribute pdfs through it’s better for rpg producers.
    Oh wait no you can’t go to! Eli Kurtz , Robert Bohl and Paul Matijevic (aka Ettin) fuck Zak up ass! They tell on Zak for rapey rapey abuse and he deplatformed again! HAHAHAHAHA!

    Remember folks, next time you no call whores YOU CALL RAWYER!

  63. Quentin Trenton permalink
    December 30, 2019 6:00 pm

    Did zac off himself yet?

  64. Kentucky Kid permalink
    December 31, 2019 6:58 pm

    Hey weasel faced cunt YDIS, where is my comment about the Jews gone?

  65. Zak Langouste permalink
    December 31, 2019 8:04 pm

    Bros, as I’ve said before, in February, hundreds of thousands of Nazi harassers in the online game community aggressively organized themselves on multiple platforms to basically destroy my life (for example: ) based on some total bullshit. They rolled over my rep like Panzers through France. It was a totes blitzkrieg.

    Even though the accusations were proved false pretty much immediately by witnesses of impeccable credibility, the Nazis were extremely successful within the game scene because fans, those useless nerds , just sat by the sidelines and did nothing at all to stop them. They just watched, and ate their damned french fries. Its costs lots of people lots of money and tanked lots of projects and done so much real and measurable damage that legal action is my only recourse. So, after I’ve done suing Mandy, I’m going to sue the internet.

    I -really- do not want to publish game stuff for a community who doesn’t value creators enough to lift a fucking finger to help them. It’s really gross. When I snap my fingers, the nerds damned well better jump. They didn’t when I needed them to rend Mandy and her bad faith supporters. They failed me. Everyone has failed me. Nobody is worthy of me, except me.

    I have some work that I promised people, and I’ll do it, and I am taking the necessary steps to hold all the Nazi harassers who did this responsible, but unless gamers start acting like they have some sort of empathy, guts or conscience I really do not want to go through the harassment and risk involved in publishing just so they get another toy to play with. They don’t understand how a cult of personality is supposed to work. They need to act like the minions and acknowledge me as the master. Unquestioning devotion and support is the price they must pay to me in order for me to continue creating.

    If my minions insist on sending me french fries instead of doing fuck-all, then they things they like will go away. That’s life.

    • Zak eats shit but will he die? permalink
      January 1, 2020 9:48 am

      You know what would really make them sorry? Imagine if you committed suicide. They’d all feel really bad for pushing you over the edge. Of course there is only one way for us to fact-check that.

  66. Captain Kirks Dick Blood permalink
    January 1, 2020 2:26 pm

    That video on the Demon City kickstarter page is horrible. First off, Fuckface’s voice just doesn’t match his wully bully tough guy persona. Kind of a gay, squeaky vibe to it. And does anybody recognize the bitches at that strangely set up, panel like game table? A couple are pretty fugly. Why aren’t his sworn-statement whores there?

    There’s a bizarre dork in extensive Devil makeup at the end who I guess is trying to be funny. Is that The Attack himself? And how is DC distinguishing itself from something like World of Darkness or other existing properties? That tarot card gimmick? The awful “art?”

    • Jethro Bodean permalink
      January 1, 2020 3:21 pm

      He’s supposed to be a tough guy? Looks like a twink poseur punk wannabe who takes jets of hot jizz up the ass to me. Are you sure he is not gay?

      • Zak Langouste permalink
        January 1, 2020 11:28 pm

        Hey Bro, not gay, but I am an accomplished and highly successful sex worker, which means I’m flexible about those things, for money. I never let men cum in my ass. I;m not a bug chaser. I haven’t done anything professionally for a while, since shortly after Mandy made me give up my Chad Thundercock identity. I’d fuck you in the ass for the right price. See my award winning short film, “Gay Boys In Bondage” for an idea of what you’d be getting. You’ll need to supply the ping pong paddle. Don’t bring any damned french fries.

        For my revenge, as part of the legal settlement with Mandy, She’ll have to agree to some bukkake with me, James Raggi, Mike Evans ( I promised him), Dani Jang (my secret weapon on her legal team) Jeff Rients (Amy wants to watch him give Mandy a creampie to the face. Amy’s totes cray-cray.) and 2-3 homeless dudes i pick up at the local bus station. The video will be available to all the peeps who support me on Patreon.

  67. Basic Witch permalink
    January 2, 2020 7:25 am

    So a distribution of nearly two dozen subscribers, then.

    • Zak Langouste permalink
      January 2, 2020 10:28 pm

      More than that Bro. When news gets out about the video, I’ll have scores of new patreon sign-ups. The sponsorbux will be rolling back in.

      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        January 3, 2020 6:28 am

        $63 dollars a month now! Big huggy bear dollars! People so afraid of stirring the Zakattack that they prefer to just let their credit card expire than face his eternal disapproval. Zpastic is truly the big money pimp daddy of the oh ess arrrrrrr!

      • Not a Fan of Rapists permalink
        January 3, 2020 7:58 am

        You’re going to be offering a video of your suicide? That would almost be worth subscribing for.

        For your blame the victim note, will it be a prerecorded commentary track, text on screen, or what?

  68. Badmofobrown permalink
    January 3, 2020 9:43 am

    Actually, Fuckface once a long time ago did a j/o video on a faggot site. Even had both a chick and a guy reach in and touch his shit. It must be utterly embarrassing to him, but I guess he needed to pay rent. Haha.

    • January 3, 2020 10:10 am

      Zachary, this is your father again. I’ve tried calling, and leaving you messages on your blog, but you seem to be screening? Maybe you didn’t get the notifications. I know you read this site though. That Spanish gallery that bought one of your pieces just tried to sell it, but there were no bids. The auction house was hoping for 1,600 euros, or about $1,800 in our money. It’s perplexing to me, because everyone always talks about how the art world is exploding.

      We need to talk about your check this month. Maybe you could do another one of those “straight and hungry” videos or whatever they were called to cover the gap.

  69. Captain Kirks Dick Blood permalink
    January 3, 2020 2:44 pm

    Zak Attack seems to have gone to full on comment moderation on all his platforms. Just comments from supporters allowed. Its often hilarious too; some numbnuts or another will try to talk gaming, but Zak is just all “yeah, but if the cowardly nerds in the community don’t take action against injustice, wot’s tha point?” Its all retarded echo chambers now.

    Speaking of retards, Rients hasn’t posted in awhile. He must be chewing on he and the fat woif’s own moronic choices in who they defend on tha interwebs.

    • Basic Witch permalink
      January 3, 2020 2:55 pm

      Is she giant?

      • Nanda Green permalink
        January 3, 2020 3:29 pm

        Wouldn’t she have to be? Have you seen that dude? If she’s not a fat pig, then she must look like Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Plus she’s probably a white woman so there’s that.

    • Zak Langouste permalink
      January 5, 2020 12:09 am

      Bro, just a quick fact-check. Amy is not fat at all. She’s big boned, and festively plump, but not at all fat. Jeff is in the dog house with Amy right now. Nightly pegging without lube, and no internet, as Jeff tells it, are his current *punishments* I did mention that amy is cray-cray.

      What do you think of my bard rip-offs? Premium content, but I’m giving it away. Because i’m just that great.

      I need your help bros. It’s the RPGpundit. He’s been censoring me on his website. Deleting my comments. Having french fries delivered to my apartment. Can you imagine the nerve, deleting valid comments made in good faith. It’s really gross. Brigade his ass. Destroy him. Or loan me your RPGsite accounts, and socks, and I’ll take care of it right.

  70. Reason permalink
    January 5, 2020 1:53 am

    Can’t believe the OSR isn’t burning the internet down for Zakko just to get hold of that awesome ‘zine on troubadors and lutes we’ve all been crying out for.

    You might think I’m fucking with you, but that is literally the bait he thinks will drive the teeming hordes of latent Zak fans into a frenzy of hooker calling to clear his name.

    Man imagine how much richer your games would be with ZAK bards in your games! Yeah man, please come back, we’re begging you.

    I mean if he can do THAT, just imagine what he could do with the thief-acrobat; that’s like literally MINUTES of fun until the mage gets a Jump spell at first level.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      January 5, 2020 2:34 pm

      Zak had better not try and create a Mountebank. That, the Jester, the Mystic, and the Savant were to be in Gary’s additions to the second edition of His game. Gary would not suffer such a twerp like Zak Smith to muscle in on the D&D action. (yes, Zak and muscles. It’s meant to be humor). I guarantee you Kaskoid will flatten Zak if Zak tries. This time of year it would be very nasty, since Kaskoid has snow chains for his death scooter’s tires. He’s also stealing scootypuffs, “liberating” them from his local Walmart and having a friend — the one good with tools– install some AI and RC stuff, so Kaskoid can have his own squadron of drone scooters. I think he means to go after the Shriners again the next time they parade. Expect epic carnage, unless Kaskoid gets too baked the night before and forgets all about it.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      January 5, 2020 4:46 pm

      We don’t want a rapist’s harpists.

  71. Kentucky Kid permalink
    January 5, 2020 4:34 pm

    “Yahweh took it to Heaven”

    From here? My Jew post was too stinky for here?

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      January 5, 2020 4:58 pm

      Too stinky? Try too boring… athe kids would say ‘you posted cringe’- it was so inept, it wasn’t even offensive. Try something different than the rehashed century-old ‘Dearborn Independent’ junk you posted. Even your grandmother could have come up with some better material. Pretend you have an ‘Ashkenazi IQ’ instead of the broken brain you’ve got.

      There are plenty of far-right circlejerks where you can JerQ off with your anime-avatar buddies, where originality is frowned upon. /pol/ and 8kun would be better for you, Durr Hurr.

      • Kentucky Kid permalink
        January 5, 2020 5:19 pm

        That sounds intelligent.

  72. Kentucky Kid permalink
    January 5, 2020 5:17 pm

    My new year resolution prohibits vulgar language.

    Were I to refer to a fellow as uncivil as, say, Captain Kirks Dick Blood I should call him at my most distempered a ‘cheeky mouse’ or ‘an apprentice rascal’. Zak Smith arises as a person ‘intrepid, confident and diligent, yet small’ in my new year mode.

    All the fun is gone just like it felt when I was fifteen.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      January 5, 2020 5:39 pm

      You’re being very unfair to the good Captain, who only wants to see an end to your suffering.

      Your new year resolution should be to stop the continuous failure which marks your existence, but you would only fail at that. There’s no Jewish plot to sabotage your career, you’re just a troglodyte.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        January 5, 2020 7:40 pm

        Troglodyte? No Good Sir, aim lower. Much lower. Gulley Dwarf.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        January 5, 2020 8:32 pm

        I’m actually surprised that he didn’t try to deny this sockpuppet thrice before, heh heh, cock’s, heh heh, crow.

      • Kentucky Kid permalink
        January 6, 2020 8:25 pm

        I was right. You are a very intelligent person, obviously underrated in your work life. You have much to offer the world. Keep your chins up.

  73. John Lennon permalink
    January 5, 2020 6:11 pm

    Imagine if he wasn’t just rewriting the previously published work of superior talents and knew a goddamned thing about bards and D&D. Imagine if he wasnt a closeted homosexual rapist with a mental illness haircut as placeholder for a personality. Imagine if he actually studied debate and rhetoric and knee how to argue instead of the reductive tripe he thinks is clever. Imagine if he had the balls not to erase comments on blogs that aren’t hagiography or fawning. Imagine if his art wasn’t merely photoshopped tracing with a lightbox. Imagine if he actually made porn videos like he pretends to. Imagine if he knew that character witnesses amount to nothing no matter how many blowjob queens he browbeats into vouching for him. Imagine if he realized that saying over and over that allegations against him were proven false because he has useless affidavits from whores stating they never saw him commit rape meant a goddamned thing as evidence. Imagine if he had the guts to sue in Los Angeles County instead of bumfuck Canada. Imagine if anyone gave a bowel movement if he lived or died.

    • POO POO RAGOO permalink
      January 9, 2020 6:18 pm

      No need to imagine: I James Raggi IV gave a bowel movement.
      I shit my pants.

  74. Kentucky Kid permalink
    January 6, 2020 8:28 pm

    I still want to know why my pretty clear analysis of the state and effect of Jewry was deleted by YDIS?

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      January 6, 2020 11:03 pm

      The following is designated Open Game Content: Why is Kent spazzing out about J00z? (d6)

      1. Inability to comprehend constant failure, must blame sinister semitic cabal.
      2. Belief that Jews corrupted math limits him to dead end job in unaccredited trade school.
      3. Circumcised cocks don’t fill his mouth or butt like uncut ones.
      4. Perceived Jewish plot to legalize homosexual marriage cuts into his glory hole customer base.
      5. Envious of Zak and ‘Jewish card’ to deflect criticism for shitbaggery.
      6. Kent is secretly Jewish, self-hating variety- file under ‘shanda fur die goyim’.

    • Kentucky Kid permalink
      January 8, 2020 4:42 pm

      How is that Boy Band you were thinking of starting up for the new year coming along? I hesitate to suggest few traces of youth have survived in your wrinkled leering jowl-face. What was the name you settled on for your band of altar boys, was it …

      … Bumlingus and the Bumbling Cocktarts?

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        January 8, 2020 7:56 pm

        No, it’s Paulie and the Pederasts. The lead singer, Paul, claims to be Irish, but he’s a pop-eyed Morlock with a singing prolapsed rectum who claims that he’s going to be a mathematician. His rectum also claims that it’s going to be a mathematician, and has a more convincing claim. The other band members are an obese guy with long, curly hair and some twerp with a not-quite-mohawk. They can’t play their instruments for shit because they keep sticking their dicks in Paul’s prolapsed pooper instead of practicing.

        As their manager, I am planning on ditching them at the side of the road in the Upper Midwest this winter so they all die of exposure. I expect this course of action will garner me universal acclaim.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        January 8, 2020 11:32 pm

        Paulie and the Paki rape boys. Paulie is the heir to Le Pétomane. His rectum is capable of a 4 octave range. His flatulent rendition of Oh Danny Boy can bring even a stone to tears.

      • BACLF permalink
        January 9, 2020 12:45 am

        Kent’s all torqued up about Pakistanis because he bought cumin powder at an IndoPak store and was enraged that it was actually a spice.

      • Kent's Prolapsed Rectum with Anal Warts permalink
        January 9, 2020 6:29 pm

        Oh Danny Boy,
        The pipes, the pipes are calling – literally! LOL!

  75. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    January 8, 2020 8:16 pm

    I’m losing weight! Down 2 belt notches since April 2019. The change in employment is likely the source of my slightly better health! I don’t know how much weight I’ve lost, since I don’t have a scale, but I have a VA doc appointment next week, so I’ll know then. However, the Holidays have probably set me up a few pounds again, so more walkin’, less talkin’.

    Time to clean out my 10×20 storage unit. I have a bunch of stuff to put on the garage sail-boat. I hope to be completely useless sh!t free by the end of 2020.

    I’m getting rid of the internet. No, seriously. At least until I shop around for something more reasonable.
    I signed up for a 3 month free trial that included internet, cable tv basic package, and land line phone.

    I never watch tv (who needs it when you have internet?) and I have a cell phone.

    The salesman who ‘sold’ me on the 3 month free trial said that I’d be locked into a $90 or so deal, with the option to drop cable tv and phone so I’d only pay $45 for internet.

    So the 3 month trial is over, and they sent me the bill. I called and fumbled speaking with a phone AI for a few minutes before it transfered to HOLD and I waited 20 minutes to talk to a Real Person ™. This directory type person put me on HOLD again for 10 more minutes to talk to a service specialist. This ass-hat broke down the bill for me, and could not/would not offer me any deals, so the long & short of it is:
    $104.44 for all 3 packages.
    47.98 for the TV.
    24.99 for the Internet.
    9.99 for the phone.

    But if I cancel the cable TV, the promo discount goes out the window, so, instead of paying 104.44 a month, they will ONLY charge me… $98.97 a month. (I mean…. really f2cking angry face right now. The angriest I’ve been all year.)

    The short of it is a lesson: Never let a salesman sell you something at your door if you don’t really want everything he’s pushin on you. That package deal is for the whole package, and is never a deal in the end.

    Some of you might think this really is a deal, and it might be, for YOU. I’m on a tight budget and scraping by with a Fed student loan and child support garnishments both concurrent. I’ll be poor for at least the next 10 years. I hope I live that long to give those collectors the finger.

    I’ll be posting more sporadically than usual from here on out, either from the library or the coffee shop.

    – Bobjester

    • Franky Panky permalink
      January 8, 2020 11:36 pm

      You manure coated peasant! You are are not even smart enough to be called an idiot. You are losing weight because you have worms, you dullard. Try washing your hands before you shove all those cheetos into your maw.

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      January 9, 2020 6:24 pm

      “child support garnishments”
      They only garnish your wages for child support if you don’t pay it.
      These fatty manchild neckbeards of the blOwSR put themselves and Tenkar’s Turdshack affiliate link purchases before their own children.

    • Captain Kirks Dick Blood permalink
      January 11, 2020 12:29 pm

      I remember years ago that Bobjester loser posting about having to use café internet access, and also being chronically underemployed, so no big changes there. But also having storage units (any guesses as to how often he slept there?) and wage garnishments point to not exactly having gone for the brass ring in life.

      Much like Blooey, lots of these old school shits are former military who are broke idiots who can’t take care of their kids. I’d feel for the moms, but these dumb bitches stooped to getting fucked by these wastes of space in the first place. Man, the poor kids why have these nothings for parents. Sad.

      Hey moron, worry less about gaming and take a shot at some form of getting ahead in life. You get free VA health care. That puts you in a much easier spot than a lot of people. Get with the fucking program. Jeez.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        January 11, 2020 2:06 pm

        You assume that they are the biological fathers of their ex-wives’ children. As any lawyer will tell you, don’t assume facts not in evidence. They have been too busy playing elf games to attend to the wives.

  76. Kentucky Kid permalink
    January 11, 2020 2:52 pm

    I have just discovered reddit.

    Bye bye tiny community of morons.

    • BACLF permalink
      January 11, 2020 3:59 pm

      Sorry, Durr Hurr, but you can’t say that you just discovered one of the planet’s most trafficked websites, founded in 2005, and call anyone else a moron.

      It just doesn’t work like that, you’re projecting again.

  77. Reason permalink
    January 11, 2020 4:56 pm

    How long will Kent be gone this time?
    3 weeks?

    • Kent's Prolapsed Rectum with Anal Warts permalink
      January 13, 2020 7:47 pm

      Kent always comes back. Just like an outbreak of his anal warts.

  78. POO POO RAGOO permalink
    January 12, 2020 5:53 pm

    I just walked in on Kelvin Green dry humping my sofa cushions. It looked just like the cover of Fish Fuckers. Kelvin has no shame. He asked me if I shit my pants so he could sniff those too.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      January 14, 2020 5:25 pm

      Jimmy, you should groom Kelvin to replace Zak as the main horse in your stable of writers. The success of Fish Fuckers among the LotFap crowd was no fluke. Kelvin will assure your prosperity for days to come. True that Zak hates Kelvin, much as a bitter old has-been hates his young and more talented replacement, but so what? Zak is cancelled. We are just waiting to hear that Zak fell asleep with his head in the oven, and a ‘no funeral’ sign taped to his back.

      As far as sniffing your pants, just tell him to sniff the sofa. We all know the source of the stains on it, the sofa being one of your ‘pants free zones’.

  79. Zak Langouste permalink
    January 15, 2020 10:25 pm

    As you may or may not know, last February a bunch of internet dickheads got organized and did various stuff on the internet to destroy my life. This included pressuring every single company that worked with me to stop working with me. My minions turned out to be useless nerds, and did nothing except eat some damned french fries and watched me burn. I had a year and literally hundreds of pages of work cancelled out from under me–mostly finished. Although lots of people, maybe 10 or 15, in the online RPG community want to buy this stuff or see it and wrote to me to offer condolences, but not money or sock puppet accounts or any sort of fealty, they don’t seem to be willing to organize to fix the problem or do anything about the people who did it. Where is the blind obedience? Where is the willingness to do as I say without regard for personal safety? Useless nerds. I gave up a sccessful career as a sex worker for them, and this is how they repay me.

    While I will stick around to hold the people who did this accountable, the idea of publishing game stuff and absorbing the inevitable abuse for the benefit of an audience that seems way more eager to fight for what’s wrong than fight for what’s right seems pretty gross. I have not received the adulation that I Zak, savior of D&D, and DIY D&D artist extraordinaire deserve. I’m taking my ball and going home. I’m moving out of LA and back to my childhood bedroom, that my dad has kept exactly as it was the day I moved out. You won’t have Zak to kick around much longer.

    • January 16, 2020 9:02 am

      We really need to talk on the phone about that childhood bedroom. Are you avoiding me?

      • Zak Langouste permalink
        January 16, 2020 10:13 pm

        Hey Dad, you can always reach me at zakzsmith AT hawtmayle dawt calm. I’m having some trouble with my phone right now, but the local library has free wifi, so I can check my email. Please don’t tell me you’ve changed my old room around. I don’t want to live in the basement. It has spiders. You know how I am about spiders.

  80. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    January 16, 2020 1:10 pm

    For those wondering, Destabilizing Faptastic has gotten Porky riled up to say he’s been sick for an entire MONTH!!!?!?!?1111!one!!!!
    He’s likely sick with same illness that affected Jamal and Gareth Skanka causing Fart West and Weezermont to flip around uselessly. At least Saltine took the 26 dicks out of her bag to comment and restore some faith! Oh wait, she had still NEVER engaged anyone in the Cuckstarter. Those hoping to touch her boob are no doubt seriously disappointed. But at least the can remain free of any serious social diseases.
    Don’t worry Saltine plans on running her own cuckstarter with blowies and feelies as stretch goals. Course I don’t think you can stretch her as she’s already able to shove an entire Apparatus of Kwalish up her anal cavity without an issue.

  81. Captain Kirks Dick Blood permalink
    January 21, 2020 1:00 pm

    Zak’s comments are so nutso now they need no embellishments. Waxing on about how “gross” it is the community didn’t take to the streets in an Arab Spring to protest his being ghosted. How he has a years worth of good work he’ll now only dangle in front of his daffy faithful on his now worthless blog. And oh god that French fry analogy of his he loves so much. I want t shirts made. Imagine a Macky D’s fry carton with text below “here’s your fries…and your receipt.”

    Gross? What is gross is your hair doo Zak. Gross is your unsexy videos with Mandy and your weak sauce money shots. Gross were the idiots who loved your lame adventures who are now down to a trickle (see money shot comment above).

    In other news, Rients has finally posted again. Tired old comments about monster intelligence in BX. Going from the Zak post debacle to that can give you fucking whiplash!

  82. Xartan Tsauggua permalink
    January 21, 2020 9:41 pm

    I like how his post entitled “My Best Idea Ever” is immediately followed by his worst idea ever.

  83. Bryce Lynch, Broken Clock Assessor permalink
    January 23, 2020 4:45 am

    Ye Olde Kente once said that Thracia was the only adventure you ever needed. He was, I think, correct, at least in general.

  84. hehaw permalink
    January 25, 2020 9:15 pm

    From Z,S:

    “As you may or may not know, last February a bunch of internet dickheads got organized and did various stuff on the internet to destroy my life. This included pressuring every single company that worked with me to stop working with me. I had a year and literally hundreds of pages of work cancelled out from under me–mostly finished…”

    Hahaha! I love it anytime when Fuckface says his life is destroyed. Just knowing he spent so much time on his dumb ass art and none of got sold warms my heart to no end.

    Wanna make some extra cash> Start knocking on Porn Valley’s doors and tell them you’re ready to rent your ass and mouth for some tranny porn, you rapist cunt!

    • Marvin permalink
      January 26, 2020 9:32 am

      Didn’t he claim before his lucrative art career was where its at and he doesnt need all the rpg nerds to get his rent and drug money?

      Sure sounds desperate now. I love it.

      He deserves every bit of animus and loathing he gets.

      I see hes still playing the “i didnt do any thing wrong” and “it was debunked immediately ” game despite it not working for almost a full year now.

      Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee

      • Captain Kirks Dick Blood permalink
        January 26, 2020 12:20 pm

        Zak Princess totally at first was all “I still have art and other things,” but now its “destroyed my life.” Well, of course. Things had gone really well for him towards the end ego-wise. Storming the awards stage with big smelly bed-shitting Hagrid, afterwards hitting the hotel bar with a crowd of suck ups so big they had to go dancing down halls to a private room where he got up on a table and soaked it the adulation. He must have felt like a small pond Rockstar.

        Imagine how that would feel, then imagine it being swiftly swept away. You know its gotta hurt. Its gone, its not coming back, and Zako is no longer in denial. He’s in the acceptance stage, and that’s where the real hurt is. One day he may be able to look back with pride, but now it just hurts to think about those past glory moments.

        So now all he has is sticking around like a ghost of his former glory. An irrelevant gadfly with only the smallest platform to spew from.

        This has been really fun, and he’s not going away so the good times can rock on. Sweet.

      • January 26, 2020 1:47 pm

        I;ve realized that “unlike you peasants, I have literally never had to work a day in my life,” is a bad look when you;re trying to convince a judge that you need a big payoff to silence the chronically ill ex who destroyed yrou hobby career.. much less keep the cash sacks on your side.

      • January 26, 2020 1:49 pm

        Son, please pick up the phone. Your gallery keeps trying to reach you. They say it just rings once and goes straight to voice mail. Also we need to talk about your check.

      • Zak Langouste permalink
        January 26, 2020 7:37 pm

        Dad, email me, please. My phone is no longer active. I’ve had some billing problems. Even tracfone won’t give me a number. Right now, I can only respond to your emails during regular library hours ( 9am to 7pm m-f, 10am- 5pm sat, closed sun) I don’t trust the wifi at the all night donut shop, and I don’t feel safe there after dark anyways.

        I’ve tried to get work in _The _Industry_ but that bitch Satine has bad mouthed me to all of her contacts, and they have spread the word. It wasn’t enough she shivved me in the RPG community. Yes, I know, WotC *made* her do it. We all know that was a lie. But I made it in good faith, to reveal a higher truth. She had to go and twist it in. Now I a highly successful sex worker can no longer get sex work. Maybe the rough trade stuff, but I don’t want to get smacked around an peed on. I don’t want a DP in the ass.

        Send lawyers and lots of money. Dad, get me out of this.

      • January 26, 2020 9:27 pm

        Thanks for laying it out there. I don’t know what a DP is but it doesn’t sound like it’s as much fun as the parties I went to when I was younger. That’s part of what I want to talk to you about… I don’t know if this site is the best place for that discussion. You’re almost 44 years old. The “industry” was all right when you were ten years younger, and you and Amanda were having fun, but is it really the kind of life any of us want as we get older? We need to talk about the lawyers and the money. Maybe you should just come home for a while to get your balance back. We can make pizzas.

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      January 26, 2020 5:21 pm

      Mandy’s rapist and abuser Zak calls YDIS a hate site, but it’s really the only place left still talking about him on the Internet that he was cancelled from……

  85. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    January 26, 2020 12:28 pm

    Meesa BACK!

    A month or so ago, my old, old, old computer finally went kaput. I bought a new one on Cyber Monday, but I’ve been lazy about setting it up.

    I am up and running now, though, Baby!

    WaterBob is Back!

    Did you miss me?

    Um…did anybody even notice that I hadn’t been posting?


    – Waterbob

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      January 26, 2020 5:18 pm

      “I bought a new one on Cyber Monday, but I’ve been lazy about setting it up.”

      Jesus Fucking Christ how hard is it to open a box, plug it in and press the power button!!!!!!!

      • Franky Panky permalink
        January 26, 2020 7:51 pm

        and connect it to a monitor (something else that needs to be turned on), and mouse and keyboard and get the Windows 10 working. You think Waterbob bought a Mac? Ha, Arneson, you’re dumber than the dirt you’re napping in if you think that.

        I guarantee you Waterbob spent several hours thinking about his user name before mis-typing in ‘boob’s computer’. He has no clue how to change the password either. The password took him days to create. It’s drowssap BTW.

      • Arneson's Spectre permalink
        January 27, 2020 5:22 am

        You’re showing your age, stale piss stank man!

      • Franky Panky permalink
        January 27, 2020 7:39 pm

        That’s stale catpiss stank man to you, Arneson.

        At least I have an age. You stopped aging a while ago, eh? Dead at a fairly young age. Apparently, the only thing lower than your charisma was your constitution.

        I awaken every morning glad to see what the day will bring. Maybe satisfy Woody O’ The Morn by giving Mrs. Panky a quick bang in the box — my favorite *red box* 😉 😉 — and then tuck into a nice breakfast of oatmeal and donuts — plain donuts, since I need to avoid sugars. I don’t want the ‘beetus and don’t want my foot chopped of like Jim Ward’s. Wilford Brimley, seen in my YouTube video, told me that he would shove my amputated foot up my ass if I got the ‘beetus. He’s very passionate about the subject.

        Ward keeps calling me about his foot. He knows my prowess at dumpster diving. Apparently his amputated foot is itching him like crazy, and he wants me to rummage through the dumpsters behind the hospital where they chopped it off and find it for him so he can give it a thorough scratching. I think the ‘beetus has damaged his brain somehow.

      • Arneson's Spectre permalink
        February 1, 2020 7:29 pm

        I forgot Mentzer was broke and deplatformed like Zak and probably still on his RadioShack desktop special from 1988 and dial-up.

        Also an observation on this first day of Black History Month: Wakanda is a fictional place, Uganda and The Gays They Eat the Poo Poo is the real deal.

    • Captain Kirks Dick Blood permalink
      February 1, 2020 3:31 pm

      That Waterbob dipshit is a mantard supreme. Its OK for an adult to like Star Wars, but that homo takes it to a whole new level with his love of Jar Jar, Ewoks, and all the childish shit everybody else over 10 years old cringes at. You just know he quotes Jar Jar daily in whatever passes for a life.

      And goes months without a computer out of laziness? How did he wack it to child porn? Musta just been cruising the elementary schools in his 1982 van with the “Meesa horny!” sticker.

  86. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    January 28, 2020 11:22 am

    Derpstination Porktastic news! Porky finished the one page dungeon! Only three weeks late for everything and Porko shit out a page of work! Saltines still hasn’t acknowledged she’s even involved with this shitshow. What a great cuckstarter this turned out to be.

  87. Zak Langouste permalink
    February 1, 2020 9:49 pm

    Hey Bros, I could use some advice and you peeps are the only ones who even know I;m still alive, so I;ll ask you.

    I got a job offer in _the_Industry_, only it;s for a Chinese company. They need someone who looks like an extra from the Mad Max movies for their forthcoming “Thirsty Boys” series of flix that feature the sexual antics of 2 gay Chinese men who travel the world. I;m going to be in “The Thirsty Boys Go Down…Down Under” or something like that. Some sort of Australia theme. I;m not sure about the translation. Some of the profits go to help burned up koala bears. It does involve double penetration, but since only Chinese penises are involved, and those are pretty small, I;m sure I can handle it. Mandy used to peg me with some big strap-ons when she was really angry, so I;m pre-stretched. Dani Jang found the job for me, some of his relatives are involved. He also exposed himself to Mandy and her other lawyers during a depositon last week. My lawyer tells me He has a very Chinese penis, and one ugly AF turtleneck.

    I was wondering, can you get this corona virus from anal sex? What should I do to protect myself? This movie may be my way to break into the lucrative International Adult Film Market. There are a lot of Asians who will pay good money to see a round-eye get sexually degraded and humiliated by one or more of their own. Should I take the offer?

    • Thirsty Boy Films permalink
      February 2, 2020 12:21 am

      HA HA. Zak, we spit roast you good, like char siu pork. HA HA!

      Chinese market want to see your rat face get bukkaked in Year of Rat. Bring good fortune.

      Former International Whoreboy for Thirsty Boys movie, Irish Suck Suck Lad, washed up due to prolapse, need new rat face for golden success.

        February 2, 2020 6:04 am

        Herro! You need rawyer?

        Hold on to your ding dong Thirsty Boy Film! Zak need to approve full bukakke clause in exchange for 30% cut of lucrative action figure market payable to ME! I throw in Zak get Backwards Bukkake from my other crient James Raggi for free!

      • POO POO RAGOO permalink
        February 2, 2020 6:09 am

        I shit my pants. I shit my sofa. I’ll shit Zak’s face if I have to.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        February 2, 2020 6:47 am

        Backwards bukkake? Wouldn’t that be a pookake?

        February 2, 2020 7:14 am

        Herro BACLF! You need rawyer?
        Legal terminology is very complex. You are not rawyer. As I am.
        A Bukakke is not a Facial nor Pearl Necklace. Similarly a Backwards Bukakke is not a Pookakke. If you attend prestigious raw school rike me, you would know difference.
        Remember folks: Don’t call whores YOU CALL RAWYER!

      • February 2, 2020 11:31 am

        Son, what kind of site is this? Pick up the phone.

  88. Zak Langouste permalink
    February 2, 2020 11:12 pm

    Hey Bros, bad news. One of the Thirsty boys actors, his professional name is Wang Lo Hung, has the coronavirus, and the prognosis is not so good. Production has been suspended indefinitely. Dani Jang’s cousin is looking for other work for me. I hope it’s hetero stuff this time. I;m kind of excited at the prospect of getting to ‘stuff an eggroll’ on camera.

    The reverse bukakke is somthing I would never do. I stay away from the fetish stuff, but I know that Satine, who specialized in fetish films, once found herself tricked into it. She was expecting a dozen or so BBCs spewing in her face and instead got some HBA’s (Hairy Black Asses) crapping all over her. Porn makers lie to the actresses all the time. It’s part of _The_Industry_. Satine deserves to be covered in shit, after the bitch shit all over me.

    In other news about me, about the cancellation of me by an internet conspiracy of bad faith dickheads, since nobody’s been able to articulate a complaint about me, I have the following to say

    1) (Assertion) There aren’t any legitimate complaints. There never were. I’ve never done anything wrong.

    2) (Assertion) Some of the complaints are just the usual internet sadism, and I;m not into BDSM crap, unless I;m the dom. That’s why I smacked that one chick around when she asked for it, then changed her mind and added her lies about it to Mandy’s lies.

    3) (Conjecture) The more earnest attacks come from people who–although earnest–do not have any sense that they need to be fair to their victim. (Thus the total failure to do easy things that might be required to -check- if an attack is warranted.) The only reason I can think of is that they feel powerless in their lives so often that, therefore, the idea they might have enough power that they might be obligated to be fair to someone else is alien. Its not that they have no sense of fairness (they probably feel the same way about Trump’s immigrant concentration camps that I do, that Trump is literally worse than Hitler and his immigration concentration camps are even more evil than Auschwitz.) it’s just that the idea that they -personally- need to be its agent, and fight on my behalf, is not something theyve ever considered (despite it being, in many jurisdictions, a legal necessity, IANAL). Thus the total impatience with any procedure fairness might require. I define fairness here, and nobody has lived up to my perfectly reasonable expectations. People attack me because they are objectively inferior to me and they know it. Attacking me, their better in everything, is some sort of performatively woke act they do to make themselves feel less hateful about their miserable lives and miserable selves.

    Bros, this is the truth. All I wanted was a cult of personality to praise me and my work, to boost my ego and feed my NPD, and instead, that bitch Mandy convinced everyone to give me french fries instead.

  89. Reason permalink
    February 6, 2020 5:18 pm

    Alexis’ turn to beg for money on the internet.

    To tell him escape some sort of Canadian govt oppression which has him and his wife [who the way he tells it, seems to be a weary & beleaguered homeless refugee… from the USA…].

    He has been summoned to a meeting with minions of Overlord Trudeau who wish to look over him & his woman for signs of plague or treachery. Of course, this impending brush with authority [men… men with jobs!] has reduced our usually haughty & intrepid hero to a grovelling, snivelling wretch, “scared and stressed out of our minds at this point.” & begging strangers for money with which to pay tribute to the minions.

    Oh, and someone has type 2 diabetes. You know, the one you give yourself by being obese, lazy moron who shoves junk down their pie hole all day.

    Is that an OSR trifecta? Inability to cope with everyday life events- check
    Assuming you deserve money for nothing- check
    Diabetes- check

    Ding! Ding! Ding!

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      February 6, 2020 6:51 pm

      I will tell you frankly: neither her nor I could bear the very idea. And so we did the very best thing we could do: we did nothing.

      Christ, what dumbasses! They had eighteen years to handle this.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      February 6, 2020 8:02 pm

      Upon further reflection, Lexi’s post is creeping me out… I’m getting a weird controller/abuser vibe from this decision to keep his girlfriend’s immigration status unresolved, thereby preventing her from getting a job. To me, this is Taliban-style bullshit, which is why the more brain-damaged grogs think it’s ‘romantic’.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      February 6, 2020 11:50 pm

      An American living illegally in Canada? Stupid is as stupid does. Sheesh, And Lexy is one of the brighter lights in the Canadian chandelier. The proper solution to this typical bit of Canada-think — do nothing and all will turn out well — is for Lexy to become a Troon, claim that he and his beloved are a lesbian couple, and take all the Canadians who are harassing him and his girlfriend before the Human Rights Tribunal. British Columbia has one; does Lexy’s province?

      • Reason permalink
        February 7, 2020 2:57 am

        I’m not sure how many more tragic romance couples with no inkling of actually how to finance their lifestyles that Canada can soak up?

        Haven’t [ex] Prince Harry & Meghan Fartle cornered that market now? No wonder Lexie is finding it tougher & tougher to screw the maple from his usual sources.

      February 7, 2020 3:59 pm

      Herro Arrexis of Tao! You need rawyer? Thanks to Mandy Morbid case v. her rapist and abuser Zak Smith, I am esteemed member of the Canadian Loon Bar now! I am still pro bonering Mandy but I can fit you in if you find enough suckers I mean kind-hearted souls to donate to your GoFuckMe campaign so you can pay legal fees.

      You and American wife are very stupid people and also lazy shit sacks, but we can still fix this. Money talk, so do vats of maple syrup if you have any. You call me ready right away!

      Remember folks: Next time, don’t call whores (or marry an American one) YOU CALL RAWYER!

  90. Kentucky Kid permalink
    February 7, 2020 5:25 pm

    RE: alexis, the Tao (don’t forget) of D&D

    One thing I am detecting recently because I have sensitive skin like Sherlock Holmes is that there is a slow flourishing of a boisterous lack of tolerance for morons and scum and fags and feminists and leftists here on YDIS.

    I have to make a stand. Why slow? Hurry up you congenital idiots. Think of yourselves like blacks in the old days with me pricking you along, “Hurry up there blackskins, by god, I have to get to the club for luncheon !”

    Let’s get on the same page. You are vermin, like 1930’s Hollywood monsters, ugly pathetic stupid ill-fittingly opinionated with hearts in the right place, and I am manipulating you masterfully so you don’t realise you are doing my will, like when you curse like your mothers, and pick on gay lads like Zak S.

    The best way you can please me in a trivial way is to donate to the patreon for my new blog I am starting next week. If you wish to displease me … Look in your mirror.

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      February 7, 2020 6:55 pm

      Looks like Reddit ate Kent up and shit him out in record time.

      • FrankyPanky permalink
        February 7, 2020 8:16 pm

        Yes it does. But his forthcoming Patreon, more or less successful than Zak’s? Kent should take the advice I gave to Lexy and become a troon. Patreon is festooned with them, and they all support one another. Kent could get tens of dollars towards his bottom surgery. Front bottom surgery. His rear bottom is beyond help.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        February 8, 2020 5:23 pm

        The funniest thing about Kent is has pathological need to flounce, even though we all know he’s coming back. He’s so inept, on a constant basis… I’m not one to kinkshame, but he’s got to have some sort of humiliation fetish.

        The bit about him just finding reddit in 2020 was just the dumbass icing on the stupidity cake. He’s a wee man, from a wee country, living in a city that’s smaller than Terre Haute, Indiana- he thinks he’s a sophisticate, but he’s a rube’s rube.

    • kentkent permalink
      February 8, 2020 4:24 pm

      I love reddit. Very intelligent people. A different class of gamer.

      I am already loved on reddit. Loved to bits.

      • POO POO RAGOO permalink
        February 9, 2020 7:12 am

        Like you Kent, I too thought I was loved by Zak and loved by Reddit. But then Zak and Reddit broke my heart. They broke my heart and hear me now they will break your heart too. And when they break your heart, you will shit your pants. I know. It happened to me.

        I shit my pants.

        You will feel the doo doo percolating in your stomach, you will not be able to stop it no matter how hard you try. Your sphincter is completely wrecked anyway from your “alternative lifestyle” so it will probably happen very quickly for you Kent. You will shit your pants. The ladies panties you are wearing will be soiled too. It may even run down the back of your legs and ruin your pink ankle socks.


  91. POO POO RAGOO permalink
    February 8, 2020 7:06 am

    Hi YDIS gang I’ve started a new online social media movement:


    I shit my pants and I am proud. Feel free to join in when it happens to you.

  92. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    February 8, 2020 5:25 pm

    Newsflash: guy who wrote 12 Rules for Life failing at life-

    He should have cleaned his room.

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      February 9, 2020 7:15 am

      Totally expected from this alt-right charlatan hypocrite. He deserves all the suffering he has.

      Physician, heal thyself!

      • POO POO RAGOO permalink
        February 9, 2020 7:17 am

        It was Dr. Peterson who called me and encouraged me to start the #MePoo (bowel) movement. He will be joining our ranks very soon. Very soon. He’s percolating now!

      • Franky Panky permalink
        February 9, 2020 12:11 pm

        He’s not a doctor; he’s a psychologist. Marginally better than a chiropractor, holistic healer or shaman. Possibly.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        February 9, 2020 4:31 pm

        He’s about the same level as a homeopath. However, it is obvious that he didn’t dilute his drugs properly. He should have stuck to crystals, and maybe one of those jade eggs that gullible women buy to shove up their vagina. I’m sure it would have fit up his ass too. Oh, and his Tibetan Reiki bowl.

      • Kentish Town permalink
        February 10, 2020 3:30 pm

        Any man in the west who isn’t far-right at this point is either a homosexual or a male-feminist. For certain we can say he didn’t engage in contact, or any team, sports growing up and is a very stupid guy who resents me and his other betters.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        February 10, 2020 7:47 pm

        Belay it, you turnip-titted nancy. Go cry to your boy Milo, you aging twink.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      February 10, 2020 11:12 pm

      After watching the video, I can say that Mikhaila is hot. 10/10 and I would totally comfort her 😉 😉 in these difficult times, even if she is a Canadian. Jimmy, do you think you can introduce me, seeing that you are a friend of her father?

      Jordan is going to be brain damaged from all of this too, which means that you don’t have a chance with her Jimmy. She does look to be the sort of woman who is willing to change diapers for TWO grown men. you might as well be my wingman here. I may write some LotFaP content for you in return. Think how well it will sell.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        February 10, 2020 11:13 pm

        She does NOT look to be the sort of woman who is willing to change diapers for TWO grown men. Mrs. Panky’s cat was playing with the keyboard again.

  93. Frog Gode permalink
    February 10, 2020 8:22 am

    Little Bob poked the hook-nosed bear again and the Sarge .
    feels betrayed
    . NTRPG will be fun!

  94. Kentish Town permalink
    February 10, 2020 3:25 pm

    This place sucks because of its perverts. Reddit is a healthy thoughtful place online. A study has shown that there are less perverts on Reddit even though YDIS has one ten-millionth the number of posters.

    • Kent's Rectum (Prolapsed with Anal Warts) permalink
      February 11, 2020 3:28 am

      Too late! Kent shit his panties.
      I made sure of it.

    • Vulgar and Demented Irishman permalink
      February 11, 2020 12:19 pm

      “a study has shown”
      Put a bung in it, you tragic halfpenny. If you can’t find the perverts on Reddit I wonder how you get the lid off those Red Pills you prize so highly. Stop talking before you embarass me further and stop depriving your village of its twat.

  95. Basic Witch permalink
    February 11, 2020 6:55 am

    Belated happy Z-Day to you all.

    • Geoff "Rape Is Just All Right With Me" Rients permalink
      February 14, 2020 4:58 pm

      Has it been a year already LoL love every day it goes on and he still thinks its gonna blow over if he sues a cripple porn whore, not understanding that she was just the excuse and no one liked him before that

      • Basic Witch permalink
        February 16, 2020 7:19 am

        That he was disliked or despised before she outed him is completely lost on the fool too.

  96. February 11, 2020 10:46 am

    Ya’ll will be celebrating fries day soon when I give that gimp Mandy her receipt for them in court.

    • Basic Witch permalink
      February 11, 2020 11:30 am

      That is fucking hilarious.

  97. Bob Bloodsaw II permalink
    February 11, 2020 9:17 pm

    Hey, everybody, since I’ve become redpilled on the (((JQ))), a lot of cucks and SJW’s are trying to cancel me. I’ve decided to rename my company Juden Guilt, and we’ll be publishing only the finest fashy material. I’m bringing on a new stable of game designers who will adhere to our new strict fashy standards.

    RPG Pundit will be designing a mid-century Uruguayan setting for us, Mengelevideo, despite his mongrel heritage.

    Paul ‘Kent’ Barry will be writing the first adventure for the new setting, ‘They Saved Hitler’s Cock’, drawing on his vast experience as a fascist and sodomite. Sieg Heinie!

    If Kent delivers his product on time, we will option his White Power megadungeon- AIONE: Aryan Individuals Only Need Enter.

    • Zak Langouste permalink
      February 12, 2020 12:09 am

      Okay, Boomer. Go kill yourself.

      February 12, 2020 6:06 pm

      Herro Herr Bledsaw No. 2! You need rawyer? You call me right away ready 10 minute!

      We chop chop suey RPGNow for cancelling your culture with a deplatforming. Calling you Nazi Sympathizer is text book slander (is libel when on a printed matter include Internet)! Clearly you full blown card carrying Nazi Party member in very good standing, not some fat American redneck Nazi sympathizer who vote for Trump who cheer Third Reich on from sideline!

      You have son Herr Bledsaw No. 3 need rawyer too? I can take him on as crient as well.

      Remember Folks: Next time you know call whore or Rob COnley, YOU CALL RAWYER!

      • Arneson's Spectre permalink
        February 15, 2020 4:36 pm

        Well this is definitely a new one — a racist caricature calling out a racist.

  98. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    February 14, 2020 7:29 pm

    So, after a very long time, I’ve started a rewatch of Star Wars, starting with Episode I. I’ll be watching one per week, by which time RoS should be out on disc.

    So, revisiting Episode I, I have to say that was quite refreshing! My whole view of the series could change with this rewatch.

    When it came out , I was an angry young nerd, triggered by Jar Jar, young Anakin, Gungun “boombooms” , yellow starfighters, and all the usual gripes. But that was 21 years ago. How does it hold up now? I’d say, superbly.

    The political story has just enough depth, and I’d even say poignant commentary – the characters are distinct and bold, Qui-gon Jin and Darth Maul were 2 of the coolest Star Wars characters , and even haters of the Prequels tend to admit that Maul was a complete badass.

    I remembered this movie as “slow”, and thought the first Act does have to do a lot of establishment, it didn’t seem slow to me on this watch.

    Episode I, how I maligned you. It’s a great Star Wars movie. It’s gathered a bit of subjective nostalgia, I admit.

    I’ll probably watch it again before next week – the purpose of this weekly thing is to screen them at my Mom’s house, leading up to RoS which she hasn’t seen. But at my house I have a thumping surround system, which will improve the experience.

    Another thing that stands out to me , and that I like so much about it, is this is the only Star Wars film with a child protagonist. What once was annoying, is now endearing. RoS is rather the polar opposite of Episode I’s bright tone, and heartful sweetness. But nor does Episode I lack in grit, with a demonic Sith Lord and truly awesome saber fight.

    I’m going to go ahead and prematurely (for this rewatch) call the Qui-gon/Obi-Wan vs. Maul saber duel the best of the Prequels, with a slight demerit for Obi-Wan’s final maneuver that still strikes me as a bit BS. Maul got ripped off, what the hell was that? Leaping out, force pulling the saber, lighting it, and running him through. And Maul, established as having cat-like dexterity, just, what? fumbles his initiative?

    Maybe Obi-Wan leveled up while he was hanging there in the shaft, and gained an extra attack per round.

    – Dragonspipe

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      February 15, 2020 4:33 pm

      This is a prequel alright. A prequel to Draonspipe moving back into his mom’s basement.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      February 15, 2020 11:24 pm

      Dragonsfoot, wretched hive of autism and inanity.

    • Hector permalink
      February 17, 2020 10:23 am

      I’m never unamused by these basement nerds who watch the same fucking shitty movies over and over again, even ones they don’t like. The same assholes who bitch about how crappy Disney Star Wars is still pay to see it three times in the the theatre and buy it on Blu-Ray the day it’s released. Holy fuck what losers. Read a fucking book. And not a fucking Star Wars novel or anything else related to nerdification.

  99. The Tao of D&D is creating RPG content, proving that D&D is not a game, it is an Art Form permalink
    February 21, 2020 1:09 am

    59 patrons, $414 per month.

    [rattle rattle]

    Did I mention we have wonderful free healthcare here?

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      February 21, 2020 7:39 am

      That’s almost five grand (Canadian) per year. He’s going to need that money… now that his concubine is free to leave the house, she might be tempted to get a job and upgrade to a sportier dude if Lexi can’t bring the big bucks in.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        February 21, 2020 1:16 pm

        She’s 61 years old now, and could not get an American man when she was younger , so she had to settle for a the merest of Canadians , which is a BIG step down. There is no upgrade for her, just a pitiful clinging to her *man* until the Grim Reaper pries her fingers off Lexy’s flabby, puffy self and drags her into the hereafter, where she may take up with Arneson, which will be a lateral move. The idea that Arneson would cuck Lexy, that amuses me.

        Consider the pittance Lexy makes, and his leman’s (Gary loved that word) unemployability. I doubt that La Famiglia Smolensk has paid anything in taxes in years. So the healthcare — such as it is — is free to him.

  100. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    February 21, 2020 1:38 pm

    Any news on Mandy Zak lawsuit? Has Mandy moved back to LA $10k richer so she and Zpastic can Zakattack $10k worth of amphetamines together? It slower than Raggy the Last writing the LotFlap referee book in the OSR.

  101. THAC0 Belle permalink
    February 21, 2020 3:59 pm

    Next court date in March

  102. Heh permalink
    February 22, 2020 10:17 am

    Zak Attack will get no money as the skank has none. Maybe a retraction, but that won’t change shit. He’s putting all that money and time into this. What a maroon.

    • Merideth McClintock permalink
      February 22, 2020 7:09 pm

      Isnt that like a tautology or something, he’s an idiot because hes an idiot…i mean have u looked at that wannabe punk artist faggot act at all??? Lolololololol

    • Reason permalink
      February 23, 2020 1:36 am

      I think it ties into his whole- “win” the argument at any and all costs, no matter what philosophy. I really have no idea if he did it. But I know for sure he will badger, argue in bad faith, use logical fallacy, gaslight a mofo, mobilise whatever social, societal, cultural or industry pressure he can- just win a discussion about OSR ideas or whatever. Let alone his whole reputation.

      He’s doing the same thing. I don’t think he is capable of understanding it won’t totally vindicate him or make him king of his hill again. Beginning to suspect he was way more of an autist than I ever suspected & that he may not understand any other outlook or have a shred of self insight…

      You can be that limited & impress/browbeat a few Raggi type neckbeards & strung out hookers for a while, but after a few years anyone not in that little circle… It just looks rabidly limited from the outside looking in.

    • Dipstick permalink
      February 25, 2020 1:46 pm

      You mean daddies money. Fuckface doesn’t have the cash to hire lawyers.

  103. Let me tell you about my character permalink
    February 24, 2020 8:08 pm

    Garycon registration is borked again.

    The server crashed, they put it back up an hour later and it promptly crashed again. Now registration is scheduled for next Saturday. Is TableTop Events a tiered service and Luke is just a cheap-ass? Is it all being run out of someone’s basement on a desktop by a volunteer with a ten-hour certification? This is Garycon TWELVE and it’s still the same B.S. every year? They expect us to just hang around and wait every time like we don’t have lives or anything else better to do? I mean I don’t, but some people probably do. And then the usual weenies coming crawling out of their hugbox, “C’mon guys, it’s for Gary!” “You can go without any tickets! I did once and had a great time!” etc.

    You pay nearly a hundred bucks for this. When is someone going to launch a class-action lawsuit against these clowns? Oh, who am I kidding, we have no class.

    I guess I could always buy the artifact level crown jewel ultra-pass so I can have dinner with The Clan while they laugh at all the peasants and peons, is that what I’m supposed to do?

    • Gina Lollobrigida permalink
      February 25, 2020 12:53 pm

      Wtf kind of loser goes to wisconsin for fun? Fuck garycon. What a lameass event full of nerds. Drop a bomb on these nerd conventions and society loses nothing. I hope Zak is there

        February 26, 2020 2:48 pm

        Herro Gina Rorrobrigira! You need rawyer?

        Okay I got nothing I just wanted to say “Rorrobrigira”!

    • Franky Panky permalink
      February 25, 2020 4:25 pm

      Bote you Oaf! Yes, I know that it is you Bote. You and only you and a few of those Dragonsfart idiots are having trouble. Do you have enough functioning brain cells to figure out why? No. Nobody wants you at GaryCon. And if you do show up, Kaskoid and I plan to give you the ‘Fredo’ treatment. We’ve planned little fishing trip on Lake Geneva with you, and this year we mean it. We’ve chartered the boat and everything.

      • Let me tell you about my character permalink
        February 25, 2020 7:08 pm

        Freaky Franky, I thought you were too high-falutin’ to show up at G-con as a mere nobody now that you’ve been de-invited as a Guest-of-Honor and can no longer rub shoulders with such esteemed gaming luminaries as Saltine. I never got a chance to crash your annual party and now it’s too late! You should at least hang out in the Geneva Resort parking lot handing out fresh-baked doughnuts and stuff. I’ll be watching for you! Can I pay you to camp out in a choice parking spot so I can get some decent parking this year? I can’t afford to pay you much but I can give you all my used character sheets from that weekend.

    • Jessica Price permalink
      February 25, 2020 7:56 pm

      GaryCon is very WHITE and very RAPEY!


      • Zak Langouste permalink
        February 25, 2020 10:44 pm

        And you are…?

      • Jessica Price permalink
        February 26, 2020 7:47 am

        I am your deplatformer. I took down Frank Mentzer. The warty, batrachian corpse of Bill Webb lies broken at my feet! Paizo, Frog God, and Green Ronin have fallen in the aftermath of my wake! I am your worst nightmare.


      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        February 26, 2020 9:27 am

        Has Jessica got a job yet? I wait with bated breath for the next company to hire her and go down in flames when she freaks out and attacks their consumer base and then doubles down that they don’t need customers to thrive.

      • Let me tell you about my character permalink
        February 26, 2020 8:55 pm

        If she is having difficulties finding new employment it is certainly not her fault. You can read all about her probable Barriers to Inclusion here:

        State of the Discourse: a survey of marginalized game designers on online discussion space.

      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        February 27, 2020 12:25 pm

        Tl;dr Google- was destroyed by the patriarchy and I have no place for mutual RPG masturbation and back patting. I guess there was a collective sigh of relief when Gargle Pus went down so Stacey’s ‘friends’ could ghost out with Stacy having a conniption fit and calling them all Notsees for not constantly patting the back and throwing out false platitudes.

      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        February 27, 2020 12:30 pm

        Fuck me, irrelevance is so overpowering I combined Anna and Stacy into the same person! My apologies for this oversight on the Wunderfuhrer and Can’tessa person. I’ll just nip off and shoot myself for this oversight.

        Might take awhile, loading a shotgun with phantasmal hands is HARD.

      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        February 27, 2020 12:33 pm

        Hmm, response where I realized I combined Anna and Stacy as the same people didn’t go through. Irrelevance is a hell of a drug and Wunderfuhrer and Can’tessa got plenty of that.

      • February 28, 2020 6:23 am

        Wow. wundergeek may be beyond parody at this point. The state of mind that led to her ‘survey results’ blog post brings to mind the Far Side cartoon captioned ‘How nature says, “Do not touch'”.

      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        February 28, 2020 9:33 am

        No kidding, so much data to say Anna can’t operate without Google Pus and the intarwebs is unsafe because all other social media is Notsees. She has certainly lost any goal she may have had in the process of trying to catch smoke and chase shadows in the pitch black.

      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        February 28, 2020 9:35 am

        Ah fuck me, did I get the pronouns wrong? Wunderfuhrer is they them aren’t they? Apologies for that one being a dead game designer who bottled lightning in the 70’s make me forgetful sometimes.

  104. The Fire Giant That Killed Black Dougal permalink
    February 27, 2020 6:28 am


    From FB:
    I accidentally joined this group. (stumbled across it and clicked on the wrong thing) But have been feeling left out. I bought the 5th ed box set and PHB when it first came out and have been utterly been unable to figure it out. But my old school game is going great. Recently I tried to join 5th ed game on roll20, which gives me the local time when games happen. I found a 5th ed game on monday night at 11PM, but the description said it takes place on Sunday. (I couldn’t figure out what time zone is Sunday when I am at 11 PM on Monday) I joined the game and the game time was now 11 PM on Tues. And they were using discord for sound. There was a link. So I joined that channel. Turned out the same Dm was running multiple games on the same Discord and I have trouble figuring it out. My inquiries about the game were not answered. So I show up for the game at the announced time and now one is there. Not even the DM. When I complained on the discord chat, I was told the posted date was wrong and I should have know that it was not then because it was announced on discord. (I couldn’t find anything such announcement on the chat linked to the game) The next morning, I was deleted from both the Discord and roll20 game. Oh well. I prefer old school anyway.

    • bloodymage permalink
      February 27, 2020 3:42 pm

      Subject: Computer Woes
      I tried a fresh install of Windows XP but I still can’t get rid of this damned Yahoo toolbar!
      I need remote cleaning from a discerning eye.

    • Let me tell you about my character permalink
      February 27, 2020 11:04 pm

      Did you pay your Discord bill?

      • bloodymage permalink
        February 28, 2020 2:23 pm

        I had to take out a small loan and sell a kidney just to pay off my Google+ bill, and that’s not even around anymore!

        Sigh! 😦

      • bloodymage permalink
        February 28, 2020 2:27 pm

        Folks, I hate to ask and have to pass the hat, but my Facebook bill is due and I would like to have a sit down breakfast this weekend, so please send money orders (no checks please as I have no driver’s licence and I lost my military ID card) to: Steve “bloodymage” Willet c/o GENERAL DELIVERY Prescott Arizona. I have always supported gamers of all stripes so please help me out.

  105. Heh permalink
    February 29, 2020 1:56 pm

    Facebook is a money sink, Bloodymage. Better switch to Myspace.

    • BACLF permalink
      February 29, 2020 6:30 pm

      Blooey is the only person in the history of the platform to get a TPK in ‘FarmVille’.

      • bloodymage permalink
        February 29, 2020 7:47 pm

        The Blooson-the older one who is not (as) retarded-had a TPK in Tusks: The Gay Orc Dating Sim so must run in the family.
        Sigh! 😦

  106. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    March 3, 2020 2:27 pm

    Pop Quiz: Which Dragonsfooter is most likely to take Lexi’s Pirate Rape idea and turn it into a full… uhhh… blown scenario?


    • Franky Panky permalink
      March 3, 2020 5:33 pm

      The Oafish Bote. He is a collection of perversions that would cause even Leopold von Sacher-Masoch to shudder. Or that idiot Thorkhammer, a thoroughly unreconstructed deviant. He’d throw in some gay PC rapes too.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        March 3, 2020 5:35 pm

        For the record: I posted my comment before I clicked the link.

      • Jessica Price permalink
        March 8, 2020 10:26 am


    • Let me tell you about my character permalink
      March 3, 2020 7:59 pm

      Need a clue?

      • Arneson's Spectre permalink
        March 7, 2020 5:43 pm

        Is this a sequel (or all the rage now prequel) to Fish Fuckers?

  107. Xartan Tsaggua permalink
    March 3, 2020 4:24 pm


    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      March 3, 2020 7:52 pm

      He’s not into Pirate Rape, Geoffrey is into Kiddie Rape.

      ‘Empire of the Pedo Throne’, indeed!

  108. Gary Gygax (VERIFIED) permalink
    March 4, 2020 3:48 pm

    Well, I’ve been dead 12 years now, and I only miss two things.


    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      March 4, 2020 7:31 pm

      You can’t get those in Heav… oh, shit!

  109. POO POO RAGOO permalink
    March 7, 2020 5:20 am

    You will go to GaryCon. You will go to GaryCon and this year the concrud is going to be coronavirus. You will go to GaryCon, you will get coronavirus and you will die. But first you will do something else. You will have a fever. Your intestines will start to revolt. You’ll feel a gurgling inside and your doo doo will start to peculate. You will feel it coming in a rush, and you won’t be able to stop it. A rush before you can get to the flush. You will be at GaryCon and you will shit your pants. You will shit your pants and then you will die.

    I know. I shit my pants.

    • BACLF permalink
      March 8, 2020 11:42 am

      The Masque of the Brown Death

  110. Heh permalink
    March 10, 2020 10:46 am

    Judging by his long time use of shit monsters in his games, I’m guessing the infamous bed shitting scenario was not the first time Raggi threw mud into his XXL undies.

  111. Heh permalink
    March 11, 2020 9:02 am

    Wowsers. Zaks latest post is a hoot.

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      March 11, 2020 11:50 am

      Harvey Weinstein sentenced to 23 years today. I predict a Mandy Morbid victory in Canuck Court tomorrow.

      • Hehaw permalink
        March 11, 2020 5:21 pm

        …and if there is enough evidence, there may even be a criminal investigation. One can only imagine what this cunt is truly like in the real world.

  112. March 11, 2020 12:27 pm

    A question, ya’ll.

    So, given:

    -The online RPG community (including probably you) is made up of game masters
    -The online RPG community is quite capable of cancelling people
    -Luke Crane (of Burning Wheel) is head of Kickstarter for games, teaches tabletop RPG design at NYU Game Center, and has high-level connections all over the RPG industry
    -Luke Crane has quite provably said all of you are abusers:
    All of the games talk about fun and fairness, enjoyment and entertainment, but then they break that cycle by granting one member of the group power over all of the other members of the group. It’s classic power dynamics. Once you have roles of power and powerless, even the most reasonable and compassionate people slide into abuse. [source]

    Why haven’t you either:

    A) Cancelled yourselves for being abusers.
    B) Tried to cancel Luke Crane for spreading misinformation about you



    For some of you, engaging in the comments will be its own reward.

    If you’re sick of this shit and want game content: for every serious and engaged answer, I will give you one content post.

    • Wendy Lockhart permalink
      March 11, 2020 1:07 pm

      So if we don’t seriously engage does that mean you’ll finally go away? It’s a deal

    • Franky Panky permalink
      March 11, 2020 2:51 pm

      You want us to fight your battles for you and in return we get more crap like that Bard piffle you posted? How about, No?

      Since G+ folded, you’ve been a gatekeeper in search of a gate. Luke Crane is the gatekeeper at Kickstarter, and you want his job, no?

      You may as well offer us some of Raggi’s soiled nappies that he left at your hovel. He hides them in the strangest places too.

  113. Reason permalink
    March 11, 2020 3:14 pm

    So it’s another variation on his, “do what I want & beg me to stay, or else I’ll stop posting, I swear it!” routine?

    So far zero fucks have been given by anyone about hearing more of his crap (is he still trying to make bards happen?), I can’t see this one changing things.

    Or is HE dying to just start posting his stuff again but needs a way to do so without losing face after his last flounce off? (when no one raised their torches & pitchforks in his defence)

    • Whatahoot permalink
      March 11, 2020 7:57 pm

      Wow, looks like Zak Attack is going full-out on the last of his fanbase over on DDWP. I guess he’s jonzin’ for some French fries real bad.

      • Gina Mas Fina permalink
        March 13, 2020 10:31 am

        What is DDWP?

        Some kind of gay boy support group for closeted wannabe punks with mental patient hair and squeaky voices?

  114. Anders - totes not a Zak sock permalink
    March 11, 2020 11:36 pm

    Oh man what a load of bullshit. If you can’t sit around with your friends and play elfgames without sliding into cycles of abuse, you and your friends are the bad guys, not everyone who plays rpgs.

    I’m ethically opposed to cancel culture in general, though even if I weren’t I don’t think this delusional neckbeard Crane is worth any more mental effort on my part than it takes to write this post. Hadn’t heard of him before now, and I really don’t see a reason to give a damn what this socially stunted alpha-nerd reprobate thinks about me.

    I’m sure I could, if I wanted, dedicate a great amount of time and effort to marshaling my own nerd-following and possibly effect some sort of change. But I have other, larger real-life concerns and, frankly, the politics of the rpg scene doesn’t rate highly on my list of priorities.

    I realize that this is the same attitude that facilitated your own cancelling. I’ve continued to follow your blog, and I’ll probably buy your future work if it’s good. I’ll do the same for anyone else who gets this treatment, but that’s about as far as I personally am willing to go.

    People like me are spending most of their effort trying to get by and keep their own lives together. Not enough time or energy to engage in internet politics.

    Better people than me, who are willing and able to take take actual action to help, I imagine are likely afraid of having their lives destroyed by online lynch mobs as well. This is a greater cultural problem.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      March 12, 2020 12:16 am

      Zak is too dumb to realize that his fall was due to his years of online harassment, allegations of abuse just made his shunning into something ‘virtuous’.

      Even if he wins his case, he’s still done. He thinks that a judgment against Mandy will ‘exonerate; him, but he doesn’t realize that going after an ex he used as a human shield for years just makes him look like an even bigger D-bag.

      Not even super lawyer Fake Dani Jang can save his ass.

    • French Fried Frog permalink
      March 12, 2020 4:15 am

      That Content-for-Commiseration scheme could work if he capitalized on his (vanishing) strenghts and lured the neckbeards with juicy post-pandemic, tubed barbarian punk porn or shit. But a simili Dragon Mag special about bards ?

  115. March 12, 2020 7:27 am

    Can’t decide if the RPG player population has more personality disorders per capita than the general population, or if online activity such as Twitter and blog posts and comments just make it seem that way. Of all the hobbies I engage in, it’s the RPG players I see carrying on online who seem in the clearest need of good therapy or some equivalent. The people in the FLGS? Generally they seem fine.

    ZS in performances such as his recent blog post about Luke Crane, and ensuing show trial of anyone who commented on that post, does much to reinforce my view of online RPG people being the most troubled of all folk in the realm. Will this guy ever learn to get out of his own way? I can’t imagine that he will; it just seems like he is who he is.

    I really don’t know what ‘Mandy Morbid’ is doing with her GoFundMe money but, I’m starting to think it’s fair compensation to her time spent living with this guy.

    And just to be even more of a shitty gossip: Does Eric Tenkar have coronavirus? Is Gary Con canceled? Where will things stand by the time of Gen Con 2020? Certainly that’s my top priority when it comes to worrying about lethal pandemics: gaming!

    • BACLF permalink
      March 12, 2020 7:47 am

      Gamers having the most personality disorders per capita? Have you ever seen the QAnon freaks?

      Right now, they’re all floating over Tom Hanks getting COVID-19 because he’s (naturally) a Satanic, pedophile cannibal. I wish I were making this up.

      • BACLF permalink
        March 12, 2020 7:49 am


        Curse this small phone, curse these big fingers!

      • March 12, 2020 8:05 am

        You have a point. I find the QAnon crowd somehow entertaining (probably shouldn’t). Low expectations on my part of them, I think, whereas for the RPG crowd I’m more, hey these are smart, creative people, let’s see what they have to say on Twitter… ok this is good… haha that’s funny… oh nice art… ah and, I see this respected person engaging in some incoherent rage thread over a vague grudge… again… now they’re posting about what a peaceful and forgiving soul they are… hmmm….

      • Franky Panky permalink
        March 12, 2020 8:15 pm

        Grognards don’t much care for Tommy Hanks either, due entirely to his willingness to whore himself out by *acting* in that Mazes and Monsters movie. Tommy is the Enemy and he must be destroyed.

        His wife seems kind of nice. I’d *comfort* her when Tommy passed.

  116. I'm Pissing Caltrops permalink
    March 12, 2020 10:42 am

    So Zpastic drags up a 13 year old post about Luke Crane so he can try to get some love from 2 or 3 remaining fans. Or he’s trying to make waves in rpg social media land, which will never happen. Really pathetic. It means he has a warehouse of post about RPGs going back at least 13 years that he can use do try to dredge up controversy.

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      March 12, 2020 12:15 pm

      Ha, Zpastic shaking his army of broom men and screaming, “Attack!” Mo matter how much he shakes those brooms everyone knows he’s now an impotent little cum stain on the succubus art in the 1st edition Monster Manual. Luke Crane reject his latest Kickstopper and go, “You mad, bro?” So the Zakattack is unleashing his army of… dude can’t even suck poopet anymore. God fucking damn it, Dungeons and Dragons has been so much more enjoyable since that skid mark of a person is a nonentity. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving douche canoe.

      Attack Luke Crane or I’ll sit on the punk rock bard class!

      Is there anywhere to keep up with the court case and Zpastic’s spanking at the hands of Bob and Doug McKenzie?

  117. Rogelio Barrera permalink
    March 13, 2020 10:38 am

    Tenkar aint long for this world. Already a fat fuck with the health problems that entails, looks like a shot who eats dognuts all day while sponging off taxpayers as retired cops will do, gets sick every time he goes anywherr, obviously crap immune system, now pneumona, we known it’s the wu han fever baby, coronavirus is takin down his shitty “send me free stuff and I’ll shill it no matter what shot it is” blog. Eric Tenkar, RIP, fatty liked free shot and pigging out at the public trough. Won’t be missed

    March 14, 2020 6:48 pm

    Herro Suckdungeons! You need rawyer? How about rawyer who WIN CASE FOR MANDY MORBID?

    That’s right! WE WIN BIG in Canuck Court! Nonstop party party all weekend!

    Zak is big loser and now he is OFFICIALLY GUILTY OF RAPE AND ABUSE! You may continue to cancel his culture with total deplatforming without any doubt!

    No more Zak Sabbath sound dope!



    Remember Folks, next time you no call whores YOU CALL RAWYER!

    • Franky Panky permalink
      March 14, 2020 10:04 pm

      How about a link Dani? You’re a lawyer, so there is no way I’m just going to take your word for it. I thought you were on Zak’s side anyway, sabotaging Mandy’s case from the inside. I guess this means you were up to the old the old triple cross, Max Smart style. Well played Dani. Perhaps you are not the idiot we all think you to be.

    • Tenker permalink
      March 15, 2020 12:44 am

      Mmm. Chop suey. You got low sodium soy sauce, Dani? I’m sick as fuck, but I can always eat. But the doc says my blood pressure is through the roof,

      Me and my fellow officers used to shake down the local chink restaurants in town. Get money, free dinners, and blowies from terrified illegal alien China girl waitresses in the back room. The manager would tell them it’d be ok if they complied. Man those gals would cry, but they could really make a dong pop. I miss those little chinky sluts!

    • rak rith permalink
      March 15, 2020 2:31 pm

      Post a fucking link

    • POO POO RAGOO permalink
      March 15, 2020 2:34 pm

      Zak’s silence is all the link you need. He wouldn’t be able to shut up if he had won.

      Also, he shit his pants. Just like I did.

      I shit my pants. #MePoo

  119. rak rith permalink
    March 15, 2020 3:35 pm

    How do you know the case is actually ended?
    Either way, I want to see in black and white that the little cunt lost

  120. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    March 15, 2020 11:24 pm

    What’s the deal with the toilet paper hoarding? I mean, what is the fear? The toilet paper supply is going to be disrupted so you better stock up while you can? Why toilet paper?

    – Bedivere

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      March 16, 2020 2:59 am

      That’s easy, a standard toilet paper roll is 4.1 inches in width, so by placing end-to-end eighteen toilet paper rolls, one comes to a length slightly over six feet, slightly longer than the recommended ‘self quarantine’ distance.

      • Timotheus permalink
        March 16, 2020 11:39 pm

        Some us of need more than one roll. Because reasons. On a bad day for me 3 rolls are not uncommon. Per shit. It can go fast.

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      March 17, 2020 6:34 pm

      This is a shock to Bedivere because like most of the OSR manchildren, he has the telltale poorly wiped buttcrack stink about him.

      Speaking of poorly wiped buttcracks, GaryCon is cancelled now. Frank Mentzer’s unruly eyebrow hair must have violated the social distancing six feet minimum or something.

  121. Confined Frog Gode permalink
    March 17, 2020 2:34 am

    At long last Aergia, Goddess of sloth and procrastinastion, Patron of shut-ins everywhere, has decided to pull Her fingers out and rid us of all those annoying coworkers, neigbours and assorted interlopers. We shall inherit the Earth and do absolutely nothing with it ! I have TP rolls stacked up to the ceiling and am going back to my Through The Ages solo play.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      March 17, 2020 9:05 am

      Through the Ages solo play? Is that a veiled reference to whacking it all day long, starting with ‘barely legal’ porn and ending with GILF porn?

      • Confined Frog Gode permalink
        March 17, 2020 9:35 am

        Monsieur est un connaisseur ! The finishing touch requires a clear view of freshly deceased bodies but soon even this will be possible just by opening the window…

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        March 17, 2020 10:09 am

        By teaching us to loot the dead, Gary prepared us well for this dystopian future.

      • March 21, 2020 2:55 pm

        Silent are the Streets,
        Dodecahedrons gather dust,
        We bandage our red and aching hands,
        With unused character Sheets,

        Where once the neckbeards crowed ‘Nat 20’
        Silence reigns over orange stained tables
        Cans of mountain dew corrode
        Amidst mountains of toilet paper.

        In air-conditioned breaths is intermixed,
        the ashes of Gary’s Legacy,
        Sweet Garycon! Distant Garycon!
        How sharp thine pencils! How profuse thine polyhedrals!
        C-19 Take from me my wretched kin!
        But leave me always Beautiful Garycon!

        – The Neckbeards Lament.

  122. Let me tell you about my character permalink
    March 17, 2020 7:17 pm

    Eat, pee, crap, wash, rinse, repeat.

    Oh, and don’t worry about Garycon. Even for lowly members of the Great Unwashed with tarnished silver badges:

    “All attendees with a GCXII (2020) badge will receive a discount for GCXIII (2021) badges. We have to access the financial impacts before we can tell you what the discount percentage will be for 2021.”

    Shall we start a pool? Being eternally optimistic, I’m going to say a 40% discount.

  123. Basic Witch permalink
    March 18, 2020 10:26 am

    “so far y’alls description of self-Quarantine sound a lot like the 10 years I spent Taking care of a chronically ill person and the year that I just spent never going out because that chronically ill person lied to a bunch of dumb gamers about me”


  124. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    March 18, 2020 11:38 am

    While there are a couple of places I go to, I try to go in low population times. So I’m mostly self-quarantend even though I am well. I’m over 70 years and type 2 diabetic.


    • POO POO RAGOO permalink
      March 18, 2020 4:26 pm

      It’s easy to self quarantine when they’ve chopped off your feet from the diabeetus!
      I’m guessing you shit your pants a lot too. I feel ya – I’ve been there.

      I shit my pants. #MePoo

  125. March 18, 2020 11:51 am

    @Matrox Lusch

    “was your Thursday good overall?”


    I don’t understand what you’re saying about Crane because his new statement was not better than his old one. He probably caused no harm with either, but they both prove conclusively he is not remotely rational and so should not wield power.

    Like if you believe the sky is made of cheese then this may hurt anyone but it tells us you shouldn’t be in any position of influence.

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      March 18, 2020 3:51 pm

      The rest of the world is worried about COVID19, people are getting sick, people are losing their jobs, but Zak is still hung up about something Luke Crane said or did 13 years ago?
      Zak really is a narcissistic piece of subhuman garbage, and win or lose in Canada (spoiler: he lost), he will remain deplatformed and permanently cancelled.

  126. Franky Panky permalink
    March 18, 2020 7:42 pm

    Zakling has something against cheese now? First French fries and now cheese. Is he going manorexic? That would be hilarious.

    DId Zakling get told off for trying to sneak something into Kickstarter? Demon City is still undelivered. New delivery is predicted to be end of April. Did Luke Crane tell Zak to deliver on his current Kickstarter before starting another one.

    The layout guy took another job and put his current, Demon City job on the backburner. Lol.

  127. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    March 18, 2020 10:29 pm

    Kent washes his hands…

  128. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    March 19, 2020 9:41 am

    A dead blog and $51 a month a mover and shaker in the game industry this doth not make. Trying to divert anger at decades old Luke Crane stuff cause Burning Wheel has outsold all Zpastic’s products combined does not paint a pretty picture of a nerd poseur punk that is winning his war on the people he looked down on as bigger nerds than him. Guess those of us with jobs and diverse interests sure showed him. All that left for the Zakattack is a bottle of pills worth $51 and a warm bath. That will show everyone that the world is so much bleaker without this guy. It already feels like he’s dead anyways. Zpastic really thinks he going to taKe over Crane’s job as RPG grand pooba of kickstopper? This dude can’t raise his dick anymore much less an army of fanboys.

  129. Heh permalink
    March 19, 2020 10:59 am

    Mandy stated the other week on her fund me something that makes it seem the case will drag on. And asking for more bucks to fight on. Zaks current posting may be laying groundwork for an imagined eventual return. He got over a Hundred comments on one. And probably a hundred deleted ones.


    • Franky Panky permalink
      March 19, 2020 11:56 am

      Most of those posted “comments” are probably from Zakling’s socks. This pandemic will cause all sorts of disruption, including delays in court cases like Zakling’s harassment suit against Mandy. It just means he twists in the wind a bit longer.

      In other news, it appears good Constable Tenkar won’t be dying in the next few days. I’ve had to get Mrs. Pany and myself matching 12 gauge shotguns so we can defend the bakery from the disease addled hordes that may come a-looting once they realize that someone else has already panic bought all the sprinkles in the bakery section of the Piggly Wiggly. Seriously, who panic buys sprinkles? Canadians, sure, but in America?

  130. Captain Kirks Dick Blood permalink
    March 19, 2020 11:50 pm

    Frank, you’re a shameless piece of shit, but goddammit your folksy beardo-speak has me on team Panky. “good Constable Tenkar” – haha you’re never out of DM mode. I’m gonna spend some of my hiding from the plague time watching you run a con game for mouth breathers and neo-nerd punks and fatty geek girlfriends. You are so right, good King Gygaxfelcher. Seeing Princess Zakina twist and twitch in agony is worth a thousand satisfying cockroach stomps in your old bakery kitchen. May it go on for years.

  131. POO POO RAGOO permalink
    March 20, 2020 12:24 pm

    Today is International World Happiness Day and once again Finland has been ranked #1 Happiest Country in the World by the UN or something.
    Well nobody asked me if I’m happy! Not a single, “Hey Raggi, are you happy in Finland?”

    Well I’m not. My wife dumped my manchild ass, I’m stuck with thousands of copies of unsold product, Zak Sabbath broke my heart into a million little pieces, and something else happened too. Something monumental. Something unexpected and a little frightening. Maybe a little stinky. Who am I kidding it was a lot of stinky. Definitely a little moist too.

    I shit my pants. #MePoo

  132. Hehaw permalink
    March 20, 2020 3:02 pm

    As if French Fries wasn’t good enough, Fuckface has created another masterpiece of assholeblabbery.

    “You have 24 hours to address the last comment made in response to you or all your other comments will be deleted.”

    Truly priceless…

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      March 20, 2020 6:23 pm

      California is on lockdown now so Zak is confined to his LA shitbox apartment 24/7. The comedy gold this douchebag will continue to spew out will keep increasing and be a great source of entertainment for all during the national health crisis!

    • Franky Panky permalink
      March 20, 2020 10:33 pm

      Don’t forget cheese. Zaklet has developed a lactose intolerance?

      The “keep talking to me or I’ll DFE” is hilarious. Most of those responding are Zaklet’s socks. Is he threatening to delete his own posts? Zaklet has truly achieved manlet status with this. If he can’t “win” the argument, he’ll just pretend that it never happened.

      • March 21, 2020 3:03 am

        look y’all, if the sky was made of cheese and the asphalt made of Fiddle Faddle, we would drink Yoohoo in the Fenchfryverse. For reals. Y’all.

      • Hehaw permalink
        March 21, 2020 8:24 pm

        And just as equally entertaining, is practically everything he says and dose can be used against him in court. Plus, Daddies money is gonna be running out real quick and his own lack of funds… Haha!

  133. Reason permalink
    March 21, 2020 2:59 am

    So what % of Dragosnfoot is expected to survive CVD?

    I’d make a dire forecast but I don’t think any of them have much contact with the rest of society…

    I’m tipping two known deaths & two dozen posters who fade away without ever being noticed.

    • COL_PLAYDOH (Gary Gygax OFFICIAL) permalink
      March 21, 2020 9:54 am

      I predict Tim Kask and Jim Ward will eventually succumb to COVID19 coronavirus and are not long for this world. No one under 65 will care. I will see them again in Hell!

      Mentzer will survive but lack of oxygen due to respiratory distress will make him even more brain damaged than he is now. Franky Panky will lose mobility and any and all control of his bowels. Plus that solitary foot long eyebrow hair of his will quadruple in size. I always hated him but I hate him even more ever since I died and he’s been capitalizing on my name.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        March 21, 2020 12:15 pm

        Arneson, you Varlet! We all recognize that this is you imitating Our beloved Gary. He was My friend. Friend, something you never had, you dessicated, and yet still disgustingly obese, corpse. It’s not a flash-back. You’ve failed, again. Gary’s writing style was very much sui generis. Your pitiful imitation is not even close.

        I will be fine. I have a CPAP and a scootypuff. breathing and moving are not problems. Mrs. Panky has given My manly brows their yearly trimming with the hedge clippers. Ordinary scissors are to weak for the task.

        Kaskoid will survive this. He not only has certain roach-like qualities, but also, at this point, Kaskoid is practically bionic. He’s been experimenting on himself. I think he may be trying to turn himself into some sort of cyber-centaur with his death scooter being his lower half. Or he’s hallucinating, yet again. Phone calls with him these days are hit or miss. He’s still going with his YouTube. His thoughts on the WuFlu here: You know that you’ll watch it. You have the time now. Leave him a comment. He doesn’t bite, much.

        Ward, he cannot die from this. How shall I say it? Well, you’ve heard of necromancy right? Normally it can be achieved by the correct magic rituals. However, if your body is pumped full of the right “potions” you effectively become undead. This is Ward. The *Living Embalmed* might be the term. All those medical procedures.

        To the topic, Gentle Readers: Given the hygiene, or notable lack thereof, of your average Dragonsfoot Idiot, I’d say at least 80% of them will catch this particular pestilence, most likely from store hopping to stock up on the Mountain Dew and the Cheetos. Overall, 15%-20% will succumb, coughing forth giant clouds of phlegm and orange dust as they expire.

  134. Timotheus permalink
    March 22, 2020 12:24 pm

    All that’s going on right now has gotten to me. I really should not watch Fox news. I have to be real now; I’m a senior. I’m overweight. I’m diabetic. My only real human contact is my bi-weekly Fantasy Trip sessions I run for children. Now I can’t even have that.

    I was home alone on Saturday night as usual, but last night it really got to me. I fucking broke down in sobs. This is for fucking real.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      March 22, 2020 4:08 pm

      Aw, you tried hard, Fake Tim. 2/10, for effort.

      • March 23, 2020 11:37 pm

        You suck the guys cock enough to know the real him.

        See what I did there? I can harass y’all too. Fucking tards.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        March 24, 2020 12:08 pm

        Aw, you tried hard, Fake Z. 2/10, for effort

      • Timotheus permalink
        March 24, 2020 12:43 pm

        Well, to be honest Bigs, you haven’t seen me in awhile because your last blowies were about a 2/10 effort. You won’t even give me a little eye contact towards the end anymore.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        March 28, 2020 10:05 pm

        Now, fake Tim, this is a family gaming blog, there’s no place here for projecting your Sotadic fantasies onto Tim and me.

  135. Timotheus permalink
    March 25, 2020 11:28 am

    Haha! Nice to be missed. Have an exalt, everyone! Even you, Jeffblow!

  136. bloodymage permalink
    March 25, 2020 6:00 pm

    The grocery is all out of toilet paper, won’t have any until next week and I can’t stay clean all of five minutes!
    Eat, crap, clean, wash, rinse, repeat!
    And my coronavirus bill is due!
    Sigh! 😦

  137. Franky Panky permalink
    March 29, 2020 4:58 pm

    The first Virtual GarryCon ended today. I was pre-banned from the event by that whelp, Luke. Kuntz was invited. I think he annoyed everyone by praising Arneson at every turn. Shut up Rob, nobody at GARY-Con cares about that pants-load Arneson. Kuntz is the Susan of the OSR.

    Kaskoid tried to participate, but he mistook an old kitchen sieve for his microphone and spent the weekend talking into it. His idiot-players thought he was trying to LARP the effects of a Silence 15′ radius spell and played along.

    Ward tells me that there was one idiot player, fixerfixerfixer was the screen name, who left every game he tried to join because the DM didn’t answer his questions fast enough.

    • bloodymage permalink
      March 30, 2020 1:07 pm

      I can’t figure out how to dine and dash online in this VTT. Sigh! 😡
      It’s official: I’m a dummy!

  138. Hehaw permalink
    March 30, 2020 2:41 pm

    Five bucks a month. 😆

    • Zak Langouste permalink
      March 30, 2020 10:06 pm

      Hey Bro, You need to fact check that. It’s $51 a month. Apologize in the next 24 hours for lying, or I’ll delete your comment.

      If you really wanted to offer me some french fries, you would point out that my Demon City kickstarter, which was to be released in June of 2019, is still in layout. Shawn tells me that he’ll be done at the end of April, but that’s if he does not get this virus Donald Trump is using as a bioweapon. Only 10 months late, maybe. Realistically, it will be over a year late, at the minimum. But it will totes be worth the wait.

      Look what my friend Speakingmanner, I mean Stokes had to say about it, “I can’t wait to get my copy of Demon City! The MANY colorful illustrations are exciting and looking forward to the new style of game play ! If upgrades to this book make me wait a little longer I’m ok with that cus it will totally be worth it!” She totally typed that entire comment in and posted it entirely on her own. I did not help her in any way.

      • Hehaw permalink
        March 31, 2020 10:10 am

        You fucker! It was at $5 buck! I’m sure after I posted, you went off and demanded what few remaining manchildren and whores in your People’s Temple RPG cult to sell off their last rolls of toilet paper so you can buy another dime bag of Mexican tar loaded French fries!!! 🍟

  139. Heh permalink
    March 31, 2020 9:26 am

    Aim for the stars, Zak.


  140. an interested observer permalink
    April 2, 2020 6:16 pm

    man, the curator of this blog is slipping. It’s 4/2/2020 and nothing to say about #SwordReam??

  141. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    April 4, 2020 8:00 pm

    No update involving Adam Koebel deciding to robo-rape one of his player’s characters? I suppose I’d have to actually watch more of Fur Bore-oh-na to figure out if that was the kind of role playing they indulged in and A-Dumb took it too far. I managed to keep my Vampire the Masquerade games from getting all taped so I don’t know why he’d go down that route playing Shadowrun.

    • Zak Langouste permalink
      April 5, 2020 12:00 am

      Hey Bro, I can help you get Adam Koebel cancelled. Email me at zakzsmith AT hawtmayle dawt calm. He’s a harasser. He has no talent. Dungeon World is hot garbage. Nobody should play it. Send me that email and I’ll tell you more.

  142. Zak Langouste permalink
    April 4, 2020 11:53 pm

    Hey Bros, It looks like ya;ll arent paying enough attention to me. I know you want to help me rid the OSR of bad faith and harassers like Luke Crane. There are dozens of ways that anonymous people can help (much of the damage was itself done by anonymous actors).

    If you actually care, email me and I can give you a list.

    • Shannon Appelcline (Verified) permalink
      April 4, 2020 11:54 pm

      I’d never heard of Zak S. before 2013, when he started getting serious flak from the RPGnet mods because he was increasingly a drag on the community. As some people do, he tried to go over the heads of the mods to get a different answer from me. It was a slimy letter. First, he tried to present himself as an authority by dazzling me with his credentials, then he acted like he was doing me a favor by being willing to tell me how the moderation on the forums was bad and could be improved. And, shit, that letter is manipulative when I reread it. He was all, hey I know this probably doesn’t concern you, but if it does, please write me back and I’ll tell you more. Anyone actually wanting to help, of course, would have just told me straight out, but he was trying to establish a power dynamic where I was the supplicant and he the wise master.

    • Fake Woke White Wolf permalink
      April 7, 2020 3:42 am

      Some of us already cancelled Crane for letting his mate Rich Thomas piss all over Kickstarter’s Terms of Service for years and pretend to run his shitty IP licencing shop, so no big loss there. I’m sure he IS an abuser, but isn’t everyone who makes it in this industry some level of abrasive, obnoxious personality cultist who treats their loyal stans with the contempt they deserve and turns out to run a shabby-ass power trip of a game? You’d have to burn down the entire practice of tabletop RPGs to weed all the bastards out, and right now that seems a better idea than ever.

  143. Jon Tarnowski permalink
    April 5, 2020 6:42 pm

    luckily, Uruguay doesn’t have a ‘stay at home’ order, because it’s a country founded on liberty from tyrannical government…

  144. Vengie Sat permalink
    April 6, 2020 12:45 pm

    I don’t think what Adam Koebel did in the game was all that bad.

  145. Ed Dove permalink
    April 6, 2020 1:19 pm

    Today’s update isn’t awesome news.

    It’s not awesome news that Raggi can’t give refunds because the money’s already gone and the project’s way over budget even before the additional tens of thousands of euros it’ll cost to finish & print only the referee book alone — with the monster book, the referee screen and the slipcase costing even more beyond that.

    But today’s update IS frank & forthcoming. And I appreciate that.

    As an aside, what happened to all my friends that used to hang out here at YDIS?

    • Zak Langouste permalink
      April 6, 2020 4:45 pm

      Hey Bro, I can answer your question. If you want the detailed answer email me zakzsmith AT hawtmayle dawt calm. The TL;DR is that I had them cancelled because they were totes harrassers and haterz. I’m going to sue them too, just as soon as my minions figure out who they are, and the courts start working again.

      Raggi can’t give the refunds because I am not returning the money I got from him. I had to spend it all on cleaning and sanitizing my crib after he spent some in it. So many shit streaks. He also managed to get my place infested with roaches.

  146. I'm Pissing Caltrops permalink
    April 6, 2020 6:43 pm

    Wundergeek is bending over backwards to defend Adumb Koebi’llrapeyourcharacterlivestreaming on twitter. What a whore.

    • April 9, 2020 9:33 am

      “Given that I’m a white, mentally ill, non-binary tran with PTSD…”

      Didn’t realize WG had been promoted to ‘tran’! In any case hope a treatment is found for the way of thinking exhibited in those tweets someday. Like Hitler in his bunker.

  147. I'm Pissing Caltrops permalink
    April 6, 2020 6:47 pm

    And Zpastic just closed his court case for himself. Any cross-examining lawyer could pull this out and Perry Mason the fuck out of that little shit. By his own logic, he’s an abuser.

    Playing D&D W/myself
    Adam Koebels’ rapey GMing wasn’t a result of poor safety practice: Everyone involved knew all about Adam and still agreed to play, that’s the real problem. Tyler Carpenter, Shawn Patrick Fanon, Elizabeth Sampat, Adam: people
    to be

  148. Fake Woke White Wolf permalink
    April 7, 2020 3:44 am

    Stay classy, Pundejo.

    • RPGBandit permalink
      April 7, 2020 7:56 am

      I wonder if any of those rpgshite pussies will have the stones to bring this up to Pundejo? Ya know, free speech, inquiring minds wanna know. My guess is No.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      April 7, 2020 9:25 am

      RPG Plagiaristo is such a CHUD, I hope fake swami gets his chakras in misalignment.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      April 7, 2020 12:23 pm

      That should probably read, “Daniel D. Fox, posting under an alias and pretending to be Pundejo by copying his tweets…” Fox has had wood for Pundejo for a while now. I suspect that this is some sort of Gay-Op in defense of his boy Koebel. And to lure in some paypigs to fund his ‘crusade’.

      Why are photos of his wife’s child posted publicly? Instagram can be made private. What kind of idiot… n/m

      OTOH, an internet sissy slap fight between two misshapen, gormless, dwarves of the RPG scene might be amusing. Even better, two of them go into a room and neither comes out.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        April 7, 2020 5:03 pm

        Time to step up, Franky, get The Perilous Dreamer to lure Pundejo, Grim, Kent, Venger, Zak, and Raggi into his van, then sew them together into an ‘OSR Human Centipede’. Better yet, a ‘Human Centipede Ouroboros’, so none of them has the privilege of being the first segment.

        If you want to make it personal, throw in the Odious BOTE, for good measure.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        April 7, 2020 8:00 pm

        Oafish BOTE. How much pity would you have for person sewn to Raggi? More than for the person sewn to Zakling? Honestly, I’d leave Vengar and Kent out of it. They are strictly minor leaguers, not worth the surgical thread it would take to stitch ’em together. I’d add JMal to it. And Kuntz, if I could catch him. He’s one slippery weasel.

        Perilous Dreamer drives an old AMC gremlin. not a van. It may have been blue at one point. How it still runs, heaven knows. We’ve seen him lurking in it in the parking lot at the Lake Geneva resort during past GaryCons. Why didn’t he just come in? I’m certain he was sleeping in it, among other *activities*.

        Maybe stitch them together anus to anus to anus, and make sort of a rat-king ( look it up) of the OSR?

      • Fake Woke White Wolf permalink
        April 8, 2020 4:32 am

        I’ll never understand why people post pictures of their too-young-to-consent-to-this offspring on the Internet anyway.

        Diligence reveals mud has been slung both ways. It’s never possible to tell who’s at fault in this post-truth, post-photoshop, I’ve-got-receipts-as-of-yesterday world; yet another argument for burning it all down and starting again.

  149. Jennifer Quillian permalink
    April 7, 2020 9:14 pm

    Obviously they all have micropenis but who’s dick is smallest, Daniel Fox, Tarnowski Urbanski the Mexican Pollack, Adam Kobel, Zack Smythe? And which is most gay? I assume Zack? He looks like a small dick gay boy. Definitely a bottom. Also, who’s erectile dysfunction is worst? I would guess Daniel Fox because no way the kid is his he’s such a cuck fake feminist creep. What do you say?

    • April 8, 2020 8:24 am

      Fox is too opportunistic to be a true cuck. He seems more like a chap who pays vagrants so he can beat them up after he is done reposting Zweihander adds on various social media alter egos.

      RPGPundit sounds more shaken then usual, that lands him a place higher on this very important gay scale you are devising.

      Also the commentary here isn’t getting any fucking smarter. Why do you care who is the gayest? Did your trailer park dad tell you to figure that out before he left to get a pack of Marlboro’s from the truck stop and never returned you stupid fish-faced moron?

      I have told YDIS time and again the necessity of placing subtle memetic kill-phrazes that work only of the inbred but she is too busy fantasizing about Scott’s ample buttocks to heed my wise and scholarly advice.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        April 8, 2020 8:33 am

        Damn, Durr Hurr, you just can’t quit this place. How was your Reddit experiment?

      • Ebeneezer permalink
        April 8, 2020 8:59 am

        My Kentmouflage got you again.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        April 9, 2020 8:17 pm

        You little scamp! Seeing a Simulakent posting about Fox made me think about Fox’ improvised Flounce mechanic.

      • Ebeneezer permalink
        April 10, 2020 11:18 pm

        That was good, but not as good as when Venger picked a fight with simulaCrawford and Kevin descended from the heavens to reprimand all of us like mischievous schoolboys.

      • Scott permalink
        April 30, 2020 3:34 pm

        I have a small butt

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      April 8, 2020 8:31 am

      Urbanski Tarnowski
      Man, don’t have a cow-ski.
      Tarnowski Urbanski
      Cow, don’t have a man-ski.
      He’s such a psycho,
      Putrid Punde-e-jo.

  150. Tenkarma is a bitch permalink
    April 8, 2020 4:18 am

    Looks like 4 weeks to the day of being admitted to the hospital for pneumonia, I now have a secondary bacterial infection.

    Antibiotics start tomorrow.

    Both the wake and the urn display will be held at the NYPD Internal Affairs Bureau until normal office cleaning schedule resumes.

    • Solomon Grundy permalink
      April 8, 2020 8:20 am

      Surprised fatty hasn’t lost a foot to fat boy diabetes already. Sadly new York tax dollars will keep him alive despite his poor health. Taxpayers can die, tax leeches must live!

  151. Ghost of Tom Joad permalink
    April 8, 2020 6:59 am

    Heh, heh. All of the incels on the ‘Shite are trying to get Pundejo to file a lawsuit against that Fox kid. Those dumbfucks don’t realize that discovery motions work both ways, and all of Tarnowski’s skeletons will be exposed as well. But John knows this, and so there is no way he ever gets legal He’ll just keep posting his faggot videos and begging people to spread them around.

    • Pundejo permalink
      April 8, 2020 7:23 am

      Good! The
      needs to be thoroughly investigated for their actions, including spreading misinformation, & whether they were acting under CCP orders.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      April 8, 2020 8:40 am

      Wow, I have Anime Nazi bingo, all in one post…

      ‘sexual predator’

      I feel let down that he didn’t add ‘cuck’ or ‘soyboy’ to the mix. I swear, these fuckers are straight up Ascians, the way they spout their Newspeak.

  152. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    April 8, 2020 9:04 am

    Pundejo accusing Fox of being a ripoff artist is Pure Comedy Gold Adamantine… inject this right into my veins!

    This shit is almost as good as the recent QAnon ‘mole children’ freakout.

  153. Zak Langouste permalink
    April 8, 2020 7:27 pm

    Hey Bros, have you seen this,

    Got him! Here in all its glory, that snivelling Ettin, grovelling at my feet. I am truly the gatekeeper!

    “I, PAUL MATIJEVIC (the user of Twitter account ‘Ettin64’), published, in February 2019, some tweets about Zak Smith (the author of Vornheim, Red & Pleasant Land, Demon City and other publications and also a Consultant on Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition) claiming that he was a sexual predator and abuser. I acknowledge that my tweets were defamatory of him. I have now removed the tweets and I unreservedly apologise to Zak Smith for having made them.

    I also acknowledge and apologise to Zak Smith for the following:

    I repeatedly made statements about Zak Smith for which I did not undertake any suitable fact-check.
    For purposefully evading requests for proof of my claims and avoiding providing counter-evidence or counter-arguments.

    In addition to this apology, I have also made a payment to Zak Smith as a result of the defamatory statements that I have made about him.”

    I’m going to get them all.

    • Ask is Still a Piece of Shit permalink
      April 9, 2020 4:32 pm

      “A payment” = probably a token like a dollar. A Canadian dollar. So what.

      • Zak Langouste Emperor of the Universe permalink
        April 10, 2020 12:33 am

        Hey Bro, you need to undertake a suitable fact-check things like that or my super lawyerz will totes sue your ass, and win. Paul Ettin is an Australian, so he paid me in dollareedoos, 10 of them to be exact. I spent it on a little something to celebrate. I’ve been up 3 straight days now. Bruh, do you know how cool it is to watch the whites of your eyes turn red?

    April 9, 2020 9:09 am

    I, DANI JANG, (the user of Kickstarter account “Dani Jang, Superbacker”, published some Kickstarter comments about Zak Smith (the author of Demon Shitty and other publications but also known as Mandy’s rapist and abuser and other victims) claiming that he was “known for douchebaggery”. I have left these comments up, and I unreservedly apologize to Zak Smith for letting everyone know he is, in fact, a douchebag and serial abuser and harasser.

    In addition to this apology, I have also made a payment to Mandy Morbid’s legal defense fund on GoFundMe as a result of the true statements that I have made about him.

  155. Parvel permalink
    April 9, 2020 9:15 am

    LOL he’s trying to sell his new D&D stuff on OnlyFans now.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      April 9, 2020 3:01 pm

      Not enough eye bleach in the galaxy to cleanse oneself after viewing a Zakling Onlyfans offering. Besides, that place is for plain janes to offer up *lewds* to so seriously sad and thirsty paypigs who don’t have the sense, or courage, to figure out how to get to real pr0n. Who will pay to see Zakling’s baby carrot anyway? Satine tells me he wore a prosthetic in those films of his with Mandy and the bus station waifs.

  156. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    April 9, 2020 12:17 pm

    Got sick of not being able to find yeast at the local grocery store but was able to find whole wheat flour. I now have a small bowl with a mixture of flour and water in it sitting on my kitchen counter. It is a trap, to catch natural yeast floating around everywhere, and if the trap works and I can keep the yeast happily fed I will have a starter for sourdough bread!

    – Mock

    • Franky Panky permalink
      April 9, 2020 2:57 pm

      You simpering idiot! Whatever spores are floating in your kitchen, most of them are pathogenic, given your level of hygiene. Yes, it is possible to get a sourdough starter in this manner, an interesting one too, depending on where you start it. In your case though, whatever grows in your culture will have flaked off of roaches and rats and you’ll probably end up with some ergot infested slime. I do hope you get to enjoy all the wonderful effects of ergotism. Saint Anthony’s fire will keep you “warm”, eh? I know whereof I speak, being married to a successful bakery owner.

      • Reason permalink
        April 9, 2020 5:58 pm

        I can’t believe there’s a single Dragonsfooter who doesn’t have a fungal rash hidden in one of their sweaty folds somewhere if he just swiped a fleshy finger through one. Lazy kunt.

  157. Xartan Tsssagua permalink
    April 9, 2020 5:00 pm

    Hey Gail is finally looking for writers to monetize Gary’s last notes. She’s holding open auditions on Facebook. Sounds promising!

    • Zak Langouste, Saviour of D&D & Awesome Guy permalink
      April 9, 2020 5:46 pm

      Hey Bro, you got a link? I;m totes making killer content now. forget about my failed patreon, see my onlyfans. I saved D&D, so I might as well offer some content to save Gary’s legacy. How about some rapey robots? Rapey bard robots? I hear Gail has some problems with Hollywood. I still have a few connections to the film industry. Satine didn’t destroy all my contacts. My lawyerz totes have eveyone running scared now that they’ve whooped ass on Paul Ettin so all sorts of peeps are crawling back begging me for forgiveness. I;m back baby!

      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        April 9, 2020 7:06 pm

        Funny thing is Paul’s gofundme stands to make more money than Zpastic’s lawyer got. I think sir Paul Eaton Hawg will thank Zpastic for making him money. Keep winning Zpastic!

  158. Zak Puppet permalink
    April 10, 2020 1:17 am

    Zak is either an utter imbecile or thinks everyone else is if he thinks getting a result in his favour from a broken legal process on the other side of the planet shows “the fact that the accusations have been proved false.” [in responses to deluge of further bad feeling on KS]

    The comments on Ettin’s gofundme seem to indicate the former and can be recommended reading as a pick-me-up in these challenging times

    • Ass Yeast permalink
      April 10, 2020 4:04 pm

      This manchild is either the biggest buffoon on the planet or some genius conman who found a way to make an easy $7k. But I’ll take door number one as only a total idiot would pay one nickel to some broke-ass, punk rock, porno dude living in a shitbox apartment half a world away. He should just end it all and lick every door knob in a China for being such a sissy fat boy.

    • Quincy Mbeki permalink
      April 11, 2020 10:50 am

      Amusing. They are mad that you can’t smear someone in public by saying bad things about them without evidence. Makes total sense since that is their entire strategy when pushing their agenda.

      Zach is an asshole but this is a good thing for all of us.

      • Ass Yeast permalink
        April 13, 2020 3:22 pm

        Zprincesse’s wins mean very little. He’s scoring only on little crybabies like that Ozzy Manchild who gave in so easily.

  159. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    April 10, 2020 5:19 am

    Zpastic’s army of suck poopets is on the move! Pundejo’s RPGShitters cautiously pat him on the back claiming that his pursuit of broke assed RPG people in countries with horribly weak laws that favor trust fund manbabies like Zpastic proved he was innocent like they always knew he was. Hopefully Zpastic sues Rpgpudpit to take over the Shite as part of his settlement as well.
    Biggest mistake Eaton made was not turning to the community for immediate help to fight Zpastic’s trust fund fueled lawsuit initially but I understand getting the shit scared out of you (Zakattack knows about spontaneous shitting) when you’re a normal person and suddenly you get blindsided by a very real and expensive lawyer.
    Fortunately Zpastic’s army is still made up of broom men so he’ll fade away again after this hiccup. Just nice to know a pandemic hasn’t affected Zpastic’s trust fund where so many have lost their jobs the Zakattack hasn’t blinked in his meth fueled pursuit of selective legal wrangling.
    I’m sure his LonelyFans initiative is going to be a smashing success! Hopefully his dad and mom become his OnlyFans so they can make him look successful. I’m sure Zpastic is still bitter his dad dropped from his Patreon.

    • Ass yeast permalink
      April 10, 2020 5:56 pm

      Just looking at that Fatboy, you can tell he’s a total dumbfuck and was too stupid by his own fears over boiler plate letter from Zakholic’s lawyer. Even then he could of defended himself easily as there’s only so much Zherpie and his daddy’s ambulance chaser could do being that they’re half a world away. Hey Fatboy, I got some real good real estate in a Florida swamp is like to sell ya.

  160. Heh permalink
    April 10, 2020 2:29 pm

    His patreon hasn’t increased, so he maybe overestimating his value to those few faithful clinging on. So maybe he’ll make a few bucks off the other thing, but Even God coming down and proclaiming him the Messiah won’t be winning him any new friends. The more he sues the more he is going to be hated. The dumb fuck is his own worst enemy.


    • Timotheus permalink
      April 10, 2020 3:49 pm

      Yeah, if the only support you get on your Major Victory on the Australian Front is from a wanna be porn site and the alt-right dead-enders on the RPGShite, it’s not going to get any better.

    • Reason permalink
      April 10, 2020 3:56 pm

      He’s still carrying on petty monomaniacal argumentz in the Demon Shitty comments where he pesters & threatens backers. You can hear the sigh in Mikes voice as he informs both parties he has applied t have all their comments deleted (this has to go through HQ now?). They might be up a while longer.

  161. Zak Langouste, Awesome Guy permalink
    April 10, 2020 5:05 pm

    Hey Bros, still awake after 4 days. That bat-eater bug can’t catch me if I’m moving, so as long as I can stay awake, I’ll be immune. I’m running out of supplies tho, and I spent all the dollareedoos I got from Ettin. It looks like a bunch of you are not fact-checking, so I’m going to sue you. Send your dox to me at zakzsmith AT hawtmayle dawt calm so my super lawyerz can arrange to have you served.

    Bullying that idiot Ettin into paying me and apologizing was like a major victory, bigger than Waterloo or even D-Day. I;m practically a god at this point. Tremble, Bitches! Bow down before me and gaze upon the awesome guyness that is me.

    Do any of you have Reddit accounts that I can borrow? Ettin’s apology got deleted, and I need to make sure every there knows the facts. My “friend” Speakingmanners would help, but they don’t believe me , I mean her, anymore.

    I won’t sue you if you let me borrow an account, and you make a grovelling public apology that includes the text, “I acknowledge Zak’s divinity. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End He is the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in him will live.” I touched a homeless dude yesterday and healed his coronaviirus. I’m heading the the LA general ICU tomorrow to cure everybody with the bat-eater bug. I saved D&D, now I’ll save humanity.

    • Mightybrain, from the 'Shite! permalink
      April 11, 2020 5:17 am

      Zak, I see Vornheim is still available on DTRPG. If I buy it there does the money still get to you?

  162. Hatfist permalink
    April 13, 2020 5:20 am

    I see that lousy prick has had the trembling Ettin disable comments on his gofundme begging cup. There really isn’t any end to the infinite well of spite that is that horrible little manchild.

    You have to tip your hat to him though, I would have said there was no fucking way he could be more generally loathed as a vicious, cruel and outright nasty human being than he was already after the allegations against him. But fair fucks to him – he pulled it off.

    • Ass Yeast permalink
      April 13, 2020 3:11 pm

      Ettin is a fool for giving in so easily. Even if a trial date was set it would have taken months, if not years to have to go to court and without Zfuck showing up, the case would of been dismissed. Even if the fucker showed up there’s PLENTY of causes to justify calling that cunt a raper. Fuckface may get a win or two, but the bigger battles are already lost.

  163. Parvel permalink
    April 13, 2020 1:00 pm

    Even if he was innocent of the original abuse allegations (And I’m not saying he is), his subsequent behavior is still enough to solidly qualify him as one of the top five assholes in the history of our hobby. Not an easy feat.

  164. Zak Langouste permalink
    April 13, 2020 5:48 pm

    7 days straight. I’ve learned to let my left hemisphere sleep while my right hemisphere remains awake. It’s a super-power I’ve developed. I must remain vigilant. Too many peeps are posting lies about me. I have to fact check them all. I’ve been afraid to go out, so I haven’t been laying hands on the sick and the injured. But I;ll get around to it, just as soon as I fact-check the entire internet.

    Hey Bros, I;m still waiting for your dox so my super-lawyerz can get the paperwork going. Ya;ll have repeatedly defamed me, libeled me, called me really mean names and hurt my fee-fees a lot.

    Ettin was totes the weak link, which I why sued his sorry simpering Oz-ass first. Now, with that impressive legal victory, It’ll be off to Canada and fix Mandy. If people thought this was a humiliation for Ettin, well, wat ’til they see what I have in store for Mandy. Then Bros, it’ll be your turns. Unless you can get me Skerple’s dox, and Cavegirl’s. Then I;ll let ya;ll off the hook. I totes want to nail their sorry skins to my wall. Maybe do something artistic with them. Or Ya;ll can join my OnlyFans. Ya;ll will get great adventures and totes not light table traced art. At least until the OnlyFans peeps realize that I am not some plain jane cosplayer proffering *lewds* to sad and thirsty boys. Then they’ll probably kick me off unless I show some skin, so, maybe in 3 or four months ya;ll get the full monty. The Original Chad Thundercock in all his tumescent glory, all in crazy high resolutions. I am such a Big Swinging Dick.

  165. Heh permalink
    April 14, 2020 12:41 am

    It does seem like that Ettin guy gave in pretty easily. How do you sue somebody on the other side of the world anyway? Seriously how does that work to any effect? If you ignore it do Australia authorities throw you in jail?Whatever even in the same city it’s true it could take months and years before anything even went anywhere with that. Something seems kind of fishy with all that.


  166. FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
    April 14, 2020 9:34 am

    Ettin may have taken down all those Fuck Zak-Zak is Human Garbage comments but his GoFundMe has raised $7,500 in just two days. It will take Mandy’s rapist and abuser Zak Smith aka Zak Sabbath aka Mandy’s rapist and abuser YEARS to earn that much on his Patreon!
    Zak is stuck now with low traffic sites like OnlyFans. He might as well dust off his MySpace page and AOL dial-up account too.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      April 15, 2020 12:53 am

      He might as well dust off his MySpace page and AOL dial-up account too.

      Kinda like an evil Blooey… I miss Blooey.

  167. Heh. permalink
    April 14, 2020 11:23 am

    Mandy’s thing is almost twenty grand.

  168. Franky Panky permalink
    April 14, 2020 7:42 pm

    Ettin gave in easily, to be certain. I do not see why his attorneys would not seek a continuance at the very least, until after Mandy’s case is decided. If Mandy wins, Zaklet’s claim of defamation goes right out the window. One cannot be defamed by an established truth, and a ruling in Mandy’s favor essentially establishes the truth of her accusations.

    Ettin gave in because he wants to play the “I’m a victim” card, one of the wet dreams of the woke crowd. As a (presumptive) cishet white male, howsoever soyed he may be, he really could not ever be a victim. But now, He’s been bullied by Zak whose lawyers “abused” the Aussie legal system, such as it is, to make Ettin eat a bug. Or kiss the dirt. Or say uncle. It’s funny because it could not have happened to a bigger steaming pile unless it happened to Zaklet himself.

    What do you bet that Zaklet is engaging in a bit of auto-erotic behavior while he reads the comments on his thread on the Shite — a mouse in one hand and his baby carrot in the other? How does a nasty bit of gloating like that get over 6500 views?

    • Strong Black Man permalink
      April 18, 2020 8:43 am

      Dude is not heterosexual. No straight man believes the shit those dudes preach. They’re all a bunch of closeted gays which is why they’re so angry all the time. Because they can’t express their true sexuality and go full-on bottom they have tons of stress which they relieve by blaming everyone normal and well adjusted and calling them racist islamophobe transphobe sexist whatever flavor it is this morning.

      Biggest losers on earth. Anyone with something going on doesn’t have time for that shot.

      • Angry Black Gamer permalink
        April 20, 2020 1:36 pm

        Negro please!
        And by Negro I mean Irish. (Hi Kent!)

  169. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    April 16, 2020 1:22 pm

    Ewoks – They’re fine.

    Our hearts go out to the poor, decimated, cutie-things, and we hate the Empire, Palpatine, Stormtroopers, and all the rest all that must more!

    And, it is really satisfying to see Luke & Co. kill Palpatine and end the Galactic Civil War at the end.

    For the Fuzzy-Wuzzies!

    – Waterbob

    • Franky Panky permalink
      April 16, 2020 4:51 pm

      You filthy suppurating bubo! No1curr. Is this what you do with the new computational device you finally figured out how to set up, Waterboooooob? Post deviant thoughts? Spare us your creepy furry fetishes, your xenozoophilia and the rest of your disgusting perversions.

      If I were still Prince of your Village, I’d have your pin-head lopped off.

  170. April 19, 2020 1:03 pm

    Hey, ya’ll thought I was done in the gaming community but you were super wrong. You gamers didn’t expect me to start my own store. Well, its just stuff I post on my blog that you can buy for a sawbuck on a porn pay site, but I can call it a store. Sure, I’ll never get to storm an awards stage again and feel like a dork rock star, but if those rpg site guys ever have a gathering I’ll bask in adulation once more.

    Plus I get to keep my porn cred by tagging along with Stokes to the AVN awards. Nobody knows me there, and I get goofed on or outright ignored, but at least I’ll be there. As you can see I’m still thriving despite ragnorok happening. Take a look at my Cube World stuff. When you are done laughing at the “art” go ahead and pony up!

    And don’t fuck with me or ya’ll be owing me an apology – and cash!

    • Franky Panky permalink
      April 19, 2020 6:33 pm

      Zak, is it true that you are living as a parasite upon Charlotte Stokely? You’re a grownman. You should earn your own money and not rely on a sweetback with a very short shelf life. Shame on you.

  171. The Attack Is Back permalink
    April 20, 2020 5:23 pm

    Are you thick?

    What part of “EVERYONE” don’t you understand.




    Who claimed these accusations were true.

    Not just OSR people, not just Something Awful people, not just idiots in these Kickstarter comments, not just people who wrote blog entries, not just StoryGamers, not just RPGnet people, not just tangentially-related indie-video-game people.

    Every. Single. Person.

    Who claimed I was an abuser or supported those claims in any way will face accountability.

    • Hehaw permalink
      April 20, 2020 9:43 pm

      Well before you sue the entire world Fuckface, you better ask Daddy how his bank account is doing these day; as chances are it may be worse than yours.

      Do some good in the world and go kill yourself Zak.

      • April 21, 2020 9:23 am

        Hello, Hehaw. Thanks for the “PMs.” Hollywood is shut down and my accounts have seen better days, which is why I am happy to see my son has decided to start selling one-page “dungeons” on the lewd diary site. I never thought he would need to support himself but that’s the way the matzoh crunches.

    • Zak Langouste permalink
      April 21, 2020 2:53 am

      It is the only reason I’m still alive: to make sure that happens.

  172. Heh permalink
    April 21, 2020 12:26 am

    Lotfp is going down. Raggis bloated corpse soon to be found hanging from a creaking rafter.


    • POO POO RAGOO permalink
      April 21, 2020 11:11 am

      The reason these freelancers haven’t been paid yet is because there is no money for freelancers because there is no money.

      There is no money, and I shit my pants.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        April 21, 2020 1:51 pm

        James, how are you set for toilet paper? I have a few Nigerian contacts, princes like Me, who can get several gross of TP rolls if you want. Personally, I do not need the TP. My good friend from France,François Marcela-Froideval, taught Me the joys of the bidet back in the early ’80’s. There is no feeling so nice as a freshly washed butt-crack. Sadly, most gamers never wipe, let alone wash.

        James could you confirm or deny a rumor for Me? Were you and Zak planning some sort of LotFAP pr0n for Zak’s Onlyfans? I’m not sure there are any boys thirsty enough to pay to see Zak sodomize you. I do suspect a fair number of people would like to see Zak take a BBC in the ass, not for any prurient interest, but to simply see the expression on Zak’s face as the enormous,poorly lubed member penetrates his dirty rosebud.

  173. Kiss the Master's Feeet permalink
    April 21, 2020 9:20 pm

    I’ve used much of my quarantine time working on my forthcoming book about the world’s foremost RPG theorist, master of magick, and tobacco enthusiast,The RPGPundit/Kasimir Urbanski/Swami Anand Nisarg/John Tarnowski.

    After much searching and reading through archives, I believe I have found Mr. Pundit’s first publication, though it is, sadly, not related at all to RPGs. On the plus side, you do get a nice picture of him during his Lemonheads phase:

    • April 22, 2020 12:53 am

      I hate having my picture and name on the internet. I demand that you remove that link or I will put such a curse on you.

      Currently smoking Virginia Broadleaf and Mexican Oregano

      • Kiss The Master's Feet permalink
        April 23, 2020 12:02 am

        Great Ghost Guru Johnny,

        Please don’t curse me with your mystical powers. Is this because I said your hair made you look like Evan Dando?

      • theghostofpunditrypast permalink
        April 23, 2020 12:57 am

        No, it is because I can. I am a wizard. I didn’t even know who Evan Dando was, because I, a good leftitst, only listened to socially approved Canadian musicians, Bruce Cockburn, Sara McLachlan, Chief Gordon Lightfoot and Anne Murray.

    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      April 22, 2020 5:22 am

      I wonder what ever happened to that John Tarnowski aka Swamiji Nisarg aka RPGPundit aka Kasimir Urbanski? So Leftist, so Liberal! It seems like only yesterday when he went by Nisarg and copped a permanent ban from ENWorld for violating their NO POLITICS/NO RELIGION rule in 2000 after the Supreme Court appointed George W. Bush to the presidency by blocking the vote recount in Florida. Young Nisarg was running through ENWorld’s digital streets shouting “RISE UP! RISE UP! REVOLT YOU AMERICAN FOOLS! They have denied you your duly elected president Al Gore!” Did this permaban sour him forever on the Left? Is this what precipitated his move to the Dark Side and Tea Party/Alt-Right/GamerGate Libertarian camp? And why did he leave Canada? Was the free health care now anathema to him? Or was he just skipping out on a child molestation charge? Dig a little deeper, Kiss the Master’s Feeet, and you will be rewarded….

    • A young SJW speaks out against tuition hikes permalink
      April 22, 2020 6:20 am

      “It takes radical action to oppose radical oppression. The government is trying to get rid of the national debt by putting the nation’s individuals in debt. It makes no sense,” said John Tarnowski, who spoke during the open mike session.

      The Gateway, Thursday, October 20, 1994

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      April 22, 2020 6:32 pm

      That is HILARIOUS! He was as insufferable as a Trotskyite leftist as he is as a far-right Damigo stan. Like FotU, it would be interesting to discover how he made this transition, but ‘Horseshoe Theory’ is a thing. I imagine it involves some fat lefty chick who rejected him, even though he thought he was entitled to NKVD nookie. It’s no wonder he doesn’t want his name out there, he might lose potential writing gigs if editors of right-wing publications knew he was a tankie.

      Also, what the hell is going on with that noggin of his? The combination of a fivehead and that long hair is really perturbing. If the publishers of Quilette knew he had such a weird, bloated head, they’d be coming at him with calipers 24/7. He’s a fake swami, he should cover that thing with a turban.

    • Kiss the Master's Feet permalink
      April 23, 2020 12:12 am

      While I can offer nothing to explain the changes in our Mr. Tarnowski’s political leanings, I have learned what made him leave the halls of higher education. As per the back page of his book “The Three Paths of Ecstasy”, published under the humble moniker of Swami Anand Nisarg:

      “Swami Anand Nisarg is an academic who has studied both western and easter mysticism. While in graduate school he read a single essay by the great twentieth century mystic, Osho. What appeared to be a simple act had profound conseqeuences. He dropped his academic career and former live, traveled to Vancouver to received initiation and began an intensive period of individual practice and study lasting several years. This eventually led to a deep spiritual transformation that inspired him to write The Three Paths of Ectasty and begin his own Mystery School.”

      See for yourself here, along with yet another picture of our pipe smoking master here:

      Unless I’m mistaken due to my lack of keeping track of the great mystics of the 20th century, I’m fairly sure that Osho is better known to us as Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh, the Rolls-Royce Guru of Wasco County, Oregon, and subject of recent documentary Wild Wild Country.

      • theghostofpunditrypast permalink
        April 23, 2020 1:11 am

        Osho was a truly enlightened being. If you have ever ridden in a Rolls Royce, you would understand. Now watch this carefully, I am casting the spell which will curse you with dropsy. I may have mispronounced a word or two. You will be covered in boils if I did. My bad.

      • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN SWAMI permalink
        April 23, 2020 11:33 am

        Well done, Kiss the Master’s Feet! Well done!
        But this is still only the beginning. Keep digging. Peel back another layer of this onion and you will be rewarded once more.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        April 23, 2020 5:40 pm

        Damn, I mispronounced the magickal words, I pronounced ‘Urbanski’ as ‘Tarnowski’. Now I’m cursed with priapism!!!

      • Zak Langouste permalink
        April 23, 2020 8:30 pm

        Hey Bro, Priapism is not a curse, it’s an opportunity to break into _The_Industry_ Porn producers are always looking for *reliable* performers, and if you get it up regularly, and keep it up for long periods of time, you can make tens of dollars in a day, plus all the pussy, of varying quality, you could possibly want. Or ass, if you want to go gay. The pay is better, but you have to suck dick. PM me with you details and I’ll see if I can arrange something with my contacts. I’ll get a nice finder’s fee if they hire you. We may even get to be partners in a DP scene with Stokes or Stoya. Stokes has some sweet pipes. Dumber than a bag of aquarium gravel, but sweet pipes. Just don’t touch my scrote. I get a little mental when dudes touch my scrote.

      • Frog Gode permalink
        April 27, 2020 3:43 am

        This opens a realm of new explanations for Pundit’s relocation. Did he participate in the assassination attempts? Was he one of those Uzi-wielding hippies up in Oregon? I guess it was not just tax evasion shit, because the cult’s lawyer never fled and he is doing just fine. There must have been violence at some point. Maybe the shallow grave of some bussed-in, Swami-cock-sucking homeless dude will spill its secrets some day…

  174. Ed Greenwood permalink
    April 22, 2020 1:05 am

    Frankie old friend, Could you throw a few rolls of toilet paper my way? I go through two or three rolls in one wiping session just to get it halfway clean. Am almost out. I try hosing it off in the shower instead of using so much paper but my stools are so hard it clogs up the drain.

    • bloodymage permalink
      April 22, 2020 5:28 am

      Just took a shower ’cause my bowels are acting up. I’m clean for the moment. Won’t last long with my body. Eat, pee, crap, rinse, clean, repeat.

    • POO POO RAGOO permalink
      April 22, 2020 11:03 am

      Normally when you feel that telltale pressure on your sphincter, maybe a fart or two sneaks out as well, that means it’s time to go number two. I no longer have that sensation. Ever since Zak left me and broke my heart, my early warning signal has been shot. Zak broke my heart and he broke my sphincter. And then it happened. It happened without any warning.

      I shit my pants.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      April 22, 2020 5:34 pm

      WIpe your ass in the snow, you damned Canadian. Toilet paper is for people from civilized areas.

  175. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    April 22, 2020 6:10 am

    Hmmm, how can Zpastic spin the Augmentations of the Flaming Prince situation? On the one hand he wants to crow that his ousting from the hobby caused Raggy the Last to fail because he couldn’t make books to prop up Shitpants lousy business but the Zakattack also crowed nonstop that sales were even BETTER and more consistently stronger because of the outpouring of support.
    So sales were strong and good because everyone loves Zpastic but his ousting also caused Greasy Jim to fail. I guess he’ll have it both ways and hope no one kept the receipt?

  176. Heh permalink
    April 27, 2020 12:25 am

    If I’m seeing it right Jeff Rients hasn’t done a post in months.


    • Amy Rients permalink
      April 27, 2020 2:33 am


      You must be one of those Socialist Liberal Trump-supporting GamerGate SJWs! I have a Facebook account I know about these things!!!!

      • Jeff Rients (STATUS: CANCELLED) permalink
        April 27, 2020 2:35 am

        I love her dearly but my wife’s dump stat is INT.

  177. April 27, 2020 3:23 am

    I don’t read much fiction these days. Prior to chemo, I would read a book a week. These days, its a book a year more or less. That being said, the fiction I do read is usually either Warhammer or Warhammer 40k.

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      April 28, 2020 3:16 am

      My good frenemy Frank Mentzer told me Tenkar’s lips move when he reads.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        April 28, 2020 7:11 pm

        Oh come now, dead man, I said no such thing. Everyone knows that the Good Constable is functionally illterate. When he says “reads” he means listens to an audiobook. Why do you think he prefers old school? No reading required, just make shit up.

  178. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    April 30, 2020 1:27 pm

    D&D with my 7 year old daughter

    She plays a lvl 1 fighter, a girl named Rose, who wears scale mail and wields a spear, a scimitar, and a flintlock pistol. She belongs to the militia of her midsized fishing village, Horogne. She deals with smugglers and pirates, and after a fierce battle with some on a dinghy in her small village’s bay, found a sky blue colored wolf among their goods. Now she finds herself the target of the local goblin tribe, who are trying to recover the wolf so that a witch who leads a cult can sacrifice this wolf, the reincarnated Spirit of Storms, in a ritual that will resurrect a clan of seawolves and an ancient monster, whom she hopes to command, giving her reign of the chain of islands she lives on

    I’ve mapped out encounters culminating in a raid on her village by the goblins and an assault on the goblin stronghold, a ruined castle in the wilderness north of her village. The next phase of this campaign will be, after defeating and decimating the Bentmaw goblin tribe with the help of a goblin outcast, an expedition to a small island to the north. The island will have one village, a few productive farms, but be dominated by an ancient graveyard necropolis ruled by a vampire queen in the mountains. I’m going for some Ravenloft, Universal monsters feel here.

    I need some ideas for encounters because I’m running on empty. Stuff that will entertain and excite a child, provide a small amount of intrigue, but not be as hardcore horror as I would do if a bunch of adults were sitting with me.

    As an aside, she’s having a blast. She’s helped me come up with names for the setting. She designed her character mostly on her own. We’ve done a collaborative artwork thing on a DM screen which features a “water dragon” rising from the ocean and attacking her character. She designed a coat of arms for her character’s militia unit, we’ve created NPC’s, and she enjoys what we’re up to. I’d share pictures but I really don’t want to start a new photobucket account.

    Please, share some input. I’m running on empty for ideas. She arrives in the village. By this point, she knows somewhere there’s a vampire named Caroline who is trying to capture her wolf and kill her. She’s had a few encounters with a Sahuagin named Rip Tide who threatened her and then fled.

    Now what? What’s a good, quasi gothic campaign arc? What are some encounters with the undead?

    I need ideas, guys, so I can get as much of this fleshed out ahead of time.

    – Broccolirage

    • Franky Panky permalink
      April 30, 2020 2:07 pm

      You scabrous, flaking lesion! It is your wife’s 7 daughter. We all know that. The child carries not one strand of your DNA. We all know that too.

      Of course you’re out of ideas. Your imagination is about as fecund as your withered, soyed testiclets.

    • Toledo Jones IV permalink
      May 1, 2020 10:22 am

      Why bother playing when you’ve already told us the outcome? You suck

      • Reason permalink
        May 1, 2020 3:40 pm

        C’mon man, give him a break. He’s got a 7 year old to game for, who would find even the most basic & obvious of stock encounters wondrous, new & joyous… and he’s fresh out of ideas…

        Or it secretly some kind of humblebrag post that he even has someone to game with?

      • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
        May 1, 2020 4:55 pm

        It’s the ultimate “I had sex at least once” post to rub it in the other Dragonsfart faces!

    • Captain Kirks Dick Blood permalink
      May 1, 2020 2:04 pm

      Hey Broccolirage, Satine Pheonix would make a great, female empowering role-model for l’il Broccoligirl. Tell her to google the lady to try and find some of her valuable D&D advice, as well as possibly finding some videos with great tips on how to please big black Rhino dorks when she comes of age (or sooner!).

    • POO POO RAGOO permalink
      May 1, 2020 2:51 pm

      Hi Broccolirage,

      Good news! When gaming with young children, you really can’t go wrong if you include LotFP products at your family game table!

      I recommend purchasing the following LotFP products to entertain your 7 year old daughter:

      ELDRITCH COCK will fill your daughter with wonder and delight from the moment you whip it out!

      SHE BLEEDS is not only entertaining and feminist-empowering but educational as well – get a head start on health class with the wonder of menstrual magic!

      What small child hasn’t dreamed of shitting itself and then having their shit rise up and attack them? I know I sure did when I was her age! FUCK FOR SATAN is heartwarming family fun!

      I still do. Every time I shit my pants.

      • Ass Eater of Austin permalink
        May 1, 2020 9:48 pm

        Jimmy, why don’t you bring that massive, well-marbled ass to Texas?

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        May 2, 2020 12:28 am

        Meatloaf Night has gone horribly awry.

      • Zak Lagouste permalink
        May 2, 2020 2:24 am

        James, Bro, you didn’t mention “Vaginas are Magical”. What 7 yr old girl wouldn’t love hear that? You need to recommend “Vornheim, the Complete City Kit” It’s just the sort of thing Broccolirage could use. No wonder LotFP is going under. You won’t weaponize your players and you’re not even trying to upsell to this Broccolirage person. It’s obvious he’s an idiot, so it should be an easy sale.

        Broccolirage, Bro, You want _Content_? Come on over to my OnlyFans. I got content for you and your daughter.

      • POO POO RAGOO permalink
        May 2, 2020 4:58 am

        Thank you for suggesting VAGINAS ARE MAGIC. It would be the perfect gift for a seven year old girl who likes roleplaying.

        Zak, you know I can’t recommend or continue to promote any of your products including [REDACTED] City Kit because you have been permanently cancelled from RPGs. You are permanently cancelled and there will be no coming back. Ever.

        Nobody has ever heard of OnlyFags except people who like to pay for amateur porn.

        Sorry bro, you know it’s killing me, but I am required shun you. It’s killing me so much. So much that, well, you know

        I shit my pants.

      • Geoffrey McKinney permalink
        May 2, 2020 3:05 pm

        Seven years old? That’s 18+ in Carcosa years!
        Is she single?

      • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
        May 2, 2020 4:39 pm

        I am tapping the X Card! I am tapping the shit out of it!

      • Zak Langouste permalink
        May 2, 2020 5:06 pm

        James, Bro, You have failed me. Have you learned nothing. Use a sock to shill Vornheim, and the rest of my works. Go onto the forums, go onto Reddit and shill the hell out of my stuff.

        Here, check out the next response for a how to.

      • PooperPooperPooper permalink
        May 2, 2020 5:11 pm

        Broccolirage, have you seen “Vornheim, the Complete City Kit”? It’s for Lamentations of the Flame Princess, but can be easily adapted to any OSR game. It is exactly what you need. You are playing with a 7 year old girl? Try “A Red and Pleasant Land” it has a nice Alice In Wonderland vibe to it. I’ve played it with my pre-teen niece and some of her friends. They loved it.

        May 4, 2020 5:37 am

        Broccolirage, have you seen “Vornheim, the Complete City Kit”? It’s for Lamentations of the Flame Princess, but can be easily adapted to any OSR game. It is exactly what you need.

        Is that how I should do it, Zak? It was so much easier when you just asked us to give you all our social media passwords.

  179. Timotheous permalink
    May 8, 2020 7:35 am

    I would never run games for little girls. Little boys is the sweet spot.

    • Timotheus permalink
      May 8, 2020 8:57 am

      Ha, ha, kid! I’ve been in your head for years, now. Don’t you think you should talk to someone about this?

      On the other hand, it has to be therapeutic for you to state your desires so openly, even if it is from behind some anonymity. Maybe your shrink put you up to this?

      Anyway, have an exalt!

    • Franky Panky permalink
      May 8, 2020 9:26 am

      It is “Little boys are”, you illiterate dolt. That kind of thinking, about little boys, went out with the ’80s. These days it’s all about grabbing some pussy. For Me, it’s always been about grabbing some pussy. This social distancing is killing Me. Keep your hands to yourself Franky; Stay six feet away from the ladies, Franky. No Conventions, Franky. I may have to resort to the Sin of Onan before I explode. Any advice about how to do that, Gentle Sirs, or should I set up a sock puppet at Dragonsfoot and ask the experts?

      • Zak Langouste permalink
        May 8, 2020 9:25 pm

        Hey Bro, I;m a famous sex worker, which makes me an expert on such things. Email me at zakzsmith AT hawtmayle dawt calm if you want to know more. Be sure to include your Reddit username and password. That way I can verify it;s you. You can also join my onlyfans. I;ll be producing all sorts of content that might be relevant to your interests.

        If you want to get some OSR content, buy Vornheim, The Complete City Kit, or Maze of the Blue Medusa. Be sure to tell everyone that you bought it because Zak Smith, savior of D&D, was its creator.

  180. The Attack permalink
    May 10, 2020 6:25 pm

    I noticed lots of threads lately about big deal RPG people who y’all think suck who, by wild coincidence, also are extremely guilty of defamation against me. I figured I’d mention that, though we disagree about many things, every RPG dollar I make goes toward legal action against people who are widely despised on this forum.

    So buy something.

    • Zakattack on teh Loose permalink
      May 11, 2020 12:08 pm

      I noticed lots of threads lately about big deal people who y’all know shit their pants at a Christian chicken place who, by wild coincidence, also are extremely guilty of abuse. I figured I’d mention that, though we disagree about many things, every dollar my dad gives me goes toward legal action against people who are widely despised by me for calling me out on my behavior.

      So buy something off eBay where I don’t see any of that money. As a big wheel in the art world I don’t need you pittance from RPG sells.

      • Zak Langouste permalink
        May 11, 2020 2:23 pm

        Hey bro, Impersonating me is just the sort of defamation bad faith acterz do. it;s totes harassment. When my super-lawyerz make YDIS hand over the IP address logs, I;m going to sue you so hard. It’ll be like that time Mandy and me picked up a cute ginger girl with really nice tits at the downtown Trailways station. She was from Kansas or some nowhere place like that. The things I did to her while Mandy filmed it. Mandy was laughing so hard at how she squirmed. She was crying a little bit too. I loved it when the waifs cried as I fucked them. We bought her a burger and some fries afterwards, even though I hate fries, and a bus ticket back home. I miss that Mandy. Independent Mandy, the one who is no longer under my influence, I hate her. I;m going to destroy her. How dare she escape me. So yeah, buy my stuff so I have the money to do it. Dad’s investments are not doing so well ATM. Join my onlyfans. I may just post that video of the ginger from kansas. She really did have great tits. I still think of them when I wack it in the shower.

      • Robert Smith permalink
        May 11, 2020 6:38 pm

        😆 😆

        What would it take to make that dude see himself as others see him?

  181. Timotheus permalink
    May 11, 2020 1:21 pm

    This may come as a surprise to you all, but I’m actually kind of an asshole. I know, right? It’s not in my nature to say sorry for being a fat, angry drunk who plays old dead games with little boys.. But my AA sponsor and my anger management coach say I have to, so I apologize. I apologize for being a loser who is jealous of people who actually have a true presence online and are part of the gaming zeitgeist. Unlike me who just comes here, and not even with any decent lolz (does “have an exalt!” count as funny?) like the others. I apologize for fronting and saying earlier in the thread that I hardly come here anymore when my response to my alter ego took barely over an hour, proving I pretty much have lived here for a decade. The only other thing I have left is my Fantasy Trip games. Speaking of which I just ended a session, and I have some chairs to sniff while they are still warm. Have an exalt!

    • Timotheus permalink
      May 13, 2020 2:13 pm

      I didn’t even read this. Doesn’t that burn you up? The dude you have stalked for five years doesn’t even give enough of a a shit about your unrequited love to read your blatherings. Better luck in real life. I’m sure your mom is proud of you.

      • Stokes permalink
        May 14, 2020 1:16 pm

        There’s very little more sweet than when sick and creepy trolls give each other the troll treatment. LOL. What would either of your mothers think? Do you even have mothers? That’s a very valid question.

      • The Attack permalink
        May 15, 2020 12:09 pm

        Good one, Stokes! You know our mothers are so proud of us.

        You’ve got cum on your lip, by the way.

  182. May 12, 2020 1:23 pm

    So here I am, involved in court cases on multiple continents with many tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of lawyers raking over everything I do every day and the idiot thinks I’m going to just spend saturday night making a new account and pretending to be a different guy in his DMs?

    And he was fool enough to post it, therefore providing a very handy “Exhibit A” if I ever need to prove Mandy inspired an army of losers to harass me.

    And as if that wasn’t stupid enough, then Alexis– the Tao of D&D blogger–gets involved.

    This keystone cops shit where a guy tries to harass me, gets harassed by someone else who was also trying to harass me because they want to say its me, who then is outed while openly saying they’re harassing me, then some kind-of-respected colleague gets on and announces the entire legal and porn profession has been fooled and a witness in this case doesn’t exist?

    This isn’t even weird. This isn’t a product of what happened last year. This has been going on for ten fucking years. The people fecklessly making up shit about this were fecklessly making up shit about Vampire: The Masquerade the year before and Paolo Greco the year before that and 4e the year before that and on and on forever.

    Fully-employed dipshits with total confidence in things that get disproved in less than a minute or just so dedicated to trolling they will pretend they are without a second thought. And the person who want their colleagues to stop doing this is the bad guy?

    Maybe all of this is just normal to you, but after a year of legal action I can tell you: nobody outside of the tiny bubble of the online RPGs does anything but look at this shit and go “What the fuck is wrong with these people?”


    May 12, 2020 2:30 pm

    Herro Suckdungeoneers! You need rawyer? Well I can’t help you now.

    I stuck up in Canada where Zak is getting buttfucked daily by my amazing rawyering skilz! They pretty dope! Ettin had his chance but chose to defend self. You know what they say about defendant who is his own lawyer: have fool for client! Sadder still because Ettin actually a lawyer in that third world shithole he is from.

    Had to self isolate with Mandy Morbid so stuck in Canukland ever since this Chinese virus hit. Too much pro bonering Mandy – I need a new whore! She too bendy now with that disease she have. Tie her legs back like pretzel.

    “I may have to resort to the Sin of Onan before I explode. Any advice about how to do that, Gentle Sirs, or should I set up a sock puppet at Dragonsfoot and ask the experts?”\

    Look like Franky Panky is a now Franky SPANKY!

    Well, good luck you stupid Americans. Remember no wear mask in public you have rights! They trying to take your freedom by trying to save your lives! Don’t stand for it! ‘MURICA!

    Goodbye suckers, and don’t forget: Next time you no call whores YOU CALL RAWYER!

    • Franky Panky permalink
      May 12, 2020 5:09 pm

      Good one Dani, making sport of a Distinguished Prince of the OSR. I had a chuckle from it. However, your advice, no call whore call rawyer. Are you certain that a lawyer can satisfy my particular set of needs? I don’t like being a bottom, ever. It’s not becoming, and I have a really tight sphincter. Maybe I should call a Whore instead. Dani, how say you? You say Madny is quite bendy. I like that, but is it a neat she’s really flexible sort of bendy, or is it a creepy she might as well be a Gumby doll sort of bendy?

        May 13, 2020 8:36 am

        Herro Franky Spanky! You need rawyer? Well you better retain me before Jessica Price does! We choppy suey her for libel ready right away!

        Jessica Price no like you touching her big hairy pussy. She big feminist. In my country feminist is code for bull dyke lesbian with big old hairy bush. Jessica no have a bikini waxing from what I hear. Don’t lose a finger!

        Yeah Mandy bendy but not in the good way. More like Japanese horror film bendy. No so lucky! Don’t watch that video or go in the well!

        Anyhow you call me Franky Spanky. You living legend even if of shitty old school games that make no fucking sense that nobody wants to play anymore unless they OSR-tards. OSR not so sexy standing next to 5e and storygamings. But you like a Morey Amsterdam of gaming, Franky Spanky!

        And Franky, you no have to call whore ever! Here in Canukland I get you free persubscription for miracle drug called Roofies.

        I’ve missed all of you stupid Americans very much and remember: Next time you no call whores YOU CALL RAWYER!

      • Franky Panky permalink
        May 13, 2020 6:35 pm

        Maybe you could send me some video of how bendy she is. For, uhm, research purposes only. Ed Greenwood was asking about it on our last Zoom session. We OSR Royalty have been playing quite a bit of BECMI D&D, the best-selling version of D&D, ever. You could join in our game, Dani, seeing as how your copy of Demon City is still not shipped so you cannot possibly play that. Almost a year late now. Now it will be coming in the next few months. Haha. Zak et al are going to pull a Gareth Michael Skarka, no?

        No worries about the prescription drugs, Dani. I found many Ziploc baggies full of interesting pills in the dumpster behind Bill Cosby’s house some years ago, right before he was accused of unthinkable things. Bill must have had many, many anxiety and sleep disorder problems.

  184. Basic Witch permalink
    May 12, 2020 3:43 pm

    Goddammit I have missed Dani Jang.

  185. Tenkarma Is A Bitch permalink
    May 16, 2020 2:46 am

    Yes, I am sitting in a hospital, 8 days in and probably another week to go before, God willing, I can return home. And yes, there is no guarantee that next week’s procedure will be successful. If next week is my sunset, I will not go quietly into the night. Cons, thieves, slackers, harassers, bigots and more deserve to be exposed for what they are, whether I am home or in hospital.

    Should I make it home, I expect to hold the torch high as ever before. Should I fail, I pray someone picks up the torch and forges their own path.

      May 16, 2020 6:47 am

      Herro Tenkar Turdshack! You need rawyer? You probably should call me ready right away to make out will. You big fat lazy American cop. Too many donuts and sitting on your big fat cop ass finally catch up to you. Oh so sorry but you gonna die bro. That’s NOT dope!!!

      Anyhow, you pay me by signing over Turdshack and affiliate links to payable me Dani Jang. I can write my own posts devoid of any meaningful content to showcase them on Turdshack website so I take up that torch for you. You no worry about that!

      Anyhow, good ruck! You gonna need it!

      Remember folks: next time you no call whores, you put the box of donuts down first and YOU CALL RAWYER!

    • Franky Panky permalink
      May 16, 2020 12:00 pm

      Since the Good Constable worked hard at spreading False Rumors about Me, and actively helped drive Me out of the Game Industry, I cannot share any good wishes in this matter. It will be a pleasure to out-live him. It will more of a pleasure to do doughnuts on his grave with my Scootypuff. It will be the Greatest Pleasure of all to *comfort* his wife on his grave. 😉 😉 Ah, the life of a Consummate Lady’s Man.

      FYI Constable, in Hell, you’ll be tormented and tortured by the souls of all the young black men the NYPD has wrongly killed over the years. Payback is indeed Hell.

  186. Who Gives a Phuck About Tenkar permalink
    May 16, 2020 4:35 pm

    Who would have thought being a phat phuck gobbling taxpayer dollars and donuts from the public trough could cause health issues for this prick.

    I’m worried he’ll stop shilling for shitty products in exchange for phree copies of same.

    May 18, 2020 6:15 am

    Herro Suckdungeoneers! You need rawyer? I off to great start in Canuk Court today!

    First, I throw Zak off game by casually bringing up that he is known for douchebaggery. This get him all flustered with spittle coming out of mouth and steam from ears just like cartoons of old. He really blow top literally and figuratively! As argument proceed, I say to judge Zak Sabbath aka Zak Smith aka Mandy’s Rapist and Abuser is like a Scott Baio of OSR RPG scene. Zak completely lose it in front of judge, jury and executioner and say DANI JANG I AM NOT KNOWN AS SCOTT BAIO OF OSR! IF ANYTHING SCOTT BAIO IS KNOWN AS ZAK SMITH OF HOLLYWOOD!!!! too late before he catch himself. With composure gone, I go in for the kill!

    We on recess now and I get nice breakfast sandwiches from Tim Horton for me and Mandy. I order with bacon but when it come it have a ham on it. I say, this no bacon this ham! They say that Canadian bacon. I tell stupid Canuks this no bacon this fucking ham why you pulling fast one on Dani Jang don’t you know I powerful rawyer and DEMON SHITTY Superbacker??????!!!!!!! Stupid Americans don’t even fuck this up at superior Dunkin Donut locations nationwide! (Sorry Tenkar, don’t even think about delicious donut while you dying in hospital!)

    Anyhow, I get back to work crushing Zak in Canuk court. You remember: next time, you no call whores YOU CALL RAWYER!

    PS: HEY RAGGI! You still do a poopy pants? Call me we chop chop suey Zak for causing you this undue doo doo duress!

  188. The Attack permalink
    May 21, 2020 7:42 am



    You’re not allowed to lie in the comments. If you cared: you’d be taking steps to fix the situation. You’re not so you must be lying.

  189. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    May 21, 2020 7:23 pm

    Oh, dear, Mensers is wilding…

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      May 22, 2020 6:43 am

      I like how this Duane Cole guy has Jesus in his avatar then writes a post in defense of the Bledsaw Neo-Nazis.

      At least Franky Stanky is a small step up from Zak S – Franky at least accepts that he has been cancelled from RPGs forever. There will be no coming back for either of them. At least Zak can fall back on skank porn and gay rentboy action. Franky is beyond over the hill now for that.

      Good Luck, Tenkar!

      • Jennifer Quillian permalink
        May 23, 2020 9:38 am

        And yet we’d all rather see Frank in a porno than Zack in a porno

  190. Tanker Dead Yet? permalink
    May 22, 2020 9:10 am

    Ireplaceable loss to gaming…who will shill for preppy osr rewrites of tsr products if he drops dead? Who will I send copies of my shitty plagiarized games in exchange for glowing review and shill?????

  191. Heh permalink
    May 24, 2020 12:42 pm

    Hey Frankie, I see your relationship status on Facebook is “separated.” Were the various controversies and failed schemes too much for the missus?

    You still have plenty of photos of here posted. Can’t let go?

    • Franky Panky permalink
      May 24, 2020 5:43 pm

      Sigh. Yes, it is true. I am sundered from My beloved. I will not wear the horns, especially if Kuntz is the one to have put them on Me. That vileness Kuntz seduced My Little Debbie through trickery most foul. I am many things. A wittol I am not. I shall not go into the sordid details. Or how I felt about that smile on My Little Debbie’s face, a smile so bright, I had never seen such a thing on her before.

      Alas, now that I am no longer a beneficiary of the Bakeery moneys, I seem to have a cash flow problem, so I am selling some very rare and valuable items. You may find them on My ebay store Buy some product. Help out an old man down on his luck.

      For the discerning purchaser, I may have a certain somebody’s penis in a medical preservation jar for sale. I bet you can guess whose. Hint he, well she now, wrote some *important* D&D material BITD, when she was a he. I would never had found it excpet I was in the hospital for some kidney stones and on my way out, I noticed the dumpster and my old TSR instincts kicked it. Amazing what you can find poking around in medical waste.

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      May 25, 2020 8:44 am

      Little Debbie? Bakery? You don’t mean THE Little Debbie, do you? Delicious snack cakes Little Debbie? Maker of the delightful Oatmeal Cream Pie Little Debbie?

      Mentzer you babbling, incompetent old fool! You are lucky to get out of that conniving succubus’s sacchariferous den before you lost both of your feet to the DIABEETUS!

      I see you are unloading your Judges Guild collection on eBay. Good for you, Mentzer, dumping those tainted tomes written by Nazi sympathizers, Imperial Klan Wizards and homophobic trannies!

  192. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    May 24, 2020 12:48 pm

    “DungeonDevil wrote: ↑
    Sun Apr 26, 2020 4:05 am
    Tried watching The Shape of Water. Got about 1/2 way through and quit. I don’t known why people were raving about it. ”

    Felt the same about Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. WTF? Pitt was good, but they gave him an Oscar for that?

    – Waterbob

    • Franky Panky permalink
      May 24, 2020 5:46 pm

      He bought the Oscar you drooling simpleton. Gary taught me all about how Hollywood works when I visited him in L.A. Now go drown yourself.

    • Quincy Mbeki permalink
      May 26, 2020 9:05 am

      Hey, you can nominated just for being black now that they’re afraid to be accused of racism. Anything goes! Maybe Justice Smillett can cry racism about it and get some kind of honorary oscar.

  193. Captain Kirks Dick Blood permalink
    May 25, 2020 12:51 pm

    Of course that weird, goofy faggot Waterbob doesn’t like Tarentino films. They’re made for grown ups, not mantards. They don’t have Ewoks, Jar Jars, Bink Binks, Jam Jams, and whatever the fuck lame elements “he” drools over and feels compelled to blither about to other aging creepos on DF. Sauna hasn’t been around awhile, but Dungeon Devil and Bobtard are worthy heirs to the Dragonsfoot dipshit brigade.

    I’m not a Tarentino maniac, but I loved Once Upon. It was a bit long (I’d have cut back a few minutes of Leo’s whimpering), but it was gorgeous to look at. An amazing visual recreation of 60’s LA. And Brad was awesome as that character, based on a real kick ass former WW2 hero turned stunt man who actually became buddies with Bruce Lee.. And I’ll support any movie that portrays hippies getting their faces bashed to a pulp and their nads chewed up by pitbulls. I give it 5 Kirk Boners up!

  194. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    May 26, 2020 3:27 pm

    Now that Franky Panky is separated, maybe he could move in with Raggi, in a truly odd ‘Odd Couple’ arrangement.

    • Heh permalink
      May 26, 2020 6:05 pm

      “Two broke fat divorced Jokes”

      • Franky Panky permalink
        May 26, 2020 7:44 pm

        I’m not divorced, yet. There may be a reconciliation. James is too swarthy to be room-mate worthy, and he eats cheetos. I cannot abide to be near those damned things. He would make a terrible wingman too. Any room-mate of Mine would need to be a wing-man, or wing-woman, par excellence. Now James’ ex, Hannah Ragginen, or whatever her last name is these days, I would very much have her as a room-mate. She could invite her friends over anytime. All those Scandinavian women, the giggling, the jiggling, the lingerie, the pillow fights…hold on, I’m having a moment… ahhh, yes.

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      May 27, 2020 7:47 am

      I liked Zak and Raggi in season one, but Franky and Raggi sounds like a winner for season two!
      Maybe invite Tenkar if he isn’t dead yet and call it Two and a Half Manchildren?

  195. Strong Black Man permalink
    May 28, 2020 8:56 am

    How many taxpayer dollars were wasted sucking doughnut obstructions out of the fat leech?

      May 28, 2020 5:32 pm

      Herro Tanker Turdshack! You still need rawyer?
      I hear you on your way home now after they vacuum three buckets of KFC and 10 dozen donuts out of your arteries! Good for you! I give you time to rest up a bit before you report to working for me since now that I own Turdshack and all affiliate links to pay legal fees you have accrued.

      Tenkar and I will be doing a new podcast series on Gamers and Health. I will be your host Dani Jang and use my mad rawyer skillz to cross examine Tenkar and some other fatso gamers better than any journalist on how they become big fat fucks with coronary disease and diabetes. Be sure to tune in and support me on Patreon. Tenkar you still okay with me pay you in Little Debbiediabetus snack cakes? Franky Panky’s ex-wife give me good deal on all your favorite fatso snacks. She like a fatso gamer like you. Maybe I hook you two up?

      Remember folks, you no call Dunkin’ or the Kentucky Colonel, YOU CALL RAWYER!

      • Franky Panky permalink
        May 29, 2020 6:56 pm

        Don’t waste your Billable hours, Dani. My Little Debbie would never stoop so low as to consort with a NYPD cop. The Good Constable may find a suitable leman somewhere else. Perhaps you can hook him up with that cheap trollop, Jessica Price. She has a thing for fat, white, OSR types. Not a good thing, but a thing. The Good Constable would be hard pressed by that harridan to survive would need to resort to all the ‘Assassinating unarmed civilian’ techniques he learned as one of New York City’s *finest*. She’s white, so he might be confused as to how to go about it.

        Speaking of billable hours, do you handle divorces? Would you accept as a retainer payment in vintage Judge’s Guild collectibles? I have a near mint City State of the Invincible Overlord which is worth a pretty penny. It is autographed by 3 generations of Bledsoes.

      • Frank Panky permalink
        May 29, 2020 6:59 pm

        3 generations of Bledsaws. This lack of a reliable source of nookie has me befuddled and confused. If Tenkar does die, Maybe I can take his wife, along with all of his stuff. It’s what we Grogs do.

        May 31, 2020 11:01 am

        Franky Panky you must be thinking of America’s greatest living actress Tempest Bledsoe from That Cosby Show. She a real looker now so I can’t blame you. I didn’t know you liked dark chocolate, Franky! Good for you no racist in your lechery!

        Bill Cosby. He no so lucky. Those bad women told on him for rapey rapey after drugging.

        I can help you get divorce Franky. You too much living legend of RPG industry for just one woman anyway. I’m guessing she has all the money. You want alimony or just a quick Caribbean special – no fuss no mess ready right away?

        Franky, you are known for lechery. Might be hard to swing alimony payments from Little Debbie snack cakes but Dani Jang isn’t known for World Greatest Rawyer for nothing!

  196. Strong Black Man permalink
    May 29, 2020 8:19 am

    Can we get Eric Tanker to go to Minneapolis and use his police skillz to straighten things out?

      May 29, 2020 3:41 pm

      Herro Strong Black Man! You need rawyer?
      You have to pay in advance though. No racist, just you people no like to pay bills. My people have a long standing tradition of NO BOO COO!
      Yeah Tenkar was on his way to Minneapolis but then black people burn down all the donut shops so he change mind. He also just have 50 years of KFC sucked out of his arteries so he no so lucky right now.
      You magic negro? My client James Raggi is looking for new game designers and he would love to publish Song of the South RPG.
      Remember Folks: Next time you no call Al Sharpton or CNN. YOU CALL RAWYER!

        May 31, 2020 9:15 am

        Let me know about Song of South RPG soon. Raggi just sign Bledsaw Boys to work on it now too. They very knowledgeable about Antebellum American South.
        Franky Panky, you need worky worky too? Call me!

  197. Heh permalink
    June 1, 2020 1:51 pm

    Brothels are still closed so since that fugly whore Kimberly Kane has time off from blowing old black dudes she’s gaming online with Zak and some other skank. Poor Zakky; down to just two players these days.

    btw Cube World looks like shit.


  198. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    June 1, 2020 1:55 pm

    WaterBob wrote: ↑
    Tue May 26, 2020 1:39 am

    “A lot of pseudo-science in science fiction, especially space opera, breaks down upon close inspection.

    Some of the best advice about accepting Star Wars is in the Designing Adventures chapter of the original D6 core rulebook, where it says…
    In Star Wars, anything is possible–if it makes for a good story and interesting special effects. The hyperdrive works because we need a faster-than-light star drive to have a galactic Empire. Repulsors work because its a neat special effect.
    It goes on to say something to the effect that we shouldn’t look too hard at Star Wars science because it is heavy on the fiction. Remember the scene in The Empire Strikes Back where Han, Chewie, and Leia go outside the Falcon, which happens to be inside a Giant Space Worm that is living inside an asteroid (not to mention that the asteroid belt is un-realistically dense). You can sit around and say, “Hmm. How does the Giant Space Worm even live in a vacuum? Is it believable that the belly of the slug had a temperature that made it possible for Han & Co. to go about, walking inside the Worm’s guts, without environmental protection? Even Han’s eyes were not covered. What about oxygen? Han had on the mask that covers his nose and mouth. Is that enough to make the atmo breathable inside the worm? Is that asteroid dense enough and spinning enough to give us the normal 1G surface gravity that we saw inside the slug? Would the inside of a slug, even if it was that big, look like what we saw? A cavern? It wouldn’t be a wet sack full of tissues and digestive liquids?

    We don’t think about all this, because it’s SPACE OPERA.

    It is Flash Gordon, saving the day, with Hawkmen at his side, riding some eight legged beast, laser pistol lighting up the bad guys!

    We don’t worry about why the Empire doesn’t use hand rails for protection even next to dark chasms.

    We don’t wonder why most aliens are humanoid.

    We don’t think too much about why space fighters fly around in space and look like they are banking in an atmosphere. Not to mention the sound in space!

    We don’t fret over the existence of the Force!

    We just enjoy the swashbuckling action of the High Adventure Space Opera Yarn. ”

    *golf clap*
    Well done.
    Just sit back and have fun with the story and stop being geeks trying to show off their community college Intro to Physics course nawlij.

    – Dungeon Devil

    • Pat "Star" Stuart permalink
      June 2, 2020 4:15 am

      Well said WaterBob. I too have been yelling at those rationalizing losers for the last 40 years, ever since Mom left with my special needs caregiver. Get a life, nerds!

    • Franky Panky permalink
      June 3, 2020 10:13 pm

      Corona-chan, take them away!

    June 2, 2020 5:32 pm

    Herro Tenkar Turdshack! You dead yet?
    I think we in trouble. And by we I mean you. I let Christopher Stogdill guest post at Turdshack since I now own and he post story of comedy orc rapes of female adventuring party. You better hurry up and die or you come back to real shitstorm! Glad I left your name on the site along with all liabilities!

  200. June 3, 2020 12:23 am

    It’s a big week, y’all. A fugly Demon City backer lost an eye for the cause. Plus the cops took my bike. Which is kinda ironic cuz in Los Angeles it’s usually the jigaboos that steal your bike.

      June 3, 2020 6:12 am

      Herro Zak! Zak you are known for douchebaggery. Far and wide. You cannot rewrite the narrative this time!

      It no LAPD that take your bike. Undercover Canadian Mounties take your bike to pay part restitution to my client Mandy Morbid for your rape and abuse of her. You still owe her 500 gallons of maple syrup too. You guilty of rape and abuse bro now you pay up. No so lucky HAHAHAHAHAHA!

      Remember Folks: Next time you no call whores or 911 (they joke in your town and wear the late crown) YOU CALL RAWYER!

  201. Kentucky Kid permalink
    June 3, 2020 7:05 pm

    The United States of America:

    Manipulated by Jews

    & Cucks & Morons.

    • Timotheus permalink
      June 3, 2020 8:13 pm

      Right, Kent! We should all be like Ireland! Sissy boys cowering in the bogs and sending out feelers to Hitler!

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      June 3, 2020 8:33 pm

      Kent, why are you manipulating our American black people?

      • Franky Panky permalink
        June 3, 2020 10:01 pm

        Kent is looking to get blacked. ~Vibes, Kent. You’ll find your Mandingo soon enough.

      • BACLF permalink
        June 4, 2020 12:09 pm

        He’s not looking to get blacked, Franky, he’s more full of African jizz than a Nairobi sperm bank.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        June 4, 2020 6:28 pm

        Ah but Good Sir, there is a difference between the North Africans who are are so familiar with Kent’s rectum, and the sub-Saharan Africans that Kent thirsts after. Only the darkest of chocolate will satisfy Kent’s cravings.

      • Psychiatric Help - 5 Cents permalink
        June 5, 2020 8:21 am

        Every racist secretly craves vile black matters.

        Fear not, Kent : the doctor is (ummph!) *in*.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        June 6, 2020 9:35 pm

        Now, Franky, you’re tripping, we all know that Kent
        Has done his gay throughout the Dark Continent.
        His sodomy started in Burkina Faso,
        Where hundreds of pervs ran a train on his assho’.
        Then on a side trip to the shores of Lake Chad,
        He sucked off a goatherd as old as his dad.
        He dined on the bone in Sierra Leon
        And while in Lesotho, by God, did he moan.
        While squealed as he bottomed the drag queens of Kenya,
        When he hit the high notes, he sounded like Enya.
        And it is noted that Kent’s surely fond a
        The hard Tutsi tools of the hills of Rwanda.
        He loved sucking balls by Victoria Falls
        His blowing put shame to a nor’easter’s squalls.
        At first two by two, Paul K. Barry then blew
        The male population of famed Timbuktu.
        And when he was through, what with nothing to do,
        He sailed out from Mali on rivers of goo.
        Now, Franky, it’s clear, that old Kent’s done the queer,
        In all of the lands of the South Hemisphere.

      • Frog gode permalink
        June 8, 2020 7:03 am

        This begs a serious question : do they still teach meter and rhyme where you live or has poetry become a mere hobby for decadent esthetes? I once begged our highschool English teacher to explain what the fuck a iambic pentameter was, but he told us we were only allowed to study business letters and articles about racism in the US (that was 1992, thank Crom the world has changed).

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        June 8, 2020 6:50 pm

        I dunno what’s going on these days, but we were introduced to meter back in middle school when we first tackled Shakey Bill in class. We were tasked with memorizing and declaiming certain passages, such as the opener to Romeo and Juliet and Mark Antony’s speech in Julius Caesar.

        I also took two years of Latin (plus four years of Spanish) in high school, and we had readings from the Aeneid, with an emphasis on the meter, and the effects Virgil obtained from novel use of language.

        Then in college, I took a semester of Old Norse, where we had an emphasis on poetic forms, such as the typical alliteration and use of kennings in poetry.

        Of course, there was also the day I wrote about seventy haiku while doing a ho-hum surveillance job on the Upper East Side of Manhattan…

        In short, I was primed to become a poetaster at a young age.

      • Frog Gode permalink
        June 9, 2020 4:29 am

        Ben Jonson’s “The Poetaster” was translated to French as “Le Poétereau”, which is a new word to me, and therefore the best kind of gift I can think of. For this, Big, I thank you.

        French middle schoolers absorb a lot of poems, too, but our rules for versification are so simple that they don’t really prepare kids to understand other countries’ poetry – especially now that Greek an Latin studies have all but sunk into oblivion along with the rest of our culture.

        Silver lining : in an ironic instance of what Baudelaire would call correspondance, that same simplicity helped make France the second-largest market for rap music.

  202. Strong Black Man permalink
    June 5, 2020 5:48 pm

    Black lives apparently don’t matter until the police get involved. When we shoot each other in the streets of Chitown how come no celebrities or corporations give a shit and no buildings get set on fire?

    • ANGRY BLACK GAMER permalink
      June 6, 2020 5:51 am

      Shut your gay ass up, Kent. You drunken Irish cracker!

  203. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    June 6, 2020 12:58 pm

    Playing again…with teens!

    So a group of teens who got to know me through my library work have invited me to join their online Discord D&D session. It’s 5e (the edition they know), but I’m not the DM— which makes this my first foray as a player in…Great Holy Gygax, 28 years!
    The DM has “mysteriously” announced that the campaign is titled “The Mists of Raven’s Loft.” I wonder what that could mean?

    So the grizzled veteran is about to step out on his first adventure in a long, long time. Time to take down the sword from over the fireplace and burnish the armor on the stand in the hall…

    Ought to be a hoot.

    – Parzival

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      June 6, 2020 9:37 pm

      Time to take down the sword from over the fireplace and burnish the armor on the stand in the hall…

      This should put him on some sort of watch list.

    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      June 7, 2020 5:53 am

      While Parzival sounds like a creepy individual to be allowed around young people and “my library work” is pedophile code for “grooming”, this sounds like a made up story. Parzival, go back to collecting cut and paste retroclones you will never get to play.

    • Frog Gode permalink
      June 10, 2020 7:23 am

      Sounds like a neat Dinner Game situation to me.

  204. Timotheus permalink
    June 7, 2020 12:39 pm

    I find 11-13 to be the sweet spot. Much older and it’s harder to groom. Ask Sandusky. In the early teens the boys are so horney and mystified by sex. And it’s easier to reel in small fish. The hardest part is getting them up for a lame old system like Fantasy Trip. All they have heard of is 5th edition D&D.

    As for my doppelganger further up the thread, I still won’t admit to reading your sick burns. I’ve learned coping skills from my young players. Cover your ears and go “nyah nyah nyah didn’t even reeeeaaad it!” I guess that’s admitting that this old, fat angry troll has feelings. I imagine my swiftly lowering testosterone is making me a little girlie. I’ll just give myself an Exalt! and I’ll feel a bit better.

  205. Frog gode permalink
    June 8, 2020 8:43 am

    Pundejo has a new half-finished game (supplement?) to peddle and this time it’s OSR in spaaaaaace (*yawn*). On his own site, the
    very first commenter of his clumsy teaser points out that he did not even mention White Star, the most obvious space-opera retroclone. Wanna bet which game our favourite fugitive ripped off this time?

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      June 8, 2020 11:28 am

      The comments go on to list several other OSR space games that John Tarnowski aka RPGPundit aka Swami Nisarg, has conveniently forgotten, Shawn Driscoll tells everyone not to buy one of those OSR space games because the guy who wrote it has been “radicalized” which I guess is code for he’s a gay man, Chris24601 has the best and most relevant comment though about how old school D&D rules are absolute shit for space opera games.

      Should be a great shitshow! I hope this is the one that gets Tarnowski cancelled.

  206. Timotheus permalink
    June 9, 2020 5:26 am

    So Tarnowski kicked out Grim Jim from the blOwSR, and brought in the dude who cleaned up Brockie’s mess on Towers Two. Evidently the thoughtcrime was understanding that COVID is more deadly than the flu.

    I didn’t watch the stupid video, of course, but the typically dead-ender alt-right commentators in this thread make it clear what happened.

    I guess Vengie is simply glad to be dragged along for the ride, since any publicity for that plagiarist is good publicity. Does he still consider himself to be ch’uckla’xxian, or whatever, or has he dropped the pretense that he is anything other than a semi-bipedal, flaccid Anton Levay knock off?

    • Frog Gode permalink
      June 9, 2020 7:23 am

      Venger’s Dark Patrons have turned him into a “Che°ap VI°agra” spambot years ago – an empty shell forever doomed to lure Blooey wannabees on YouTube comment threads.

      Buy some product!

      • June 12, 2020 11:04 am

        This place is much worse then when I left.

        I think this separation was Desborough induced. Pundo is too pragmatic to kick people over Covid-19 differences. As for the Qanon thing, I think Pundo has switched to the antiquated ‘Dems are the real racists’ strategy to garner broad audience appeal, but since he garners part of his income from Latin American countries I don’t really see any other option. The man is a survivor.

        My new adventure is coming out, I am doing fine job- and relationship-wise, my country is not AvP, whoever wins we lose. I’ve been asked to collaborate with Venge on a new project. I’ll take advice in a rare mood of benevolence.

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      June 9, 2020 5:37 pm

      So Tarnowski fired rape enthusiast Grim Jim Desborough for choosing medical expert coronavirus advice over right wing pundits and conspiracy theory peddlers? Of all the shit opinions Grim Jim has, that was the thing?
      Oh Swami you are one dumb Canuk fuck!

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        June 9, 2020 7:14 pm

        I’ve always known that Pundejo was stupid and odious, but I didn’t realize that he’d gone full-blown ‘rona denialist. How soon before he goes down the QAnon rabbit hole and tries out that particular grift?

  207. Timotheus permalink
    June 9, 2020 10:14 am

    I don’t even come here that much anymore.

      June 9, 2020 5:47 pm

      Herro Fake Timotheus who probably gay Kent okay definitely gay but maybe Kent! You need rawyer?

      Clearly Real Timotheus wrong you in some way and you may be entitled to a damages. Dani Jang can help! Please post picture of teddy bear with you pointing where he bad touch you. Was it wee wee? How about hiney?

      You have pending pedophile charges filed against you? Again, call me Dani Jang! I have another client a famous swami who I help escape pedo rap in Canada by relocating him to Uruguay under a new identity. I can do same for you.

      Remember folks: Next time you no call whores YOU CALL RAWYER!

  208. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    June 9, 2020 7:27 pm

    Jesus Christ, the ‘Shite is dumbfuck central. This shit aged really well:

    And to put this in context, the US 2017-2018 flu season resulted in ~61,000 deaths, and the Hong Kong flu pandemic in 1968-69 has about ~100,000 deaths in the US. COViD deaths are currently at ~77,000 (as of May 23) with that week’s number of deaths at 155. Assuming that the number deaths/wk stays at 155, it will take about 3 years (148 weeks) for COVID deaths to reach 100,000.

    Siri, what does ‘geometric progression’ mean?

    • Franky Panky permalink
      June 10, 2020 7:32 am

      Ah the Hong Kong flu, I remember it well. Imagine the number of dead without vaccinations, which came a bit later. It had a good run because of all the damned hippies spreading it everywhere with their free love shenanigans and protest marches. I must admit; I did partake of much free love during that time. Hippies chicks were filthy, and generally tripping, buy they still needed a little lovin’, even if they were passed out or hallucinating.

      This time around it is the SJW woke crowd and the protest marches that’ll be spreading ol’ Corona-Chan and boosting his high score.

  209. Timotheus permalink
    June 10, 2020 12:05 am

    Thanks fake Dani. But honestly, I don’t really need to be defended by the only puppet here less funny than me. I mean, this unfunny “Dani Jang lawyer chop chop suey” shit was old by the second time you did it, much less the hundredth. But just like my tired angry and jealous schtick You’ll probably be here years from now overdoing the lame bit. But what the hell, thanks anyway. Have an exhalt!

    June 10, 2020 7:05 am

    Ah! He put pee pee in you hiney. No so lucky, Fake Timotheus! You have my card. Call me if change you mind.

  211. Heh permalink
    June 12, 2020 6:38 pm

    Some Demon City dyke lost an eye to the pigs? Now THATS grim and gritty!


    • Franky Panky permalink
      June 12, 2020 8:08 pm

      Not only that, but she still does not have her copy of the book, because it is now over One Year Late.

      The safety googles, they really do something. But you have to wear them. I bet she gets a visit from Corona-Chan too.

  212. Arneson's Spectre permalink
    June 14, 2020 6:39 am

    I was very surprised not to see ACKS, LotFP, Arrows of Indra, Cha’alt, Gor, or Castle of the Mad Archmage in the BlackLivesMatter charity bundle. Very surprised indeed!

    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      June 14, 2020 6:12 pm

      And no Tenkar’s Turdshack affiliate links to the Black Lives Matter NAACP Defund the Police bundles either!

      • Quincy Mbeki permalink
        June 17, 2020 9:00 am

        He may be fat and stupid but that doesn’t mean he’s an anti-Semite.

  213. Stokes permalink
    June 14, 2020 1:11 pm

    Have any of you jealous old men ever been laid? Lol.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      June 14, 2020 6:32 pm

      Greetings, Stokes.

      First, congratulations on your success as an adult film star. Nice job. You’ve taken the porn world by storm. You have a very bright future ahead of you. You could soar, if only you removed the anchor holding you down. By anchor, I mean Zak. He’s holding you back.

      An offer; I participated, heavily, in the Summer of Love… the whole of it, drugs, sex, sex and more sex. If you’re interested, I’d be happy to teach you, one-on-one, all of the techniques perfected during that remarkable period, at no charge.

      An expansion: If you have further interest, you could bring some of your female friends from the Adult Film Industry to Our sessions so that they too could partake of the magic that was the Summer of Love. Your fans would love to see your newly acquired skills put to use, and your career would reflect that.

      I’m 68, semi-retired, separated from my wife, and looking to give back to the younger generations.

      Thanks for your time.

    • The Attack permalink
      June 15, 2020 7:15 am

      Hey, Stokes, how many times have you NOT put out for a fiver? lol.

      • Stokes permalink
        June 15, 2020 6:54 pm

        I made more than all three of you combined last year. But multiply that fiver by 100 and maybe you can find a prostitute that’ll sleep with you!

      • The Attack permalink
        June 17, 2020 9:52 am

        Look, whore, don’t fuck with the dude who runs RaPeLand. I will straight up kill your 4th level Doxy. Don’t forget that the dude who is married to a chick who thinks she’s a dude called it the best rpg supplement ever. And it won an ennie, bitch. What have you ever won besides secondhand backspray?

  214. Sophocles permalink
    June 15, 2020 1:32 pm

    Attention! We Demand Attention!

    We, the gossipy fag-hags of YDIS, would like the world to know that, creamy white though we assuredly are, and fish-faced we assuredly are, we are first and foremost a collection of virtuous GAY men, and any handsome young black fellow seeking reprieve from his ancestral slave-memory-induced looting sprees should do so in the comforts of our ragged and frequently plumbed orifices.

    The gossipy fag-hags have spoken!

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      June 17, 2020 9:53 pm

      I’m going to guess that this is Prince playing a Kent doppelgänger, it’s just too ‘on the nose’ to be the real deal. The real Kent has completely degenerated mentally, like Charlie in Flowers for Algernon, if he hasn’t died (inshallah) of the ‘rona.

    • Sophocles permalink
      June 18, 2020 9:07 am

      We are, all of us, gay victims of this post-truth age.

  215. Frog Gode permalink
    June 18, 2020 12:42 am

    It’s been a long time since Zak’s name was uttered outside the cosy confines of this blog, so rejoice : Shut Up And Sit Down pear-shaped sensitivity trainers just acknowledged him.

    • Ralph Becket permalink
      June 18, 2020 11:25 am

      I’d never heard of Zak Smith before now, so I followed some of the links posted above. As usual there is at least one other side to the story (see, e.g. and the allegations are the subject of a defamation case.

      • Zak Langouste permalink
        June 18, 2020 11:32 am

        Hey Bro, the only side to the story is mine. My ex-wife defamed me. All the haterz and harasserz defamed me. Anyone who does basic fact-checking will see that. Thanks for following those additional links, but I need you to do more. First, verify yourself by sending me your email and password, and any passwords and account details you have with RPG forums. Second, subscribe to my OnlyFans content. It’s totes premium gaming material. And maybe a few video clips of me sexually humiliating Stokes. She’ll do anything for a +1 axe. Third, get out there and spread the word that I saved D&D, that I am the best thing that ever happened to RPGs, that Demon City delays are not my fault, and that I’m really a nice guy. email me at Zakzsmit at hawt mayle dawt calm for more info, and some prepared scripts you can use in your battle against haterz and harasserz.

      • Tania Ramirez permalink
        June 18, 2020 4:42 pm

        Who is this Zak faggot and why are we supposed to give a fuck about his ex wife?

    • Quincy Mbeki permalink
      June 18, 2020 4:40 pm

      I guess since the Left is cool with antisemitism we should all rejoice about all the “we support BLM” pandering now. BLM, a hate group we can all get behind, founded on a falsehood and crowned in socialist glory of demanding free shit per usual. Too bad all this didn’t happen for Bernie a few months sooner and he could have kicked Dementia Joe in the nuts. Assuming Corruption Kid Biden has any.

  216. POO POO RAGOO permalink
    June 19, 2020 6:18 am

    And in other news,
    I shit my pants.

    • kaskoid permalink
      June 21, 2020 4:28 am

      Man up and put your big boy Depends on, chubby!
      I’m sitting in a puddle of my own fecal matter now too but you don’t hear me complaining! And it’s starting to ooze out the sides!

  217. Heh permalink
    June 19, 2020 6:43 pm

    That Zak only gets one or two comments per post is pretty good indication his shit ain’t a big seller. His Pube World looks like ass.


    • Zak Langouste permalink
      June 19, 2020 10:23 pm

      Hey Bro, I need you to email me your dox. You just totes defamed me, and I am going to sue you for it. Next time do some basic fact-checking before you act in bad faith. The fact that I don’t get a lot of comments indicates that my many, many fans have no complaints about my primo content, so they don’t leave comments. I saved D&D, and I write the best, Ennie winning content for RPGs. I may even win a Nobel prize for it.

    • Dave Graves permalink
      June 19, 2020 10:45 pm

      False. He gets many comments. He just has to delete the vast majority because they are mocking him, calling him on his bullshit, pointing out his logical fallacies, and so on.

    • Reason permalink
      June 20, 2020 8:22 pm

      I liked some elements of Zak’s gameworld but most of the snippets he posts seem like badly explained brain farts laid out in a confusing, unhelpful manner. Vornheim was clever, but the style has disappeared up it’s own rectum usability wise.

    • kaskoid permalink
      June 21, 2020 4:32 am

      I am sick and tired of hearing about this Zak faggot! I haven’t seen anyone whine like a little girly girl so much since Rob Kuntz.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        June 21, 2020 1:56 pm

        My old friend, you seem to have forgotten Dave Arneson. Whiniest, cuntiest bitch boy in the Greater Midwestern Region. You’ve been forgetting a lot of things recently. Maybe take a sabbatical from the psychotropics for a while. I and the rest of the Old Guard OSR Royalty all have mobility issues these days, so an intervention is out of the question.

        While I have you here, I want to ask, do you have any vintage OSR material that you need to be rid of? I could sell it for you, as a favor, via my e-bay account, for a small commission?

      • kaskoid permalink
        June 22, 2020 7:25 am

        I don’t know who this Arneson fellow is anymore so I guess all those years of smoking dope and dropping acid killed those neurons off. Mercifully too it seems.

        I am also tired of all this political correctness nonsense but must confess I don’t remember why. A few more hits off the ol’ dragon bong should take care of that.

        Don’t sell of your history, Metzer. These are after all the sacred texts of the hobby. Except maybe sell the Judges Guild ones before President Biden’s secret police invade your home and use them as evidence against you at trial.

        An offer: If any of you ladies would like me to run a game of D&D for you at the next convention (after this damn Spanish flu thing goes away) while the menfolk are playing for real in the big hall, just let me know.

  218. Quincy Mbeki permalink
    June 20, 2020 1:42 pm

    Did the affluent white college students get enough loot yet? Is racism over now? Can we stop pretending George Floyd wasn’t a violent career criminal now? Can millionaire athletes and “musicians” sleep easy in their mansions behind layers of private security yet?

    At what point will black lives matter when it’s blacks killing each other in the streets of Chicago? Or do they only matter if you’re a criminal resisting arrest?

  219. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    June 20, 2020 10:09 pm

    Back in 2012, when i retired up here to columbus, the former home owner replaced the patio slider doors with a double window swing door. When he did that, the mesh bug stopping screen door was just kept by the way-side, due to it was now just under 2 and a half inches too short to properly fit in the door jamb’s grooves…
    For 4 years, i had up one of those ‘magic-mesh” nets that did the job but last summer it finally tore up too much to keep up. So rather than replace that with another magic mesh unit, i was thinking of replacing or just modifying the existing slider, to fit back in..

    SO for those who are handymen, how easy is it to re-size a mesh screen door that’s plastic framed?

    – garhkal

    Confuscious sayeth, don’t wash cat while drunk!

    • kaskoid permalink
      June 21, 2020 4:14 am

      The easiest way is to kill yourself and let the next owner take care of it.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      June 21, 2020 2:01 pm

      I’ve heard of room temperature IQ, but you have a meat freezer temperature IQ. What kind of imbecile thinks that retiring to Columbus, Ohio is a good plan? Oh, a Dragonsfoot imbecile.

      Fix the door yourself. Get yourself a table saw and a nail gun and get to work. I bet that you can make a right proper mess of the door before you *accidentally* cut off your hand, or shoot yourself in the head with the nail gun. Bonus points if you nnail your foot to the floor first.

      • Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
        June 23, 2020 4:07 am

        Great suggestions guys.
        Btw, over the past year or so, some of the older films i have on dvd, seem to be wearing out’, in that the volumn when folk talk, is a lot lower than it used to be, to where i have to pump the TV’s volumn up to around 50 (when 12 is normally ok to hear).

        Anyone else had that problem? Did you fix it, by getting a new copy of the disk?? Or via some other method?

        – garhkal

        Confuscious sayeth, don’t wash cat while drunk!

      • kaskoid permalink
        June 23, 2020 7:43 am

        It’s called a hearing aid, dumbass! Go get your hearing tested. And get checked for Spanish Flu and autism while you’re at it.

  220. kaskoid permalink
    June 23, 2020 7:50 am

    I need to go outside and drive down to the post office and would like to wear my Civil War hat but I can’t remember which side I’m on. Which one was #BlackLivesDon’tMatter again, blue or gray?

    (It’s a trick question! If you’ve studied your history, both sides were #BlackLivesDon’tMatter!)

    • Franky Panky permalink
      June 23, 2020 12:44 pm

      Tim, old friend of Mine, you live in Cincinnati, Ohio’s other armpit, which is north of the Ohio river so normally you would wear union blue, but these days that’ll get you beaten by a bunch of Pathfinder players, or whatever those Seattle and Portland types play when they are not LARPing as anarchists. Wear that motorcycle helmet that Mrs. Kaskoid got you, the one painted to look like it has an open shark’s mouth around the visor. Plow right through the crowds with the death scooter. See what kind of high score you can rack up. I guarantee you, the cop’s will believe anything you say and just let you go. You are a cis-white-man. This is your country dammit.

      • kaskoid permalink
        June 24, 2020 4:08 pm

        North South Cis Trans AC/DC I can’t keep all this nonsense straight! Which one is Jaquays again?

  221. kaskoid permalink
    June 24, 2020 4:04 pm

    Can somebody please tell me why Tweeterbook is all in an uproar over my new D&D campaign where the PCs are members of the city guard laying the smack down in the Orc Ward? Did something happen?

    • Quincy Mbeki permalink
      September 5, 2020 4:10 pm

      Cops all hate black people now. Even black cops. And they murder like 100 unarmed blacks a day and get away Scot free. Because systemic racism means they can’t be charged with a crime and all the D.A.s and judges laugh about it. The only way to fix it is to burn down banks and grocery stores and loot shoe stores and electronics stores in poor neighborhoods.

  222. Captain Kirks Dick Blood permalink
    June 25, 2020 12:33 am

    “Fix the door yourself. Get yourself a table saw and a nail gun and get to work. I bet that you can make a right proper mess of the door before you *accidentally* cut off your hand, or shoot yourself in the head with the nail gun. Bonus points if you nnail your foot to the floor first.”

    Right as usual, Frank Wank. Though your wisdom is no longer wanted at Dragonsfelch, we need it here more than ever.

    At first I thought the posting of Garhkal’s dilemma here was weak, but if you look more closely it goes pretty dark and deep. I mean, after many years of helping rehash old 1st ed. subjects again and again these lifers of Steve’s Home for old Geektards find it to be their only haven and place of socializing. Its devolved from “what % of yer dungeon rooms are empty and dusty” to “how the fuck do I hang a screen door fellows?”

    Sad right? clearly he has no real friends to turn to? To invite over for a beer and pick their brains? But its even deeper.

    YouTube, bitch. There’s a million videos online that will actually show the shit getting done. He must know this. But here’s the looking glass truth of it. He just wants a higher post count and this is an excuse to post. Plus he gets a thrill from replies, any replies to his words. In a way many of us get from a surprise blowie on NYE, or getting two aces in a poker game. Its that sad and basic. Just any contact from a fellow mantard to make him feel wanted. Ick.

    As for the worn out DVD’s; fuck dude, throw out those old porn disks and fap online. Its all there. And how often do you need to keep rewinding the money shots. Don’t you get desensitized? Jeez.

  223. Lamentations of Raggi's Ghost permalink
    July 2, 2020 12:30 pm

    Brick by Brick, they will erase. Until thou art nothing but a memory.

    • Marvin permalink
      July 3, 2020 6:07 pm

      Man they have gone full retard

    • Timotheus permalink
      July 3, 2020 7:08 pm

      All those apologies and not one for the shitty cover.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      July 3, 2020 10:13 pm

      And yet the inexecrable piece of shit is still for sale on DrivethruRPG. So, a snivelling apology for writing it, but still willing to profit from it.

      Ah, Chenier, you are such a Canadian. I hope you are eaten by wolverines.

  224. Timotheus permalink
    July 6, 2020 12:46 pm

    All those apologies and not one for the shitty cover.

    Of course I doubt I could do any better. It just makes me mad that anybody actually produced something both of value and that’s controversial. But hey, I’m happy thrilling other peoples children with my Fantasy Trip sessions. Sure, behind my back they make fun of me being old and fat and they wish they were playing D&D. But at least I have somebody to play with.

    Oh, I don’t come here much anymore, just enough to vent my anger and jealousy. Nobody else would listen. And I do kind of enjoy Bigg’s lame Dani Jang bit. Its not funny, but I really like racism of any stripe. Have an exalt!

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      July 6, 2020 11:17 pm

      Now, fake Tim, you know that extended character sketches are not my thing. I’m more into the salty one-liners and doggerel. I can’t lay claim to fake Dani Jang. I leave the ‘establish a character and run with it’ stuff to incompetents like yourself or talented individuals like Mike Myers, and even he blew it by not making a ‘Dieter’ movie. My style is more like writing something like this:

      Kent’s anus bled
      ‘Til the streets ran red
      And he bit monsignor’s cock
      While he was giving head.

      As the late, great Jack Vance put it, “That’s my schtick!”

    • Frog Gode permalink
      July 7, 2020 8:52 am

      I’m still trying to grok that limerick thing. BACLF, would this qualify ?

      There was a fellow named Kent
      Whose idea of a night well spent
      Was to pass out drunk on the dock
      Sweatily dreaming of Tim’s cock
      While sailors staked him like a tent.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        July 7, 2020 11:04 am

        The rhythm needs a little bit of work, but the rhyme scheme is perfect. You are well on your way to becoming a poetaster!

        Pax vobiscum!

        P.S. Binging on Morricone’s music today. Oddly, the overture for A Fistful of Dollars started off as an arrangement of Woody Guthrie’s Pastures of Plenty:

      • Franky Panky permalink
        July 7, 2020 5:20 pm

        Well of course. Everything else about that film was a blatant rip-off. I never met Woody during my days as a Folk Singer Troubador Extraordinaire, but I did meet Arlo, and Phil Ochs. Arlo was all right, and an unbelievable chick magnet. I learned so much from him about being the Consummate Lady’s Man. Phil was crazy. And far too serious for his own good. He had the talent though.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        July 8, 2020 12:43 pm

        I bet Gary used to sing Coming Into Los Angeles back in the day while he was snorting Bolivian marching powder off the buttocks of a Red Sonya lookalike model. It’s good to know he spent my ‘Unearthed Arcana’ dollars wisely.

        OT, Franky, did you hear this?

        An Interview with Tim Kask

      • kaskoid permalink
        July 9, 2020 4:34 pm

        I don’t remember doing that interview. I must have been baked.
        What the heck’s an appendix N and why do these losers care?

      • Franky Panky permalink
        July 9, 2020 4:49 pm

        Naw, Gary didn’t like Folk Music much. He had a thing for ABBA. The number of times I heard him singing, “Waterloo, Waterloo…” If you look at some of the photos from BITD, you see that he was trying, without much success, to copy Benny Andersson’s beard/hair look. Also, Gary thought Gail looked a bit like Anni-Frid, so that might explain his attraction to her. It certainly was not her gracious personality.

        I can’t listen to podcasts. The hearing isn’t what it used to be, and I don’t know how.

        TIm, My friend, no doubt that you were baked, or tripping. Those psychedelics are not doing you any favors. Appendix N is what the doctors cut out of your gut, when they removed a big chunk of your cancer-ridden colon. Don’t Worry. I fished it out of the medical waste bag and saved it for you. It’s on the shelf right next to Jim Ward’s foot and My kidneystones.

      • Frog Gode permalink
        July 10, 2020 7:09 am

        Morricone’s music was the soundtrack of my many long scenic drives back from college across the sun-kissed Cévennes mountains. My last trip was so unbearably beautiful that I vowed to never take that road again, for fear of spoiling a perfect memory.

        Anyway, back to work with another attempt :

        The lying failure known as Kent,
        Had told every immigrant
        That for a barrel of cheap ale
        His sad pimply ass was for sale
        – But they found it was only for rent.

  225. Tim's Friend Jeffro permalink
    July 10, 2020 6:09 am

    The Penultimate Men is Here!

    I know exactly how you feel.

    More than once I’ve caught myself looking out the window to check for roving motorcycle games. Checked the news for the latest updates on the food riots. Wondered just how I would manage to get home in the event of taking a wrong turn.

    The future I was weaned on is has arrived. Scenarios I’ve played out countless times at the tabletop routinely show up in my twitter feed as footage from somebody’s phone.

    I won’t lie, it’s rather alarming.

    If you are reading this blog, then you already know what to do. Shut off the media whose only purpose is to demoralize you and denude you of your culture. Get stronger, get tougher, and become a harder target. And stand with those that will not bend the knee to whatever false god is being peddled this week.

    One way you can do the latter is by picking up this latest book put together by my friends at Pilum Press. Experience again the thrill of reading stories by people that share the same ideals and visions as yourself. People able to inspire you, to lift you up. To remind you of what you are and who you are.

    And there’s more. It even includes a couple of pieces from myself: a deep dive into the foundations of the Gamma World game, with an eye towards recovering the sort of lost arcana that can propel your campaigns to unparalleled heights.

    It’s a fantastic collection that you are sure to revisit time and again. And you will never have more fun re-colonizing your bookshelf.

  226. Zak Langouste permalink
    July 13, 2020 6:45 pm

    Hey Jimmy Poo-Poo, where’s my royalty check? This does not excuse the delay. Pay up or I;ll sic my superlawyerz on your broke, deadbeat ass. What of value do you have left anyway after the divorce? It will all be mine, just like those tens of dollarydoos I collected from Paul Ettin.

    • Thimoteus permalink
      July 14, 2020 7:24 pm

      Damn. Faggi is going down. No way he comes up with 60K euros in a month.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        July 15, 2020 1:11 pm

        Prostitution is legal in Europe. James’ rectum could easily raise that cash from discerning connoisseurs. I’m certain he would enjoy sex work. Zakling could give him professional advice too. And help him start an OnlyFans.

        How brutal are business bankruptcy laws in Finland anyway?

      • POO POO RAGOO permalink
        July 16, 2020 7:01 am

        I’m getting desperate guys I need to come up with 60,000 € by the end of the month! I need 60,000 € or I’ll shit my pants! Please buy a 200 € book sleeve or a 30 € LotFP bucket or a 25 € LotFP promotional pen. Use promotion code YDIS on your order and I will shit my pants in the bucket for you.

        I shit my bucket!

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      July 15, 2020 4:10 pm

      I suspect that Raggi’s discomfiture has more to do with his employed missus dumping him than with Zakko’s cancellation. Who really was the breadwinner in that household?

      • POO POO RAGOO permalink
        July 16, 2020 7:02 am

        Shitting my pants was very uncomfortable too. Now I don’t wear pants.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        July 16, 2020 7:34 am

        Well James, if you must know, I stopped wearing pants for a while; a medical condition that required Little Franky to be aired out frequently. That’s when Mrs. Panky left Me for the flour delivery guy. 😦 😦 I’d bet Hannah left you for the same reason. Chicks don’t dig the sight of overweight guys without pants walking around the house. Oh, and Sitting on the furniture makes them totally mental. Go figure.

  227. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    July 15, 2020 7:30 pm

    Anyone remember Destination Faptastix? Probably not and the backers barely do either. Porky promises big news and lawyers and shit even though the project is way overdue and stillborn like anything Saltine Fenix’s enlarged gaping womb could produce. They at least stalled long enough to use a pandemic as an excuse. Note, Saltine has never once engaged any of the petulant man children in regards to this project. What a boon to gaming that woman is. Unfortunately Saltine needs another kickstopper soon to get a vein in her nose cauterized as the nosebleed from Gygaxian amounts of cocaine she snorted just wont stop.

    I’m laying odds I’ll be banging Saltine’s sloppy loose ass in the Abyss and Kask will still be going to conventions. That girl shortened her lifespan more than anyone I know.

    • Frog Gode permalink
      July 16, 2020 2:12 am

      Is she in rehab?

      Satine Phoenix – Herald of Compassion 08/07/20
      Hi all. I’ve been away trying to handle my feelings on everything from the last few months. With the avalanche of emotions daily and empathy for all without the ability to express myself or to handle how my fear has bloated into an unconscious transference of emotions to those
      … i care about, I am taking some time to navigate the consequences of my actions both past and present to become a more present being of light and love for not only myself but all of my relationships. Please excuse my silence for I need patience. My trauma has infected the
      … way I see the world and only through hard work and reflection will I be able to properly overcome these demons and love purely and be able to offer the support I have attempted to offer the world but unconsiously was not able to.


      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        July 16, 2020 10:08 am

        Maybe Ray Winninger fired her because she adds nothing to the brand besides googling her for a kids’ game and seeing 73 18’ cocks going up her ass?
        Ray was like, “hey Saltine, I notice you collect a paycheck as a media manager but you don’t actually ummm engage with anyone?”

        So she’s all engaged in a fake disability claim now to keep that sweet WotC money coming in while doing nothing (except cocaine) because the only thing that will take her back is 73 cocks and even then, she’s a has been worn out woman with a blown out ass.

        You can only work somewhere doing nothing for so long before SOMEONE notices.

      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        July 16, 2020 10:11 am

        Speaking of out of work toxic women that add nothing to anything while claiming they are the Azathoth like center of the universe. Is Jessica Price employed anywhere?

  228. July 16, 2020 12:40 pm

    Patrick Stuart joins the Alt-right.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      July 16, 2020 7:51 pm

      StuPat must’ve picked up a prion disease when he let Kent eat his ass.

  229. kaskoid permalink
    July 18, 2020 5:59 am

    Hey Jimmy Poo Poos, what is this Blood in the Chocolate nonsense? Is this a euphemism for blood in the stool? From what I can remember of your products, that would seem to be on brand for you. I’m available if you would like me to write the sequel, Chocolate in the Pants.

  230. Kent permalink
    July 20, 2020 2:47 pm

    I posted this on Zak’s blog because I know he will read it because he is a Jewish narcissist who loves to read about himself but is terrified to deal with anyone who can mock him for fun. Jews hate being mocked, and Zak has always been afraid of me.

    Your rehabilitation has been ineffective, it seems like JEWISH REHABILITATION encourages psychopaths to BE themselves, so long as DADDY JEW has money to pay JEW LAWYERS.

    There is another way Zak where you apologize for aggressive Jewish anti-whiteness in the media, or you might apologize for aggressive Jews in Hollywood for the anti-white narratives where nepotism has pumped moron Jews to the front.

    Let’s get the calipers out to determine if Jews deserve to be over-represented to the extent of 2% population taking up 25% of top three university places. Let’s do the IQ tests. It is clear that Jews are over represented everywhere because of MONEY. MONEY is easily dispersed.

    And where did Jews get the money? and why are Jews are so NEPOTISTIC? and why are Jews anti-white scum. Jews should be grateful. Jewish opinion is being recorded everywhere and Jews will be held to account.

    • Zak Langouste permalink
      July 20, 2020 7:58 pm

      Afraid of you? I don’t even know who you are. My superlawyerz will find out though, and I;m going to sue you for not fact-checking.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      July 20, 2020 9:33 pm

      Nailed it six months ago:

      Why is Kent spazzing out about J00z? (d6)

      1. Inability to comprehend constant failure, must blame sinister semitic cabal.
      2. Belief that Jews corrupted math limits him to dead end job in unaccredited trade school.

      Kent: The Failure

  231. Thimoteus permalink
    July 21, 2020 12:07 am

    Don’t ask me. Shrug. I can’t even spell my own lame, unimaginative sock name right!

    • Thimohateus permalink
      July 21, 2020 5:38 pm

      I’m gay!

      But I feel better making fun of other lame, unfunny trolls!

  232. Oh God He's Drunk permalink
    July 22, 2020 1:09 am

    Zpastic spouting off incoherently

    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      July 22, 2020 1:43 pm

      Hahahaha! Zak has to go to Speedy Gonzalez in Guadalajara to get any sort of interview about his cancelled career!
      Andale! Andale! Arriba!

    • Jennifer Quillian permalink
      July 22, 2020 7:16 pm

      They had to disable comments because Zachary can’t control them on that platform and thus can’t “win”

    • Toledo Jones IV permalink
      July 22, 2020 8:11 pm

      Holy shit he talks like a retard with a squeaky nasal voice. And looks like a mental patient who escaped midway thrru head shaving for shock treatment time

    • kaskoid permalink
      July 23, 2020 6:28 am

      Hey Jack Off Zakoff, while you are South of the Border, why don’t you try to get some Mexican porn work? Ever heard of a Donkey Show? I bet your new buddy Guadalajara Gonzalez can hook you up!

  233. Heh permalink
    July 22, 2020 11:22 pm

    He also needs to always crow his porn creds. “Some times adult actor.” His last credit I can find is 8 years ago. Fucking huckster.


    • Tobias permalink
      July 27, 2020 5:18 pm

      Is he a fag? Looks and sounds like a fag. I assume he does the gay porno? As a bottom?

  234. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    July 23, 2020 7:29 pm

    Demon Shitty soon to be known as the OTHER Fart East. Maybe Skanka and Zpastic can team up to try to fund another project that never/under delivers?

    • OA, BD permalink
      July 24, 2020 5:56 am

      Oscar Anderson Likes this.

  235. Stefan Pokorny, Biker Chick - 18 days ago permalink
    July 31, 2020 7:18 am

    I know I sound like a broken record, but some major hurdles have been overcome just Before the weekend and VERY soon, like this week, MAJOR News!

  236. Timotheus permalink
    July 31, 2020 10:02 am

    I’m gay. Aw who am I kidding, gay guys can get laid.

  237. August 2, 2020 4:41 pm


    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      August 3, 2020 9:27 am

      You reading the Gormenghast books, Venge?

      • August 5, 2020 8:57 am


      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        August 5, 2020 7:28 pm

        Never did take you for a reader, hoss.

    • Venger Satanis permalink
      August 13, 2020 12:17 pm

      Yeah, I’m more of a movie guy. But I still revisit the classics… Lovecraft’s Intersectional Ca’at.

  238. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    August 3, 2020 1:16 pm

    Anyhow, I would readily give half of my soul or gonads (whichever between the two are more valued on the open market) for a high quality (we’re talking Akira level here) trilogy of two-dimensional animated films centered around the Thrawn trilogy. Get the best (but not overexposed) voice actors in the industry to play Luke, Han, Leia, Lando, Thrawn, Joruus, Mara, et cetera.

    I’ll then give the other half whenever another studio is serious about replicating a similar feat, but with Drizzt Do’Urden (it can be done, but to say the battle would be an uphill fight is a severe understatement). This series can be live-action (there is no prior-now-aged cast to consider)…although it would be difficult to replicate many of Drizzt’s stunts even with top-notch choreography and computer-generated imagery.

    The Dark Tower also deserves some love; however, I’ll be infertile or infernal by that point .

    – Ezram

    • kaskoid permalink
      August 4, 2020 4:34 pm

      This won’t work because you are most likely infertile now idiot! Go get your sperm count tested and have them check you for this Chinese flu that’s going around. Maybe throw in a cognitive test.

      Also, your weaksauce gonads aren’t legal tender (and not worth much anyway even if you could sell them). The Jews that control Hollywood are going to want money, and lots of it, for projects of that scope. Go back now to your parents’ basement and don’t come back up until you need to use the microwave for another Hot Pocket.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        August 5, 2020 12:58 pm

        Tim, My good friend, if you had spent time with Me and Gary in L.A. you would know that Hollywood types are interested in ass, not the sad, shrivelled raisins which that Dragonsfoot imbecile has in the package. Tell him if wants something, he’s going to have to bend over first. And bring his own lube.

        What the hell is it talking about anyway? Thrawn, Drizzt? Is this that anime crap all the weeaboos prattle on about. Imagine being a 50+ year old white man who’s into cartoons and comics meant for Japanese School Girls. The perversion is strong in this one.

        Finally Tim, My good friend, when you address those imbeciles in the future, always start with an insult, and always finish by telling them to kill themselves. Time and Corona-chan are not working fast enough.

        You may have heard, My dear friend Wilford Brimley passed on. He was the one who threatened to shove my amputated foot up my ass if I lost it to the ‘beetus. Now he is with Gary, and eating all the apple pie and glazed donuts he wants.

  239. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    August 6, 2020 12:45 pm

    Zpastic stands firm that he is not publishing anything until people get in line and act like the little trained attack sycophants they used to be. Poor little meth fueled chihuahua only get YDiS results when he googles his name these days. Zpastic is still pissed his lawlsuit against Demigorgawn or whoever it was failed to get his vaunted return to Arr Pee Gees or even Reddit for that matter.
    Meanwhile WotC are taking the race out of racism by making characters all vaguely sculpted forms of Play Doh or some shit. Glad I’m dead and a fucking ghost now. Fucking half head lobomites, porn stars with sloppy gaping asses, and wine aunts now represent the field of gaming. Oh yeah, Redmond Simonsen passed by in a cloud and said he’s glad he’s dead too and has forgiven me buying and trashing SPI as a grudge too.
    Porky is running almost as silent as Saltine regarding the abortion (something Saltine is familiar with) that is Destination Floptastic.

    • Stefan Pokorny, Biker Chick - 25 days ago permalink
      August 7, 2020 5:06 am

      exciting news coming very soon! Meanwhile, Behind the scenes, much lawyers activity which has been finally figured out! Menawhile, I’ll be running LIVESTREAM games for Founders and Legends 3, San Diego Comic Con for LEGION M, and Gen Con…all virtual…

  240. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    August 13, 2020 2:31 am

    James Mauskowitch decided he can start shitting out Grognardia articles again. Wagering we’re T-minus two articles before he starts begging for free shit again. Course that might involve turning comments on…. stay vigilant and remember the Oh Ess Arrgh never forgets a scammer.

  241. Reason permalink
    August 13, 2020 2:37 am

    So… Jmal is just blogging again at Grognardia. He assumes, of course you’ll want nary a mention of the $50k he stole but he DOES assume you need a 15 paragraph review of a skandi-metal retro-pretentious pretend game (a game you out out but no one ever really plays even if they buy it).

    Reading his blog, it’s hard to believe the milquetoast ever found enough balls to pull his scam.

  242. James Maliszewski, The Once and Future Pope of the O.S.R. permalink
    August 13, 2020 2:24 pm

    This Sunday I began my legendary Return to “Glimmermount” campaign. I had to make do with only three characters to start, which wasn’t my preference, particularly since two of the three were demihumans. Demihumans are practically bastards. I’ll concoct a suitably fiendish end for them. I seem to have misplaced my copies of the various Grimtooth publications. If any of you could send me copies, at no cost to me, in good or better condition, you would have my gratitude.

    I had already prepared maps for several levels of the dungeon, something I never bothered to do for the original “Glimmermount”. One of my design principles was to include lots of lateral movement options, both within a level and between them. It seemed like too much work, which is why I dropped the idea. One of the problems with most modern dungeon design is that there are too few avenues of exploration and the layouts are too logical. I used the AD&D random dungeon generator for the original “Dwimmermount” and was quite pleased at how it required very little work, or thought, on my part.

    All in all, it was a good start, but it was only a start. I don’t consider a campaign to have “taken” until we play at least three sessions consecutively. Session 2 should be this weekend, barring any problems, like players getting that Chinese Lung Disease that is killing so many grognards. I see promise in this game, but I admit I also have some concern it’ll be stillborn. Life is pretty hectic for most of my players, so it’d be easy for something to derail this. Likewise, we’re all out of practice when it comes to a megadungeon-centered campaign and I think it’s going to take some getting used to its nuances.

    I need something to get back into the good graces of the grognards of the OSR, and quickly, before this Chinese Lung Disease kills them off. I have to get a new roof on the house. It’s going to be expensive. Those rubes cannot resist the lure of a legendary megadungeon. I’m thinking Patreon is the platform. A few minutes of rolling dice with the AD&D random dungeon generator each week, some copy-paste from the original *Glimmermount*, a few minor text changes, and Those old fools will have their reward, and I will have their sweet cash for an absolute minimal amount of labour.

    I could use more examples of megadungeons. If any of you have copies of Stonehell, Castle Zagyg, or Rappan Athuk, send them to me. If I remember, I will give you a thank you in the credits for “Return To Glimmermount:The Legend Continues” when the completed megadungeon is finally, ahem, “published”.

  243. Timotheus permalink
    August 14, 2020 7:35 am

    Hadn’t been to the ‘Shite in a while, and was not surprised by the “THEY are coming for your books” thread. Just glancing at the end, it was hilarious to find staunch/dense ‘Shiter Brad have a total breakdown. Evidently he got into it with someone over on dtrpg in the comments of a T&T book, then went running to the ‘Shite in tears. Starts on this page:

    Two pages later, the dude he was screeching at, “Tubesock Army” shows up to stick a dagger in, revealing that Brad had temporarily set aside his Free Speech principles to cry to dtrpg powers that he was being harrassed. The picture he posts seems accurate.

    And on a personal note, I can’t help but seeing the dudette who stalks me here in that picture, crying bitterly because I won’t read hir posts.

    Have an exalt, Brad! You, too, Fake Tim/Jeffblo/Fagnus!

    • kaskoid permalink
      August 14, 2020 5:12 pm

      This Brad fellow’s real crime is playing a shit game like T&T instead of D&D! Everybody knows only fags and commies play T&T! And the B.O in Ken St. Andre’s armpits smells like rancid taco meat.

      Kill yourself, Brad, and this problem will go away for you.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        August 14, 2020 5:37 pm

        Tim, My good friend, remember GenCon XI when we sent some T&T players to Ed Greenwood’s room — the Den of Iniquity we all called it — for some “After-Hours” gaming? Remember listening through the door to their screams and squeals as Ed went about “Game-mastering” for them in his own unique and utterly depraved way? I think he had Elmore in the room too. Those virgin-nerds never had a chance.

        No, you don’t remember. Bummer. It was pretty funny. Gary even banned them from GenCon for complaining to him about how rapey Greenwood was.

  244. Timotheus permalink
    August 14, 2020 7:38 am

    Hey, Malizicewzki is back! Maybe this will cause YDIS to shake off hir long slumber! Although, the mockery of JMal’s pansy review of a product nobody knows about kinda writes itself.

  245. FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
    August 14, 2020 5:06 pm

    Wannabe edgelord and rape enthusiast Grim Jim Desborough has returned as well! Grim Jim is so desperate for attention from the SJW crowd (who have ignored him for at least five years now) that his latest product is free Free FREE! Get your OSR dungeon stocked with cocaine and hookers now before Grim Jim feigns suicide again when his love of rape with tentacles isn’t appreciated by the masses!

  246. Brad permalink
    August 14, 2020 7:56 pm

    Come on, please let me know which one of you morons is posting this tripe…please.

  247. Thimotheus permalink
    August 15, 2020 1:17 pm

    I hardly come here anymore.

    I want to retract my last statement about not reading my doppelgangers posts. Saying I don’t read them indicates that I’m so butthurt I can’t bring myself to read them. But of course I read them. Yeah, it hurts, but how can I resist? I’m finally getting some attention after a decade of coming here to be angry about other people’s hobbies. Since the moms decided my players can’t come to my basement table anymore for a shitty old game (to be honest the boys wanted to play 5th edition anyway with boys their own age rather than an old man who looks at them funny) I don’t really have anything left but jealousy about other peoples creative pursuits so I come here to point my fat finger and say “Ha!”.

    Have an exhalt! Haha see what I did there!

  248. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    August 15, 2020 1:30 pm

    My view is that half-orcs are hated. Normal populations don’t accept them. If a half-orc looks human enough to pass for human, then he can enter a village at his own peril. If anyone suspects that he is a half-orc, then he risks the long glances and comments when he turns his back, at a minimum.

    Mostly likely, he’ll be expelled forcibly from the town. And, if the crowed gets riled up enough, they may just stone him to death or hang him in the town square before setting him on fire.

    Of course, there are exceptions. A town citizen is attacked by orcs, and nine months later, little Janni has a half-orc kid. The town, amazingly, doesn’t turn away from Janni, because Janni is only 13 years old to begin with (14 when she has little Grog), and Grog grows up as the defacto town mascot, loved by all.

    – Waterbob

    • James Maliszewski, Distinguished Purveyor of Fine OSR Materials permalink
      August 15, 2020 4:33 pm

      You are very wrong Waterbob. Little Janni’s Gran and Mum would see to it that the bastard baby would be “stillborn”. There would be no tolerance for bastards, especially half-orc bastards. And why did you specify that Janni is only 13? Are you a Pedophile?

      Waterbob, you are an afficionado of OSR content, no? Have you seen my storefront at where I sell a wide variety of quality OSR gaming content. Why don’t you give my Space OSR RPG a try? It is reasonably priced, and almost complete. I take requests for content too, if you send me source material, like vintage Traveller publications in good or better condition which I can use for inspiration.

    • kaskoid permalink
      August 15, 2020 4:45 pm

      You are one sick motherfucker, WaterBOOB! If I ever see you at GaryCon I will run you over with my mobility scooter, then throw it in reverse and ride over your head again! The only reason you posted this nonsense is to let everyone know you are a racist and a pedophile. No need to dog whistle at Dragonsfart though. Dragonsfart is home to racists, pedophiles, and other inbred morons.

      Kill yourself NOW Waterboob or face my wrath!!!!!

      • Franky Panky permalink
        August 18, 2020 1:37 pm

        Tim, My good friend, yes. Use the flamethrower on him first. Did you ever follow up on My suggestion to have some ultraHD video cameras installed on the Death Scooter so that we may watch the carnage over and over again. I would so love to have seen you running amok among the Shriners a few years back.

        It’s a village full of Idiots. Sadly, I once tried to be its Prince, and to elevate those oozing anal abscesses out of the shit in which they wallow. They flung the shit at Me instead. Ingrates. Crush them all My friend. Gary lo vult.

      • kaskoid permalink
        August 20, 2020 7:45 pm

        Do I know you?

  249. Christian Walker - Destination Unblown permalink
    August 16, 2020 1:21 pm

    King David is all of us – capable of such great feats, yet very human and frail. We’re all seeking shelter in Gath these days, trying to figure out how our present situation is so different from what we imagined. Until better days arrive, we will play on and make the best of it.

    PS: Grognardia is back and my world feels a little more whole. Nice!

    • kaskoid permalink
      August 20, 2020 7:47 pm

      You I think I know. Did you try to teach me how to fish on the beach once? I was too stoned to figure out what you were going on about.

  250. August 16, 2020 2:09 pm

    Hey ya’ll, you have to admit the commenters on my blog are the smartest of the bunch. You know, because gamers who doen’t support me is a dumb spineless nerd.

    Totktospit said…
    I have just searched information about “Blood In The Chocolate” and I have not seen anything super offensive. It looks kike weird adventure. And things like possible fun cannibalism are actually omages to the actual table top play. The main selling point of RPGs is the freedom to do anything. And If you invite a new player to the game (assumption is she is not resident of nerdy states of geekdom) she will try to test it freedom. If players without sticks in their asses and have not wanked on elves too much, they will begin to invent weird often immoral actions to test limits. It is similar to people playing computer games testing the boundaries of sandboxes. And in my humble opinion it is easier to interest people with something like weird Willy Fona factory or Pirates of Caribean Asteroids or any other weird original setting than in forgotten realms bullshit. I can’t even imagine that somebody would care about Llolth or Garosh or other lore. Lore is overestimated in general. Even if something is weird fetish adventure it is not big deal, players with freedom can make booring LoTR in fun hobbits vs hookers without outside help. Fun police should calm down a little bit.
    August 15, 2020 at 3:00 PM

    Zak Sabbath said…
    i agree, but others disagree.

    and when that happens, the only important conversation is about proof

  251. Timothemoteoetous permalink
    August 19, 2020 12:59 am, guyz. I don’t read that dudettes posts. honest. she/he cries like a little bitch because I don’t.

    It’s important to me that you believe that. You do believe, right? Guyz? I…DON’T…FUCKING…READ…THEM.

    I don’t.

    Sorry, no exalt today. Sigh!

    • kaskoid permalink
      August 19, 2020 11:02 am

      Why are Black people talking about hockey between periods? Black people don’t play hockey. What’s next? Black people talking about swimming at the Olympics?

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        August 19, 2020 10:08 pm

        You misheard, Kask of Amontillado, they were talking about honkeys.

      • kaskoid permalink
        August 20, 2020 7:42 pm

        You’re probably right. Although I don’t even remember posting this anymore. My brain is like Swiss cheese from all the drugs I’ve taken over the years. And it was a lot of drugs. Still like to indulge too! 😉

        Maybe you know why black people think they are orcs?

        I do remember a conversation I had with Gygax though back in the day when he told me wererats were based on the Jews of the Middle Ages.

        I’m also not a fan of all this political correctness nonsense, but I don’t remember what that is.

        I’m going to take a few hits off the old dragon bong now.

  252. Timotheus permalink
    August 21, 2020 5:24 am

    Swung by for my weekly drive-by, and I see Fake Tim has posted twice since then. Hilarious how far I am in your little head.

    I admit there was a temptation to read them, but it is a lot funnier knowing you punch your screen when I can’t be bothered. I’m sure you are just giving free reign to your pedophilic fantasies anyway.

    Dance, monkey, dance!

    • Recovered Retard permalink
      August 22, 2020 12:46 pm

      Not for nothing Tim, but your protestations are coming off a little pathetic. Your clone does seem to be getting under your skin. You’ve fallen into a common troll victim trap. You’re engaging with him, and doing that can come back on you. Like previously stating you hardly come here anymore, then confirming you actually do on a weekly basis. And the “haha don’t read your posts and that makes you soooo mad” stuff is weak as hell. I say this as a former troll myself. Ignoring them is an effective defense. Continuing to engage is the proof you read them and are being affected by them.

      I drop by every now and again myself when an OSR thing is going on, like the new Grognardia posts tempting me to take a peek today.. But in the long run I don’t really care that much. The OSR is practically dead a lot like this site.Its kind of cringy to hear the term “blOwSR” at this point. The vast majority of gamers play 5th edition and other things, including myself. Its where the players under 60 are and they are way more preferable than what you get in the old school. Even girls who aren’t aging beasts are playing. I’ve kind of let go of the disappointments and annoyances that come with that tired old scene. The dozens of 5th e. players I’ve interacted with haven’t even heard of Grognardia, Zak Smith, Venger, Pundit, Dragonsfoot etc. Its great. There is another world out there. Even most of the old regulars here seem to have moved on, probably to play the newer stuff, or just quitting all together because they can’t find 1st edition players.

      At any rate, happy gaming whatever you play.



      Once Recovering now Recovered

      • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
        August 24, 2020 9:16 pm

        Hey Retard! Glad to see you are fully Recovered! I have greatly missed your artwork. You were truly the only good thing to come out of the blOwSR art scene. Now that you’ve moved on to other games, how about creating some portraits of the luminary fuckups of the 5e and storygaming world? An Adam Koebel perhaps? Or maybe a Mearls!!?

      • Stokes permalink
        September 2, 2020 12:10 pm

        “Hey Retard! Glad to see you are fully Recovered! I have greatly missed your artwork. You were truly the only good thing to come out of the blOwSR art scene. Now that you’ve moved on to other games, how about creating some portraits of the luminary fuckups of the 5e and storygaming world? An Adam Koebel perhaps? Or maybe a Mearls!!?”

        Don’t you get a fucking hint? He’s outgrown trolling. He let go of the petty chickenshit anger and jealousy and decided to just enjoy life. LOL it seems not all retards are capable of recovering!

      • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
        September 4, 2020 4:07 pm

        Anyone know what this Stokes thing is? Is it one of Zak’s many sockpuppets, or one of the whores with a blown out pussy and asshole Zak wanted us to call? Never heard of it before. It sounds nasty and covered in scabs!

      • kaskoid permalink
        September 4, 2020 4:11 pm

        Are Strokes scabs crusted over or active and leaking pus? Does Strokes know how to service a man in a mobility scooter with a colostomy bag? Asking for a friend.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        September 4, 2020 7:43 pm

        Tim, My old friend. You want nothing to do with Stokes. We of the OSR royalty are above taking sloppy seconds from one such Zak Smith. You remember him right, the little punk with the half bald tattooed head that mouthed off to you a few years back at GenCon? We had to restrain you from thrashing him. That rank blonde skank on his arm was Stokes. Even I wouldn’t hit that thing, and you know how low my standards are. I never stick the Dragons Tail into crazy– except that one time with Jessica, but I had no idea she was bat shit insane– and never into some punk’s cum dumpster.

    • POO POO RAGOO permalink
      September 2, 2020 9:10 pm

      Hi Stokes, I know you love Zak now, I loved him too, but he will break your heart. He will break your heart Stokes just like he broke mine. And when Zak breaks your heart Stokes, you will shit your pants. I know. It happened to me. I shit my pants.

      See you on OnlyFans or wherever the permanently cancelled are forced to live in exiled shame.

      • kaskoid permalink
        September 4, 2020 4:13 pm

        Hey Jimmy Poo Poos, do you know if this Stokes skank has a blown out box so it’s basically a cloaca like a bird has? A man in a mobility scooter wouldn’t want to get any doo doo on their member. With the colostomy bag though, I can’t promise Stokes won’t get a faceload of feces.

  253. Timotheus permalink
    August 21, 2020 5:26 am

    So I thought Vengie and Turdkar were buds. Why did Venge stab him in the fleshy back and call him a Karen while sucking up to Tarnowski’s brownshirts on the ‘Shite? Did we miss a bitchfight in the blOwSR?

    • Zak Langouste permalink
      August 22, 2020 12:20 am

      Hey Bro, looks like you’re not signed up with my OnlyFans. If you were you would know all the details. If there is a bitchfight in the OSR, you know I;m involved somehow. Vengar’s act is easily understood if you are familiar with the behavior of crabs in a bucket.

    • Stokes permalink
      August 28, 2020 3:59 pm

      LOL. “Vengie,” “Turdkar,””blOwSR.” This place is more out of touch than Dragonsfoot. Who cares about this stuff? Who has time to be so angry and jealous about people not many more than you have even heard of? So sad. It would be one thing if you were teenagers, but c’mon. Is your old age so empty?

    • Dani Jang, permalink
      August 28, 2020 5:09 pm

      Hey little Tim Tim, so solly you get harrassywassy from mean forum troll. He put pee pee in you fat assy and pump many hate sperm into you. It sound like you need rawyer to get you big pain and suffering yankee dollars. Call me and we work out payment plan because me guess you no have jobby. No waity till weekly drive by. Remember, when you hurtee you call rawyer!

        August 29, 2020 9:17 am

        Herro Fake Dani Jang! You need rawyer?

        You must be a doing gay with Fake Timotheus. What up with that guy? He can’t get Real Timotheus out of his head! He probably dreaming of him instead of you during the butt sex. No so lucky!

        I still stuck in Canada where Zak is getting spanked and losing his case! He now OFFICIALLY GUILTY of raping and abusing Mandy now so you were all correct to cancel his culture.

        Remember folks: Next time you no call whores, YOU CALL RAWYER!

  254. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    August 22, 2020 3:30 pm

    I must say that I am really enjoying solo play. It’s the first time I’ve tried it in over a decade, and it’s incredibly convenient. Most sessions take an hour or so to play out and in two months of trying it I’ve played enough to have eight characters go up 3-4 levels apiece.

    From my experience, the same amount of play would take longer sessions to resolve IRL (what takes one hour solo would take three or four hours with a group of four or six because of all the chatter and backchat and because I don’t have to take time to describe what’s happening to myself). Then, we would have many fewer sessions because it’s hard to get everyone to commit to a regular and frequent time slot. So instead of sessions of one hour on average three or four times a week, I’d be looking at one two to four hour session once every week or once every other week (I have a pretty erratic schedule so a lot of that would of course be on me – I can’t usually commit to any dates until a day or two before).

    Finally, I’m getting to enjoy both sides here, player AND DM. And as a DM, the tables do everything, so there’s no prep involved. I don’t have to read modules or write adventures outsoide of sessions to get ready. Just roll some dice when am ready.

    So yeah, playing f2f with friends and family is the best, but I’m finding playing solo to be much better than I remembered it, and refreshingly free of real-life scheduling issues that slow down the frequency and speed of face-to-face play. And so, because it’s scratching my itch, and because I’m doing more Zoom/Skype/Teams meetings these days for work, I really have no interest at all in playing online these days.


    I too have been having quite a good time with solo play.

    – Ratbreath

    • kaskoid permalink
      August 22, 2020 5:14 pm

      Yes, you unblown neckbeards who will never get a girlfriend know all about playing with yourselves. Most of you shouldn’t be around people anyway pandemic or not so perhaps this type of gaming is for the best. Here’s a rules hack based on Russian Roulette for you to try next time you are playing with yourself. Ask the dice if you would be better off dead once per session. If the answer comes up yes, go into the garage and kill yourself.

    • Quincy Mbeki permalink
      August 23, 2020 11:42 am

      Solo rpgs lol…man you have hit bottom. I’d weep for you if I wasn’t laughing at you so hard.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      August 23, 2020 8:10 pm

      I’d warn you about going blind or growing hair on your palms, you snivelling sack of crap, but it’s too late. Seriously, you moron, play a computer game if you want solo play. You can do more with computers than stream that nasty furry snuff porn that appeals to Dragonsfootsies like you. Pervert.

  255. Franky Panky permalink
    August 30, 2020 6:48 pm

    Good Sirs, an opportunity for you to own a rare first print of Dark Tower by noted RPG troon Paul/Jennell Jacquays on My auction page,

    I do hope the bidding goes above $50.00. I need a new container for Paul’s severed penis. The current container is damaged. No need to worry, the containers with Kaskoid’s colon sections and Ward’s foot are still in mint condition. I was unable to obtain any of Wilford Brimley’s parts for My admittedly macabre collection. I cannot state publicly what parts of Gary I have, out of respect, and thirst, for his still comely daughters.

  256. Timotheus permalink
    September 2, 2020 12:10 am

    I hardly cum here anymore.

  257. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    September 3, 2020 12:47 pm

    I oft question why these manchildren are so desperate to suckle at JaMal’s tiny withered cock that they are so desperate to rewrite his failure and theft as a mere misstep and that his posting of milquetoast articles should result in parades and retaking of his miter as poop of the oh ess arrrrr. I just cannot understand why they’re hellbent on pretending JaMal’s mega dungeon was more then four rooms with campaign testing that consisted of poor players going through those same four rooms again and again. Didn’t he also never complete Petty Gawds? Why would anyone look up to and try to cover for such a loser?

  258. FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
    September 5, 2020 6:01 pm

    Which Zak whore got it’s eye shot out protesting against Black Lives Matter again?
    Jesus Christ, Zak! It’s bad enough you raped and abused Mandy, you have to support racial oppression of African Americans?!?

    September 7, 2020 4:50 pm

    Herro Suck Dungeon Fans! You need rawyer?

    Just a friendly reminder that Zak Sabbath aka Zak Smith is known for douchbaggery! And Zak is also GUILTY of raping and abusing Mandy Morbid aka Amanda Nagy and that is why he is cancelled from Elf Games forever! GOOD RUCK AT ONLYFAGS SUCKER!

    Happy Rabor Day!

    And Remember: Next time, you no call whores like Stokes with blown out pussy and asshole, YOU CALL RAWYER!

  260. Kent permalink
    September 7, 2020 5:31 pm

    BLM & ANTIFA fail. Fact.

    Ha ha. Kent laugh, Ha.

    Trump, beautiful Trump is going to gain so much from the worthless 95% of university students demonstrating they are are morons and cry-babies – YDIS posters.

    Trump landslide – KENT says

    Jail for ydis – antifa scum. YIPPEE

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      September 9, 2020 9:57 am

      Another academic year, another beginning-of-semester meltdown from Kent, the Dunning-Kruger Professor. Uppity protestors are now his oppressors, in cahoots with teh J00z. Another year of stagnation and inertia for old Durr Hurr… it wouldn’t be so damn funny if he weren’t such an irredeemable shit.


    • Kent permalink
      September 9, 2020 4:56 pm

      I don’t recognise you, you made no impression on me when I was here before, but I assume you are one of the crispening turds that hangs on in this dead place while grass grows around you, and then an innocent passer-by steps on you and has to wipe you off his boot because no one likes shit on his boot. It is not civilised.

      Speaking of shit, Take a look at those antifa mugshots. Ugly. Very ugly indeed. Strange deformed heads lacking all symmetry and those hateful piercing eyes of the tit-denied infant.

      Wonderful to put faces to you people after all this time.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        September 9, 2020 7:20 pm

        Ugly. Very ugly indeed. Strange deformed heads lacking all symmetry and those hateful piercing eyes of the tit-denied infant.

        Submitted without comment:

      • Kent permalink
        September 11, 2020 5:03 pm

        Eh .. you are handsome? You are not antifa because your mugshot is not freakishly ugly? Your nostrils hold secrets? You are a little weasel?

        My advice to you is: don’t engage me because you will come across as a cretin every time and that just stokes your rage. And your rage is like an odour, a fecal odour that engulfs you. Everywhere you go your shitty smell follows and you say, ‘what is that smell?’

        People are too polite to say the smell is you. But I say it. The shit in your life is you.

        September 11, 2020 7:46 pm

        True Story: Kent was wearing his pink booty socks getting pounded up the ass by a drunken Jamaican homeless man with AIDS when he typed this.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        September 12, 2020 11:02 am

        Haitian, not Jamaican. the Jakes like their booty very juicy. They’re into the hambeasts that come to the Island to get some BBC, well, any C actually. Sex tourism isn’t just for Thailand.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        September 14, 2020 8:04 pm

        My advice to you is: don’t engage me because you will come across as a cretin every time and that just stokes your rage.

        Don’t be fatuous, Paul. You’re projecting like an IMAX. Remind us who posted an unhinged tirade about Hebraic Persecution a couple of months ago. Your main problem is a bad case of Dunning-Kruger, your secondary problem is your inability to control your emotions, so a blue-haired Tumblr chick on another continent can send you into paroxysms.

        And your rage is like an odour, a fecal odour that engulfs you. Everywhere you go your shitty smell follows and you say, ‘what is that smell?’

        This is the weirdest come-on ever. Sorry, Kent, I don’t want you to give me a rimjob.

  261. Kent permalink
    September 7, 2020 10:01 pm

    And Timotheus is a sad cunt. Ha.

      September 11, 2020 7:48 pm

      Kent likes getting pounded in the ass by big black cocks. He’s like the Irish Satine Phoenix.

  262. Dani Jang, esq. permalink
    September 8, 2020 11:34 am

    Hey mr. Fear Of Unblowie , it sound like Zak whores make you many angry. Stokes whore get in your head like blowsr get in Tim Tims head. Put on strap dildo and fuckee you fat Assy. Call me and I get you big yankee bucks for pain and suffering. No punchee computer screen like Timmy. Don’t get mad, call rawyer!

      September 9, 2020 9:11 am

      Herro Fake Dani Jang! You need rawyer?
      Unblown is correct to fear the unblown OSR. They are what we used to call retarded but now must use the politically correct term, “Stupid Americans”. But do not confuse my client Fear Unblowns intent in the Stokes matter. He only want to call whores as Zak has asked but must know first how blown out their pussy and asshole is. That how you judge a whore – how much they worky worky! HAHAHAHAHA!

      You may recall in early days of DEMON SHITTY Kickstarter, it was I who called whores at Zak’s request after I kindly pointed out that Zak is known for douchbaggery. I call whores and they tell me Zak is innocent. Funny thing they all sound the same whores – like Zak Sabbath using falsetto voice – but I digress. Dani Jang Superbacker and Rawyer for Mandy Morbid ask whores how you know what happen when you weren’t around Zak’s L.A. shitbox apartment? They could not answer that question so I tell Zak, no more call whores, you call rawyer.

      Anyway, back to crushing Zak in Canuk Court!

      Bye Bye, Stupid Americans! Remember, no wear covid mask or wash your hands. You have rights!

  263. Heh permalink
    September 9, 2020 1:23 pm

    In the dualing Dani Jang arena I think Timotheus troll Dani is funnier than Fear of Unblown Dani. Less is more when it comes to lame gimmicks.


      September 13, 2020 3:46 pm

      Well if that’s how you feel you don’t have to call rawyer. You can call Ghostbusters, you can call Bingo, you can can call a cab for all I care.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        September 13, 2020 5:44 pm

        Oh Dani, I may need your help. In a moment of weakness I called the whores. I’m a desperate, lonely man since my Little Debbie left me and there are no Cons to attend, and thus Con groupies when their nerdy BFs forget about them to play some silly all night game or the other, I’m there to “comfort” them. 😉 😉 . I’ve cucked hundreds of gamers. But now, a massive dry spell.

        I think it was Stokes who answered the call. I’m pretty certain I caught some venereal disease or the other just from hearing her voice. She hung up on me pretty quickly too. Maybe my breathing problems? Do I have a case? Can I sue her for giving me VD?

  264. Arneson's Spectre permalink
    September 10, 2020 1:57 pm

    I hate you all. Wake me when Zak loses his case up in Canada.

  265. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    September 13, 2020 2:27 am

    So as a way of narrowing down restaurant choices when travelling, I have decided I will only eat at places with D&D sounding names. As in The Prancing Pony, not Inn of the Welcome Wench.

    So which one sounds better?

    Please label as OT if applicable.

    – Gord

    • kaskoid permalink
      September 13, 2020 8:42 am

      You mentally retarded bumbling boomer fool! You shouldn’t be traveling anywhere during a deadly pandemic! Perhaps it is for the best though if it gets you dead and buried sooner. Try these – they should fit your government handout lifestyle as most have dollar value menus:
      1. King of Burgers
      2. THAC0 Bell
      3. Wendy, Princess of Lesbos
      4. The Manhole
      5. The Fudge Palace
      6. Wieners

      You know what? Why don’t you just pretend to go on a trip. Go into the garage, start up the car and just sit in there for a few hours.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        September 13, 2020 5:47 pm

        Tim, My old friend, you forgot an important piece of advice. Leave the garage doors and windows closed.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        September 14, 2020 7:58 pm

        THAC0 Bell is Pure Comedy Gold. Well played!

  266. Zak Langouiste Sabbaticals permalink
    September 14, 2020 9:41 am

    Comments on at Grognards Nutsack. Zpastic orders you to attack minions. Only when Jamal is brought low will he begin publishing his notes on the punk rawk bard. You all know what to do.

  267. Heh permalink
    September 14, 2020 1:01 pm

    Guys like Gord and that Jar Jar loving fag Waterbob are kings of The Unblown. They have long gone past the point of rehashing the same old DnD discussions and now just post inane man child shit so the other idiots can chime in with lame jokes. Gords fucking thing doesn’t even make sense. Its hilarious when a pic of one of these fucktards gets posted; 60 year old balding shit for brains. I bet since Jr. High they have dried up more pussies than Pee Wee Herman.

    What is the psychology of Jamal at Grognardia? He first makes a furtive post every couple days, starts ramping up the frequency, then opens up the comments. Weird.


    • Franky Panky permalink
      September 14, 2020 6:32 pm

      The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout
      Down came the rain and washed the spider out
      Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
      And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again

      Oh, look out, here he comes again

      The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout
      Down came the rain and washed the spider out
      Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
      And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again

      Obviously, JMal is the spider, a particularly loathesome spider, in this case. Come to think of it, Zak is a loathsome spider too. Gord and Waterboob et al. are maggots that will eventually mature into the flies which will end up in JMal’s web.

  268. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    September 15, 2020 9:06 am

    The DFers sure do have that Call to Adventure thing down pat:

    • kaskoid permalink
      September 16, 2020 8:06 am

      Hey Jimmy Poo Poos, I found your target audience for LotFP.

      Here’s a freebie, cut from the original PHB:
      Colostomy Bag: holds 1 week’s worth of digested iron rations before it needs changing – 50 CP
      Adult Diaper: holds 1 day’s worth of digested iron rations before it needs changing – 2 CP

  269. Heh permalink
    September 15, 2020 11:08 am

    If you ever see a DF thread about what they tend to eat it’s no surprise they Obsess about shitting.


  270. Timotheus permalink
    September 17, 2020 1:29 pm

    Sorry I haven’t been making my weekly drive by. My Ford Focus is n the shop. Besides, this place has gotten kind of mean 😦

    • Franky Panky permalink
      September 17, 2020 7:19 pm

      We know you’re Fake Timotheus. Everybody knows that The Real Timotheus drives Bloodymage’s truck. He bought it at the estate sale. It’s a fine piece of OSR history.

      • kaskoid permalink
        September 17, 2020 10:18 pm

        I bought bloodymage’s computer at that same estate sale. I don’t know what that little cretin did to it when he was alive but I can’t seem to get rid of that damned Yahoo toolbar!

      • bloodymage permalink
        September 17, 2020 10:19 pm

        Try a fresh install.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        September 19, 2020 4:58 pm

        But then he’ll have problems with his printer. My old friend could always start a thread on Dragonsfoot about it, and get helpful advice from such IT luminaries as Waterboob. I’d offer advice, but what do I know. I keep getting hacked, and My social media and forum accounts hijacked.

  271. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    September 19, 2020 2:58 pm

    Re: Power Word: Poop

    Players will be players.

    My players ventured into the Cave A, home of the Kobolds in the Caves of Chaos and found the refuse room first (after the pit trap and the ambushing kobolds).

    They took “refuse” and “waste” in the room descriptions to explicitly mean “”, and proceeded to give each other poop-staches and throw poo at the other characters out of melee range.

    The session ended in a figurative show.

    At the start of the next session, one of the hired NPCs noped out of the party and immediately ran back to to the Keep and told everyone that the PCs were insane and no one should ever work for them, or help them in any way.

    (Reaction Roll: 2, without -2 modifier for flinging poo like monkeys. Keep NPCs Reaction Roll: also a 2, before applying -2 modifier.)

    On the way back to the keep, the fire loving wizard kept blasting the poo-smearing halfling in the ass.

    The player wanted to kill the character, but I told him he couldn’t do it when the player was absent from the session.

    I did let the fire-blasting PC whittle the halfling down to 1 hp, and that’s how he came back to the Keep, scorched and blasted, and overall smelling like a toasted turd.

    The reaction that every PC got from every NPC in the Keep was that normal people don’t do those sorts of things, and if they persisted in that type of behavior, they’d be driven out with pitchforks and could then just go move into the Caves of Chaos and see how the neighbors treated them there.

    The players, wanting to play through KotBL decided that if they were to stay in the area and continue the adventure and accrue XP, had better keep the Keep NPCs on their side, so they apologized and promised to be better heroes.. 😆

    (Reaction Roll: 7, modified to a 5 which means that their actions were indeed shitty, but if they proved to clean up their act, they’d give them another chance.)

    If I were to allow a “Power Word: Poop” in my campaign, I know I’d get more of the same type of “Dirty Mike and the Boys” style murder-hobo play from my players.

    – Bobjester

    • kaskoid permalink
      September 20, 2020 8:06 am

      Next time you idiots should run this as a LARP with real feces. Please do it at GaryCon so I can throw my overfull colostomy bag right into the middle of the whole lot of you and pretend I cast Fireball. I’m glad you brought this up though. Not enough discussion about the anal expulsive in this dominantly anal retentive hobby. And drink a bottle of bleach, Bobjester, so you don’t get any diseases from all that feces on your face and mouth.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        September 20, 2020 8:50 pm

        They could run it as an Epic Butt Battle, with each team led by a general who doubles as an artillery piece. How about Raggi vs Kent… Raggi’s general incontinence pitted against Kent’s unheimlich semen-shit-swirl butt blasts (pookkake).

        Raggi would have Zakko continuously pouring a slurry of Cheeto dust and Natty Light down his gullet from 55 gallon drums while Kent would have his team members periodically running trains on him from both ends to fill his combination breech and muzzle loader.

        In the end, not even Raggi’s capacious ass would be able to stand up to Kent’s secret weapon, borrowed from the Jesuit Homosexual Compound in San Francisco.

  272. Captain Kirks Dick Blood permalink
    September 20, 2020 1:10 pm

    Don’t be too hard on that broke ass, Coffee shop internet-reliant mother fucker BobJester. He and his fellow sad old shits in his group have actually ingeniously tweaked that tired old vanilla Caves of Chaos scenario and amped it up with some James Raggi call to adventure shit-based gameplay. Plus every goblin, gnoll, orc and what have you will now be terrified as hell of these fecal warriors. The evil temple clerics are all “and we thought WE were crazy. Fuck this, I’m outie.”

    For the next visit I recommend the party has a circle jerk in the minotaur cave. Maybe use a piece of iron rations as an “ookie cookie” and the loser has to eat it in front of the baffled and disgusted beast.

  273. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    September 23, 2020 11:42 am

    by Beowulf » Sun Aug 23, 2020 6:53 am
    I haven’t logged in a while (busy, moved, etc) and was really deflated to hear of his passing. RIP, Steve.

    McDeath » Sun Aug 30, 2020 2:44 am
    There are times i gloss over the RIP threads. I only noticed the other day when looking at member Rankings and saw his name with Gary and others. He seemed like he was still alive, I guess that’s just how much his posts hit me.

    Cheers to BM and those who enjoyed his works.

    Milo » Sun Aug 30, 2020 3:03 am
    No more pain, suffering, and hurt. Rest In Peace. May you find what you have always sought in life in the after life. God Speed.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      September 23, 2020 1:59 pm

      A rather macabre sort of thread necromancy. And nice way to remember Blooey, by forgetting about him for 4 years. Idiots. UNlike you sad sacks, he led an interesting life.

      By Beowulf » Thu Aug 27, 2020 9:38 pm (snort. like there is anything heroic about this turdlet)

      “For a couple years I frequented a different site dedicated to old-school AD&D but the site owner is a loon, and now everything is just right wing political nonsense. I really appreciate that DF doesn’t tolerate that kind of garbage! I was saddened to see a couple of my friends from the older days have passed away but it’s great to see so many folks from the early 2000s still here.”

      Ah, an escapee from The Perilous Dreamer’s little corner of Hell.

    • bloodymage permalink
      September 25, 2020 7:31 am

      Well, this is not one of my favorite boards but I have product to sell, so I’m registering for an account.

  274. Dani Jang, esq. permalink
    September 25, 2020 10:02 am

    Hey mista Blooeymage. So solly you dead. But many grief from Unblowie dragonsfoot must makee you proud as Punchee in hell.

    Is Satanee torturing you? You call me and we chop chop suey him for harassment. Get you many hell bucks. Don’t put upee with tortures of the damned. Call now!

      September 25, 2020 12:39 pm

      Herro, Fake Dani Jang! You need rawyer? You definitely need raw school!

      Blooey aka bloodymage has no need for rawyer as he is dead. Really that’s a no brainer. He do have retarded son who may need help with the estate and getting the dozen dollars at RPGNow DBA One Bookshelfie. That money could go a long way for Blooey junior. At least pay for blowjob or a quick handie from Saltine Phoenix in the back alley.

      Remember folks: you no call whores, you call rawyer! REAL rawyer, not fake one! You get real deal from Dani Jang!

      • kaskoid permalink
        September 26, 2020 5:45 am

        Dani, I’m an old, burned out pothead so I get confused easily. When you say “rice”, do you mean rice or lice?

  275. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    September 27, 2020 3:45 pm

    Zpastic apparently is so ashamed of his failed Patreon that he’s hidden the numbers. So he’s making a massive splash in his return to RPG’s. Guess after the Eaton lawsuit his dad told him he wasn’t giving him anymore money to pursue frivolous lawsuits. I suppose with Jamal’s return to blogging it’s only make sense for Zpastic to also make his return.

    • kaskoid permalink
      September 27, 2020 6:49 pm

      I cannot condone the use of Zak’s self-proclaimed Kewl Punk Rawk Bard in any official D&D game. I’ve read the internet and apparently Zak is a serial abuser and a rapist. Even his vanity page on wikipedia does not refute these facts: He is Known for Abuse!

  276. Heh permalink
    September 27, 2020 4:42 pm

    I looked at that Wandering DMs interview and Jamal is one grim fuck. He cracks a smile maybe twice.

    I suspect in the last few years he went all mental after his controversies and got divorced by his wife. So he probably got wrung out in the wash and all this frantic posting is how he’s dealing with the pain.


    • Quincy Mbeki permalink
      October 1, 2020 12:05 pm

      Probably too concerned with bastardy in children’s movies.

      Or running off with money from backers.

  277. October 1, 2020 2:51 pm

    Alas, during the discovery portion of the divorce proceedings I learned the most appalling news. My wife had cuckolded me, and given birth to a bastard. I had unwittingly been raising the bastard child as my own. This news devastated me and continues to devastate me because I am legally obligated to pay child support for the bastard.

    My finances are in arrears. You could help by purchasing some of my fine OSR offerings, such as my RPG, which is not at all a Traveller rip-off, or other offerings in my sotrefront at You may also donate money directly to me, Do not donate a mere dollar, since the processing fees eat most of it. Donations in US $100 increments are preferred. You may also assist me by sending me vintage OSR products, for review and for inspiration. Please do not send items that are damaged, soiled, or otherwise in less that good condition.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      October 1, 2020 7:43 pm

      After seeing how he stepped on JMal’s dick during that con, smart money says that the father is Ken St Andre.

      October 2, 2020 3:11 pm

      Free legal advices for Kent: “in arrears” doesn’t mean what you think it does, so don’t get yourself all worked up in a doing gay!

      You all know the drill by now: no call whores like Stokes, YOU CALL RAWYER!

  278. Destination Unblown permalink
    October 7, 2020 11:06 am

    Speaking of making a call, you are really phoning it in these days fake Dani.

    If you doods need some great adventures, check out my latest game jams that use little paper minis that look like a toddler made them. And subscribe to my game changing one page hand scratched zine! Three flew out the door today! I’m the petty gawd of zines,ya know!

    Peace owt


      October 12, 2020 8:32 am

      Herro, Christian! You need rawyer? You are known for making shitty zines with your childlike doodles. Still better than what Scrap Princess scribbles out though HAHAHAHA!

      It has been a long while since last we spoke. Are you ready to start divorce proceedings against your estranged wife yet? Clearly she wears the pants in the family. Probably wears the penis too. You must be tired of that strap on dildo. It will be an uphill battle. She has many homeless bums from the beach ready to testify that you offered them fish in exchange for sexual favor. You no worry Dani Jang get you a nice settlement so you can keep wasting your time and money on those stupid zines. Call me ready right away!

      Remember Folks: Next time you know call whores like Stokes, YOU CALL RAWYER!

  279. Kent's Rectum (Prolapsed with Anal Warts) permalink
    October 14, 2020 6:57 pm

    Kent’s sphincter is shot from years of excessive sodomy. He can’t even cut a loud fart anymore. All you get is silent but deadly. Today Kent let out a nasty nursing home fart. Remember going to the nursing home to visit grandma and the nasty smell in the hallways from the residents who soiled themselves? Even baby diapers didn’t smell that bad or ripe. Well that’s what Kent is quiffing out from his wrecked pooper. Silent, deadly, and elderly ass gas.

    • kaskoid permalink
      October 14, 2020 7:00 pm

      Has Kent tried Beano®? I swear by it as does my home health aid charged with changing my colostomy bag.

  280. Destination Unblown permalink
    October 14, 2020 9:28 pm

    Doods, have I got an adventure Kent will just love! I got the idea after my last Taco Bell run.


    • POO POO RAGOO permalink
      October 15, 2020 5:00 pm

      That’s harsh, Christian. That’s harsh and cruel and you know why. 😦

      I shit my pants.

      • kaskoid permalink
        October 16, 2020 8:36 am

        Hey Jimmy Poo Poos, you really need to look at this as a business opportunity. The OSR has never been more into playing D&D with feces than ever before. This is your market – sophomoric potty humor that we normal folks left behind long ago in junior high. These middle aged manchildren are all about fecal matters in the dungeon: defecation, irritable bowel syndrome, flatulence and skid marks. Strike while the iron is hot, while the asscrack is poorly wiped! Go out their Jimmy Poo Poos and save your company with some doo doo! Get a hold of me I have some ideas for products. I’ll even throw in ZAK HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS PANTLOAD OF SHIT for free.

      • Arneson's Spectre permalink
        October 18, 2020 4:12 pm

        You aren’t kidding, Timmy Bagshitter! The OSR is all about the Dungeons & Dookies today!

  281. Adam K permalink
    October 17, 2020 4:01 am

    Hey, it’s Adam here. Since outing myself as a hypocritical pervert earlier this year, I’ve cut my hair and found time to reconnect with my true passion: boudoir photography. My big project for next year is what I’m calling my “Winsome Witches” calendar. So far I’ve got:
    – Kate Welch
    – Satine Phoenix
    – Margaret Weiss
    – Jennel Jaquays
    – Lee Gold
    – Gail Gygax
    – Mandy Morbid
    That’s only seven of twelve months covered, so I’d be happy to take any further suggestions.
    Thanks in advance,

    • Franky Panky permalink
      October 17, 2020 12:29 pm

      Lorraine Williams is available. Darlene Pekul is an artist. She might be into it. She was never into Me though. Another one that got away. 😦 😦 I see you’re being inclusive with Welch and Jaquays. How nice. You need a few more P.O.C.s Contact Heavy Brown Trans.

      Felicia Day. No ‘geek’ project is complete without her, uhm, unique looks. I am trying to be diplomatic here because she like really, really old men. I figure in a few more years, I might have a chance once her current septuagenarian husband croaks.

      Zak Smith and Poo Poo Raggi need the money. You could probably get them to do something together.

  282. Heh permalink
    October 18, 2020 12:14 pm

    Felicia isn’t married I think. She does have a baby. Rumor has it that whatshisface from Firefly knocked her up at a convention (I’d personally have pulled out and unloaded on her goofy mug). A couple of those Firefly dudes have made a side hustle out of convention appearances, porking as many geek skanks there as humanly possible. Not a bad life for shitty C level celebrities.


    October 25, 2020 6:48 pm

    Herro Suckdungeon Fans! You need rawyer?
    I see stupid Americans are blowing up with the COVID again HAHAHAHAHAHA! Make sure you get out and vote for that orange guy so world can finally be rid of you once and for all. Remember don’t wear a mask in store or dining facility! You have rights!

    Very nice to see a younger generation rediscovering Dani Jang back in his K-POP days. My hit single YOU NEED RAWYER OR YOU NEED ROVE? is climbing back up the Canadian charts. Yeah, I still in Canada pro bonering Mandi. Getting ready to deliver the killing blow to Zak S who is known for douchbaggery and abuse. God what an insufferable pig fucker! You know need Zak Kewl Punk Rawk Bard, you need Dani Jang K-POP bard! Ah those were the days. Dani Jang big international sex symbol who poster on all the walls of teenage girls (and creepy middle age white American guys who into OSR).

    Anyhow, you need rawyer? You can Dani Jang!
    And remember: You no call whores like Stokes, YOU CALL RAWYER!

    • Franky Panky permalink
      October 29, 2020 4:34 pm

      Dani, when are you going to sue Zak for non-delivery of Demon City. It’s nearly 18 months late.

      Maybe he won’t get a chance to off himself. The skeezy little snip of a manlet is prime pickings for Corona-Chan. I wonder what his final words will be.

      Naw, I really don’t.

  284. Quincy Mbeki permalink
    October 29, 2020 11:48 am

    I feel Zack’s suicide would teach us all a lesson. A very important lesson. Like an after school special. Why is he refusing?

    • Heh permalink
      October 29, 2020 2:39 pm

      He’s too busy having fun right now shitting all over That False Machine guy. Diminishing his works. In one of the comments Zach claims that the original art for blue medusa was bought by some rich guy and it’s considered priceless work. Zak Still seems to think he has some kind of relevance but really only to the two or three guys in Europe or whatever who comment on his blog. It sure ain’t the days of dozens and dozens of comments there.

      • Quincy Mbeki permalink
        October 29, 2020 3:17 pm

        If he will off himself and leave an angry note about bad actors and harassers, I promise I will consider his side of the story.

        But only if he does it in a manly way: no pills.

      • Quincy Mbeki permalink
        October 30, 2020 9:45 am

        I went to his blog to see what you are referring to. I see that at one point he alleges he is straight and at another he alleges he is Jewish. Both are clearly bullshit claims. He has only ever been Jewish when he can use it to deflect criticism. He is obviously gay or at least bisexual–bisexual in the sense that he will “hook up” with disabled women he can then use as a shield to deflect criticism.

        I think a heterosexual anti-defamation group should sue him for defaming them.

      • Hehaw permalink
        November 2, 2020 6:21 am

        Quite certain, Fuckface has had a dick or two in his mouth. He absolutely had a guy grab his shit in a jack-off vid he did years ago.

  285. Reason permalink
    October 30, 2020 5:21 pm

    Zak is kind of attention begging/enforcing command on his followers by demanding they pay tribute in the form of comments or he will with-hold a legal status update that he totally isn’t going to post anyway if you guys don’t love him enough. Such is his status now that he’s settling for 30 posts for some Mandy goss… Current count: 4 thirsty asslickers.

    • Xartan Tssagua permalink
      November 1, 2020 12:05 am

      I have to admit I’m curious what he has, though the evidence will probably get lost by his shipping company. What’s the best way to join his amen chorus without tipping him off?

    • Ron Jeremys Cellmate permalink
      November 4, 2020 9:11 am

      Good work Zak! That illustration alone of you laying with Mandy in bed will certainly be telling as of what a truly manipulative, creep little fuck you are in real life to a jury. I can practically hear you taking the stand right now:

      “She hit me your honor, got out of her wheel chair and punched me in the face and it’s traumatized me till dis very day!

      That said, can’t wait till you come to prison, Zak. Ronny’s asshole is a little old and puckered for my taste while a nice, hairless, slim anus like what yours is sweeter than pumpkin pie.

  286. Heh permalink
    November 2, 2020 10:54 am

    Three comments away. But if he had a huge win he’d already have been shouting to the heavens. It’ll just be some uninteresting stalemate shit.


  287. Zak le Langouste permalink
    November 2, 2020 4:53 pm

    Hey Bros. Yes, I have some news about my lawsuit against Mandy, but not much. I can totes give you a taste soon. Hint: Getting Dani Jang on her defense team was absolutely the big brain move of the century. There really isn’t much real progress now. This virus Trump’s deplorables are busy spreading everywhere is slowing things down. You would think Trump would want to support me, a guy who treats women just like he does.

    I’m dangling this legal news thing in front of everyone so that I can hit them up for some cash. Lawyerz, especially superlawyerz like mine, cost money. So I’m going to be requesting donations to help me keep the lawsuit going. You’ll hear about my GFM once I release the _news_ about the lawsuit. You can subscribe to my Onlyfans or my Patreon. You can even buy a Zak Smith original too. I am an artist. A true artist.

    I am also a sex worker. Yes, I have had to suck on a dick or two. My performances ended up on the cutting room floor, which is why you won’t find them in my films. My bravura fellatio performances were just too good and the directors did not want them to distract from the main action.

  288. November 2, 2020 5:54 pm

    If you want more content and adventure then: fight.

    The reason you’re not getting it is the RPG community has not stood up against this bs.

    If you don’t want it bad enough to take up that (considerable) inconvenience: then you won’t get it.

    It’s not your -fault- but that’s how it works in 2020–if you want people to take the increasing public risk of putting stuff out, you gotta fact-check on the trolls. Otherwise the risk the shithead brigade poses to the creators’ real life is far greater than any reward fans and customers can give. Nothing producing content could give me is worth what the online RPG community has done to innocent victims’ lives.

    I feel sorta like that Nixium sex Slave cult Raniere guy. Totally persecuted for being a sly pimp who knows how women should be treated. The haters came after me much like they did to him. All I can say is fight for me if you want more content and adventure.

    And Patrick? You can eat the corn out of my shit, Jew hater.

    • Prince Rogers Nelson permalink
      November 3, 2020 5:13 pm

      Didnt we cancel u?

    • kaskoid permalink
      November 4, 2020 5:06 pm

      I am a very old man and a burnt out pothead so I easily get confused. Is this post from Donald Trump or from Zak S? I can’t keep all these narcissists straight anymore.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        November 4, 2020 6:07 pm

        Tim my old friend, that is Zak Smith. Orange Man, for his many, many faults, at least knows how to win once in a while. Zak is a born loser. The sort of loser whose PC dies on the way to the dungeon when you’re the DM. You kill the PC just to be rid of the little twerp controlling it, then laugh at him when he cries about it.

  289. Heh permalink
    November 3, 2020 8:10 pm

    Zaks announcement was the same shit he has been spewing forever. Just another wet fart.


  290. KenHR permalink
    November 4, 2020 8:54 pm

    In other news, many salty conservatears being shed at the ‘shite. I know things could still change but for now enjoying the schadenfreude.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      November 5, 2020 3:19 pm

      That thread is Pure Comedy Gold. One of those idiots thinks the Hunter Biden laptop is real, another one has gone full QAnon.

      The only funnier reaction is the reaction among the 4chan and 8kun crowd. There was some weenie bitching about how many pictures of Hunter Biden’s dick he had to see while trying to convince people that there is a major scandal involving him.

      This meltdown is wonderful, I wish I could inject it into my veins.

      • KenHR permalink
        November 5, 2020 7:04 pm

        That dude Shark is practically wearing a “please investigate me FBI” sign around his neck.

        They’re the RPG version of incels, aren’t they?

      • Quincy Mbeki permalink
        November 6, 2020 7:20 am

        Yes everyone knows Hunter, Joe, and the whole Biden clan made all their money before Joe became a lifelong politician and none of it came in exchange for access and favors. How dare anyone insinuate otherwise!

      • KenHR permalink
        November 6, 2020 1:37 pm

        People are saying, right? Very smart people? The best people? 😂😂😂😂

        November 7, 2020 7:21 pm

        Herro President-Erect Joe Biden! You need rawyer?
        I have many experience going up against narcissist for very happy clients. You may be familiar with my successful defeat in court of Zak S who is known for douchebaggery and abuse. I can help you with your crybaby narcissist problem who get his ass handed to him by American voters. As he say on his reality show The Apprentice, You Fired! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

        I can help you navigate the days ahead. Perhaps Dani Jang accept attorney general position in your cabinet as payment. I cannot offer pro bonering though because that is for lady only (no tranny!).

        Anyhow, you call me President-Erect Joe Biden! Dani Jang take care of Donny Boy!

        And remember, you no call whores like Stokes or like Bill Clinton did, YOU CALL RAWYER!

    • Franky Panky permalink
      November 6, 2020 8:24 am

      Gentle Sirs, of course the Biden’s are rotten to the core. Even more so than the Clintstones. Why argue about it? Everybody knows.

      What needs discussing is the necromancy practiced on Joe Biden. The good ol’ USA has never had an undead president before. Will people avoid shaking his hand for fear of contracting mummy rot? How flammable is he? Will we get to see the presidential sarcophagus?

      If you Gentle Sirs really want some fun, tell the ‘Shite holes that Boomer Joe is not long for this world, and Kamala Harris will be President. It’s entirely possible that she has had a few conversations with Vladimir Putin about “tea” preparation, among other things. She really wants to raise their taxes and take away their guns and will stop at nothing to do so. Maybe force a few of them to marry trans-muslim-women.

      That said, if Boomer Joe does expire in office, I will make myself available to *comfort* V-P Harris, and all of the other women Biden supporters. It’s My patriotic duty.

  291. Xartan Tssaggua permalink
    November 5, 2020 10:52 pm

    I’ve been convinced Shark is another one of Perilous Dreamers sock puppets for a long time. Which doesn’t really contradict what you just said!

  292. Kent permalink
    November 11, 2020 8:11 pm

    Even with Facebook/Twitter/Google against Trump, and MSNBC/CNN against Trump and WP/NYT against Trump, the half-wit democrats still needed to CHEAT to draw LEVEL with Trump.

    Ha ha ha.

    Ha ha ha ha .

    Globalist Banker Jew Scum are weakening. Niceh !

  293. Kent permalink
    November 11, 2020 8:25 pm

    Great Film for our times — Assault on Precinct 13

    Globalist stooge antifa mongrel race morons, including bet-male whites, launch assault on white children and white innocents and the police.

    After watching this film I thought it might be a good idea to FUND THE POLICE

    The more we educate black MEN in STEM the less likely they will be abused by d-rank betamale white arts faculty morons like Bigby’s Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist.

  294. Kent permalink
    November 11, 2020 8:34 pm

    Even if trump doesn’t win look forward to 4 years of TRUMP TV mocking moronic BLM progressives and ancient-cretins stumbling over their words backed up by billionaire scumbags (backed up by banker Jews)

    All the humour remains with TRUMP fans.

    All the misery remains with democrats supporting imbecile stooges.

  295. Kent permalink
    November 11, 2020 9:04 pm

    US 2020 Presidential Vote Breakdown:

    TRUMP – Men, Women

    BIDEN – Transsexuals, Creeps, Homosexuals, Jews, Black-Women, Terrorists, BLM scum. Antifa scum, Media, FBI staffers, DOJ staffers, CIA staffers, Clinton and friends, Obama and friends, Sexual Serial Killers and friends, Worms, Spiders, Scorpions ,Teacher Unionists (Jews)

    November 12, 2020 7:43 am

    Huh, I thought Kent died of homosexually transmitted AIDS already.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      November 12, 2020 9:27 pm

      I figured Kent and Tarnowski killed each other in a homosexual suicide pact after they Daddy Figure lost Big League!

  297. KenHR permalink
    November 18, 2020 6:47 am

    As I watch that election thread keep developing, I’m starting to think Ron Edwards might have been on to something with his brain damage theory.

    These cucks think the world works like a comic book.

  298. Franky Panky permalink
    November 20, 2020 5:39 pm

    That crapsack Maliszewski is writing about Me again.

    If I were not afraid to set foot outside of My efficiency apartment — the present danger is mortal to one of My delicate health– I would surely seek him out and thrash him soundly with a good quality rattan cane, or even better, use that strange walking stick that I was given as a gag gift some years ago from that pervert Ed Greenwood. It is apparently made from a bull’s penis. I suspect that Greenwood, that fat, swarthy pervert, put it to *unusual* uses that did not involve actual walking before he gifted it to me.

    The nerve of that hack, calling my version of D&D, the absolute best-selling version ever, “kiddie D&D” At least I complete projects on time, unlike the confidence trickster JaMal. He’s planning to steal my work and use it in his forthcoming grift, I can just feel it in My bones. I’ll need a good attorney.

    • Reason permalink
      November 22, 2020 3:19 pm

      He’s released some of his new grift- Urheim. Vaguely Moathouse from T1ish but imagine it written by a Gygax without any balls.

      He’s really learnt from the feedback that Dwimmermount was dull & empty and jazzed things up. Kidding, it’s a masterpeice in uselessly explaining what lanterns are for & which items are no longer in the place for PC’s to not interact with. Imagine the fun of describing the missing things!

      LT.4 South Ambulatory
      Lanterns: 12 lanterns are placed along the walls, providing illumination during the nighttime.

      Walls: Smoke-stained, with outlines of religious images having been removed from six niches.

      LT.5 Sanctuary

      Altar: Made of gray stone, now shattered and its reliquary missing.

      Apses: Six semicircular recesses, each of which once held a religious image and relic. All now stand empty.

  299. Adam K permalink
    November 25, 2020 12:19 pm

    Hey, it’s Adam again. Thanks for the Winsome Witches calendar suggestions. Alicia only does side-boob, unfortunately; while all the rest, except Satine, pulled out. Elspeth, from my Far Verona campaign, even told me to “fuck the fuck off”.
    Franky: Can you put me in touch with Jess?

    • Franky Panky permalink
      November 25, 2020 3:14 pm But I’m certain she has a sex pest like you well and truly blocked. But give it a try anyway. Maybe get someone else in the *Gaming Industry* to vouch for you. I’m sure she needs work. She’s practically unemployable.

  300. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    December 1, 2020 10:24 am

    Hoo wee! The compleat Shite site is about to go into terminal meltdown and invade the Reynolds aluminum factory with their conspiracy theories about how Gawd Emperor with no clothes Flump is being robbed by the Chinese Nigerian mafia and he won because they say so. Colonic cyber security probes have proven that this was the most corrupted election ever or something. Jeezis Keerist what a bunch of man babies. Could you actually imagine gaming with any of them? Trump was slightly more popular than Killary, who’d have thought? The Incredible Melting Man is more popular than a total narcissist, who’d have thought?

    • KenHR permalink
      December 3, 2020 10:08 pm

      “Here’s a video showing poll workers doing their job! ELECTION FRAUD PROOF! Now back to my Sidney Powell incest porn!”

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        December 3, 2020 11:35 pm

        Sidney Powell is hilarious. She and that idiot Lin Wood are destroying the Republican Party. I’ve been overdosing on Schadenfreude for a month:

      • Franky Panky permalink
        December 4, 2020 12:03 am

        Sidney Powell has done porn? Gentle Sir, help an old man out please. You must provide a link to the viewing material. Oh yes, yes you must.

  301. Kent permalink
    December 4, 2020 2:54 pm

    If Trump does not get re-elected it will not be because of Democrat fraud, which is overwhelming, but because of Republican corruption.

    Neither party has a mandate to govern. More than half of the country has no representation. The US looks like an African shit-hole.

    It is very simple, globalists who are unelected are winning everywhere. Fake old media, censorious social media, unintelligent elites who inherit wealth and power. We have had fake news, next is fake governments.

    Healthy democracy needs a large middle-class. Globalists want three classes too, one tiny elite and TWO warring peasant classes.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      December 4, 2020 5:17 pm

      Cry harder, Myles na Gulpapeen.

  302. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    December 5, 2020 1:35 am

    Let’s see, Daemon Shitty is 18 months overdue but Zpastic is stoked you can run Zak McKraken and the Alien Mindbenders with his game maybe. Comparisons to Skanka’s Fart East are frowned on apparently. Although apparently the Daemon Shitty people have no issues with using libel in labeling Skanka a thief. Garth Mickel Skanka may want to think about suing Zpastic and demanding an apology on all social media platforms from him for labeling Fart East as a deceptive cash grab.
    Destination Faptastic shit out a couple reward tiers but I’d apparently overdue, forgotten, and does Saltine Cracker have any D&D star power anymore? I get the feeling her pretentiousness has finally started to wear thin on folks and she’s headed back to having her orifices stuffed with unpleasantness again. Could just be me though as a ghost I know all about fading to irrelevance.

    • Satine P. permalink
      December 6, 2020 11:26 am

      I’ll have you know my star power is still strong despite losing my DnD community leader status. But I’ve been around more celebrities than you’ll ever know. I’ve gamed with Grant Imahara (goddess bless his soul), Damion Poitier (who may or may not be related to Sidney), Erika Ishi , and Will Wheaton. And I didn’t have to give blowies to any of them. Well, I did puff on Wills wimpy dick, but at least people know who he is.

      But goddamn I wish I was in on that Critical Role money train. But the DM is gay so my three cock mouth had no appeal to him. 🥺

  303. Kent permalink
    December 8, 2020 8:10 am

    Jewish scum

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      December 8, 2020 4:48 pm

      Translation: those perfidious Jews have once again conspired against Kent, keeping him confined to teaching at an uncredited junior college for at least another semester..


  304. Hector permalink
    December 9, 2020 1:33 pm

    One year anniversary tomorrow for the final death-fart of ydis!
    There are still a few of the infested strays he used to throw the odd scrap to sniffing around the mummified ballsack. Very sad

    • Timotheus permalink
      December 9, 2020 1:40 pm

      I hardly come here anymore.

  305. Kent permalink
    December 9, 2020 4:15 pm

    YDIS is a perfect reflection of the California of today.

    No one can stomach the loud insane shitheads who reside there. Flee!

  306. James Bond permalink
    December 9, 2020 6:33 pm

    Kent & I are looking for obsequious cretins to stand as target practice while we get in shape to kneecap International Jewry. Aim for the nose, our motto.

    Kent said, ‘Look no further than the YDIS blog and the wider community of D&D gamers. Suicidal muck. Limbless worms addicted to homosexual fantasies in comic-book form. Imagine university students with soothers and nappies and rattles, ageing infants, virgin criminals, the bruised asymmetrical faces of antifa, the hippopotamus bodies of BLM black women.’

    Bond, ‘Bleak. In short Biden voters and fake Biden voters. Line them up.’

    Kent, ‘There is not enough contempt in putting a bullet in a head. Preliminaries, agony, crushing deserts.’

    Bond, ‘Trigger. Pull it. Let’s get on to the big nose traitors.’


    The best Bond by far is Lazenby and OHMSS.

      December 11, 2020 2:14 pm

      In other news, the World Health Organization has identified Kent as the first person known to have contracted the COVID-19 coronavirus through anal transmission.

      And don’t forget to put your holiday order in now for Kent’s World Famous Anal Butter! Kent makes a delicious confection of jizz, anal lube, and feces from his own rectum every Christmas!

  307. Stokes permalink
    December 14, 2020 1:18 pm

    One year anniversary tomorrow for the final death-fart of ydis!
    There are still a few of the infested strays he used to throw the odd scrap to sniffing around the mummified ballsack. Very sad”

    LOL! Maybe you fat old balding virgins need to find somewhere else to be angry and jealous!

    • Let me tell you about my character permalink
      December 14, 2020 8:21 pm

      Hey! I’m not balding!

      December 18, 2020 4:30 pm

      Herro Stokes! You need rawyer?
      I remember you now. You one of the whores Zak want us to call. I think Zak say your vagina grows some stinky cheeses or something. But yes, you are known for being skanky whore.

      Remember folks, you no call whores like Stokes. You call rawyer!

      • Franky Panky permalink
        December 20, 2020 5:12 pm

        No Dani, she needs a raw-dogging, not a raw-yer, but you can provide that too. Wear a double love glove, at the very least. Gotta stay safe these days, and I’m certain that Stokes is a veritable trove of venereal diseases. Zak is rather _limp_ these days since his sad case against Mandy is not even close to resolution. The lack of immediate gratification has him thoroughly deflated, and unable to satisfy the ‘hoes. I’d volunteer, as a Consummate Lady’s Man, but I don’t want Zak’s sloppy seconds, or thirds, or wherever down the line he is to ye aulde thottie Stokes.

        December 22, 2020 4:27 pm

        Hi Franky Panky! You need rawyer? You need Sensitivity Reader?
        Yeah we can sue milquetoast JaMal for srander or riable, whatever you want. Call me I at Mandy house in Canada.
        Just don’t call that whore Stokes who is known for doing scab porn.

    December 22, 2020 4:22 pm

    Herro Suck Dungeon Fans! You need rawyer?

    Well, that’s not why Dani Jang here today. Dani Jang is starting new endeavor as professional Sensitivity Reader. You just PayPal me $50 US, then you may use Dani Jang’s name as Sensitivity Reader in credits section of your next publish suck dungeon RPG. You don’t even need to send me a copy because I am not going to read that piece of shit anyway. Most sensitivity readers want $1,000 US or more to look at your RPG that will only make a few dozen dollars to give their stupid blessing that you no racist homophobe who probably think Donald Trump won. I offer very affordable and most convenient way for you to promote yourself as woke bros in RPG publishing racket.

    Remember folks, next time you know call scabby whores like Stokes (what a skank!) or Heavy Brown Tranny, YOU CALL SENSITIVITY READER RAWYER!

  309. December 28, 2020 12:36 pm

    Carcharoth666 said…
    Playing a sub-optimal character does in no way lead to a greater amount of “interesting choices” during actual play. That’s just an irrational thing that people who can’t be bothered to optimize characters tell themselves. Anything an unoptimized character can do, an optimized one can do better.

    It does make it harder, but only for the other players with the optimized characters who are actually putting some effort into playing the game, and not for the unoptimized tourist who will fuck around being a useless waste of space, regardless.

    December 27, 2020 at 12:46 PM
    Blogger Zak Sabbath said…

    You have made a claim but provided no proof.

    If someone is trying to stay alive and has a character build that makes that harder (because they are not optimized) how is that -not- harder for that player?

    Please answer.

    December 27, 2020 at 4:04 PM
    Anonymous Carcharoth666 said…
    You are the one that irrationally claims that charop somehow limits what words can come out of the player’s mouth that dictates what his character does, so you are the one that must provide proof for this irrational claim.

    “Staying alive”
    So charop is only about defensive stats like saveing throws and hit points? Because these are the only numbers that directly affect “staying alive”. What about the unoptimized tourist that manages to “stay alive” because the optimized player managed, through skill and luck, kill the monster or disarm the trap, while he sat around “playing hard mode” and being useless?

    Your entire argument is irrational and makes no sense.

    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      December 30, 2020 9:02 am

      RETARD FIGHT!!!!!!

    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      December 30, 2020 9:14 am

      Happy New Year!

    • Franky Panky permalink
      December 30, 2020 2:27 pm

      It is really hard to discern which of them has the smoother brain. I’ll bet on Zak, because the only thing stupider than arguing with Zak on the internet is arguing with a complete stranger on the internet about elf-games. However, I am also aware that Carcharoth666 could be one of Zak’s socks which he is using to set himself up for an internet argument victory.

  310. Heh permalink
    December 30, 2020 3:23 pm

    Zak Attack is asking for proof of gameplay if I read that right. Howthefuckcan you prove that?

    • Lyle Alzedo permalink
      January 14, 2021 9:09 am

      Well zacky screen shots every message and email and probably records his every move now under the impression that hes a celebrity and someone gives a shit & he’s so fuckin spectrum he probably thinks that’s just normal behavior and you do it to. Therefore you should have evidence he demands. Also he’s still trying to pretend he didn’t impersonate appelcline lol. You can’t PROVE IT! SIGN AN AFFIDAVIT!

  311. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    January 13, 2021 2:40 pm

    Demon Shitty may be late but totes not Zpastic’s fault. He only drew some shit or something and it’s not his kickstart anyways. Just acknowledge and sign forms that he is smartest and innocent so he can release punk rawk bars and other creations. At least on the ‘shite most people are tired of his incessant meth fueled yammering. Demon Shitty, now with more Fart East and additional dialog by Garth Mikel Skanka. Expect it in 2021 or 2022 maybe… maybe not at all. Just don’t ask Zpastic it’s not his project anymore.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      January 15, 2021 11:51 pm

      Good day all and Happy New Year! I hope 2021 sees you happy and healthy.

      Work continues on Demon City full steam ahead and getting ever closer to being finished. Shawn and Zak are working on some tweaks in some of the sections and Jacob Hurst will start knocking out the final proofing.

      Estimated Delivery June 2019. Maybe it delivers June 2021? Naww. This is a fitting coda to Zak’s career in RPGs. A failed kickstarter.

      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        January 16, 2021 2:42 am

        Not his Kickstarter, Frank. He was only tangentially and marginally involved at best. The delays are on someone else and Zakattack is in no way culpable for the delays and saying he is, will you sign an affidavit that Zpastic is actually in any way responsible for the lateness? Can you provide 20-30 posts where he ever said Demon Shitty was his project otherwise this is a straw man bad faith argument and you are a liar. Like Zpastic lies about how he wasn’t impersonating Shannon Appelcline because he doesn’t think anyone was doing it and all proof the the contrary is a bad faith argument or some dribble. And remember his dad’s money has nothing to do with how he lives he’s an artist and makes lots of money doing art and does not constantly whine to his dad for more money. Zakattack is the milk of human kindness and his only fault is trusting and loving too much! Just ask him!

  312. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    January 13, 2021 10:28 pm

    Tarnowski shut down the election day thread after the Capitol insurrection. He probably figured that SHARK and Spinachcat would land him on some kind of international watch list.

    • KenHR permalink
      January 18, 2021 12:17 pm

      Brad was masturbating to his magazines.

  313. Franky Panky permalink
    January 18, 2021 12:58 pm

    Gentle Sirs, a great misfortune has befallen me, The Prince of the OSR. Verify it for yourself here,overall_rating:NEGATIVE&limit=25 Some villien, some miserable wretch, has subverted My influence with the Good Ol’ USPS. Packages not delivered. I suspect that the foul temptress Jessica is behind this. That Jezebel still has a lady hate boner for Me. Perchance she is in league with the oafish Bote, or as he billed himself in the negrate, Buyer: e***r. My first negrates.

  314. January 31, 2021 8:01 am

    Hey, it’s Adam here. What’s up YDISuckers? My calendar idea didn’t really float, so I’ve decided to dip my pinkies back into the RPG ocean in 2021. Thus I’m working on a game called B&B. It’s like D&D except that everything in it starts with the letter B. You can play a bugbear, or a boi, and so on. It’s all about the sense of adventure and community that comes out of the experience of collaborative world-building, and how arbitrary artistic constraints can produce unexpectedly profound roleplaying moments. I’m using a simple rock-paper-scissors mechanic that gets out of the way of the roleplaying and world-building, allowing players and GM alike to spin fun, fulfilling narratives about robot sex.
    Anyhow, I’m also looking for collaborators to help this vision of mine come to life. Zak said he refuses to work alongside pathetic losers with bad haircuts and dubious sexual morals, so I’m now putting the call out there on the little ol’ WWW. Hit me up if you’re interested!

  315. January 31, 2021 8:38 am

    Hey, it’s Adam. I meant to mention the new crowdfunding platform I’m currently seeking backers for. It’s called “Trust/Fund”. I’m gonna be Kickstarting this ASAP. Once it funds, I’ll be using it to fund a subsequent project: my 2022 “Babes ‘n’ Blades” calendar.
    Thanks again,

  316. Your Old Pal Kent's Rectum permalink
    February 7, 2021 2:23 am

    Hello, dear friends. Kent is really upset about the death of Christopher Plummer. Although he’d never admit it, Kent is a really huge fan of The Sound of Music. He often fantasizes about being a young Nazi officer being sodomized by Captain Von Trapp, all because he never quite figured out that Plummer wasn’t singing “Anal Vice”.

  317. James Maliszewski blue check mark verified permalink
    February 11, 2021 1:25 pm

    Hello, it’s me, James, I was hoping a fellow fan could give me a clean, unpunched copy of Revolt on Antares from a non smoking household preferably with the Waldenbooks price sticker still in place and the clamshell unbroken. Also looking for a clean shrink wrapped copy of Divine Right from a non smoking house as I have fond memories of playing this game and would really like to have an unopened copy to reminisce over as long as it doesn’t smell like smoke and is untouched and in pristine condition. Those with opened or played copies need not bother sending them as I only want perfect copies thank you.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      February 11, 2021 2:04 pm

      Are you throwing some shade at Me ,James, you little prick? You’re the one that left the neutral review on My eBay aren’t you, you insufferable fraud? Look, I’ll have you know that that was not ordinary cigarette smoke on that poster. That was cigarette smoke from the Camel cigarettes smoked by My Friend Gary Gygax, a man whose ashtray you are not fit to lick! The smoke was part of the history of the poster. You aired it you; you destroyed part of its history?

      Oh yeah, the smoke wasn’t just from cigarettes either. Kaskoid certainly blazed up more than one fat one around the poster. You could have had a nice contact high from it, you dolt.

      • James Maliszewski blue check mark verified permalink
        February 12, 2021 11:36 am

        I noticed on eBay that SPI’s Sword and Sorcery goes for a lot of money unpunched so… I mean I was thinking what a great game it was and how much I’d like a clean pristine copy from my fans because I’m a huge fan of this game. As the Pope of the osr I don’t ask for much except the rarest of games in pristine condition. Consider it a tithe worthy to the heir of Gygax.

      • Grognardia Lives permalink
        February 12, 2021 12:15 pm

        Dear Frank,

        Though I have respect for the fact that you worked on an edition of D&D aimed at children and mentally handicapped folk, I will remind you that my project Dwimmermount put over 50 thousand American dollars in my pocket (it came in handy to attain a decent divorce lawyer), your last project fizzled like one of Tenkers hospital bed pan wet farts due to your callous treatment of women. I’m back in a big way and I run this shit, so you should recognize.

        I may look like an unhappy person, but I assure you I am doing very well. Grognardia is now topping a dozen comments, even for the usual reviews of magazines and lame old games like Bunnies and Burrows. Anyway, I’m going top put you on my blogroll so I can delete the entry.

        Fuck you fat boy.

        James M.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        February 12, 2021 12:41 pm

        Don’t get involved in a pissing contest with an old man with an enlarged prostate, James you ignorant slut. Dwimmermount made over $50,000? Bah! I said Bah, sir! Compared to the net profit made on My version of D&D, the best selling version of D&D ever, your piddly dwimmermount takings are not even sufficient enough to be called a rounding error. Was dwimmermount even translated into Latvian? I think not.

        An offer: You do have quite the collection of OSR memorabilia it seems. Surely you lack space to properly display all of the items, and perhaps need a way to quietly convert items into cash, so that your *fans* who sent you the items do not find out. I have a successful eBay storefront, and a stellar reputation as a seller, except for those malcontents who blame Me for the shortcomings of the USPS. I am most certainly known for selling goood condition OSR memorabilia. No one would question the provenance of items from Me. It can be a profitable side venture. We should talk percentages.

        Did you hire Dani Jang as your divorce lawyer by any chance. Alas, I seem to be in need of one. I want to hire him, but something about him seems off.

        February 17, 2021 12:47 pm

        Herro Frankie Pankie! You need rawyer?
        Yeah I can help JaMal get quicky divorce. I up in Canada still living off of I mean with Mandy Morbidity so we practically neighbor. Zak will get final death blow in Canuk Court any day now!

        I am also available for sensitivity readership. Here’s some free sensitivity advice: Remember, always put people first, not their shameful mental and medical conditions or lifestyle choices!

        For example, do not say “Tranny”. Instead say “Person with Tranny disorder.”
        Likewise, do not say “Retard”. Say instead, “Person with Mental Retardation.”

        You get a hold of me if you need rawyer or sensitivity reader!

      • Arneson's Spectre permalink
        February 18, 2021 5:25 am

        I hate you, Dani Jang. If we didn’t need to you to crush Zak S in court and make him shit his pants again like at Chick-Fil-A, I swear I’d teach you a lesson…

  318. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    February 17, 2021 10:36 pm

    This thread is hilarious… dude was one of the most polarizing figures in late 20th/early 21st century US politics: PLEASE, let’s keep the political comments on him out of this!

  319. Arneson's Spectre permalink
    February 18, 2021 5:23 am

    “Good bye.” – Dragonsfarter Gord

    That pretty much sums it up.

  320. Heh permalink
    February 22, 2021 1:36 pm

    James Raggi the Last has a hilarious video up. He’s out in the snow in the middle of the night begging for help, complaining about major weight gain, and how the government won’t pay for his mental therapy sessions. Its 20 superb minutes of him yapping breathlessly. He literally gets winded walking ten feet.

    There are plenty of edits, probably because either breaks down in fat man tears, shits himself, or both.


    • POO POO RAGOO permalink
      February 22, 2021 6:44 pm

      It’s true. I’m fat, lazy, and the Finnish government won’t pay Jordan Peterson for my mental health care because they know he’s a quack. Zak broke my heart and now I’m a drooling mental wreck who weighs 400 lbs.
      And I shit my pants.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      February 27, 2021 7:13 pm

      Raggs is inexorably morphing into a subject of one of the more off-putting illustrations of his more off-putting editions of LottaFap. He is going to continue to bloat and swell until he is a half-ton, sessile bulk, whereupon he will burst open, and dozens upon dozens of miniature Zaks are going to scuttle out of his ruptured corpulence.

      NOTE: This is Open Gaming Content.

    • Assburgers permalink
      March 1, 2021 1:35 pm

      Maybe it was precipitated by this exchange w/Zpastic on facebook: James Edward Raggi IV

      So I was thinking… you know, that “fast, good, cheap… pick two” line?
      Had a thought come to me.
      “Successful, talented, moral… pick two”
      I was trying to think of a formulation like this, but can’t make it work… in trying to come up with one of these impossible triangles, it only works if one factor comes at the expense of another.
      But in the formulation I’m trying to make, I’m looking at things that don’t impact each other. Their relationship, it seemed to me, was completely coincidental. None of these three factors had fuck-all to do with the other two.
      Being downright immoral can actively help success. (Talent doesn’t seem to, in my estimation… People can do all the things they need to to succeed without much talent.)
      And all this still makes my head hurt.
      This is coming up again because someone that was fired for bad behavior has just been rehired by another company (in wrestling, an industry I’m not involved in but keep up on) and I don’t give the first shit, but it’s difficult to not hear the jibber jabber of those that do.
      You know the drill.
      “A fine upstanding person such as myself cannot tolerate such a lowly worm to exist in any way in my consciousness so I shall endeavor to eliminate them from my view, them and anyone else that refuses to help eliminate them.”
      “scum” and “subhuman” or similar labels are often bestowed upon the disfavored. You know the drill.
      Also central to these campaigns are the equating what the person has done with the harm of making people think about what the person has done.
      (That’s where I sometimes wonder if I am really different from most people, as thinking about awful, terrible things that have already happened doesn’t change my current mood one bit, and sensitivity to that sort of thing is really beyond me.)
      And my thoughts always go, “OK, fine, this person did a thing and should no longer be able to work in this particular industry. Where can they work where you would not harass them, their employers, or the other employees there?” Because people have to do SOMETHING.
      So often the answer is along the lines of “I don’t care. Just get them out of my view.” (sometimes they’ll be honest and just with the people dead)
      But to me, when you say “I don’t care,” you should be out of the discussion entirely. Your opinion shouldn’t count one little bit in these matters.
      Because to me, a handy definition of abuse is “Punishment without responsibility.”
      So when you advocate for punishment and don’t care about the person being punished… you are being an abuser. Full stop. That behavior doesn’t become justifiable just because you found a suitably despicable target for it.
      It is possible to be both a perpetrator of shitty acts and an victim of unjust treatment and punishment at the exact same time.

      Who cares? In your business this problem doesn’t exist. Games (at east at the professional level) only have people who do bad work and act bad and people who do good work and act well. Probably because doing good work requires being able to understand other people.
      · Reply · 3d · Edited

      James Edward Raggi IV
      Zak I don’t agree with a single thing you just said.
      But even if you’re right, surely the _perception_ of different people’s ideas of good and bad affects things every bit as much as the reality.
      (And then there’s the people who either decide to ignore/denigrate the good work that bad people do because they think dishonestly appraising the work is worth it to suppress bad people… or there really is a switch in their head where they cannot see anything good coming from people they’ve designated as bad.
      In the first case, I just think they’re wrong. I really really hope it’s the first case. If it’s the second case then I am a complete fool for not being armed at all times with a weapon I’ve trained to use.)

      · Reply · 3d
      James Edward Raggi IV I don’t know what this is supposed to mean in this context: “the _perception_ of different people’s ideas of good and bad affects things every bit as much as the reality.” If peoples’ perception doesn’t match reality, it still doesn’t make sense to fret over people who have actually done wrong but have done good work in the RPG space because there aren’t any.
      · Reply · 3d

  321. Heh permalink
    February 28, 2021 12:33 pm

    The visual of all those little Zaks pouring out of Raggi’s bloated, steaming corpse has a lot of cinematic scene setups to help you describe it in a game. Think all the little Ash’s running around in Army of Darkness. One little Zak is running around waving its arms and spouting about how cancelled creators need to be defended. Another has its dukes up and comically jumping up and down like a guy in a fist fight in an old silent movie. Yet another just stands pulling its pud gloomily until that famous Zak Smith weak and dribbly cumshot oozed forth.

    If I was that nutjob Patrick Stewart I would be posting Rags and Zak based monsters constantly just to fuck with them.


    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      February 28, 2021 5:02 pm

      Stewart could base an entire hexcrawl patterned off of a topographic rendering of a sessile Raggi… The Veins of the Girth.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        March 1, 2021 12:48 pm

        Deathfat Doom. StuPat won’t do it though. He may need Raggi to publish some of his pretentious trash in the future.

        Zak based monsters… My friend Gary would start with a creature from the Fiend Folio, inferior thing that the FF is, say a jermlaine, and then customize it. It would hide in offal and dung and feed off the dead skin that flakes off an Otyugh or Neo-Otyugh. It would have d3 hit points. A verbal attack that could confuse the simple minded, and a shriek that would awake nearby, actually dangerous monsters. There would be a save required because it’s appearance may cause some nausea. Say a -1 to hit.

  322. The Quiet Man permalink
    March 1, 2021 10:22 am

    Where’s Dani Jang? Gen Con needs him stat! Zak S is suing Gen Con for defamation, emotional & business damages, and for violating a Consumer Protection Act in Gen Con’s home state of Washington. He claims his career was irrevocably damaged as a result of the statements that Gen Con made when they uninvited him from the event.

      March 2, 2021 9:11 pm

      Herro Quiet Man, you need rawyer? You need sensitivity reader?
      Yeah I in talks now with Gen Con and Peter Adkison about smacking down Zak S who is known for douchebaggery and raping and abusing Mandy Morbidity. He is also known for shitting his pants in a Indianapolis Chick-fil-A but that might not have any bearing on the case. Then again I am Dani Jang, World’s Greatest Rawyer and Demon Shitty Superbacker, so I can find a way to work that in hahahahahaha! He shit his pants just like Raggi!

      As part of deal for payment (remember, no pro bonering unless you lady – real lady, not tranny!) I have asked Peter if I can run the sensitivity reader panel at next Gen Con and he was quite impressed with my new and successful sideline. I get HeavyBrownTrans but still need a few other dented cans for the panel. Anyone you can recommend that you want to point at and laugh?

  323. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    March 1, 2021 2:07 pm

    Zakattack sues Gencon? Get ready for a loss, Gencon has deeper pockets than Zpastic’s dad after all. Right about now Zpastic should be looking to team up with Adumb Kobold as they are both pariahs and Fluke Drane may be joining them both with the aborted kickstopper that just went down where Fluke invited Adumb back into RPG fold and people got their torches and pitchforks together to burn the snitch!

    • kaskoid permalink
      March 2, 2021 6:58 am

      What Luke Crane did was terrible! Worse than the Nazis during the Holocaust! He should be drummed out of RPG gaming!

      Making all those Very Online victims have to live through that fictional rape scene all over again! For shame!

      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        March 2, 2021 7:34 am

        Fluke all like, “here Adumb I’ll skip you a fiddy on the backside and let you sneak in the band entrance to the rpg arena show!” And everyone all like, “hell no you don’t the band is canceled, the manager is canceled, the venue is canceled, the tour is canceled, music is canceled!” Pretty soon won’t be any arrr pee gees left except those for transsexual non binary classless raceless characters riding around in magic wheelchairs.

    • March 7, 2021 5:43 am

      Hey, it’s Adam. Great news: my 2022 “Babes n Blades” calendar just funded. Luke said he’d stand in for Miss March (aka Lee Gold, who pulled out AGAIN) to get the whole thing over the line; and, let me tell you: Mandy’s drooling is super sexy. I only had to suck Luke’s “crane”, as he calls it, a few times to get the desired result. Yeah, so it’s an all-round win, I’d say. Now I’m casting around for half-baked RPG project ideas to consolidate my return to the industry: hit me up if you have any.
      Thanks as always

  324. kaskoid permalink
    March 9, 2021 9:43 am

    Hey Jimmy Poo Poos, if you want to lose weight, I recommend you look into getting your stomach stapled and while you’re at it get your bowels tied off too. Get yourself a colostomy bag like me and you’ll never have to worry about shitting your pants again.

    Of course, a colostomy bag presents its own unique challenges. Just last week I left a full colostomy bag on the kitchen counter after changing it and my old lady thought it was a freezer bag of pre-prepped food so she stuck it in the crockpot for 8 hours. Probably the first time I ever filled up a colostomy bag with the same thing twice! I can’t blame her though what with all the undigested corn and peas floating around in there.

  325. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    March 15, 2021 1:53 pm

    OT BBQ rants

    I have no idea when it was stopped, but back the late 80s/early 90s, i often saw replacement wheels for barbeques sold. NOW days, you can’t find any, even on the MFR’s website.. ITS almost like they want you to buy a NEW frikken BBQ, than just replace a broken wheel…

    – garhkal

    • bloodymage permalink
      March 22, 2021 6:53 am

      Try a fresh install.
      Me, I still can’t get rid of this damned Yahoo toolbar. Sigh! 😦

  326. Spinachcunt from Jan 6 permalink
    March 15, 2021 6:23 pm

    I cannot express how absolutely and utterly PROUD that I am of every patriot who stormed the Capitol today. TODAY showed the entire world that American patriotism still lives.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      March 16, 2021 4:00 pm

      It’s too bad Tarno locked that thread. It would have been hilarious to watch those cretins backpedaling when it turned out that a cop got killed: “Musta been them Anteefer fellas!”

      • Sarah Powell permalink
        March 26, 2021 4:17 pm

        You mean the cop whose death was unrelated to the rioting? That cop? Funny how the Left suddenly cares about cops so much and not a word about the dead civilians. Imagine had they been black what a field day the media would have had after trying to figure out how to spin things to make the rioters “mostly peaceful protesters.” Good times! You’d think we were deliberately helping the Chinese and Russians destroy us…wink wink?

  327. Spartachristian permalink
    March 20, 2021 7:06 am

    Any word on Zak’s legal assault on that Canadian tramp Mandy?

    • Pundejo permalink
      March 20, 2021 11:32 am

      There’s no money in that.

      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        March 21, 2021 4:19 pm

        There’s no money in Liar and Draggin either but for some reason he marches on. I figure LSD falls somewhere below Bruce Galloway’s seminal product on fantasy gaming in both scope and depth. Above FATAL but not as soundly researched as Galloway’s product. I’d suggest finding Bruce’s book and reading it for inspiration before looking into anything Taranation has shat out.

    • Sarah Powell permalink
      March 26, 2021 4:19 pm

      No, but it’s so hot to sue a woman you’ve abused and assaulted for years because she told on you. Is that move out of the Clinton playbook?

  328. Heh permalink
    March 25, 2021 11:22 pm

    Does rpg Pundits stuff sell? He claims to make a living, but there are never comments on his blog posts.

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      March 26, 2021 9:14 am

      There are comments he just deletes all mention of Tekumel plagiarism in relation to Arrows Over India or whatever it was. In the same way Raggy denies ripping off the Lichway, Tekumel is a sore topic.

      • Heh permalink
        March 26, 2021 9:42 am

        Well, the only people playing eotpt are Jamal and what I imagine are equally dour old Euro gamers who also have no life. There’s a reason it never took a good foothold in gaming. I can see playing a few games of that shit. But seems they’ve been at it for years. Maybe they should try the Pundit rip-off.

    • Sarah Powell permalink
      March 26, 2021 4:22 pm

      “A living” is relative. Factor in he lives in a 3rd world shit hole where his rent is probably 5 pesos a month and he probably mooches off his players ordering pizzas and crap for games he supposedly runs.

  329. March 29, 2021 2:50 am

    One can check Drivethru’s bestseller system to see how well his games are doing. Some gold, most Silver and Electrum, the RPGPundit presents stuff usually lower. He did a video on making a living with rpgs and he admits that he lives a fairly monastic lifestyle (so no car or expensive pasttimes). Bottom line: It is very hard to make a living off of RPGs alone.

    Quality-wise, I obviously have my opinion on Arrows of Indra but Lion & Dragon is at least decent and most of his output is playable. The serials or his Gonzo stuff I’m less optimistic about.

    You’ve degenerated into inactivity and I do not recognize most of your soft, inbred faces. Where is your sting my lovelies? Raggi is rebuilding his empire, half the sjw rpg community has self-cancelled, a transgender furry osr discord mod has been accused of grooming children, but everyone (the 4 people here) are gloomily ruminating about Zak’s continued spasmings in self-imposed exile.

    You are a disgrace to the forces of evil. Eat the weakest among you and rise again.

    • SpartaChristian permalink
      March 29, 2021 6:17 am

      Guess you’re too stupid to get the irony. At least you’ve finally lived up to your name.

  330. Heh permalink
    March 29, 2021 10:19 am

    I really had gotten under the impression that Pundit was doing some kind of Andy Kaufman extended prank. A vast library of best sellers. Here’s what I’m smoking. I’m the final boss in the Osr (old stupid retards) shit storm. Not laugh out loud funny like the surreal foibles of Zak, or a grumpy Jamal slinking back to talk about the same old tired shit they long since got fed up going on about on Dragonsfoot. But an uncomfortable oddity. Nobody under 40 who plays dnd I meet have heard of any of them.

    I would find his South American exile existence interesting and would follow him more, but Pundit is so damn unappealing as a person. A black hole of charisma. I’d watch him and the Cthulhu guys video a bit, but his voice runs me off. Like two minutes. His pride and self satisfaction reminds me of too many gamer dudes who have inflated senses of self esteem for being a gamer. There should be more shame in the hobby.


    • March 29, 2021 1:18 pm

      I see that now I have defeated your ga(y)tekeeper I have been sent a palace functionary. So I will now idly observe the fact that no one has yet written a module for Arrows of Indra. Now I know for a fact you all have excellent module writing skills and decades of DnD experience and are just dying to make your entry into the hobby at large.

      • March 30, 2021 2:39 am

        Hey, it’s Adam. I’m currently writing an AoI module called The Nightmare Maze of Jiggy-Jig. It’s all about sex tourism in third world countries, using the Mork Borg system. I’m going to be seeking backers on my own crowdgundung platform, Trust/Fund, immanently: keep an eye out for it!

    • Sheh permalink
      April 8, 2021 6:52 pm

      Heh said, “Nobody under 40 who plays dnd I meet”

      Child molester == Jewish cunt

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        April 9, 2021 10:14 pm

        You still alive, Kent? I figured you’d died of the ass-rona.

  331. March 31, 2021 12:22 am

    What Are You Playing? (Besides with your dick).
    Simple questions, leave your lame nerd answers in the comments

    1) What tabletop RPG are you playing?

    (We’re playing D&D in Pube World, as usual)

    2) What are the players up to?

    (The girls just went into a shark god temple, got to the last room, decided “we’re too low level for this” turned around and started a raid on a bandit camp in some ruins.)

    3) can you believe that fugly traitor Satine Phoenix is more famous in gaming than me?

    Also, there’s a new module up in The Store.

  332. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    April 8, 2021 12:37 pm

    Any over under updates and which will deliver first? Daemon Shitty or Fart East? Destination Derptastic finally released to as much fanfare as Zpastic’s latest lawlsuit. I guess it’s hard to get a project released when you’re busy spending your dad’s money on frivolous lawsuits that no one cares about. At least Zpastic’s blaargh is back to getting comments and his 3-4 sycophants and comfortable trying to get into a game to touch a real boob.

  333. Jeffro, Famous Author permalink
    April 10, 2021 10:44 am

    Why are C. L. Moore and Clark Ashton Smith present in a volume that purports to be a compendium of Appendix N stories? The Appendix N list is the compelling time capsule that it is precisely because of its idiosyncrasies. There are no valid grounds for embellishing it– unless the book isn’t really about Appendix N as it is, but rather Appendix N as someone would like it to be. Appropriating the title and subtitle of my PHENOMENALLY SUCCESSFUL book would seem to argue for the former, but the sleight of hand here of casually introducing new literary landmarks as if they had always been present is another thing entirely. Bebergal wants it both ways. I doubt he bothered to read my book before co-opting its title to his purpose.

    Anyone who had read it would know why the hatchetmen associated with traditional publishing are INCAPABLE of shedding any light on this topic at all. They are, after all, the ones responsible for suppressing the fantasy canon in the first place!

  334. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    April 11, 2021 8:51 pm

    OT. Favorite restaurant for Taco salads

    One of the very few things (besides crunchwraps) i liked tacobell did (and del taco when i was in san diego), were their taco salads.. BUT since mid last year when they ceased doing them, i’ve been searching for an alternate place..
    For those like me, who love taco salads, what are some of YOUR favorite places to get them


    • Pedro Chacon Escobar permalink
      April 12, 2021 9:14 pm

      What kind of dumbass eats fast food Mexican chain poop when he’s in the land of real Mexican food?

  335. Heh permalink
    April 12, 2021 10:01 pm

    screen door installation, where to find replacement bbq wheels, taco salad. Dragonsfelch is a bonanza of helpful life tips.

    hey dumbshit: have a taco with shredded lettuce. its the same thing as a taco salad.


  336. Popcorn Shart permalink
    April 14, 2021 10:29 am

    Polyhedron Games lives! The lifes work of Bloodymage are currently available on Amazon! Every damn module.

    Hope you have room on yourVisa..each item averages 50 bucks!

    • Franky Panky permalink
      April 15, 2021 12:02 pm

      I also take MasterCard. Polyhedron Games was available for a mere pittance, and I, needing another place to sell since the eBay trolls fouled up my profile with negative ratings — what’s wrong with a cigarette smoke smell anyway? Most of the ladies in My life have usually reeked of the weed, and beer or stronger spirits– have moved to Amazon’s marketplace.

      Are the modules any good? I haven’t read any of them. Keeping them in mint condition for the customers.

      • Popcorn Shart permalink
        April 15, 2021 4:27 pm

        Dunno much about the Bloody modules. I do know they were around 9 pages long including two or three blank pages for notes (or something). And most adventures revolved around or involved bad smells.

        Plus Bloody’s settng was called Ert, which is Earth with a couple letters removed. Kind of clever. Or not.

        But this is a great opportunity for Blootards to complete their Bloodymage library.

      • bloodymage [VERIFIED OFFICIAL] permalink
        April 19, 2021 6:49 am

        Well, I may as well post and toot my horn. It’s a small step, but my first two products are on RPGNow, “Train in a Cup” and “A Day at the Races.” And there’s more… I’ve decided to make my simple rules system generally available. You can grab the preliminary playtest version at RPGNow or in the Upcoming Products section of my website for free. I need playtest evaluators. Thanks. Sorry, hafta quit the giveaways. This will get your creative juices flowing in generating business names.

    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      April 19, 2021 6:30 pm

      Holy shit you ain’t kidding!

      • Franky Panky permalink
        April 19, 2021 7:39 pm

        There’s even more. The esteemed Matthew Cramer proprietor of Book Smart Now in Sarasota Fla will also sell you a tome most enlightening and pertinent to our times, “How To Make A Negro Christian” I’ve often wondered how it was done. Now I can learn. Perhaps incorporates the lessons it gives into the greatest pan-industry project ever, My Empyrea. I hear this ‘woke’ stuff sells pretty well.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        April 19, 2021 8:22 pm

        Here’s where I argue that Blooey was actually the most influential game designer of the past decade, and the true father of the 5E era, with ‘The Stink’ being his magnum opus. By all accounts, the vast majority of 5E adventures are linear slogs with a certain amount of set piece encounters to wade through, just like ‘The Stink’. The only real difference is that ol’ Bloo was very much dedicated to TPKs, at least by reputation, while 5E characters are ridiculously ‘robust’.

        To hell with Zakko and Pundejo, they are small potatoes when compared to Bloo, the true king of Fifth Edition.

      • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
        April 20, 2021 7:43 pm

        “The Religious Instruction of the Negroes in the United States by Dr. Reverend Charles Colcock Jones”

        Coal Cock Jones will be the name of my next PC!

      • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
        April 20, 2021 7:44 pm

        The Stink in Golanda lingers on my Cock of Coal!

      • Franky Panky permalink
        April 21, 2021 12:44 pm

        I think Coal Cock Jones was in one of those Adult Films Satine used to make. IIRC, he was the one rawdogging her saggy ass while his *brother* Dicken (pronounced deacon) Jones taught her the meaning of the word irrumatio. Who knew the Blacked genre could be so educational.

  337. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    April 20, 2021 9:23 am

    Alright, so the fact that Blooey’s products are on sale at Amazon for Big Bux has me in Bloo Detective mode… why did these things appear, and why at such a high markup?

    Then realization dawned on me… Ol’ Bloo had a habit of dining-and-dashing, bless his heart. I can’t blame the guy- if Denny’s wants to call its breakfast the Grand Slam, then how can they complain when the diner runs home? Well, I suspect that somebody in Denny’s loss prevention department must have seen a rash of dine-and-dash occurrences throughout the Midwest and decided to check the surveillance cameras at those locations. Putting together the photographic evidence, they found ol’ Bloo by running his license plate… too late.

    Bloo having shuffled off this mortal coil, there was no way to get any cashola from him, but an asset search would have uncovered a storage facility with unsold Polyhedron products, which are now being sold by Denny’s corporate to defray the cost of Bloo’s years of dine-and-dash meals. Oh, Blooey, you remain a source of wonder and mystery even after your perhaps untimely demise!

  338. Popcorn Shart permalink
    April 20, 2021 11:15 am

    if i recall my Bloo Lore our hero tended to do the dash at convention location eateries so he could leave fellow conventioneers holding the bag of holding, so to speak. Best way to avoid the fat waitress running after him in the lot.

    He did have a son . He referred to him as “Bloodyson. haha. Maybe son of Bloo, reading this blog perhaps, thought Bloodypops was a gaming guru. what the fuck, post mortem fame and value is a thing.

    But 50 bucks? Sheesh.

    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      April 28, 2021 7:34 am

      This is why Blooey cherished a sit-down breakfast. Most of the time he had to eat standing up to be ready to run for the door. Dine and Dash!

      • Arneson's Spectre permalink
        April 28, 2021 4:18 pm

        Run for the door…or the toilet!

  339. April 22, 2021 10:16 am


    Does anyone else here blame fags and communists for the imminent collapse of Western civilsation?

    Simper Fidelis,


    “It is D&D that will strip away the façade so easily confused with self. It is the game
    that will offer the pain needed to buy the truth. Fags and coloured people are neither welcome nor tolerated here.”
    “Courage is not the absence of fear, but is shitposting in shitty forums, in spite of the fear.”
    “Delenda Est Parthia’

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      April 22, 2021 5:15 pm

      Now, Kent, you can’t decry communism while you cash your dole cheques,

  340. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    May 1, 2021 9:50 am

    Newsflash! Zpastic lawlsuit thrown out of court in less than an hour. All the money Zpastic was pretending he was going to throw at Daemon Shitty will not be arriving any time soon. Fart East closer to completion than Daemon Shitty. Zpastic’s dad about tired of wasting his money on his worthless son’s ego.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      May 2, 2021 12:11 am

      Gentle Sirs, I am forwarding this answer I received from My friend Pete’s lawyers, David A Perez and Heath Loring Hyatt.

      “May it please you to know that we are not done with Zak Cabbage, or whatever the plaintiff calls himself. We intend to seek costs. We ran up some hefty billables in preparing for this matter, and We intend to make Mr Cabbage pay all of Mr. Adkison’s costs. All of them. Do you know of any assets Mr. Cabbage may have hidden away. We’d put a lien on his residence, but it’s not worth anything. Few cardboard boxes on Sepulveda Blvd are.”

      Looks like Zak is going to pay Peter with the money he borrowed, er, extorted from Paul ( Ettin).

    • Boba Fett permalink
      May 4, 2021 9:02 am


  341. Zak Langouste permalink
    May 2, 2021 12:27 am

    Hey Bros. I guess ya;ll heard. I think there was an exchange of cash for this ruling. There is no way the Judge ruled in good faith. The bitch wouldn’t even sign an affadavit. I think she’s an anti-semite.

    I thought there was a very good chance, due to situations in the game industry and in court that have nothing to do with Demon City, that I will come into a lot of capital and free time soon–if that happens, I will throw some of that cash at Demon City, just to hustle it toward the finish line if necessary. Because I want to see it come out as much as you do.

    The situation developed in the other direction, and nothing’s moving forward legally since it was dismissed by that black robed cunt, I will very likely be in a position where I have nothing better to do than than work on Demon City myself, in between the work I can get in the _industry_. I’m currently a freelance apprentice fluff girl, but I am working my way up to real on camera work again.

    So, barring surprises (and hey, surprises happen, and if they do you will be owed and you will get an explanation) I will either be donating some of my own money or some of my own elbow grease to giving you the game we promised quicker. Perhaps even with some new content.

    That’s what I can promise right now. It’s an empty promise but it is all that I will give you. Be content with it and just wait for the book. Eventually Shawn will get his shiftless and lazy ass in gear and finish things. He’s had two years now. I ought to sue him for the damage he has caused my reputation.

  342. Signed Appledabid permalink
    May 2, 2021 1:34 pm

    seems Zakster deleted his prmise to use lawsuit money to finish Demon Spitty.

  343. Basic Witch permalink
    May 2, 2021 8:29 pm

    I am looking forward to the settlement where Mandy also knocks his dick into the dirt.

  344. Numpus permalink
    May 3, 2021 8:59 am

    Zak Cabbage is very funny.

    If you could share a link for info on his shenanigans that would be outstanding.

    • Numpus permalink
      May 3, 2021 9:13 am

      Some kind soul posted a link to a twitter thread on the news on his Demon City kickstarter page, along with some laughs and a *chef’s kiss*. Mr. Cabbage won’t like that one bit, not one bit.

      Mine of good stuff – including that some gaming forum just calls him Shitmuffin so as not to trigger his Google Alert early warning ragefit system.

    May 3, 2021 6:39 pm

    Herro Suckdungeons! You need rawyer? You need sensitivity reader?

    Yeah, Zak no coming into a lot of money soon. Lady judge dismiss his cases against Mearls, Adkinson and Gen Con with extreme prejudice! HAHAHAHAHA! She slap him down in under an hour each time! How much more can Zak inflated ego take? If there are any whores left living in Zak’s shitbox apartment, you might want to hide the razor blades and bleach so he no drink it! Just kidding, leave them out on the coffee table. HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    This is very good news for Mandy getting motion to dismiss as well. Mandy in good spirits and less bendy lately too!

    I told Zak from the beginning to shut his fucking mouth but he no listen. I told him he is known for douchebaggery and he deny. That why I represent Mandy now. And why he lose all his big payday cases. And Zak lawyer still laughing all the way to the bank with Zak’s money tee hee hee!

    Next time you retain rawyer Zak you no tell him what to write and let him do is job. Clearly this guy was so fed up with your bullshit he just do what you tell him and take your money. You are one dumb fuck Zak! Wasting daddy’s money on your ego. I hope Mr. Smith Sr. cut you off! At this rate, he won’t even buy you a new lightbox at Christmas to trace photos you pretend is art!

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You LOSE Zak! Judge look at you and say PROOF OR YOU A LIAR and you failed your own test! TEE HEE HEE HEE HEE!

    • Franky Panky permalink
      May 4, 2021 2:28 am

      Sadly this was a Zoom Court hearing, so My friend Peter and his lawyers could not tell if, upon hearing of the dismissal, Zak actually shit his pants like he “allegedly” did at the Chik-Fil-A during a GenCon.

      Shawn Cheng is a genius, stringing everyone along by completing just enough work to make it look like he’s serious. We in the industry can see the signs. He’ll never finish it and someone else will need to take over. He’ll keep the money he was paid, and has probably already spent.

      Dani, do you have any sources that may be able to confirm whether Zak did have an involuntary bowel movement?

      I really hope that My friend Peter goes for the jugular in seeking to recover his costs in this matter. Drive Mr. Cabbage into bankruptcy.

        May 6, 2021 5:34 am

        Very hard to say, Franky. We may never know. I assume Zak shit pants but he on Zoom call from LA shitbox apartment in Cali and his rawyer and the judge in Washington State. Technology does not allow smells and stinky to travel over the Internet yet. That probabry good thing or Tim Kask would have taken out half of virtual Gary Con.

        The parallels between Zak and Trump are very strong. Narcissism is a hell of a drug! In fact, Dani Jang is like the Michael Cohen to Zak rawyer’s Rudy Giuliani. I tried to warn that guy but he no listen. Now he go down with Zak’s ship the U.S.S. Trump. As above, so below.

  346. Heh permalink
    May 4, 2021 4:56 pm

    That feeling Zak had when he and Raggi stormed the stage (emitting a combined Axe Body spray and poorly wiped con ass crack mega smell) for their second or third game award and then headed up to a room party full of sycophants and groupies to praise them?

    Losing the Gencon suit and the promise of cold hard cash was exactly the opposite. Sleep well little Zak. Sleep well. Another staggering loss cummin’ up soon enough!


  347. Bigby’s Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    May 5, 2021 2:40 pm

    Poor Blooey, he never reached the Empyrean heights of dining-and-dashing. His grifts were too small, his marks too cheap.

  348. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    May 8, 2021 9:59 pm

    Looks like Kent is back with another sockpuppet…

    Rando shows up last week, talks about a decade in the community
    Name-drops Rogan, Melan, and our host
    Uses barbarous, outlandish spelling conventions
    Acts like total bitch, betraying cur nature

    Gotta be ol’ Durr Hurr!

    • Kent's Rectum (Prolapsed with Anal Warts) permalink
      May 9, 2021 5:27 am

      Can confirm, that was definitely Kent. Interesting Kent would pick the name “wood”. Kent’s been taking a lot of wood up the ol’ back door (me!) lately. I’m so prolapsed now, they use me as a windsock at Dublin Airport.

  349. kaskoid permalink
    May 9, 2021 5:20 am

    Does anybody know where I was last night?

    Dani Jang, I may require your services.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      May 9, 2021 6:03 am

      An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      May 10, 2021 7:01 am

      What have you done now, Timmy Side-Bag Shitter?

      There was a time when the words “man” “colostomy bag” “feces” “Kid Rock” “police” and “bar” in the same URL (non-porn) would have been shocking. Not so anymore in the Age of the Trumpster, not so anymore.

  350. Bailey Jay - Big Ol' Tranny permalink
    May 9, 2021 12:12 pm

    Hello trans fans! Since Zak outed me as his best friend and inspiration for the tranny vampire in his failed project (and avid Uber driver hand job giver) I’ve decided to enter the world of reality TV.

    My show will be called “Angry Handy Jay.” The concept is that we film me offering handies to uber and cab drivers. If they accept I whip my dong out right before they are about to pop. The pay off is whether they can still cum, or if they get outright enraged and kick my ass, or whatever. Some folk say it will be a dangerous gig. But lets face it; I’m in my 30’s now and the odds are pretty good I’m going to commit suicide or croak from drugs like a lot of my shemale brethren/sisthren. So why not live dangerously?

    • Cymbades permalink
      May 10, 2021 6:51 am

      The interesting part is the moral axis around which this pissing contest revolves. The highest moral standard achievable by a human being is transphobia, so both sides commit fully along that axis. Olivia has already gone all in by identifying as Trans, so Zak is admittedly at a disadvantage. The question is, will Zak record himself having intercourse with Vampirello to close the distance?

  351. Wndergeek permalink
    May 10, 2021 6:48 pm

    Welp, I’ve been backed into a corner by my Ohio family, so now I’m getting it over with everywhere.

    You might know me as Anna Kreider, former blogger and game designer/publisher, but I have a new name and pronouns: Ash – they/them.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      May 10, 2021 8:57 pm

    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      May 17, 2021 7:11 pm

      I hope her long suffering husband finally got out of there and took the kid with him. Maybe just to finally get a sandwich or any meal in them.

  352. Chick-fil-A Shart permalink
    May 13, 2021 10:31 pm

    Breaking news! Zak Attack’s drama queen magnum opus about his vampire failure has worked and he has officially reformed his attack militia (were they mostly a bunch of eastern block losers like before?)! Prepare to be doxed and have pictures of your children’s schools sent to you, Zak Enemy Listers! Release the hounds!

    “Anonymous Trent B said…
    If you are lurking this blog, reading this story, and thinking “that’s fucked up but there’s nothing I can do, dude”.

    There are a few people in an email chat and making a discord to start getting some traction on solving it. Reach out.

    Use Zak’s email above, since it’s already here, he can put you in touch.

    I assume if this post gets approved then Zak approves of the above method.

    May 13, 2021 at 6:01 PM”

    Somebody needs to go deep cover on these gibbering, ass smooching goons! I would do it but I’m currently trapped in the seat of Zak Smiths pants.

  353. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    May 13, 2021 11:14 pm

    Looks like that weasel Kent punked out and deleted a bunch of his bitchiest posts so Stu would have a harder time sniffing him out.

  354. Heh permalink
    May 14, 2021 11:33 am

    Kent is a weird loner loser who gets off on reactions to his boring BS. He’s a troll and not even a good one. I don’t think he cares about the content of his shit, he just wants reactions to it. It’s a pathetic life but there you go. We need to just start ignoring the sad idiot and focus on targets who are at least entertaining, such as Zak Smith’s drama queen spazzing. I hate the kook, but I love to see him gloomily try and rebuild his empire with the half dozen East Euro trash followers he seems to have left.

    Focus on the fun, not unfunny wastes of sperm like this Kent guy.


  355. Reason permalink
    May 16, 2021 3:08 pm

    Actual quote from Demon Shitty-

    “Just got several new layout pages from Shawn Cheng–they look wild. For the Ritual Participant Identity table he laid it out like a club’s list of gigs in a local weekly, with everyone in a different font. So “Married” is in the Motorhead font, “Winged creature” is in the Wu-Tang font and all 98 others are done likewise. So, yeah, it’s taking a while but I think you’ll be happy with the result. I’m sure Mike will put up an update soon with a few examples.”

    So the kickstarter is 2 years late on delivering and some fat fuck is sitting there fisting cheetos & mountain dew fiddling with fonts for 2 fucking weeks pretending he’s putting in a realm mans shift at “layouting” or “editing”.

    I see now why these things are always 2 years late. None of them has the slightest clue about how to get things done & where time is best spent. But the backers who will only ever play it twice then realise it’s an impossible to read shit-stick will gush over what a “beautiful” book it is. 98 different fuckin fonts and zero fuckin clue, 2 years ovderdue.

      May 17, 2021 7:07 pm

      Herro Reason! You need rawyer? You need sensitivity reader? You need GenCon booth security?

      Yeah, Zak and Shawn are real punk rock rebels, bucking conventional wisdom and using 100 different fonts in same book. I hear they were running with scissors around the office too (office really Zak’s LA shitbox apartment’s kitchenette though). Oh so edgy! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

      If anyone read Demon Shitty when it finally comes out in a couple of more years and get nauseous looking at shitty layout, give Dani Jang a call and we chop chop suey Zak and Mike Evans. If you shit your pants like Raggi or Zak at a Chick-fil-A, be sure to document so we can show the court.

    • Tom Strudel permalink
      May 22, 2021 6:59 am

      100 different fonts on a single table is a sure sign of graphic design excellence.

  356. jraggi permalink
    May 18, 2021 12:33 pm

    Why hasn’t there been a new YDIS entry in over a year and a half? Did someone die? Or just waiting for the perfect Demon City zinger article that can only go out once that monstrosity is birthed?

  357. May 20, 2021 8:54 am

    Hey, it’s Adam. Let me assure you: Zak “Cabbage” or whatever you want to call him is almost good to with DC; he’s waiting for my gender sensitivity assessment, and for me to port over all the mods I made to the Dune RPG before I was let go:
    * Paul Atreides has pink hair and is gay (don’t laugh).
    * The Bene Gesserit are lesbians who oppose the masculinist Navigators’ Guild.
    *Sandworms are giant penises with toothed, vaginal maws. Think about it.
    * The Saudarkar are an army of fanatical homosexuals, led by the gay Padishah emperor (I mean, check out his skeevy golden earring in the film version).
    That’s just some of them. Not sure how Zak intends to us all this creative juice in DC, but he assures me I’ll have at least a small part in his upcoming biopic. I’m crowdsourcing funding for it via Trust/ — it’s definitely gonna be better than that Destination Fantastic shit.

      May 21, 2021 5:15 pm

      Herro Sex Pest Adam Koebbels! You need rawyer? You need sensitivity reader? How bout GenCon booth security?

      You are known for Dungeon Mastering rape scenes for your unsuspecting players in front of large viewing audiences. Is that like surprise sex? Also that fruity pink hair. Good trick, though. Make them think you gay then when they guard down go in for the nookie! You must have Disguise at +10 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

      How you like sensitivity reading? I am thinking of expanding my side hustle if you need work. You call me if you interested or if you storygame a rape again or someting.

    June 28, 2021 8:00 pm

    Herro Ernie Gygax Juniors and James T. Ward! You need rawyer?
    I think you do! You are known for cancelling yourselves and taking big smelly dump on Gary Gygax legacy. What the fuck were you thinking? Ernie you doing drugs again? Jimmy Ward you have to have another foot cut off or someting? Ernie call you brother Ruke, he very worried about you.

  359. Adam K permalink
    June 29, 2021 12:34 am

    Hey Dani, how ’bout some pro bono sensitivity reading on CuntLands, my new RPG? I’m also raising money via Trust/Fund for a theme park, possibly called GiantCuntLands, and may need some help with that too.
    Thanks in advance,

    • Adam K permalink
      June 29, 2021 12:37 am

      Actually thinking about calling it GuntLands in honour of overweight ladies everywhere. Thoughts?

      • Franky Panky permalink
        June 29, 2021 1:34 am

        Adam, you insufferable prick, are you trying to get yourself canceled? Those big and beautiful women do not approve of the term ‘overweight’. It implies that they cannot be healthy at every size. It harms their ability to be body positive. The term is plus sized, since the word plus is a positive thing. As punishment, I sentence you to watch a pair of pre-eminent BBWs, Chantal Sarault on her youtube channel, and AmberLynn Reid on hers, Don’t forget to like and subscribe. Try to not fap yourself to the point of dehydration either. I know it’ll be be hard for you when you behold those acres upon acres upon acres of flesh slowly succumbing to the tender mercy of Lord Beetus. Your penis will never be harder, you degenerate pervert.

        Previous comment was sent to moderation hell, so here it is again, without the offending complete URLs. It’s not like YDIS is paying attention anymore.

      • Adam K permalink
        June 29, 2021 5:20 am

        Guilty as charged, Frank. I considered “larger lasses”, and don’t know why I didn’t put that. Never thought I’d be asking this, but maybe you could also be a sensitivity reader for CuntLands (or GuntLands, as the case may be).

  360. Adam K permalink
    June 29, 2021 9:07 am

    Totes excited for CuntLands. Jason is totally on board and willing to put the TSR stamp on it. Playable locations include The Mount of Venus, The Infernal Jungle, and The Valley of the Shadow of Death, in roughly that order. Theme park will follow suit, maybe with the addition of The Overhang, probably right before or after The Mound. I honestly haven’t been this excited since either my token contribution to Dungeon World or my robot rape scene!

    • Adam K permalink
      June 29, 2021 9:21 am

      Final dungeon is called either The Princess And Her Pee; or, quite simply, The Prolapse. Satine has offered “maps”, quite superior to that Dyson Logo shit, on which lesser game designers depend; and, did I mention: DINOSAURS (no offence Frank).
      Still chill,

  361. July 7, 2021 2:28 pm

    Why is Tenkar lying about filing a trademark application for “Tenkar’s Tavern”? Nobody told the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

    • kaskoid permalink
      July 7, 2021 9:19 pm

      Dani Jang, I need you to register the trademark “Tenkar’s Turdshack” for me.

  362. Hidden Shrine of Yourmamachan permalink
    July 11, 2021 11:55 pm

    Zspastic and the Poo Ragu have it out in public on facebook…

    Zak Smith
    so: fight.
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith The question is, beyond just making things regardless of whether it’ll piss people off… how? You’ve been a shining example for ten-plus years of how not to do it, and I think the things I tried to set into motion last year would have just made the fight nastier and more permanent, so that would have been no different so I’m kind of glad it all fell through.
    The problem is it isn’t any specific individuals, and it’s got fuck-all to do with gaming. The thing is everywhere in the world at large. The rpg net kind of freak seems to have taken over everything, particularly in entertainment and media.
    And… if I was in this position in the 80s standing up and saying “I am against ‘family values’ and give no shits about the ‘moral majority’, and God is most definitely not on my side,” there would have still been lots of cool people that were with you. The mainstream outlets may have not been welcoming, but my sense of that time is you wouldn’t have lost “the community.”
    I have a feeling to stand up and name the nowadays equivalents in that same way would put one in league with a number of not so cool people alongside the people with actual sense (who’d have to not care about their public standing to publicly stand with) and in that way it’s… a giant fucking mess.
    “Head down and just do the work,” is probably the best strategy, but of course I have all sorts of “poke the beast, poke the beast, poke the beast” things in motion.
    So yeah… fun times!
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV I’m only an example of how not to do it if you think it’s over. It’s not.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    For creators, this is a life-or-death fight. For the fuckwads, it’s just something to do when they’re bored. So in the end the creators will win.
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith This isn’t an external attack. It’s an internal division.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV The second you start throwing tomatoes, you’re acting in that moment as part of the audience, even if you spent your life on stage. The key is: a creator sees a criticism of another creator and goes “What would I do in their place? What is fair?”–any other response is just cowardice pretending to be an opinion. Creators not asking themselves that question have effectively joined the bad guys.
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith But you do that too. And… oh jeez, here we go. It’s clear to me that we’re not talking about the same things. The things we’re talking about have a big overlap, but aren’t the same.
    For example, I read what you just said and can’t reconcile that with you kicking dirt on Koebel and Crane.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Koebel lied about literal felonies and Crane backed him up. On what planet is that ok?
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith OK, I’ve missed the “literal felonies” stuff.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Abuse is a felony, dude. Every single person who backed up Mandy lied about a felony.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    Or, at best “did fuck-all to check before accusing”–which is just as bad.
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith ok, that. I’m… not on board with this interpretation. Unless there’s been some developments on the legal front I’m not aware of (and I don’t keep so close tabs), what people are reacting to is basically peoples’ internet PR strategies and that’s not going to break through peoples’ biases. Until the one court case is settled I don’t see that there’s any way around that. All the headhunting you seem to be doing doesn’t make any sense to me until the main thing has a ruling.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Which part of “this interpretation” doesn’t make sense to you?
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV are you just gonna not explain on purpose? Or did something come up and you forgot?
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Something has come up and this is conversation is waayyy down the priority list.
    But to put it bluntly…… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV We were talking about how Adam lied about a felony. Then you said something I didn’t understand and I asked for clarification. Can you please clarify and then I can address this new and bizarre claim you’re making after you clari… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith You can’t say he’s “lying about a felony” if he simply doesn’t believe you.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV No, because 1. Innocent until proven guilty and 2. Burden of proof is on accusers in any debate. “I just don’t believe you” is only a rational argument if I was the one who made the initial claim.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    Also, since he’s not in a position where he was forced to make a judgment or make his judgment public, the only other morally acceptable position besides agreeing I’m innocent until further notice is remaining silent.
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith I’m trying to map what you’re saying there to your own behavior (and the behavior you encouraged in others) concerning the James Deen stuff and it’s not lining up. What am I missing there?
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV James Deen physically attacked me n Las Vegas.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV ALSO: Long before the accusations came out I had heard multiple reports from people who didnt know each other and had no motive to lie AND I personally investigated, called people, interviewed them and I found corroborating detail… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    Zak Smith
    And also, why in god’s name would you not have asked me about this by now?
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    And, of course, James hasn’t sued me or anyone. Hasn’t even claimed I was lying or wrong. Do you not see the massive difference in a contested claim and an uncontested one?
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    Zak Smith
    AND, on top of all that, in my case there’s mountains of counterevidence and close friends of Mandy’s et al and eyewitness saying Mandy and her friends are lying. There’s none of that in James Deen’s case. Which part of this isn’t getting through to yo… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith ah that last one (why I haven’t asked you) is easy to answer: Because I’m pretty exhausted about the fact that your personal life is interfering with my work.
    And honestly… I honestly don’t much care in the first place. Let’s say it’s all… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV To return to the point: it is morally wrong (and usually illegal) to publicly claim something is true when you didn’t investigate when you know theres conflicting claims–especially when the stakes are at “felony” level. Are you … See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Where’s that referee begging the question graphic when you need it. Do you know he didn’t investigate at all? Or are you just going with the assumption that any investigation will invariably lead to agreeing with you?
    And what’s with “public… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV I know he didn’t investigate because I know all the witnesses and claimants and none had contact with Koebel and their contact information was public. Please acknowledge that you read that. (I changed “public claim to believe” to… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    Zak Smith
    (also, Obviously the first person an investigator should try to contact is me, the victim, and he didn’t. nevermind Michelle et al)
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith I think that level of investigation is an unreasonable bar for forming an opinion. “Did he actually read the original accusations? Did he read your response to it?” I would think is the minimum to consider. But if he didn’t bother and figured… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV If he can’t commit to that level of investigation, there is no possible justification for him saying anything at all. He was under no obligation to speak. And he didn’t just “form an opinion” he did something far more morally wro… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV You there?
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith yes, but I’m generally either doing work, or something actually enjoyable rather than speculating about why someone I don’t know believes and behaves the way he does.
    But OK, let’s take a break for this useless speculation:… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV I am not asking why he did an obviously bad thing–we all know that, it’s obvious. I am asking why -you, James Raggi- don’t see it as an obviously bad thing and morally wrong. Like: if someone shot a man in Reno just to watch him… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Putting it that way snaps it right into focus. It’s a far greater evil to intimidate people into not speaking their mind. Even if their mind is just mushy garbage of no worth.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV So, serious question: you think Hitler lying about Jewish conspiracy theories or someone claiming you, James, are a child molester, is legitimate and should happen? You don’t believe that information we pass around should be as … See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith I was very upset, I mean seriously distressed, like 10 years ago or whatever it was when I found out Twitter was deleting ISIS accounts. The idea that a platform like that was taking sides or acting at the behest of governments, even when it … See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV So let’s say people get organized and spread the idea that not only you’re a child molester but all LotFP releases cost 1000$ each, they have 3 pages and no art. They give out false ordering info/contact then fail to fill the ord… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith oh yeah that’s all very dandy.
    Come on. First, the obvious one, actually setting up a fraudulent webstore isn’t simply speech so that’s a whole different thing.… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Again: we’re NOT talking about your perception of what works and what doesn’t, we’re NOT talking about what you do in response. We’re having a -moral- discussion about your perception of what is -right and wrong-. So: why is the … See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Again, if they believe it, it’s not dishonest.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV But they spoke without doing their research. They spoke with what they call “reckless disregard” for whether it’s true–and they -KNOW- they didn’t do the research before they spoke. That’s like someone asking you how many miligr… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Because being pissy about it doesn’t accomplish anything. Best case scenario you shut one shit-talker down. Still a world to go. You could spend the rest of eternity playing this whack-a-mole and there will still always be more popping up. An… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Again: We’re NOT talking about what you think is practical or works, we are talking about what is -right and wrong- (it’s weird I have to repeat this to you). So, again: do you think that it is -morally wrong- to claim felonies oc… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith The morality argument is completely irrelevant here. If I agree it’s immoral, then so what? It doesn’t create any greater urgency. That doesn’t make engaging with the immoral person or fighting that particular immorality any wiser or effecti… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Because this whole conversation began with you saying there was something -wrong- with me “kicking dirt” on Koebel and Crane (ie pointing out the extremely harmful and dishonest things they did) instead of going “Thank you Zak fo… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    If you want to say “It’s inconvenient and difficult for me,James Raggi–a person who you’ve had a productive and rewarding working relationship with, that you did the right thing instead of the safe, expedient one” you’d be right. I can’t fault you for… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith jesus h you can’t even keep track of what it is we’re doing here.
    First of all, moral guardians are assholes, including and especially people “calling out.” My sympathies invariably go to the (non-government) people targeted by such things b… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV so, again, serious question: during World War 2, you would’ve been like “Ok, Hitler is invading Poland, but let’s not talk about it?” Like: what are the parameters of your opposition to pointing out bad things are happening and su… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith It’s entirely situational. Doing nothing when Hitler invaded Poland is what was done by the US. In hindsight, maayybbeee the US shouldn’t have waited. But in hindsight it seems after 9/11, doing nothing would have been much better than what w… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV 6 Million Jews disagree. You fight that guy. You fight this guy. If you claim no certainty then why do you make so many statements of what’s right and wrong? You do it constantly–you just did.
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    Zak Smith
    And of course, the logical conclusion of what you said is: If I win I’m right. So: fight. And win.
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith It’s perfectly possible to win and still be repugnant.
    As far as “6 million Jews”… OK. If we’re concentrating on that level… … See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV You are obligated to -do the best you can- . For the Uyghurs and everyone else. And “do nothing and watch it get worse” is not the best you can for them or in the case of dangerous people like Koebel. So far the effects of callin… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith er. I just want to point out that it is completely ridiculous to be talking about genocide right alongside some dude mouthing off on the internet.
    So at what point in a discussion do you come to the conclusion that “This other person doesn’t… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV I knew that obvious thing long before we began talking, only a complete moron wouldn’t know that. You talk for 2 reasons: 1. To find out WHY this person disagrees–what thoughts (if any) brought them to a different conclusion and… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith
    “Join no mobs (but also don’t do anything at all to stop mobs)”… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV False equivalence: Mobs don’t ask questions, engage and aren’t curious–groups of good people working for change do. And, of course, there is literally no benefit to “letting go”–it’s not like Koebel will apologize for helping de… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith “there could be no -more- harm to me than “Zak dies of starvation”
    OK, this hits the point exactly. People trying to do this to you are completely out of line. It’s a completely bullshit effort no matter what you’ve done. If they decide they… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Yes I know your position. And I am trying to figure out -why- you have that position, not asking you to repeatedly state it yet again, in yet another long paragraph, in exactly the same way. So, again: “False equivalence: Mobs do… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Because this behavior reduces the entire landscape to fucking rubble and salts the earth. Things that could get done, don’t, and everyone is worse off for it.
    And even things that do get done might not get done as they could have, because ev… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV How is that any morally different than saying “Violence salts the earth, so if someone is killing you, don’t fight back?”
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith There is a big difference between defending yourself in the moment and going back after the fact to flatten their tires, kill their dog, target their friends and coworkers… you get the point.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Not relevant here though. The aggressors here flattened my tires, killed my dog, literally targeted my coworkers, like have escalated completely nuclear on day one. There’s literally nothing I could write on my blog or in comments… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith There’s a difference between “who cares, fuck it,” behavior and constructive behavior. I do have sympathy for the attitude, and even the things I don’t think you should be doing the public display, I completely get that there’d be a bit of gr… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV “But then the past decade-plus I think definitively shows that your internet strategy isn’t it. It not only doesn’t stop the cycle, it contributes to it.” That ceases to be true if everyone who began the escalation feels consequen… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Took a little time to think through the response to this because… well… Ettin is sort of a trump card. Because against all other principle and morality, if there’s anyone at all involved in the RPG scene/industry who deserves to be half e… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV But you just established it, twice: if I win, using “internet strategy”, the courts, or both or anything else, then I was right. Regardless of the details the -only- reason you can marshal against calling out these monsters in an… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith I’m not understanding where you’re getting that “might makes right” interpretation from what I’m saying. I certainly don’t believe that. The right or wrong of a thing has fuck-all to do with the final outcome… the right and wrong of a thing… See More
    · Reply · 5d
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Because literally the only reason you’re giving for why calling these people out is bad is “It create a cycle of…”. If, in the end, a callout -doesn’t- continue an endless cycle but instead leads to the original bad people stop… See More
    · Reply · 5d
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV ?
    · Reply · 4d
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith ah, got sidetracked by other things. I’m thinking you’re treating your internet activities, and legal actions, as… not completely different things? I do see them as completely different and unrelated actions. “Calling out” Ettin never did s… See More
    · Reply · 4d
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Incorrect. There are several people who were helpful in the legal process who wouldn’t even have known who Ettin was had I not talked about it on the internet. Ettin himself provided a MASSIVE amount of legally useful material -b… See More
    · Reply · 3d · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Ettin’s the difficult one to argue against as far as “calling out” and such, because with his shit has been uniquely egregious. My arguments mainly concern actual human beings (however flawed) and not willful shitpiles (and I bet we’ll disagr… See More
    · Reply · 3d
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV So, again, you’re still left with the same question I’ve repeatedly asked. Ettin or no Ettin, if a tactic I employ against someone who does a bad thing turns out to work in the end and then I get a good result and the much-feared… See More
    · Reply · 3d
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith I think the “Ettin or no Ettin” is a crucial distinction, and “someone who does a bad thing” is not simply a yes/no state.
    If you call out the SWAT team for both a robbery-in-progress at a bank or someone driving with a malfunctioning tailli… See More
    · Reply · 3d
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV So we’ve backed the conversation waaayyyyyy back to a point you already conceded 5 days ago: What Koebel did was he falsely claimed a thing was true despite objectively not investigating. You already said that was a bad thing. 1.… See More
    · Reply · 3d · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Look at this weasel shit you’re pulling.
    “A point you already conceded 5 days ago: What Koebel did was he falsely claimed a thing was true despite objectively not investigating.”… See More
    · Reply · 3d
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV But that’s circular. Your whole “it’s bad to intimidate people saying untrue things into not speaking their mind” begs the question WHY is it bad? Which then brings us back to “Oh heavens, I fear the Cycle of complaining” Which … See More
    · Reply · 3d · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith It’s bad because whatever tactics you use are completely fair to use on you. And people aren’t going to agree on what is “untrue.” So… what then?
    I mean really, you brought up the Holocaust earlier, so if I can wildly extrapolate internet … See More
    · Reply · 3d
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV So, please address these: 1. Your first few paragraphs don’t answer the question “What if a call out brings an end to the Cycle?” you instead assert that it won’t bring an end. I am asking a hypothetical for a reason: it would he… See More
    · Reply · 3d · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith If we’re talking morals and not tactics, then you’re already on the wrong end of things trying to argue “the ends justify the means.”
    But this, here? “I see no collateral damage from me. A person who decided to join the hatemob was simply re… See More
    · Reply · 3d
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Asserting we disagree doesn’t explain anything or move the conversation forward. We knew that to begin with. I never argued “the ends justified the means” that’s what YOU seemed to argue by saying the reason a callout was bad wa… See More
    · Reply · 3d · Edited
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV ?

    • Hidden Shrine of Your Mamachan permalink
      July 12, 2021 3:28 pm

      And the piece de resistance, Ragu finally realizes what we’ve known for years…

      James Edward Raggi IV
      Zak Smith If we’re talking morals and not tactics, then you’re already on the wrong end of things trying to argue “the ends justify the means.”
      But this, here? “I see no collateral damage from me. A person who decided to join the hatemob was simply revealing they were shit all along.”
      You’re off in la la land as far as I’m concerned. As disconnected from reality as anyone who has ever been involved with RPGs.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        July 12, 2021 4:43 pm

        Shitting one’s pants daily for over a year leads to enlightenment. Who knew? Now Raggi just needs to ghost Zak, or gray rock him.

        A shame Raggi did not bring up the fact that Demon City is over 2 years late. That’s approaching Dwimmermount levels of late. Zak and Mike are still giving the same excuse too, layout almost complete, just a bit more to do. Yes, there is a bit more to do, and there always will be. Poetic really, that Zak’s final project is such a screw up.

        Also a shame that Raggi did not ask Zak about the (alleged) Chik-fil-a pants shitting episode.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      July 14, 2021 10:04 pm

      You were working as a blogger of the OSR, when I met you.
      I picked you out, and cleaned you up, and turned you around, and then you joined the Lot-Fap crew.
      Now five years later on, you’ve met with total defeat, success is now in your rear view,
      And all those chicks you sponged off now say you are the worst, you’re cancelled now due to Me Too.

      Don’t, don’t you want me?
      You know I can’t believe it when I hear that you won’t see me
      Don’t. Don’t you want me?
      You know I don’t believe you when you say that you don’t need me.

      It’s much too late now, Zak,
      It’s never coming back,
      You’d better get the work done on your failed Kickstarter.

      Don’t you want me, Raggi?
      Don’t you want me, Ohhhhh?
      Don’t you want me, Raggi?
      Don’t you want me, Ohhhhh?

      I was working as a blogger of the OSR, that much is true, but even then I knew I’d publish all kinds of shit, even with ol’ Patrick Stu.
      The five years we have had have been such good times, despite the poo.
      And if you call me scumbag, I’ll deflect and attack, “You hate me because I’m a Jew.”

      Don’t, don’t you want me?
      You know I can’t believe it when I hear that you won’t see me
      Don’t. Don’t you want me?
      You know I don’t believe you when you say that you don’t need me.

      It’s much too late now, Zak,
      It’s never coming back,
      You’d better get the work done on your failed Kickstarter.

      Don’t you want me, Raggi?
      Don’t you want me, Ohhhhh?
      Don’t you want me, Raggi?
      Don’t you want me, Ohhhhh?

      • T. O'Theus permalink
        July 15, 2021 7:48 pm

        Man, I hope you’re working on a Fascination pastiche for when they kiss and make up.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        July 16, 2021 9:53 pm

        Keep feeling Lamentations,
        Product moving, feel so strong…

    • Quincy Mbeki permalink
      August 21, 2021 1:29 pm

      I enjoy Zack comparing people believing he’s a molester/assaulter to the Nazis invading Poland.

      Love how he’s trying to convince the world that HE is the victim, not whoever he molested or assaulted or whatever you call it.

      He’s such a narcissist he doesn’t even get that he’s Hitler, not Poland, in that scenario.

      Also great how he’s suddenly a Jew when he thinks it helps his status as a victim. He’s no Jew.

  363. Heh permalink
    July 12, 2021 4:57 pm

    Thanks Hidden Shrine. That is some good, gooey cheese on well cooked macaroni. Please sir, can I have some more?

  364. My Shmeckle Hurts permalink
    July 12, 2021 10:05 pm

    It seems every piece of shit who once defended Zak will soon have turned on him. I remember not too many years ago Raggpants doing an entire post entitled “Zak Smith is scary smart” and going on to praise what a folly it is to argue with him.

    Now here we have the very same size 52 pants mother fucker facing his own “scary smart” argy bargy. But I do have to admit he makes a lot of sense and seems to have wised up about the toxic runoff Zak brings to any discourse.

  365. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    July 14, 2021 1:43 pm

    Take note historians! The outing of Zpastic as a garbage piece of shit human being was literally more tragic than the entirety of World War II! Raggy the Last should have cut his losses and lowered the cone of silence of Zpastic much earlier on there. Gawd damn I’d have thought Raggy would have read enough of Zpastic’s arguments to know when the copy pasta arguments were starting and it was time to exit stage right. Still, I live Raggy trying to talk some sense into his ‘friend’ and do the impossible thing of being him to reality when he’s on a meth bender from googling his name to diminishing results. Anyways, isn’t Sweatflap of the Flaming Prince bankrupt anyways?

  366. Reason permalink
    July 14, 2021 9:05 pm

    Raggy manages to come across as a human who has developed & matured, even grown, as a result of his experiences.

    Zak comes across as the annoying, puerile little cunt he always is.

    • POO POO RAGOO permalink
      July 25, 2021 7:51 pm

      I wonder if Zak was shitting his pants while on Facebook like I was that day.
      I shit my pants.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        July 26, 2021 11:45 am

        The time for pants shitting is over, James. Your D&D rip-off LOTFAP sold very well last year, although not as well as my version of D&D, the international best-seller, and you have finally rid yourself of Zak. LIfe is good. Mail all your soiled tidy whiteys to Zak, anonymously of course, and make a fresh start. Maybe get yourself another wife. I hear they can be found cheap in Estonia, which is just a few miles away from you, yes? Those Slavic ladies have the gigantomastia too, so there’s some fun for you.

        Whatever you do, do not agree to publish anything from Zak again. Look at the mess his Demon City book is in. Over 2 years late, and still in layout hell. Such incredible laziness. At the real TSR, not this new piece of garbage which didn’t even ask me to join, we always met deadlines. Maybe don’t work with Mike Evans or Shawn either.

  367. ballsweaty69 permalink
    July 16, 2021 9:24 am

    Weak drip Zak has game stuff for sale, but makes an elaborate fold out book to dangle to the last handful of faithful sheep and say “get me unconcealed and this becomes available.” Even makes sure that whore Stokley is in the pic with bunny slippers admiring it.

    Is there any chance Slapnuts will ever get uncancelled? Or is he as deluded as his once pal Poopypants Raggi says he is?

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      July 16, 2021 11:26 am

      The sad dudes that drug their nutsacks through glass to get back on Zpastic’s good side number around a half dozen at best. Same with Zakattack’s army of suck poopets being obvious in their first post.
      “Hai goys why is awesome Zak still banned?!? You know he was proven innocent! I’m just a bystander in role playing bringing up this grate injustice!”
      About the only way to see the guy that copy pastas his arguments since the start squirm is to bring up that he’s a spoiled rotten little trust fund kid that is in his mid 40’s and sucking his father’s teat for sustenance and has never worked a day in his life. He can only counter that fact as… irrelevant apparently.
      His demands that all prostrate themselves before him and swear an oath to Attack! has left him alone screaming at the walls impotently and Stokes won’t wash those fucking dishes so they are STILL stinking the place up since Mandie left.

  368. July 16, 2021 3:39 pm

    If all the ballsweaty69s hadn’t upvoted the comments lying about me or retweeted the misinformation or @ed GenCon or spread the information to people who otherwise wouldn’t know, this wouldn’t have happened.

    GenCon only took action because they knew it would be popular and accepted.

    Influencers are important–but so are the influenced.

      July 25, 2021 7:49 pm

      Zak, you are known for douchebaggery.

  369. SPAZZ permalink
    August 15, 2021 6:23 pm


    I have long considered the merits of creating specific attribute caps and modifiers for female characters in the game, especially Human women.

    Human Female Attribute Table

    Strength: Capped at 14.
    Dexterity: +2
    Constitution: Capped at 16
    Intelligence: —
    Wisdom: +1
    Charisma: +2


    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      August 17, 2021 10:44 am

      All for attribute caps proof being a woman, a judo expert no less, was on a roof and when she wasn’t looking I pushed her off the roof proving men are stronger by leaps and bounds. Another time a girl was at a party and when she wasn’t looking i punched so hard with a club she fell unconscious proving men are strong.

      • Tío Tarnowski, Spolack permalink
        August 26, 2021 11:29 pm

        I haven’t been this aroused since actual neo-Nazi Nathan Damigo decked that crustpunk chick in Berkeley.

  370. August 20, 2021 7:27 am

    Hey y’all. I’m not going to make product for losers who sat on their hands and let creators get cancelled without checking facts.

    Btw, I’ve posted a ton of books to my store this week. Including a superhero game nobody wants that may or may not work. You three Euro trash weirdos who still follow my blog can buy some if you find some money in the street.

    • Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney permalink
      August 20, 2021 12:09 pm

      I noticed you have to sign an affidavit before entering the store saying Zpastic is not guilty and really kewl and Raggy is an asshole. I don’t think this is how you do business but what do I know?

      August 21, 2021 5:40 am

      Zak, you are known for douchebaggery.

      August 31, 2021 5:57 am

      Wait hold up. ONLYFAN now is Jeff Reints. Why not eliminate middleman and have Jeff PayPal you directly or someting?

    • Franky Panky permalink
      August 31, 2021 7:46 am

      Jeff uses Venmo, according to a friend who may have *compromising* photos, and a nice video, of Jeff with a really fat chick from fetish pron who is not his really fat wife Amy. The things we get up to at conventions. 😉 😉 Zak is rumored to have set up the hook up.

      Hey Zak, only 2 months to go before Demon City surpasses Dwimmermount in lateness. Keep up the not work. I know you lazy asses can do it.

  371. September 1, 2021 7:22 am

    Frank, you fat fuck. Sign an appledabbit or your a liar. Jeff never got laid at cons. And The only guy who cucked my ardent servant Jeff is me. He watched gloomily jerking off while I porked Amy in basic mish position, and when I crawled up to dribble on her fat face he popped too. Howling and snorting. All over the hotel room carpet. Then we all went down to Chick fil A and watched Amy hork down 8 chicken sammiches. As is tradition I threw mud into my jorts. We laughed so hard we got thrown out.

    I miss my convention antics so much. Now go to my store and buy some product.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      September 2, 2021 12:27 am

      So you did hook him up. Got it. Is that why he wrote the puff piece about you that started this entry in the YDIS archives? “Jeff I totes can get you a slice at the con, but you’ll owe me…” Mystery solved. Say how many more months of “Shawn is a perfectionist with the layout” will the Demon City backers need to endure before you start on ‘delays with the printing’ excuses?

  372. Logan Stanton permalink
    September 2, 2021 5:04 pm

    Can anyone prove Zack Smith is not a faggot?

    Asking for a friend.

    • Ballsweaty69 permalink
      September 4, 2021 7:13 am

      Well, when he fucks his skanks his cumshots are kind of weak. Sort of like jerking off when you have the flu. That may be a sign his heart isn’t in it.

      • Ballsweaty69 permalink
        September 4, 2021 7:17 am

        He also recently admitted his best friend is a tranny who gives angry handy j’s to Uber drivers. You can be tolerant of such, but not many straight guys would have enough in common with a trans to consider one a best friend.

      • Logan Stanton permalink
        September 6, 2021 9:34 pm

        I assume he’s a faggot based on his face, haircut, and whiny homo voice. And his “art.” And desperate courting of porn sluts, Socialists, and other failures in life who hate themselves and want to watch the world burn as a result. Is there any evidence he is not a faggot? He totally looks like he would suck dick and swallow cum and take it up the ass.

      September 7, 2021 12:20 pm

      Herro Logan Stanton! You need rawyer?
      Pretty soon Zak S aka Zak Sabbath aka Zak Smith aka Mandy’s Rapist and Abuser who is known for douchebaggery will ask you to sign an affidavit. I can assist you in this endeavor. Zak will also require “proof” or else “you’re a liar”. I assume you have said proof and are not in fact a liar, but would you be able to provide additional proof that Zak S did in fact shit his pants in a Chick-Fil-A? It would be very helpful in ongoing litigation involving several of my other clients.

        September 10, 2021 12:27 pm

        Please allow: Additional Zak S aliases include, but not limited to, FixerFixerFixer, SpeakingManners, Shannon Applecline.

    • Crackerman permalink
      September 26, 2021 7:25 pm

      He made j/o videos in the past, including what looks like a guy’s hand reaching from off-camera to stroke his dick. He’s a total faggot.

  373. Pundejo permalink
    September 7, 2021 1:39 pm

    Oh look, a blatantly transparent YDIS goon!

    Absolutely no one should actually be on the Red list just for having transgendered characters or mentioning transgender people in their game product. There’s a huge difference between that, and activism/propaganda.

    There’s an even bigger jump between historically-accurate presentation of a third-gender culture in a historical setting, and force-feeding 2021 values into every single setting/adventure (no matter how out of place or ridiculous it makes the setting).

    The Barrowmaze is probably the best OSR dungeon so far.

    Well, on the whole words are certainly not violence, even though your side CONSTANTLY claims that they are.

    However, literal death threats are a type of violence, and I’ve had those. More commonly, I’ve had concerted attempts, organized campaigns, to try to force companies to publicly denounce me and stop working with me, and for my products to be banned.
    So their literal goal would be for me to lose everything and starve to death in a gutter. Not just me, all their enemies.

  374. Basic Witch permalink
    September 8, 2021 7:13 am

    Which was the bigger Kickstarter clusterfuck- Dwimmermount or Demon City?

    • Dopey Gillis permalink
      September 8, 2021 8:45 am

      Dimmer mount for virtue of being the first and at $250k versus Demon Shitty’s lousy $74k. Who knows how much was lost of the $74k via cancellation and refund requests though. Did Mike refuse to refund anyone because reasons? I honestly can’t remember.
      Daemon Shitty is dead on arrival anyways as no online store will carry it and Reddit has banned talking about it as well. I agree with the backer mentioning Zack the Lego Maniac delaying release on porpoise to try to wait out his reputation being where it belongs. Isn’t going to work and Mike would be smart to shit it out and then say he was under contract to work with an abuser of women and now that he is free he will have nothing to do with the half haired, meth fueled, chihuahua.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      September 8, 2021 12:22 pm

      Demon City is only 2 months away from beating Dwimmermount, and given that it is *still* in layout, and that the printing will take some time, I am confident that Zak’s brain shart will beat Dwimmermount, but eventually see release, and like a turd dropped down the outhouse hole, it will disappear into the darkess with a sickly splash and a whiff of urine and shit, never to seen or heard about again.

      • September 8, 2021 3:26 pm

        Sign a worn appledabit or you’re a liar, y’all

      • Franky Panky permalink
        September 8, 2021 6:05 pm

        The affiant, Franky Panky, fully capacitated at this present time to give sworn written testimony, hereby acknowledges the following to be true. (1) I was born on 03/15/1950 and I am currently a resident within the state of Wisconsin. I standby all facts herein stated within this written instrument to be true. (2) The following testimony is an accurate account, both true and correct, of my personal knowledge.

        This affidavit is made for the purposes of Detailing to the best of my knowledge, the character of one such Zak Smith, a.k.a. Zak Sabbath
        I,Franky Panky, the affiant, testify under oath to the following written statement: Zak is known for douchebaggery and for abuse.

        Dated this 8th day of September, 2021

        Signature of Affiant: Franky Panky

      • Heh permalink
        October 3, 2021 9:46 am

        you are a great writer Frank. You should do up a world setting to sell.

  375. Logan Stanton permalink
    September 8, 2021 4:58 pm

    Does Zack S suck dick for money, I mean like spare change amounts? He looks like he would. Politically I assume he sucks black dicks to prove he’s not racist. Would that be for free? So for instance if I were at a rest stop toilet stall and stuck my black dick through a hole into the other side and Zack was there, he’d suck me off right? Now to the nitty gritty, would he swallow my load to prove he’s down for the revolution or make up some bullshit excuse? I don’t know a lot of faggots who pretend to be Jewish but as a black man I have to assume Leftist fake-Jewish homos would swallow my load just for the virtue signal points when they blog and TikTok about it to their peers, am I wrong? I like to get sucked off but I’m not that good looking and am overweight so getting girls to do it isn’t easy. So I’m just trying to see if a faggot like Zack would be easy to put on his knees for maybe 5 or 10 minutes since I come across ( no pun intended ) whiny little goofball beta bitches like him all the time at the store where I work and figure maybe I can have them service me no strings attached so they can get street cred with the ugly fat feminists they orbit in hopes of getting laid for their sensitivity and political correctness. Nothing against homos so no offense to you guys

    • September 10, 2021 3:48 pm

      If some Nazi wants to march at my side at a Free Speech rally, I’m no one to stop him.

        September 11, 2021 7:51 am

        Herro Swami! You need rawyer?
        I could see you holding your own for awhile in a girly slap fight with some Neo Nazi. You both pussies anyway so could go either way until one or both of you start crying like the little school girls you are.

      • September 11, 2021 7:59 am

        Thanks, I appreciate it. Hope your times improve, and not just so you can get L&D and The IC, though they are great hardcovers to get!

      • Quincy Mbeki permalink
        September 24, 2021 9:35 am

        Why should you?

        I guess this was supposed to be a clever Leftist takedown but it only illustrates the intolerance of the tolerant Left. I could agree with them on 95% of their ideas/beliefs and they’d still want me put to death for not complying with the other 5%.

    • Real Zak S Verified by Affadavit permalink
      September 12, 2021 4:52 pm

      Provide an affadavit stating that you like to get sucked off, or you are a liar!

      Brah, I don’t suck dick for money. If I need money, I ask my dad. I only suck dick for exposure, so if you’re not an aging queen who owns a gallery in Tribeca, good luck. If you can get me a decent review in the arts and leisure section of a decent-sized newspaper, I’ll give you a handy. My ass is reserved for patrons with deep pockets and bad taste in art. Dad once fucked me in the ass when he came home drunk, but that was long ago, at least four or five years.

      If you want a cheap BJ, then Kent is your fuckleberrry. He’s partial to African appendages, so you are in luck. The only problem is that the mutant likes to maintain eye contact, and his gaze is upsetting to normal humans. Better throw a bag over his head and your own head. Under no circumstances let him kiss you on the mouth.

  376. September 11, 2021 9:18 am

    Y’all don’t deserve my product. You sat by while I was dethroned. But I plan to pump out enough adventures to drown the negatives with a legacy of quantity. Weird shit that won’t fit anywhere in your campaign. I’ll never storm the awards stage at gencon again. But I still get to shine by Stokleys side at the porn awards, occasionally getting knocked out by James Deen, which is nice.

  377. Worn Appledabbit permalink
    September 11, 2021 9:28 am

    29 months ago:

    > Zak has finished the last of the art for the book and Shawn is plowing away on the final bits of layout. We have started a final proofing of Demon City, looking for any missed errors and typos, etc. and are aiming to send the book off to the printer by the beginning/mid-June for the proof and then approval for the final run!

    Book is almost done, ready to go to the printer early june 2019

    Then 27 months ago :

    > The final legs of the book are here! We are passing the book in chunks to our proofer as Shawn finishes the final layout in the smaller/less art intensive sections. We were hoping to have the book to the printer in mid-June, but it looks like Shawn will not be done with the layout until mid-June.

    The books are going to the printer soon, layout finished in “late-june” 2019, then off to the printer.

    Then, 25 months ago:

    > Based on Shawn’s timetable we are looking at the beginning to mid-September for the final touches on the layout to be completed! Our proofer believes they can knock out the edits on the book by the beginning of October to mid-October and once that’s all patched together, it’ll go off to Friesen’s for manufacturing.

    Sounds like, in october 2019 they should’ve gone to the printer?

    Another 7 month pass:

    > Just a quick update this month! Shawn has been chugging along diligently and is hopeful to have the book done by the end of April! Yay!

    Then, 13 months ago :

    > A final pass will be made on the book by Zak and myself and if it’s shiny then it goes off to the manufacturer to deliver a printed proof before the full run. Again I so APPRECIATE all of your patience with this project, thank you.

    And again, 5 months ago:

    > We have agreed that he will hand off the manuscript to me, Zak, and Jacob Hurst for our final passthrough in mid-May. The three of us will pour over this book with notes as quickly as possible- the final tweaks will be made, and then FINALLY the book will go off to the printers for proofs and production.

    Shawn’s off the project and the book will be sent to the printer by mid may… But in mid-may…

    > In exciting Demon City news, Shawn sent Jacob Hurst, Zak, and myself review access to the book and we have begun pouring through it. We are hoping the tweaks will only take a couple of weeks and have the final draft completed by the end of May to mid June. After that I’ll send the file off to the manufacturer for physical proofs for Zak and I to look through for the final approval.

    Seems like Shawn’s back in, and 2 months later in July, it still hasn’t been finished… and the layout, which was supposed to be almost done 2 years prior, is still being worked on :

    > Shawn and Zak are currently working on some leftover facing pages in the layout and Shawn’s goal is to wrap up the layout within the next week or two and dive in to the proofing himself so we can get it done quicker (ain’t he sweet?!).

    • Franky Pany permalink
      September 11, 2021 1:04 pm

      Shawn has to be the laziest fat ass of the RPG scene, Skarka excluded. Mike should have fired him 18 months ago, or Mike should have signed over the project to Zak, given that it is Zak’s project, and GTFO’ed. No matter, it is still not at the printers, so it is at least 30 days more away. It will be even later than Dwimmermount after all. A fitting end for Zak, the genital wart of the indie rpg scene, not with a bang, but with a whole series of internet sissy slap fights and lost court cases.

    • Tarnowski2024 permalink
      September 12, 2021 3:22 am

      What the hell do they keep pouring on the manuscript? Proofing has nothing to do with liquor, guys.

  378. Reason permalink
    September 11, 2021 5:50 pm

    It’s like homeless old crack addict level of nuts to buzz around shrieking that everyone is lying and the fact that you _don’t_ go and hire a lawyer and create sworn appledabits for everything you say proves it… you can’t make this shit up.

    Has anyone, anywhere _ever_ gone and created a sworn applesdavid just to win an internet argument? Because by Zal logic everyone who ever _hasn’t_ is a liar…

    • September 11, 2021 11:50 pm

      If you are speaking truth you should be willing to go downtown and spend money and half your day putting together proper and affirmed legai documents proving it.

        September 12, 2021 8:33 am

        Zak, you are known for douchebaggery. Also rape and abuse of Mandy Morbid. Also Vivika Grey. And Hannah. And Jennifer.

        You like to forget about those last three, Zak/FixerFixerFixer/Speaking Manners/Shannon Appelcline, don’t you? Ruins your false narrative, doesn’t it?

        And why you go around “Sign an affidavit! Sign an affidavit!” That something 10 year old say in playground fight. No wonder Raggi Poopy Pants think you such a great debater. He like 8 year old making D&D poopoo golems or something.

        You need rawyer? Zak you still have to sign an affidavit that you did not sockpuppet on Reddit as Shannon Appelcline. Give me a call.

      • Logan Stanton permalink
        September 27, 2021 11:09 pm

        So Zack S WILL suck a dude off if the dude signs an affidavit saying Ask is totally NOT gay? Is that right? Checking for a friend.

  379. Radovarl permalink
    September 14, 2021 7:12 am

    Hi guys, and wow. Just wow. Still new comments on a 2-year-old post.

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      September 14, 2021 9:12 am

      The Anathemata: a plague journal Like there’s anything better to do or a real forum worth making commentary at.

    • Stokes permalink
      September 15, 2021 4:47 pm


        September 15, 2021 5:14 pm

        Herro Stokes! You need rawyer?
        Were you the whore who answer when Zak tell us to call whores? I don’t know whore kind of sound like Zak using falsetto voice on the other end.

    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      September 16, 2021 6:37 am

      Yes, it really is a testament to how universally reviled Zak is in the RPG community. Both sides!

    • Arneson's Spectre permalink
      September 16, 2021 3:00 pm

      Yeah, this thread’s been active almost as long as Demon City has been “in layout”.

      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        September 16, 2021 7:36 pm

        Imagine how Mike Evans feels. Trapped in the same room as meth fueled chihuahua Zpastic for two years with him yipping and yapping all the time, threatening appledavits at every moment, and you can’t shut him up. You have to carefully toe the line or Zpastic will turn his impotent fury and shake all his suck poopets at you if he thinks you’ve crossed him. Probably need to run a gofuckme for Mike as Zpastic has surely given Mike some traumatic stress disorders. Mike should probably look into teaming up with Jessica Price next so he can have a stable and productive creative partner.

    • TarnowskisWench permalink
      September 17, 2021 11:24 am

      And yet you came here to check.

      Wow. Just wow.

      • Radovarl permalink
        October 27, 2021 6:14 am

        Yes, and here I am checking again. Sick burn, dudebro.


        The former internet troll formerly known as Radovarl

  380. Pundejo permalink
    September 16, 2021 7:38 pm

    Jessica Price decides to reveal a whole bunch of dirty laundry from her time working for Paizo on the Pathfinder RPG. In so doing, she reveals the misery of what being a supposed “industry pro” is really all about.
    #dnd #ttrpg #OSR

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      September 17, 2021 1:43 pm

      Hopefully Jessica turns her venom onto the equally talented Saltine Fenix who has brought so much talent and diversity to d n d. Her module Cock Block the Pisstard is certified a golden shower seller.
      Porky and Saltine apparently hung their hats up on Derpstination Tardtastic and realized no one else is going to pay for their vacations with milquetoast shit commentary. At least the pandemic shot that stillborn abortion in the face. Hilariously Saltine never once acknowledged anyone in the Kickstarter or even paid one iota of attention to it. Hopefully this discouraged those hoping to throw money at it for a chance to interact with her. Seriously if J Price is at Whatzi how can she not be chasing Saltine off?

  381. Franky Panky permalink
    September 17, 2021 8:03 pm

    Oye Pundejo, Jessica is not going to have sex with you, no matter how much you simp for her. Here’s a readable version of, dare I say this about a woman, her hysterics.

    Jessica is about to be fired from WoTC and she knows it. This from a trusted inside source of mine. Her tirade is a warning to WoTC of what she will unleash on them if they shitcan her pasty, flabby ass. Shame, It used to be such a nice ass too. Jessica has let herself go. Saltine has nothing to worry from Jessica. Saltine is used to dealing with Porno people. Jessica is strictly bush league compared to them. Yes, I see what I did there.

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      September 18, 2021 2:43 pm

      Jessica certainly succeeded in biding her time before putting the boot into Paizo. No doubt to demonstrate to Whatzi that she can and will break them whenever she feels like it. She’s not saying to boycott them but if you don’t want to ever buy anything from them ever again, she certainly wouldn’t complain.
      Love watching people trying to rewrite history and paint her as a snowy angel that doesn’t have a vindictive bone in her body. Praying 2022 brings us the Zak/Jessica collaboration we deserve.

  382. Matrox permalink
    September 22, 2021 7:33 am

    I would like to not pat myself on the back for being too silent.

    Right after G+ shutdown in April 2019 (really by February G+ was deadzone) there was a concerted effort on the new OSR Discord servers to silence anyone even questioning the accusations. I got my hand slapped right away and instead of pushing back I was quiet.

    On Reddit/OSR there were small spaces to argue on Zak’s behalf after Zak’s litigation resulted in Ettin’s April 2020 apology, but then those spaces were slowly closed off – First with the rule that Zak’s litigation couldn’t be discussed because it wasn’t “game related;” and second with the final “No Zak Content” rule. (This was kind of sophomoric because the rule was ostensibly because Zak discussions devolved into flame wars, but the folks doing the flaming were Zak detractors, not people supporting Zak or questioning the common narrative.)

    So while I didn’t jump on any bandwagon and pushed back in the limited spaces I could, I acquiesced to the rules the hatemob used to set the theatre for discussion until I got feed up and split. Public apology for that is in order too, sorry Zak.

    • Pundejo permalink
      September 22, 2021 8:54 am

      NOTE (Retraction): I mistakenly assumed Jessica Price was talking about Jeff Grubb (she referred only to a “jeff” in her Twitter tirade), when in fact it appears she was attacking current Paizo President Jeff Alvarez. My apologies to Mr. Grubb.

        September 22, 2021 2:46 pm

        Herro Jeff Grubb! You need rawyer?
        Call me ready right away! We chop chop suey RPGPundit aka John Tarnowski aka Kasimir Urbanski aka Swami something stupid name for slander.
        Call me right away and NO CALL WHORES!

      September 22, 2021 2:41 pm

      Herro Maalox! You need rawyer?
      You are know for…well, nothing really. Who the fuck are you? Nobody care you not there for Zak on G+ after his mass cancelling because nobody no carey you were there before it happen!

      You unblown neckbeards really got to get a grip on reality!

      Call me if you need rawyer when Zak ask you to sign affidavit. Call BEFORE you sign you don’t seem to bright.

  383. Heh permalink
    September 22, 2021 8:32 pm

    The petty gawd of dipshits is back, and looks like he’s been hiding behind his couch all that time. hilariously it looks like he is mixing up his game world with his perception of the real world. While most people seem to be doing well and pulling out of the funky last year or so this Homo has clearly gone off the deep end. Do up some popcorn and enjoy a good read.

    • Ballsweaty69 permalink
      September 26, 2021 4:30 pm

      Just watched a Herzog produced documentary from the 90s called grizzly man. Check it out and I’m sure you will agree with me that the dip shit from that wasnt actually eaten by bears but moved to Southern California and called himself a Christian. Either that or Christian does a spot on impersonation of that bear guy in his zine videos.

  384. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    September 23, 2021 2:29 pm

    Blogger Zak Sabbath said…

    Erased. No anonymous comments–use a persistent identity.

    September 23, 2021 at 10:48 AM
    Anonymous Principios said…
    this IS my persistent identity

    September 23, 2021 at 12:12 PM
    Blogger Zak Sabbath said…

    Please link to your other comments online under this name, then.

    September 23, 2021 at 12:15 PM
    Anonymous Principios said…
    Can’t. You keep erasing them for being anonymous.

    September 23, 2021 at 12:44 PM
    Blogger Zak Sabbath said…

    I’ve only erased one. So you’re saying that these three comments are the only ones you’ve ever made online?

    September 23, 2021 at 12:46 PM
    Anonymous Principios said…
    The only RPG related ones, yes.

    September 23, 2021 at 12:58 PM
    Blogger Zak Sabbath said…

    Ok, link to your non-RPG related ones

    September 23, 2021 at 1:06 PM
    Anonymous Principios said…
    Not only are those of no concern to the RPG community, but also I don’t want to be doxxed by the people who are after you, so no.

    September 23, 2021 at 1:14 PM
    Blogger Zak Sabbath said…

    Ok, then just email them to me:
    zakzsmith AT hawtmayle dawt calm

    September 23, 2021 at 1:21 PM
    Anonymous Principios said…
    Done. Now answer my original question.

    September 23, 2021 at 1:59 PM
    Blogger Zak Sabbath said…

    I haven’t gotten the email.

    To answer your question: It’s a lie. The people responsible are: everyone who spread it (so: whatever your source is, plus anyone else you ever saw repeating it).

      September 23, 2021 5:59 pm

      Herro Anonymous Principios! You need rawyer?
      Please call me ready right away if Zak ask you to sign a sworn affidavit. He may refer to it as a worn appledabbit.
      Also, if Zak ask you to call whores, please do me a favor. Call whore and see if it sound like Zak using falsetto voice pretending to be whore.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        September 23, 2021 6:19 pm

        Dani, are you sure it is a falsetto voice? There is a rumor that Zak has undergone an orchiectomy due to injuries sustained during some rough trade gay porn he was filming recently. Zak’s voice may be going soprano, if you know what I mean. He keeps them in a jar like one of those Chinese Imperial Court eunuchs. He may even talk to them. My precioussesss.

  385. A Concerned Gamer permalink
    September 24, 2021 8:16 am

    Real men on the shite say they will NEVER subject their children to the medical tyranny of getting vaccinated. Which is, of course, a bold claim for the Cheeto dusted beardos that we know have no children to vaccinate in the first place.
    Expect gofundme’s for when they do get sick inevitably and have no money to pay for their medical bills and those that fail their save vs death roll won’t be dead of stupidity but rather called to serve at St. Cuthbert’s side.

    • Dr. Cheeto Beard permalink
      September 24, 2021 9:45 am

      They are too busy being concerned with the science of catapults and crossbows to be interested in actual modern science. You know, the reason these fat gametards get to live past 50?

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      September 25, 2021 4:03 pm

      Hilarious. The whole MAGA movement has become a suicide cult. I wish we knew some of their names so that we could mock them when they croak from either the ‘rona or the horse paste. I hear the latest quack remedy is inhaling hydrogen peroxide with a nebulizer.

  386. Reason permalink
    September 24, 2021 2:13 pm

    They all had polio, rubella, tetanus etc vaccinations when they were kids. But THIS one is tyranny!

  387. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    September 25, 2021 7:57 pm

    What is with Teniker and the woif’s “Gamer Health” vlogs? Neither of them look like they should be dispensing anything but burger joint reviews. “The berry-butter shake is to die for!” At least their demo would watch that with interest.

    Jack La Lane and spouse they ain’t.

      September 28, 2021 12:39 pm

      Herro Rach! You need rawyer?
      You are known for playing Grandmama on Addams Family I think. Maybe not. You seem like lovely lady. How you end up with Tenkar Turdshack HAHAHAHAHAHA?!!

      I got nothing really. You alright in my book Rach!

  388. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    September 29, 2021 10:55 pm

    This is why Kent loves Trump so much:

  389. Reason permalink
    September 30, 2021 4:24 am

    Zaks latest- why he is now right to pre-empt the courts + everyone else abusers & meanies anyway & now it’s als0 racism PeOple! RaCsim!

  390. September 30, 2021 1:14 pm

    The three regulars who comment on my blog are totes going to get me uncancelled, y’all.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      September 30, 2021 6:59 pm

      We are going to need signed affidavits from those 3 regulars, to verify that they are not your socks. Proof, Zak, or you are a liar.

      • September 30, 2021 9:59 pm

        erased. You are not allowed to spread misinformation on this…uh, never mind.

  391. Reason permalink
    October 1, 2021 8:23 am

    Meanwhile, Demon Shitty is 3+ years late- because some fat fuck thinks they need 127 fonts on every page instead of a book because pUnK & no one knows who the fuck is actually doing layout- or I get the impression one person does it & then, every other fuck sticks his nose in ..

    “Shawn and Zak are currently working on some leftover facing pages in the layout and Shawn’s goal is to wrap up the layout within the next week or two and dive in to the proofing himself so we can get it done quicker (ain’t he sweet?!)”

    Which is about the 5th time they’ve said layout & proofing are done in a week (2 years now)- oh we are still doing layout & proofing…

    3 years late. JMal was already crucified & resurrected in obscure Tekumel /Traveller blogs by then.

    What a bunch of asshats- Oh covid meant I had to stay home & had no time to… stay at home & work on… oh yeah…

  392. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    October 3, 2021 9:56 am

    Odium Rayse said…
    kill yourself already so your books that I own can hopefully skyrocket in price.
    your life is meaningless anyway. you only live to hurt a bunch of people that hurt you: a pitiful shell of a man.

    October 2, 2021 at 5:47 PM
    Blogger Zak Sabbath said…
    @odium rayse

    The people who hurt me also hurt–and will continue to hurt–other people, so getting justice for them is important. I don’t know if that gives my life “meaning” (I don’t really know what “life having meaning” would mean for anyone.) but helping other innocent people isn’t “pitiful” by any metric.

    So you should aacknowledge that clarification in your next message and apologize for the factual error–or else prove it invalid.

    If you don’t do that, you’re a bad person and will be banned, but also please mail your copies of my books back to me, email me at zakzsmith AT hawtmayle dawt calm and I can give you details on how to do that.

    Thank you for your comment: I may be able to use it in court to prove the harassment campaign continues unabated to this date.

    October 2, 2021 at 5:56 PM
    Blogger Zak Sabbath said…
    @odium rayse

    Your new comment has been erased as misinformation is not allowed in the comments.

    If you feel you’ve received this message in error, email zakzsmith AT hawtmayle dawt calm with proof of your claims.

    October 2, 2021 at 6:11 PM
    Anonymous max said…
    Whos your favorite pro wrestler

    October 3, 2021 at 4:53 AM
    Blogger Zak Sabbath said…
    Ricky the Dragon steamboat

  393. Suing People is So Punk permalink
    October 3, 2021 8:58 pm

    NO, really, it’s going to be done soon…

    2 years ago, in august 2019 :

    > Based on Shawn’s timetable we are looking at the beginning to mid-September for the final touches on the layout to be completed! Our proofer believes they can knock out the edits on the book by the beginning of October to mid-October and once that’s all patched together, it’ll go off to Friesen’s for manufacturing.

    How many pages had Sean left to do at that point? from what Mike has said, the text of the book has been finished for over 2 years, same for the art. and Sean has been the only bottleneck for 2 years. Is that true?
    user avatar
    8 days ago

    Yes–and that’s 100% what we’ve said all along.

    I did the text and art a long time ago.

    I don’t know how many pages Shawn had left to do when Mike wrote that–he’s in very high demand as a designer and very busy because he’s very good.
    user avatar
    8 days ago

    4 months before that, Mike said :

    > Shawn is plowing away on the final bits of layout.

    How long does it takes to do the “final bits of the layout” ? If someone holds your entire project back for 2 years, you find someone else to do their work.

    Also, 2 months ago, Mike said :

    > Shawn and Zak are currently working on some leftover facing pages in the layout and Shawn’s goal is to wrap up the layout within the next week or two and dive in to the proofing himself so we can get it done quicker (ain’t he sweet?!).

    So, still 17 pages, 2 months later. “the next week or so” turned into at least 8 weeks.

    I’d also add that Shawn “diving into the proofing himself so it can be done faster” isn’t sweet, given that he seems to work on multiple project at a time, as slowly as possible.

    Again, one of the reason nobody trusts you people is that you’ve kept saying “Shawn’s busy with the layout” for 2 years. Hire someone else than shawn.
    user avatar
    8 days ago

    Nah he’s good.
    user avatar
    8 days ago

    Missing deadlines once or twice, or being off my 20% of the original timeline, I can chuck that to the happenings of any production cycle. Mild incompetence maybe.

    But for this project, we’ve been told “It’ll be ready next month” for the past 2 years. At that point, I don’t think that “lies” is an exaggeration.
    user avatar
    8 days ago

    It is 100% incorrect to say I lied to you that Shawn did.
    user avatar
    8 days ago

    “or that Shawn did” I mean,
    user avatar
    8 days ago

    I’m taking about this clown show of a project, and Mike’s own words. I have a real hard time that someone making a living out of this shit can be so incompetent as to fuck up the completion timeline every time.

    To me, “It’ll be ready next month, I swear” Sounds like someone that just wants to placate people.

    How long do you think it’ll take to finish the layout of 17 pages of content?

    My bet is another 8 months, at the earliest.
    user avatar
    8 days ago

    I don’t know. All I know is: I didn’t lie to you. Shawn didn’t lie to you. And it’s gonna look great

    • Speakingmanners permalink
      October 4, 2021 12:23 pm

      I have it on the whisper network that Shawn in in league with evil Mandie Morbid and is actually working to undermine Zak by purposely NOT finishing Demon City. Thing is, Shawn has been paid in full and Zak and Mike have no funds left to pay anyone else to finish the job. Shawn is effectively holding the project hostage and there’s nothing Zak can do about it. Zak could be honest and think about just starting over and finishing it himself but that is work and punks have no work ethic. Zak could tap dear old dad for money but all dad’s money Zak could get is tied up in frivolous lawsuits.
      I for one applaud Shawn for his work on behalf of the public on stalling Zak Sabbath products and denying Zak any potential funds to file more frivolous lawsuits.

  394. Roscoe Higgins permalink
    October 4, 2021 12:30 pm

    Lol i love when the dumb fuck uses the term “bad person” like he’s in 1st grade. Is he autistic or just an old fashioned retard? He looks like the kind of wannabe punk who think green day was a punk rock group

    What would this faggot use for art if he couldn’t edit photos on a computer? Lol he’s a joke

    I’m so glad he’s still cancelled. If he had any brains when he was first accused he would of claimed the girls were Trump/Nazi/current Leftist bugaboo and all his virtue signal jackoff “friends” would of said the girls deserved it and give him an honorary Antifa medal

    • Speakingmanners permalink
      October 4, 2021 6:06 pm

      I absolutely adore Zpastic attacking backers of his shitstopper. Like what have they done for him besides finance his failure of a game? You can guarantee they’ll be back to finance his next one after the fine customer service Zpastic has shown his ‘fans’. Yeah Zpastic’s ‘punk’ is more Blink 182 than Agoraphobic Nosebleed.

  395. Arneson's Spectre permalink
    October 5, 2021 8:38 am

    “If you feel you’ve received this message in error, email zakzsmith AT hawtmayle dawt calm with proof of your claims.”

    What a fucking retard!

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      October 6, 2021 11:47 am

      It’s amazing how he attacks people that gave him money. He’s practically assuring no one will ever support him again even if Mandie recanted everything he’s done with arrrr peee gees as well as art. But being a trust fund kid it doesn’t matter as dear old dad will take care of him until dad pops his clogs and hopefully gives his estate to fund abused women shelters.
      Collateral damage is Mike Evans is also done and over with for failing to control Zakattack and letting him endlessly lie and abuse people simply looking for answers.
      When you make Jamal look prompt and concerned with customer service by comparison, you are truly fucked.

    • Roscoe Higgins permalink
      October 11, 2021 5:44 am

      1 of the faggot fake punks from blink 182 Sat behind me at a concert once. He looked and acted like a faggot retard. Mad that the bands playing were all superior to hit shitty pop punk and NOBODY was asking him for an autograph or paying him any attention. probably would get along well with this Zack Faggot.

  396. Reason permalink
    October 7, 2021 5:40 pm

    The Demon-Shitty comments page is my new favourite flavour.

  397. Franky Panky permalink
    October 7, 2021 6:43 pm

    Shawn “Lazy ass” Cheng is my new hero. You go boy, or rather, you don’t go, boy.

    Selected Highlights from the comments

    Demon City: The Ultimate Horror RPG

    A modern horror RPG written by Zak Smith and filled with his evocative artwork.

    Zak Smith: “I’m not the boss of Shawn (Mike is) I will chip in and be as transparent as I can be”

    >But it is your kickstarter. Your name is the one above the lights.

    Zak Smith: “my part of the job–the art and text–are done. My duties have been discharged. It is not rational to ask me to do anything.”

    >But it is your kickstarter. Your name is the one above the lights.

    Zak Smith: “this is how it works:

    1-Shawn produces pages.

    2-I review them as soon as I see them (usually within 24 hours after he posts them) and I turn around feedback on them within the hour. Sometimes Mike or the proofreader also has feedback.

    3-Shawn then takes that feedback and works on new versions of the layout until he finishes, then we go back to step 1.

    So: the vast majority of the time we are simply waiting for Shawn to turn in pages.

    You can describe this as “Shawn working on layout” or “all of us working on it” and both would be accurate ways to describe that process.”

    >Then you are still doing work on it. But you said your duties were discharged? Lying then or lying now.

    Zak Smith: “There will be enough copies that book will be available for sale after the Kickstarter. Tell your friend thanks!”

    >Zak, when did you develop a sense of humor?

    Demon City surpasses Dwimmermount at the end of the month. I think Michael Gareth Skarka needs to start looking in the rear view mirror. Zak et al are gunning for the Far West record of lateness. C’mon Shawn, I know you can do it.

      October 9, 2021 5:58 am

      Herro Shawn! You need rawyer?
      Welcome to the underside of the Zak Bus Shawn! The Zak Bus is a short bus so wear your hockey helmet and try not to drool on yourself.

      Call me ready right away. We sue Zak and make him sign sworn affidavit. He likes those!

      135 different fonts per page sound dope!

      Good Ruck! You gonna need it!

  398. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    October 7, 2021 7:01 pm

    zce said…
    dude are you planning on killing yourself


    September 25, 2021 at 7:30 AM
    Blogger Zak Sabbath said…

    I am not planning on it. I am planning on winning. If I win I won’t have a reason to kill myself.

    But if this does not change there will be no life left worth living.

    • Roscoe Higgins permalink
      October 11, 2021 5:52 am

      Don’t be sad little Faggot. Just because your ugly skinny porn slut turned on you doesn’t mean you can’t still gaslight and abuse the handful of losers who frequent your failed blog of self pity or the morons who gave you money for Demon City despite your utter lack of talent for writing and art. As long as you have someone to abuse life is worth living right? That plus daddy’s money.

  399. Heh permalink
    October 9, 2021 7:56 am

    After a few short years of watching him squirm and struggle and make an even bigger idiot of himself it’s going to be a nice money shot to finish it all off when he fucking kills him self And exits this world.

    any bets on how he will do it? I’ve got 20 that says he’ll slit his wrists in the bathtub.


    • Roscoe Higgins permalink
      October 11, 2021 5:55 am

      He’s too much of a faggot wimp to go through with it. It’ll be slit wrists but only a phony dramatic gesture where he slits the wrong way and makes sure someone will find him immediately. It’ll be a big plea for sympathy. Plus that’s how girls do it. He doesn’t have the balls to put a revolver in his mouth and blow himself away like a man.

  400. Roscoe Higgins permalink
    October 11, 2021 6:00 am

    This Zack lameass likes to imply that he’s smart. Has he ever noticed that everywhere he goes he runs into arguments and fights and insults? Did he never hear the one about how if everyone else is an asshole the asshole is you?

  401. October 16, 2021 9:14 am

    Really controversial.
    Dogs are better pets than cats. They are happier, cuter and kill less native animals.

    October 16, 2021 at 7:18 AM
    Blogger Zak Sabbath said…

    Hot take, but not an issue likely to soothe the fires of the RPG community’s seething soul.

    I like them both, personally, since animals are usually nice to me and none have ever lied about hate crimes or felonies.

    October 16, 2021 at 7:23 AM

      October 18, 2021 9:06 am

      Zak, you are known for douchebaggery, even to cats, dogs, horses, hamsters, pet snakes, and possibly all single celled organisms. And you are still cancelled from RPGs forever.

      • Speakingmanners permalink
        October 18, 2021 12:26 pm

        Zak had a great interview that no one watched about his big comeback! Demon City is on it’s way within the next five years or so. 2021 is the year of the Attack!

      • Franky Panky permalink
        October 18, 2021 4:35 pm

        The Zoophilia/Zoosadist rumors about Zak are true. He actually has sex with animals? That explains so much.

        Just a few more weeks for Demon City to surpass Dwimmermount. Since the thing is not even at the printers, there will be at least another month of delays. C’mon Shawn, come up with a few more reasons to delay; Family illness, the coming holidays, personal crisis… anything.

  402. October 18, 2021 10:27 pm

    -Racism? When the accusations against me came out, everyone who supported my ex was asked why they supported the white girls rather than the women of color—who were telling more consistent stories that actually made sense, were corroborated, and were backed up by documents. Nobody answered.

  403. St. Cuthbert's Throbbing Cudgel permalink
    October 19, 2021 12:05 am

    My theory is that the book is already finished and printed, but Zpastic wants to wait for the conclusion of his case with Mandy. He’s arrogantly assumed he’s going to win, and Demonshitty will be his glorious revenge comeback…

    • Speakingmanners permalink
      October 19, 2021 9:31 am

      Zak is about on his last leg and throwing accusations at anyone and everyone of every possible wrongdoing possible against him to try to paint himself as a glowing angel. Hopefully Zak tries his circular straw man arguments he uses on the internet in court and finds it works as well as his failed lawsuit against Gencon. Demon City is likely languishing in developmental hell for another year as Zak doesn’t really care as he’s changed his story multiple times to say it’s never his fault for the delays and anyone accusing him of being lazy and lacking drive to finish it is accused of being one of his haters and they better feel fortunate he can’t say ‘attack’ anymore and have his sycophants dox and threaten anyone he doesn’t like.

  404. BACLF permalink
    October 19, 2021 9:49 am

    How did I miss this shit? Macris yearned for a Civil War to keep Trump in power. He’s deleted it, because getting a visit from the FBI isn’t as fun as dreaming of throwing AOC from a helicopter.

    • Timotheus permalink
      October 22, 2021 5:25 am

      Holy fucking shit. Macris is an even bigger traitor than I thought. No wonder he deleted it, given that Jan. 6 insurrectionists are actually being held accountable for, you know, insurrection. As Macris is begging for here.

      Submissive, fascist fuck.

      • Spinach Aaron permalink
        October 23, 2021 5:06 am

        “Held accountable” my ass. Slaps on the wrist aren’t accountability. They’re telling these fat fascist fucks that their first try was good but try, try again because it’s not like they’re selling loose cigs or passing a fake $20 bill.

        A fine and community service for killing an officer and smearing shit on the walls of government. Fuck that. Every one of those fuckers should be hung and their heads mounted on pikes, the members of Congress who supported them included.

      • Raul Herrera permalink
        October 28, 2021 10:09 pm

        Lol. “Insurrection”

        You might want to look up what that means.

      • Ed Dove permalink
        October 30, 2021 9:53 am

        From something called a “dictionary”:

        Insurrection: a violent uprising against an authority or government.


    • Reason permalink
      October 20, 2021 1:27 pm

      I’m crying at the SHARK character who equates everything to commies & ‘Nam.


      • Tupac’s Lost Testicle permalink
        October 21, 2021 10:34 am

        Shart is of course Perilous Dreamer cosplaying as Walter Sobchak from the Big Lebowski. Surprised more people aren’t aware of this fact honestly and it’s fucking hilarious that anyone responds to him in any fashion other than scorn.
        Simper Pie mother fuckers! Snap into a Slim Jim!

      • Timotheus permalink
        October 22, 2021 5:34 am

        Have an Exalt!

      October 22, 2021 8:49 am

      Herro Kent! You need rawyer?
      You are known for a doing gay. You also need to find a nice RPG community where you will fit in nicely. May I offering theRPGsite for all your needs? This recent thread demonstrates RPGPundit Tarnowski’s is where you truly belong. See how all theRPGsite members become titillated by dominant fighting men on top doing manly things they can only dream of while biting their pillows doing gay bottom, not to mention their universal hatred of all women? Who knew Friends of Dorothy were really Friends of RPGPundit, the Swami of Oz!?! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

  405. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    October 23, 2021 7:12 pm

    Hilariously the Zpastic interview gets mentioned on Reddit in one group his mention isn’t banned from and Zpastic poop sucks show up in droves to high five each other and back each other up in a masturbatory fashion that Zpastic cannot even keep straight. Good times.

  406. I Read Rulebooks On The Shitter permalink
    October 24, 2021 4:05 am

    What’s with all these kids and their vidyas and their hippin’ and their hoppin’?! In my day we listened to Reagan in America One and we loved it!

    • kaskoid permalink
      October 24, 2021 12:01 pm

      I don’t understand how osrgamer can use one of these fancy new-fangled message boards to talk about D&D! We didn’t need no interweb system of tubes to communicate! We used to write in to Dragon Magazine, and if are comments weren’t too retarded they got published, maybe even answered! Sometimes if a letter was short bus hockey helmet retarded they would publish it, but only so the rest of us could point at you and laugh. Good times! There’s no school like the Old School – real old school with official TSR products, not these retroclones written by social retards.

  407. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    October 27, 2021 7:30 pm

    Things getting creepy at the ‘foot.

  408. Franky Panky permalink
    October 30, 2021 12:56 am

    Sexy Lexy ran a kickstarter, , and it funded! He plans to fulfill it in November. Zakling, take note. Lexy had everything lined up and ready to go to the printers beforehand. Demon City, OTOH, has now surpassed Dwimmermount in *tardiness*. It’s last update was back in July, 4 months ago. Well, maybe next year backers. Or not.

  409. Heh permalink
    October 30, 2021 9:38 am

    Lexys claims of high end Chef Ramsey jobs is exaggerated merhinks. And doing master class shit when he has no more dnd experience than a million other senior fattie grognatds is high comedy. But you have to admire his single minded earnestness. He generally seems more honest in his stuff than Zak or Pundits heavily exaggerated hucksterism.

    But what is so immersive about a tavern menu? My players go into an inn, ask for some drink or grub ( i just say its stew, soup, cutlets, or whatever) and tell them to throw a gold piece at the serving bitch and that’ll cover the drinks and eats. I’ve never seen a player need more color than that. If i handed them a menu i’d get blank stares. A kickstarter? Sheesh.


    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      October 31, 2021 12:39 pm

      Remember that time Lexi had a bad fall down the stairs at work and the other fry cooks just kept stepping over and around him?

  410. Reason permalink
    October 30, 2021 4:54 pm

    There are people pledging $50, $100, $200 for this… for the revelation that a tavern might serve beer, wine, beef and rye bread… I guess they fully deserve it.

    Lexie’s whole thing is pointlessly complicated minutiae that no one else cares about…

    But my favourite part is yet to come; when he lambasts his dimwitted followers for not using his menu correctly or for applying some changes to it, as happens with all his other daft rule additions.

  411. Heh permalink
    October 31, 2021 4:16 pm

    A nightmare for your Halloween pleasure. I can still see it when I close my eyes.


    • kaskoid permalink
      October 31, 2021 6:54 pm

      When he says he has taco pants, does that mean he shit himself or something? A BM burrito in his pants?
      Erik, get yourself a colostomy bag!
      I just spoke to the ghost of Danny Thomas on the Ouija board. He wants you to stop scanning your body for gripping and holding right now before St. Jude’s goes bankrupt.

  412. Xartan Tsaggua permalink
    November 4, 2021 2:13 pm

    I cant believe the thread on Dwarven Skin Color on Dragonsfoot hasn’t been locked by now. Gnomish Dwelf is quickly becoming the new king of the Unblown. Sockpuppet or just irritating?

  413. I Porked the Wench permalink
    November 5, 2021 6:20 am

    D&D has been lying to you all along:

    Wait ‘til he reads about magic…

  414. Zarkon Zoth-Ommog permalink
    November 10, 2021 11:57 pm

    Hey Xartan, you going to VengerCon in July to hobnob with our hero? Only 94 tickets left and they gun’ be goin’ fast! We all missed PolyhedronCon (RIP Bloo) but imagine the tales of billious gonzo putresence that will be spun from those fortunate few who attend this very first epic future classic con. All Venger, All Weekend!

    Yes, I am seriously considering pulling the trigger on this. Don’t judge me, just love me.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      November 13, 2021 2:06 pm

      Venge will probably hire a couple of three-hundred pound strippers to work the con. I don’t know if that’s as big a draw as Bloo’s crazy girlfriend’s Poly Eggs would have been, but it will lure Thorkhammer to the con.

      • Heh. permalink
        November 14, 2021 10:42 am

        That old, limp dick pervert can run the hill giant stead module for the hundredth time in between making unwoke comments to the fat bitches.

        Any chance Zak might one day do Zakcon?


      • bloodymage permalink
        November 14, 2021 2:33 pm

        Poly Eggs will be available at the prayer breakfast on Sunday morning of Poly Con. I don’t think Venger Ass Nasty is offering a prayer breakfast, not to the One True Christian God anyway. It also sounds like it’s going to be a Sausage Fest. No self-respecting woman would ever attend that thing.

        Sigh! 😦

    • Xartan Tssaggua permalink
      November 14, 2021 8:56 pm

      It’s tempting Hoss! I hear that Venger is trying to outdo Luke with his own retired pornstar. Old Alpha Blue himself Herschel Savage is being fitted for elf ears right now. Should work well with the value priced strippers BACFL mentioned.

  415. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    November 17, 2021 9:51 am

    Elgin Scott Superbacker
    3 days ago

    One of the things im most excited to see is what the Cover Art will be!

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      November 17, 2021 10:46 am

      Wait, Zakattack hasn’t even released the cover art to backers? Wow… 2000 copper pieces in rat shit territory there.

      • Reason permalink
        November 17, 2021 12:01 pm

        Obviously he can’t release it, they are still doing the layout they’ve been doing the last 14 months. It’s not easy finding a layout busy & edgey enough to deliver epileptic fits alongside the 450 fonts required by every section, because having just the right font is what I most give a fuck about in a book. The more Raggi & unreadable the better!

  416. November 18, 2021 9:34 am

    My job is long done, y’all.

    If you want more books after this, get me uncancelled.

    • Morton Moose permalink
      November 18, 2021 11:57 am

      So if we keep you cancelled you’ll stop making shitty RPG products? It’s a deal.

  417. November 18, 2021 9:43 am

    You don’t seem to understand what has happened at all.

    Again, question:

    Imagine you get googled for a living–also not for a living–all people do when they meet you is google you. That’s my life. I cannot tell any stranger anythign true about my life without them then googling me.

    Are you imagining that?

    Now imagine your google results are filed with false accusations of literally the worst crime our society can imagine?

    So: I can’t “relax and enjoy life” my life has literally been destroyed. This has nothing to do with money. My life has been annihilated.

    1. Do you understand that? y/n

    2. Did that not occur to you?

    3. Do you not realize that -gamers did that by spreading that misinformation- ?

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      November 19, 2021 3:09 am

      I’m loving this. Poor asshole can’t even muster an online mob to attack randos because they don’t like ‘Star Wars’.

    • Hyperbole Jones permalink
      November 19, 2021 3:47 pm

      “literally the worst crime our society can imagine” Wow. So Zackattack diddled little kids then murdered them? Or maybe he manipulated old senile people into giving him their life savings and then he raped and murdered them? Or maybe he fucked his own kids and kept them in a basement for their entire lives?

      I’m trying to get a grasp on what exactly he did if he considers it “literally the worst crime our society can imagine…”

    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      November 20, 2021 5:50 am

      Second worst crime. Zak’s cancellation is ranked between the Holocaust in Nazi Germany (remember he is Jewish!) and the Armenian Holocaust by the Ottoman Turks.

      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        November 20, 2021 7:15 am

        Literally worse and with greater loss than the Rape of Nanjing and more catastrophic to humans than the destruction of the Library of Alexandria.
        Imagine being on an alleged 48 hour meth fueled bender of Googling your own name and having no new results come up for two years so there’s nothing to send your suck poopets to attack? Tragic!

  418. Pundejo permalink
    December 1, 2021 8:08 am

    You mean the same prosecutor who let thousands of Antifa rioters, looters, arsonists and murderers walk without charges? Who the fuck cares? We all knew right away that the Government would be on the side of Hambly’s attacker as soon as they figured out his political affiliation and the affiliation of the attacker. Justice in the United States doesn’t exist anymore, anyone on the left is protected by the state and given carte blanche to kill, anyone on the right can only get justice by virtual miracle. And some states are worse than others.

    Currently Smoking: Tears of Rittenhouse Victims’ Families

  419. Otiluke's Steaming Balls of Jizz permalink
    December 2, 2021 9:06 am

    Imagine if every time someone said something you didn’t like, you asked them to sign an appledabit…

    about 6 hours ago

    And 2 years ago, we were roughly at the same place :

    > Based on Shawn’s timetable we are looking at the beginning to mid-September for the final touches on the layout to be completed! Our proofer believes they can knock out the edits on the book by the beginning of October to mid-October and once that’s all patched together, it’ll go off to Friesen’s for manufacturing.

    Scammer gotta be scammin’ I guess.
    user avatar
    about 6 hours ago

    As established-the estimate was accidentally inaccurate.

    There is no “scam” though–if you believe there _was_ then you can sign an affadavit under penality of perjury saying so.
    user avatar
    about 5 hours ago

    Sorry, I always forget the alternative option of pure incompetence to mis-calculate your layout by over two years.

    And do you have any other card in your hand than the “sign an affidavit” ? The first few times it looked shady and petty but now it’s just getting boring.
    user avatar
    about 5 hours ago

    There is no other “card” to play:

    If you believe there is intentional wrongdoing and care about stopping it: you should sign an affadavit.

    If you do not, it proves you do not believe there is intentional wrongdoing or don’t really care either way and are just harassing us by lying.
    user avatar
    about 5 hours ago

    It’s hard to prove something that you can’t simply explain by pure incompetence and sheer inability to run a successful project.
    user avatar
    about 5 hours ago

    So you admit you are lying. You cannot prove a scam.

  420. Heh permalink
    December 2, 2021 9:30 pm

    I look at the Kickstarter twice a week hoping for Zaktard gems, Take a day off and boom, scooped!

    Double Sigh!!!???


  421. December 2, 2021 9:38 pm

    Buy some product, y’all. help me keep the lights on!

    my latest adventure, the stink between Charlotte Stokely‘s thighs is now available in the store!

    • Franky Panky permalink
      December 3, 2021 1:05 am

      The Stink in Golanda is a superior adventure in every possible way to The Stink Between Charlotte Stokely’s Thighs. Yes, I will sign an appledavid.

      I have no Idea about Demon City because it is still in layout hell, and 2 months past Dwimmermount.

  422. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    December 3, 2021 5:28 pm

    That Mike guy has long since washed his hands from that thread o tards. Now its just poor Zak dying alone on that hill and playing the worlds worst/best performance of Waiting for Godot. And the layout guy continues his amazingly accurate impersonation of Harpo Marx sans horn.

    It would have been worth a few bucks to be able to comment there. If any backers are reading this please give us a shot at adding some comments to that thread, after explaining why the fuck you gave Weak Dribble Zak your support in the first place.

    • Otto's Irresistable Donger permalink
      December 5, 2021 9:44 pm

      You can pledge $1 and be part of the action…

  423. kaskoid permalink
    December 4, 2021 7:30 pm

    Dani Jang I gotta hand it to ya. You may just be the greatest legal mind since Clarence Mother Fucking Darrow. Kudos for getting Mandy to countersue Zak’s trust fund punk pussy ass for rape and abuse which we all know he is guilty of. And kudos to Mandy for raising another $10,000 in legal fees in under 24 hours on GoFundMe. Zak faggot trust fund punk can’t even make $20 on OnlyFans. Then again, his “Only Fan” is Jeff Reints, who is a dull as fuck talentless shitheel married to a retarded woman.

    I think my colostomy bag needs changing. Get over here Zak Sabbath and suck the corn nuggets out of my poop!

    • Franky Panky permalink
      December 5, 2021 5:14 pm

      Tim, my dear old friend, Amy Rients is not only retarded but she is fat, so fat, so very fat. By thunder, she is humongous, like a small planet on toothpicks humongous. I find the apple body shape so unfortunate. Even I, a consummate Lady’s Man, would not hit that oleoginous slab of a wench. Her fat would jiggle for hours. It’s like watching a lava lamp, and you certainly know what that is like. Mrs. Kaskoid informs me with some concern that you stare, drooling, into yours for hours on end. Lay off the mescaline dear friend. You don’t have that many functioning brain cells left.

  424. Zak ., known for Douchebaggery and Abuse! permalink
    December 4, 2021 7:41 pm

    Sign an affidavit sign a sworn affidavit sign a worn appledabbit sign a worn appple dapple snapple dabbit sing a apple dabble dooble dabbit swing a dooble dabbit deeble dooble dabble dabbit sing a dingle ling dooble dabbit appledabbit!

    • Ballsweaty69 permalink
      December 4, 2021 10:17 pm

      I laughed so fucking hard at this I almost Zakked my jorts! Tremendous.

      • Zak S - Known for Douchebaggery! permalink
        December 5, 2021 6:07 am

        Sign an affidavit!
        Sign a sworn affidavit!
        Sign a worn affidavit!
        We did porn affidavit!

        Sign an affidavit!
        Sign a torn affidavit!
        Sign a borne affidavit!
        Half my head is shorn affidavit!

        Sign an affidavit!
        Deserve your scorn affidavit!
        Get on the horn affidavit!
        Unicorn affidavit!

        Jimmy Poo Poo Pants don’t remember eating corn affidavit!

        Sign an affidavit!

  425. Zak S, Trust Fund Punk know for Rape and Abuse permalink
    December 4, 2021 7:50 pm

    Sign an affidavit sign a sworn affidavit sign a worn appledabbit sign a dooble deeble dibbledabbit dabbledoobit deeble deeble doobit! Demon City Demon Shitty Demon Dooble Deeble Ditty is in layout is in payout is in layaway is in Galway is in legal limbo is in Jimbo is is in dooble deeble dibble dabble doo doo dee dee affidavit sign it sworn sign it worn we did porn!


  426. Stacy Dellorfano for $50 permalink
    December 6, 2021 3:08 pm

    I’m imagining this donation in the form of pennies being shot at Zak’s face at high velocity. I love you, Mandy. You have such a warm heart and a kind soul and you deserve a beautiful and wonderful life, and I sincerely hope this brings you some much needed closure.

    And that fat donut-swilling Turdkar can lick my nutsack, too!

  427. Basic Witch permalink
    December 13, 2021 6:20 am

    And this clown wonders why he remains cancelled and convicted of douchebaggery…


    Sorry I didn’t understand what you typed as an offer. You merely asked a question “So what exactly does signing this affidavit get me? I get to see the book in full, in its current state?”

    Here’s how it worksm broadly (specifics would be in the contract):

    -If someone makes a false claim then the offer goes into effect.

    -They must sign an affadavit (with their legal name, etc, and any other info we’d need to make sure we can enforce the contract).

    -They’ll then be provided all the documentation necessary to prove their claim is false. What documentation that is depends on what their exact claim is.

    -They can’t record anything and steps will be taken to make that difficult.

    -They then must publicly apologize and admit they were wrong–publish that here and in any other venue of our choosing and re-publish that anytime anyone else makes the same or a similar/related claim they must challenge that liar directly (by name) and explain they’ve seen whatever it is that proves it wrong, any time it comes up anywhere online, until such time as they are no longer physically able. They can’t erase or otherwise “sunset” those comments and it must be using the same name and account and can’t be one that they stop using. Etc.

    -Substantial financial penalties for breaking any part of the contract, to be adjudicated under the laws that obtain in Los Angeles.

  428. Satines Booty Stench permalink
    December 13, 2021 8:44 am

    Y’all yall yall yall yall. affidavit affidavit affidavit affidavit affidavit. Layouts Layouts Layouts. Badabeep badaboop. Ringadng ding. Rattatat tat. Dipsy doodle.

  429. Heh permalink
    December 13, 2021 9:17 am

    By not following Zaks exploits during his hayday, I feel i missed out on a lot of head scratching retardo gems. Of course I guess he wasn’t a legal expert then. But good god, so glad I’ve been around for his delicious downward spiral. Now if only Jamal would go down the tubes again I could die happy.


  430. December 14, 2021 2:50 pm

    > Hector permalink
    > December 9, 2020 1:33 pm
    > One year anniversary tomorrow for the final death-fart of ydis!
    > There are still a few of the infested strays he used to throw the odd scrap to sniffing
    > around the mummified ballsack. Very sad

    Wow! I can’t believe it’s been another whole year of absolutely fuck all.

    That wrinkly nut-pouch is almost mummified and the mangy strays mostly dead.

  431. Robert Bohl's Swollen Nutsack permalink
    December 15, 2021 5:47 pm

    In case anyone wants a nice rundown on zpastic’s pathetic suit against gencon. Easy link to all the court docs too. It’s a great read…

    • Reason permalink
      December 16, 2021 6:38 pm

      He’s either representing himself with some crack induced legal googling or he’s found a lawyer who argues in his same shitty, all tip & no iceberg style. Lol at reading that and thinking there’s an appeal in it.

  432. Heh permalink
    December 16, 2021 9:10 am

    Who did Zak hire, Joe the fucking unblown lawyer? it seems his legal counsel is as stupid as he is.

    Fuck face actually says its in appeals or something, But it doesn’t seem likely. This one is done. I hope others follow suit like Mandy and counter sue his ass.


  433. December 16, 2021 9:21 am

    Hey y’all

    If someone lies they should be publicly shamed. Why not? Please give a reason.

    As for “feel”–everyone is entitled to feelings, but we’re discussing fact claims. If someone claims they were ripped off, they aren’t talking about emotions, they are lying about facts.

    As for the “elephant”: As I’ve repeatedly said, my original work on this was done ages ago and I am, of course, 100% innocent and able to prove it.

    If Mike is experiencing stress, et al due to my situation then that’s down to the people harassing me and the other creators with false accusations, not to the victims of those accusations.

    As for my responses:

    It is 100% honorable to confront people making false accusations at all times in all places, everywhere all the time. Anything less would be dishonorable in the extreme.

    It would be a repulsive breach of honor to let false claims go unconfronted, and a disservice to all the people who might be misled were they not confronted.

  434. Basic Witch permalink
    December 17, 2021 9:51 am

    This is some legendary narcissism. How does one go from abusing those closest to him to “honorable” hero?

  435. Elgin Scott Superbacker permalink
    December 17, 2021 8:04 pm

    While i agree this has taken a long time. its not like i NEED to game in my hands today cause i have a group of people waiting to play it. i wanted this product because i very much enjoy Zaks work, i have all his RPG products and all his non RPG products, and if it takes long (wether justified or not) to have abeautiful product, ill wait. People have the right to complain for sure but i feel like so people are being melicious just for the sake of it.

  436. Elgin Scott Superfaggot permalink
    December 18, 2021 11:26 am

    I buy everything that Zak puts up for sale because I’m a huge sheep and a big fag. every edgy type should have his toadies and I was previously one of hundreds. But now I’m kind of one of a dozen I guess. But that doesn’t mean that Zak still is not great. I would blow his cock and swallow his minuscule drizzly load in a heartbeat if he were to ask me to do so. I guess I would also let them shove it up my ass.

    Go Zak!

    • Oscar Anderson, Billionaire Dinosaur permalink
      December 18, 2021 5:53 pm

      Oscar Anderson Likes this.

    • Reason permalink
      December 19, 2021 2:08 pm

      @Elgin Scott Superfaggot-
      you are lying. Please pay to have a lawyer draw up a sworn affidavit proving you will chug Zaks twizzlepsurt. The affidavit must come with attendant “legal” obligations penalties they will giggle at while writing down (hey it’s your money).

      +1000 bonus points if you tell Zak you’re doing it, then take 3 years to get the final draft done because the lawyer is “still working on the layout”, but hey all your parts are done!

  437. Fancy Pants permalink
    December 19, 2021 8:38 pm

    Well, well. Looks like Fuckface has another one of his ex-ho’s to attend to in the courts.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      December 20, 2021 2:01 pm

      “Zachary Smith and his Counsel of Record, Henry L. Self III, are jointly and severally liable and ordered to pay monetary sanctions in the amount of $1,847.19 to Vivka Grey by and through counsel, within thirty (30) days of notice of this order. ” This from August 5th.

      Oopsies! There goes the cash he squeezed from Paul Ettin. I guess Zak gets to pull a double shift at the local glory hole to pay it off.

      • Satines Booty Stench permalink
        December 20, 2021 4:15 pm

        Zak: hi dad…
        Dad: i know…i know. you need more money. Look, are you trying to sell sny art, or are you still focused on the dnd law suit bullsht?
        Zak: its my life dad. It was destroyed by that sick bitch and lots of people helped. Lies must be challenged.
        Dad: is that Charlotte girl still working? No giant black cock videos to help foot the bills?
        Zak: shes over 30 dad.
        Dad: well, lots of ex porn girls go into escort work. She could still get 200 a night.
        Zak: just give me the money dad, or i’ll start saying you,molested me.
        Dad: if i had it would probably explain a lot
        Zak: click

      • December 23, 2021 6:57 am

        Satine, it’s Mr. Smith, Zachary’s father. We met that time in the restaurant. I keep trying to reach him but the call just goes to a full voicemail box. This is the only web site that seems to monitor his current activity if any. Please tell him we need to talk about his check.

  438. Gnoll Jism permalink
    December 20, 2021 1:55 am

    And now Mike has to step in and separate himself from shitboy’s affadable..appadib…aflafbabablledavit bullshit in the comments section…

    Notice On Affidavit Request
    user avatar
    Mike (wrathofzombie) EvansCreator
    December 16, 2021

    Good day all,

    In some of the comments Zak S. makes a statement of offering to see the complete full edition of the book in its current state if the person is willing to sign a sworn affidavit.

    I want to make it clear that I do not recommend anyone sign any affidavit or contract without first consulting legal representation to understand the full scope of what is written and any ramifications. Zak’s request is not part of DIY RPG Productions or bringing Demon City to completion, nor is it required in any way shape or form to receive your copy of the book once it is released.

    Thank you and be well,

    Mike Evans

  439. December 20, 2021 2:17 pm

    Hey y’all

    Here’s the sentence you began a conversation about:

    “”If you believed any of your claims are true, you’d happily sign a piece of paper saying so and accepting the consequences if they weren’t”

    It’s a run-of-the-mill english sentence and doesn’t feature me threatening anything.

    The book will feature English-language text, if you’re backing it you should know the ability to read sentences in English will help you enjoy it.


    • Reason permalink
      December 20, 2021 7:38 pm

      A quote from just part of Z’s “perfectly normal” and increasingly desperate attempts to have someone backing him up besides his sock puppets & his lawyers who keep getting laughed out of court… (those cases 0 for 3 now? 0 for 2?)

      “-They then must publicly apologize and admit they were wrong–publish that here and in any other venue of our choosing and re-publish that anytime anyone else makes the same or a similar/related claim they must challenge that liar directly (by name) and explain they’ve seen whatever it is that proves it wrong, any time it comes up anywhere online, until such time as they are no longer physically able. They can’t erase or otherwise “sunset” those comments and it must be using the same name and account and can’t be one that they stop using. Etc.”

      All you have to do is serve Z for time immemorial y’all!

  440. Elgin Scott superback and super simp permalink
    December 20, 2021 6:04 pm

    Hi Zak it’s me Elgin, Elgin Scott. I wrote some really nice things about you on the Demon city kickstarter page. I’m hoping it will entitle me to meet you and Stokes sometime, maybe at a Con, and you’ll let me rub up against her for a while. Nothing too pervy, just basic frottage. She’s kind of skanky, but I don’t mind. My standards are not the highest. After all I like your works. I’ll even sign the Apple Brown Betty, but I thought those were meant for eating. Unless it some sort of porn slang for some weird sex act. If it is, I’m into it, whatever it is.

  441. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    December 21, 2021 3:49 am

    The depths of Zpastic’s gibbering insanity is really showing. They’re not even cracks in the surface but actual fissures of madness and delusions. He’s failed massively on his (Mike’s) Kickstarter and continues to say it’s not his fault and it’s not technically late really just an underestimated timeframe because he demands the rulebook be generated using 10,000 fonts per page so it’s more gothicke punke cause that was cool with chicks in 1992. Pretty sure Mike has devolved into a cutter at this point so he can feel something beside existential despair every time he goes online and sees his partner’s lunatic ravings directed at people that gave them money.
    I believe Zpastic has only strong armed Sir Eaton Hogg so far and lost everything else and Eaton probably didn’t have enough savvy to lawyer up against Zpastic and do the distance cause Zpastic would have lost that one if Eaton Hogg hadn’t capitulated immediately.
    I’d sign an appledabit to all this but my ghostly hands can’t manipulate a pen.

  442. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    December 21, 2021 7:37 am

    In other news, Rients standing by Zpastic has paid off! His blog now looks not unlike Blooey’s fabled blog with only botspiders to interact with. This was obviously the best position for him and his wife to take as Zpastic has certainly returned the favor. This town, is looking like a ghost town.

  443. Satines Booty Stench permalink
    December 21, 2021 4:05 pm

    I love that you can now look at two threads in the kickstarter for Zaktard gems! Merry Xmas indeed.

    Wowsers. Reints last post was about Venger buying a game only boring old dweebs like Jamal would talk about. Maybe it’ll go gold from Vengercon exposure?

  444. The Ghost of Captain Kirk's Dick Blood permalink
    December 21, 2021 6:39 pm

    The Attack should totally sue those Critical Blow faggots for ripping off I Hit It With My Ass.

  445. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    December 22, 2021 1:47 pm

    Zpastic is about 24 months away from heart failure due to rampant amphetamine abuse and the only question I have is whether his epitaph will say former artist and game designer or just sexual abuser. Even Raggy the Last isn’t going to shed a tear when Stokes finds Zpastic dead as a doorknob in his soiled unwashed underwear with Blink 182 blaring out of his boom box on repeat leaving behind a sink full of dirty dishes with a note for Bendy Mandy to wash them because he’s proven he did not in fact dirty all the dishes as his responsibility was only to eat off the dishes, not wash them.
    It’ll also be fitting that Daemon Shitty will probably be released a week after he turns up dead posthumously and without any fanfare.

    • Zak Langouste permalink
      December 23, 2021 12:21 am

      Hey Bro, you haven’t signed the affidavit so I know you’re lying. I do not use amphetamines which are cheap street drugs. I use adderall which is safe medical grade amphetamine. I don’t wear underwear, I go commando. I don’t listen to Blink182. I listen to music that you have never heard of. I’m going to need your dox so I can sic the superlawyerz on you.

      • Zak’s best friend Tim aka Lint permalink
        December 23, 2021 7:10 am

        Have you or have you not signed an appledabit that the dishes are indeed Mandy’s responsibility to come back to the flea bag apartment to wash them as part of the settlement as the dishes were never an agreed upon settlement in the relationship and henceforth were obviously her responsibility as is historically appropriate? Is it not also provocatively true that she must also sign an applecline that she must wash dishes whenever someone points out that you left a soiled plate somewhere?
        Furthermore doesn’t she demonstrably have a signed obligation to clean your Chick Fil A drizzle shits up as well as that’s part of her permanent obligation that came with entering a relationship with you? Wherever you shit your pants Mandy has to come gently wipe your ass crack, mop the floor, and tell you what a big boy you are?
        My docs are readily available in the credits page of any 1st edition AD&D book I still live in the same house with the sand table although the owners also make me sleep in the war room as well they don’t like poltergeists hanging around moaning about the state of my beloved creation and the weirdos it’s enabled over the years.
        I looked over your Spotify list and I see no Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Charles Bronson, or even Naked Agression. I did notice Teenage Fanclub on the mix however so shine on you burning indie music hipster! Pretend slam dance in your shitty apartment to Soup Dragons and live that dream!

  446. Chengster permalink
    December 23, 2021 10:31 am

    Hi Mike –

    Thanks for the new punch list. Home stretch! Want to get to it?

    – need to do final proofreading

    Industry standard is 18-24 hours per book. Your team should have been able to complete multiple passes…after all they are only reading the text and flagging any remaining glitches.

    The Skills (spread #15)
    – need to fill in placeholder images

    Four click and drop fills. Done.

    Action Rounds (spreads #26-30)
    – need to add images/diagrams

    Zak supplied 30 new images per page but even so manually adding 120 images is pretty trivial. Creating two large diagrams per page took me a full day while I was multitasking. Done.

    The Store (spreads #213-216)
    – need to finalize the images

    The settings were incorrect so I had to go in and tighten the settings on each of the 120 images here. Not exciting but even with breaks it took a couple hours. Done.

    Random Names (spread #223)
    – need to finalize layout

    This one was a little more challenging because we had to eliminate a fresh batch of names from people who no longer want to be included. I tightened the numbers and filled the resulting white space with clip art (medieval_wound_man.gif), If OK then done.

    Back Endpaper
    – need to update the Action Rounds flow chart

    Flipped initiative boxes again. Done.

    – still working on it with Zak

    Where are we on this? Its been ten days since you guys threw me ubder the bus on this.

  447. Satine permalink
    December 24, 2021 10:39 pm

    Merry Xmas Zak! Do you remember that Xmas I made Filipino food for you and the Axe game gang and then later that night we were all throwing elbows and fighting each other to try to get to the bathroom before crapping our pants? There’s nothing quite as nice as a big huge smelly Filipino food shit. At one point you just gave up and lay down in the bathtub and just pooped away for the next three hours. You were practically floating in it ha ha. I miss those days.

    • BACLF permalink
      December 25, 2021 2:49 am

      Damn, it’s 5:45AM, and now I want some pancit. Thanks a lot, ain’t no Pinoy Santa leaving care packages under the damn tree. Hopefully, I can convince Dani Jang to take me to a dim sum place and put it on the firm’s expense accounts. You see, I called a lawyer.

      Merry Christmas, ya bunch of reprobates.

    December 25, 2021 10:05 am

    May your day be merry and bright!
    And may all your affidavits be sworn tonight!


  449. Actually Attended Artschool permalink
    December 25, 2021 1:55 pm

    Holy shit, I finally looked at the sample layout pages and…why is this taking so long again?

    The pages are sub-semester 1 intro to graphic design. Nothing about these layouts are difficult or “innovative.” They’re pretty bog fucking standard grid designs.

    Fuck man, they could have hired some undergrad to do work of similar (likely better) quality. Christ Jesus, this shit is more pathetic than my girlfriend’s millennial kid.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      December 25, 2021 5:28 pm

      Shawn “My Man” Cheng is using generic templates from, uhm, Scribus maybe, and he is learning the software as he goes. Thus it is taking much longer. Now at the 2.5 year mark and counting. I must say, looking over the samples, that it is not table friendly, or even reader friendly, at all. This is more of My Man Cheng’s revenge on Zak. Not only is he delaying the game for a very long time, but My Man is making it thoroughly unusable. Yes, it’s PrEnTeNsIoUs, pOpArtSy and eDgY. All irrelevant since it is trash.

      BITD at good ol’ TSR, not this new incarnation, we knew how to meet deadlines. We were professionals. Zak et al are nothing but a bunch of fumble-dicks.

      • Mark Rein*Haagen-Daaz permalink
        December 25, 2021 7:36 pm

        HoL is more readable and usable by comparison. It also took a quarter of the time to go from concept to finished product.

  450. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    January 1, 2022 6:40 pm

    aaaaaaaand..the “Greatest post on this Thread” award goes to – “Zak alienates his former most fervent supporter:

    Zspastic and the Poo Ragu have it out in public on facebook…

    Zak Smith
    so: fight.
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith The question is, beyond just making things regardless of whether it’ll piss people off… how? You’ve been a shining example for ten-plus years of how not to do it, and I think the things I tried to set into motion last year would have just made the fight nastier and more permanent, so that would have been no different so I’m kind of glad it all fell through.
    The problem is it isn’t any specific individuals, and it’s got fuck-all to do with gaming. The thing is everywhere in the world at large. The rpg net kind of freak seems to have taken over everything, particularly in entertainment and media.
    And… if I was in this position in the 80s standing up and saying “I am against ‘family values’ and give no shits about the ‘moral majority’, and God is most definitely not on my side,” there would have still been lots of cool people that were with you. The mainstream outlets may have not been welcoming, but my sense of that time is you wouldn’t have lost “the community.”
    I have a feeling to stand up and name the nowadays equivalents in that same way would put one in league with a number of not so cool people alongside the people with actual sense (who’d have to not care about their public standing to publicly stand with) and in that way it’s… a giant fucking mess.
    “Head down and just do the work,” is probably the best strategy, but of course I have all sorts of “poke the beast, poke the beast, poke the beast” things in motion.
    So yeah… fun times!
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV I’m only an example of how not to do it if you think it’s over. It’s not.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    For creators, this is a life-or-death fight. For the fuckwads, it’s just something to do when they’re bored. So in the end the creators will win.
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith This isn’t an external attack. It’s an internal division.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV The second you start throwing tomatoes, you’re acting in that moment as part of the audience, even if you spent your life on stage. The key is: a creator sees a criticism of another creator and goes “What would I do in their place? What is fair?”–any other response is just cowardice pretending to be an opinion. Creators not asking themselves that question have effectively joined the bad guys.
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith But you do that too. And… oh jeez, here we go. It’s clear to me that we’re not talking about the same things. The things we’re talking about have a big overlap, but aren’t the same.
    For example, I read what you just said and can’t reconcile that with you kicking dirt on Koebel and Crane.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Koebel lied about literal felonies and Crane backed him up. On what planet is that ok?
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith OK, I’ve missed the “literal felonies” stuff.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Abuse is a felony, dude. Every single person who backed up Mandy lied about a felony.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    Or, at best “did fuck-all to check before accusing”–which is just as bad.
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith ok, that. I’m… not on board with this interpretation. Unless there’s been some developments on the legal front I’m not aware of (and I don’t keep so close tabs), what people are reacting to is basically peoples’ internet PR strategies and that’s not going to break through peoples’ biases. Until the one court case is settled I don’t see that there’s any way around that. All the headhunting you seem to be doing doesn’t make any sense to me until the main thing has a ruling.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Which part of “this interpretation” doesn’t make sense to you?
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV are you just gonna not explain on purpose? Or did something come up and you forgot?
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Something has come up and this is conversation is waayyy down the priority list.
    But to put it bluntly…… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV We were talking about how Adam lied about a felony. Then you said something I didn’t understand and I asked for clarification. Can you please clarify and then I can address this new and bizarre claim you’re making after you clari… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith You can’t say he’s “lying about a felony” if he simply doesn’t believe you.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV No, because 1. Innocent until proven guilty and 2. Burden of proof is on accusers in any debate. “I just don’t believe you” is only a rational argument if I was the one who made the initial claim.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    Also, since he’s not in a position where he was forced to make a judgment or make his judgment public, the only other morally acceptable position besides agreeing I’m innocent until further notice is remaining silent.
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith I’m trying to map what you’re saying there to your own behavior (and the behavior you encouraged in others) concerning the James Deen stuff and it’s not lining up. What am I missing there?
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV James Deen physically attacked me n Las Vegas.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV ALSO: Long before the accusations came out I had heard multiple reports from people who didnt know each other and had no motive to lie AND I personally investigated, called people, interviewed them and I found corroborating detail… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    Zak Smith
    And also, why in god’s name would you not have asked me about this by now?
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    And, of course, James hasn’t sued me or anyone. Hasn’t even claimed I was lying or wrong. Do you not see the massive difference in a contested claim and an uncontested one?
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    Zak Smith
    AND, on top of all that, in my case there’s mountains of counterevidence and close friends of Mandy’s et al and eyewitness saying Mandy and her friends are lying. There’s none of that in James Deen’s case. Which part of this isn’t getting through to yo… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith ah that last one (why I haven’t asked you) is easy to answer: Because I’m pretty exhausted about the fact that your personal life is interfering with my work.
    And honestly… I honestly don’t much care in the first place. Let’s say it’s all… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV To return to the point: it is morally wrong (and usually illegal) to publicly claim something is true when you didn’t investigate when you know theres conflicting claims–especially when the stakes are at “felony” level. Are you … See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Where’s that referee begging the question graphic when you need it. Do you know he didn’t investigate at all? Or are you just going with the assumption that any investigation will invariably lead to agreeing with you?
    And what’s with “public… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV I know he didn’t investigate because I know all the witnesses and claimants and none had contact with Koebel and their contact information was public. Please acknowledge that you read that. (I changed “public claim to believe” to… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    Zak Smith
    (also, Obviously the first person an investigator should try to contact is me, the victim, and he didn’t. nevermind Michelle et al)
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith I think that level of investigation is an unreasonable bar for forming an opinion. “Did he actually read the original accusations? Did he read your response to it?” I would think is the minimum to consider. But if he didn’t bother and figured… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV If he can’t commit to that level of investigation, there is no possible justification for him saying anything at all. He was under no obligation to speak. And he didn’t just “form an opinion” he did something far more morally wro… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV You there?
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith yes, but I’m generally either doing work, or something actually enjoyable rather than speculating about why someone I don’t know believes and behaves the way he does.
    But OK, let’s take a break for this useless speculation:… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV I am not asking why he did an obviously bad thing–we all know that, it’s obvious. I am asking why -you, James Raggi- don’t see it as an obviously bad thing and morally wrong. Like: if someone shot a man in Reno just to watch him… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Putting it that way snaps it right into focus. It’s a far greater evil to intimidate people into not speaking their mind. Even if their mind is just mushy garbage of no worth.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV So, serious question: you think Hitler lying about Jewish conspiracy theories or someone claiming you, James, are a child molester, is legitimate and should happen? You don’t believe that information we pass around should be as … See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith I was very upset, I mean seriously distressed, like 10 years ago or whatever it was when I found out Twitter was deleting ISIS accounts. The idea that a platform like that was taking sides or acting at the behest of governments, even when it … See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV So let’s say people get organized and spread the idea that not only you’re a child molester but all LotFP releases cost 1000$ each, they have 3 pages and no art. They give out false ordering info/contact then fail to fill the ord… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith oh yeah that’s all very dandy.
    Come on. First, the obvious one, actually setting up a fraudulent webstore isn’t simply speech so that’s a whole different thing.… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Again: we’re NOT talking about your perception of what works and what doesn’t, we’re NOT talking about what you do in response. We’re having a -moral- discussion about your perception of what is -right and wrong-. So: why is the … See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Again, if they believe it, it’s not dishonest.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV But they spoke without doing their research. They spoke with what they call “reckless disregard” for whether it’s true–and they -KNOW- they didn’t do the research before they spoke. That’s like someone asking you how many miligr… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Because being pissy about it doesn’t accomplish anything. Best case scenario you shut one shit-talker down. Still a world to go. You could spend the rest of eternity playing this whack-a-mole and there will still always be more popping up. An… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Again: We’re NOT talking about what you think is practical or works, we are talking about what is -right and wrong- (it’s weird I have to repeat this to you). So, again: do you think that it is -morally wrong- to claim felonies oc… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith The morality argument is completely irrelevant here. If I agree it’s immoral, then so what? It doesn’t create any greater urgency. That doesn’t make engaging with the immoral person or fighting that particular immorality any wiser or effecti… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Because this whole conversation began with you saying there was something -wrong- with me “kicking dirt” on Koebel and Crane (ie pointing out the extremely harmful and dishonest things they did) instead of going “Thank you Zak fo… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    If you want to say “It’s inconvenient and difficult for me,James Raggi–a person who you’ve had a productive and rewarding working relationship with, that you did the right thing instead of the safe, expedient one” you’d be right. I can’t fault you for… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith jesus h you can’t even keep track of what it is we’re doing here.
    First of all, moral guardians are assholes, including and especially people “calling out.” My sympathies invariably go to the (non-government) people targeted by such things b… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV so, again, serious question: during World War 2, you would’ve been like “Ok, Hitler is invading Poland, but let’s not talk about it?” Like: what are the parameters of your opposition to pointing out bad things are happening and su… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith It’s entirely situational. Doing nothing when Hitler invaded Poland is what was done by the US. In hindsight, maayybbeee the US shouldn’t have waited. But in hindsight it seems after 9/11, doing nothing would have been much better than what w… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV 6 Million Jews disagree. You fight that guy. You fight this guy. If you claim no certainty then why do you make so many statements of what’s right and wrong? You do it constantly–you just did.
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    Zak Smith
    And of course, the logical conclusion of what you said is: If I win I’m right. So: fight. And win.
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith It’s perfectly possible to win and still be repugnant.
    As far as “6 million Jews”… OK. If we’re concentrating on that level… … See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV You are obligated to -do the best you can- . For the Uyghurs and everyone else. And “do nothing and watch it get worse” is not the best you can for them or in the case of dangerous people like Koebel. So far the effects of callin… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith er. I just want to point out that it is completely ridiculous to be talking about genocide right alongside some dude mouthing off on the internet.
    So at what point in a discussion do you come to the conclusion that “This other person doesn’t… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV I knew that obvious thing long before we began talking, only a complete moron wouldn’t know that. You talk for 2 reasons: 1. To find out WHY this person disagrees–what thoughts (if any) brought them to a different conclusion and… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith
    “Join no mobs (but also don’t do anything at all to stop mobs)”… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV False equivalence: Mobs don’t ask questions, engage and aren’t curious–groups of good people working for change do. And, of course, there is literally no benefit to “letting go”–it’s not like Koebel will apologize for helping de… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith “there could be no -more- harm to me than “Zak dies of starvation”
    OK, this hits the point exactly. People trying to do this to you are completely out of line. It’s a completely bullshit effort no matter what you’ve done. If they decide they… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Yes I know your position. And I am trying to figure out -why- you have that position, not asking you to repeatedly state it yet again, in yet another long paragraph, in exactly the same way. So, again: “False equivalence: Mobs do… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Because this behavior reduces the entire landscape to fucking rubble and salts the earth. Things that could get done, don’t, and everyone is worse off for it.
    And even things that do get done might not get done as they could have, because ev… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV How is that any morally different than saying “Violence salts the earth, so if someone is killing you, don’t fight back?”
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith There is a big difference between defending yourself in the moment and going back after the fact to flatten their tires, kill their dog, target their friends and coworkers… you get the point.
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Not relevant here though. The aggressors here flattened my tires, killed my dog, literally targeted my coworkers, like have escalated completely nuclear on day one. There’s literally nothing I could write on my blog or in comments… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith There’s a difference between “who cares, fuck it,” behavior and constructive behavior. I do have sympathy for the attitude, and even the things I don’t think you should be doing the public display, I completely get that there’d be a bit of gr… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV “But then the past decade-plus I think definitively shows that your internet strategy isn’t it. It not only doesn’t stop the cycle, it contributes to it.” That ceases to be true if everyone who began the escalation feels consequen… See More
    · Reply · 1w · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Took a little time to think through the response to this because… well… Ettin is sort of a trump card. Because against all other principle and morality, if there’s anyone at all involved in the RPG scene/industry who deserves to be half e… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV But you just established it, twice: if I win, using “internet strategy”, the courts, or both or anything else, then I was right. Regardless of the details the -only- reason you can marshal against calling out these monsters in an… See More
    · Reply · 1w
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith I’m not understanding where you’re getting that “might makes right” interpretation from what I’m saying. I certainly don’t believe that. The right or wrong of a thing has fuck-all to do with the final outcome… the right and wrong of a thing… See More
    · Reply · 5d
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Because literally the only reason you’re giving for why calling these people out is bad is “It create a cycle of…”. If, in the end, a callout -doesn’t- continue an endless cycle but instead leads to the original bad people stop… See More
    · Reply · 5d
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV ?
    · Reply · 4d
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith ah, got sidetracked by other things. I’m thinking you’re treating your internet activities, and legal actions, as… not completely different things? I do see them as completely different and unrelated actions. “Calling out” Ettin never did s… See More
    · Reply · 4d
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Incorrect. There are several people who were helpful in the legal process who wouldn’t even have known who Ettin was had I not talked about it on the internet. Ettin himself provided a MASSIVE amount of legally useful material -b… See More
    · Reply · 3d · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Ettin’s the difficult one to argue against as far as “calling out” and such, because with his shit has been uniquely egregious. My arguments mainly concern actual human beings (however flawed) and not willful shitpiles (and I bet we’ll disagr… See More
    · Reply · 3d
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV So, again, you’re still left with the same question I’ve repeatedly asked. Ettin or no Ettin, if a tactic I employ against someone who does a bad thing turns out to work in the end and then I get a good result and the much-feared… See More
    · Reply · 3d
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith I think the “Ettin or no Ettin” is a crucial distinction, and “someone who does a bad thing” is not simply a yes/no state.
    If you call out the SWAT team for both a robbery-in-progress at a bank or someone driving with a malfunctioning tailli… See More
    · Reply · 3d
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV So we’ve backed the conversation waaayyyyyy back to a point you already conceded 5 days ago: What Koebel did was he falsely claimed a thing was true despite objectively not investigating. You already said that was a bad thing. 1.… See More
    · Reply · 3d · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith Look at this weasel shit you’re pulling.
    “A point you already conceded 5 days ago: What Koebel did was he falsely claimed a thing was true despite objectively not investigating.”… See More
    · Reply · 3d
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV But that’s circular. Your whole “it’s bad to intimidate people saying untrue things into not speaking their mind” begs the question WHY is it bad? Which then brings us back to “Oh heavens, I fear the Cycle of complaining” Which … See More
    · Reply · 3d · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith It’s bad because whatever tactics you use are completely fair to use on you. And people aren’t going to agree on what is “untrue.” So… what then?
    I mean really, you brought up the Holocaust earlier, so if I can wildly extrapolate internet … See More
    · Reply · 3d
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV So, please address these: 1. Your first few paragraphs don’t answer the question “What if a call out brings an end to the Cycle?” you instead assert that it won’t bring an end. I am asking a hypothetical for a reason: it would he… See More
    · Reply · 3d · Edited
    James Edward Raggi IV
    Zak Smith If we’re talking morals and not tactics, then you’re already on the wrong end of things trying to argue “the ends justify the means.”
    But this, here? “I see no collateral damage from me. A person who decided to join the hatemob was simply re… See More
    · Reply · 3d
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV Asserting we disagree doesn’t explain anything or move the conversation forward. We knew that to begin with. I never argued “the ends justified the means” that’s what YOU seemed to argue by saying the reason a callout was bad wa… See More
    · Reply · 3d · Edited
    Zak Smith
    James Edward Raggi IV ?

    • January 6, 2022 6:32 pm

      It’s not been a good year for Zak lately, has it?

      I dunno which is worse, breaking Maliszewski’s record for a past due Kickstarter or getting ghosted on Facebook by Raggi.

  451. Heh permalink
    January 2, 2022 11:41 pm

    Can anyone link to the original discussion between these two dip shits? some of the conversation is missing above and I’d like to dig it for every single gem. Because this argument is perhaps the greatest thing to ever come out of gaming.


  452. Ben E. KING permalink
    January 4, 2022 5:17 pm

    Lol he was upset that terrorist account were deleted from Twitter and tries to conflate people believing the worst of him due to his behavior in public with the Holocaust. Gotta hand it to his single-minded autism …or is he just retarded?

    • Heh permalink
      January 4, 2022 10:38 pm

      Cube world Seems kind of retarded.

      He could’ve had that conversation in private.

      To Raggi He is now like an infant retarded son. Some joy was brought to him initially. Love. But now he’s just a burden.


  453. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    January 5, 2022 3:07 pm

    No post on Zaksters blog in a month and a half. Could we get a bed check? Maybe he and Stokes roach encrusted bodies are in the backroom dead from murder suicide? At least Zaks skanks will be at the service. Maybe Zaks pop? But sadly Stokleys family probably disowned her long ago so no tears from kin.

    • Ben E. KING permalink
      January 6, 2022 12:36 pm

      We wouldn’t be that lucky

  454. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    January 10, 2022 6:23 pm

    Zpastic is still alive or technically on life support claiming Daemon Shitty is going to be a great commercial success because the two year overdue layout is going exactly to plan. Zpastic is obviously gone completely off the deep end of delusion as he is not worthy of ridicule anywhere but here and his own massive failure of a Kickstarter.

  455. Heh permalink
    January 10, 2022 8:26 pm

    Idiot is on his blog saying he’s not a fan of the watchmen then goes on to show that he knows everything about them.


  456. Ben E. KING permalink
    January 12, 2022 9:25 pm

    Isn’t the anniversary of Zackhole’s cancellation coming up soon? Is he still deluded into thinking he can get uncancelled by siccing his handful of true believers on people online? The ones that aren’t obviously sock puppets, I mean.

  457. January 15, 2022 4:09 pm

    Hey y’all.

    If you believe that you were gaslighted, say what you were gaslighted about, and be held responsible for whether that’s true.

    If you believe anything has to do with anybody’s dad’s lawyer, say who, and be held responsible for whether that’s true.

  458. The Ghost of Captain Kirk's Dick Blood permalink
    January 17, 2022 2:36 pm

    Looks like Zakina needs our help. Won’t you please give today?

    • Zak’s Ever Growing Prostate (get it checked bro) permalink
      January 17, 2022 8:51 pm

      Daddy apparently told his son he can finance his own legal expenses from now on. There’s a list of people on the go fund me and all that can be said is-


      Honestly surprised he raised $3 much less $3k also surprised Zakattack would need help as he’s a rich and famous artist that only slummed it in RPG’s to rub nerds noses in his touching Bendy Mandy’s boobs.

      Zakattack will probably have to actually spend the money of Demon Shitty fulfillment or probably should but he’ll burn it on fruitless legal posturing. I’m just glad daddy finally saw sense and cut his son off.

  459. Heh permalink
    January 18, 2022 11:57 am

    Been months and all that his fans can pony up is three lousy grand?. A former whore turned professional elf cosplayer and an ugly little mini manufacturer got a lot more in promise of delivering vacation home movies. Zaks failed life is far more entertaining though. Its nice of him to not kill himself so we can continue to enjoy his public pain like an everlasting gobstopper.


  460. Reason permalink
    January 18, 2022 4:19 pm

    Someone donated $1800 to him. Apart from that, slim pickings, just 13 other rubes.

    Probably the average # sales of a Cube-world crapsack.

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      January 18, 2022 5:42 pm

      Oh, probably Zpastic himself trying to seed the pot and make it look ‘okay’ to donate to him. I’m wondering what the over under is that Zpastic himself also wrote the dialog on the gofuckme as well. Surprised there weren’t 4000 suck poopets hitting Reddit to tell everyone to donate to him.

      • The Ghost of Captain Kirk's Dick Blood permalink
        January 20, 2022 6:03 pm

        Sign an affledavit that I am my own sock puppet or agree to notarize on my website that you are a LIAR. If you do not agree to these terms, you are insane.

  461. Saltine permalink
    January 21, 2022 6:03 pm

    Oh, god, ya’ll Zak won’t stop calling me for money and affidavits!

    Anywho, don’t forget to sign up for my all-inclusive and diverse Satine’s Quest luxury cruise! The Mansion Quest was awesome, you DO NOT want to miss out on this once in a lifetime event! Only 35 slots left!!!

  462. Heh permalink
    January 22, 2022 8:39 am

    Wow. Fuckface Zak shows up on Jamals post about removal of the assassin class to comment:

    “Hobby’s been chucking people overboard to appease the worst people reading for a long time.”

    Pretty pathetic call for help. Weak. Maybe he sees Jamal as a new daddy figure? That Jamal approved his comment says a lot. Maybe he approves of the abuse of women? I’m sure he’s not allowing any negative replies to Zaks little comment.


    • Reason permalink
      January 22, 2022 2:58 pm

      Well Jmal owes Zak one, Demon Shitty is even later than Dribblemount. I hear Shawn’s almost done with the layout. BWahaha.

      Zak is a drowning man, if he can find a grip anywhere on the human wet noodle that is Jmal, he’ll hold on.

    • Timotheus's Fat Ass permalink
      January 23, 2022 8:26 pm

      “Hobby’s been chucking people overboard to appease the worst people reading for a long time.”

      The best response to that would be “Name one.”

  463. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    January 22, 2022 10:31 pm

    No more Meat Loaf night! 😦

    • bloodymage [VERIFIED OFFICIAL] permalink
      January 23, 2022 10:01 am

      Sigh! 😦

  464. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    January 23, 2022 7:36 pm

    Satine is having a “Flooze Cruise?” Interesting. It looks like she went and got married while our backs were turned. I guess our invitations got lost in the mail.

    I want to know more about her hubby Stoner or whatever his name is. He’s got 1920s Valentino make up around his eyes and is rocking fucked up hair similar to Zak.I’m getting a Dieter from the German show sprockets vibe just from that picture.

    I wonder how many dudes are going to sign up for it thinking they were going to get Blowies. A table top game cruise sounds kind of interesting. But what’s described in the itineraries sounds like pure ass to me.

    I wish her well. Her ditching the attack has gone a long way to redeeming her in my eyes. But I can’t help wondering if every single person on this cruise is going to be googling her. It would be hard to talk to her with a straight face with images in the mind or her tied up getting smacked around or swallowing big huge loads from black mambas.

  465. Ben E. KING permalink
    January 30, 2022 10:40 am

    Lol that Zack go fund me is hilarious. He’s still pretending that statements from non-witnesses mean something. Begging for money after all this time bragging about how much his art sells for sure tells us a lot. Pathetic but so much fun!!!

  466. Hehaw permalink
    February 13, 2022 3:39 pm

    I was gonna donate to old Fuckface but on his Gofund, but I can only give a $5 minimum. What, my penny isn’t good enough for you!?!

  467. Tom Jarnowski permalink
    February 13, 2022 7:46 pm

    Presented without comment:

  468. Zartan Tssagua permalink
    February 14, 2022 3:28 pm

    Zak is posting diagnoses from a putative therapist about the people on his enemies list. They pretty much read like descriptions of his own behavior. Just once I’d like to see him have even a brief AITA? moment.

  469. BACLF permalink
    March 4, 2022 2:40 pm

    Looks like Venge hates the first amendment right of a business owner to engage in free association:

    • March 4, 2022 7:53 pm

      “family man” . . . Manson family, amr!

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        March 5, 2022 3:18 am

        This is funny shit, he’s a trust-fund kid!

        Darrick is 31, in the family real estate business, and has ordained himself High Priest of the Cult of Cthulhu.

        What the fhtagn?!?!?!? This is, shall we say, problematic?

        We walked together. The lakeshore subterranean tomb,
        Its steps quite steep and wet, holding each other. My embrace
        All wrong and suggestive upon your supple, teasing
        15 year old body. Only made for a moment’s lust.
        Small violations in comparison to what you’ll soon see.

  470. Ballsweaty permalink
    March 4, 2022 4:14 pm

    Books removed for: nobody bought them.

    In store games banned because: they sucked and nobody wanted to play them. Plus the DM smelled like eggs and Axe body spray. Plus he chased the few females that came in by looking at them oddly.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      March 5, 2022 3:20 am

      I bet he sprayed gallons of green slime all over the place. Fucker probably ruined the owner’s near-mint first edition EPT box set with his prop-ectoplasm.

  471. Heh permalink
    March 5, 2022 10:23 am

    “He chooses to take no royalty nor profit from his creative efforts“

    Which is quite easy when nobody buys your shit.


    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      March 5, 2022 3:33 pm

      “Mom, I need some money for cult stuff!”

  472. March 6, 2022 10:55 am

    Hey y’all.

    Venger being 86’d from that shitty little strip mall shop is a clear-cut case of harassment from the owner and the in-store hate mob. He needs to get attorneys involved and for everybody who games in the dump to sign sworn affidavits.

    apologies and cash is what’s appropriate for him to receive for his pain and suffering. Although it’s nothing compared to mine. That would be like comparing The holocaust to somebody shoplifting a snickers bar. speaking of candy you seem to be porking up a bit lately Venger. i’d recommend using some of that time that you don’t get to run games at that shop to hit the gym. there’s nothing more sad than a fat Satanist.

    • Sak Zabbath permalink
      March 8, 2022 5:48 pm

      Sign an affidavit
      Sign a sworn affidavit
      Sign a worn affidavit
      Sign a torn affidavit
      We did porn affidavit
      Half my head is shorn affidavit
      Shit my pants at Chick-fil-A but I don’t remember eating corn affidavit
      Sign in sworn, sign it worn, sign it torn, I did porn, shit out some corn

  473. Zaks Weak Money Shot permalink
    March 6, 2022 11:45 am

    Is the owner of Misty Mountain a ni’gg’er?

  474. Otto's Irrestistable Choadwank permalink
    March 9, 2022 1:50 pm

    Zpastic is still finding ways to delay Demonshitty…

    Brandon Vaughan
    about 5 hours ago

    Is there an update? I’m starting to feel like this might never happen and I just wasted money.

    user avatar
    about 5 hours ago

    You didn’t. I don’t know what Mike’s decided to make ‘official” but I talked on the phone to Shawn a week or two ago (phone reords available on request) and am deciding if/how to redraw some of the action rounds section while I wait. I wanted to show in detail 3-4 people all doing a throw so that the action was placed squarely in a horror context rather than just having readers imagine an in-game scenario and I think I have time to do it while we all wait.

    • Ben E. KING permalink
      March 10, 2022 8:04 pm

      Just gotta find an appropriate photo to photoshop and turn into “art” lol

  475. March 10, 2022 9:16 pm

    Hey y’all, Get it right. turn into “evocative” art.

    My work has made me tens of thousands (Records available upon request ) and gotten me hella laid. Better recognize, you broke ass virgins!

  476. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    March 11, 2022 3:58 pm

    GRR.. My door handle for my fridge has snapped on the top. ANd the sucky part, is, checking with most appliance centers, whether bestbuy, lowes, or the like, it seems that NONE OF THEM sell, just the ONE Handle i need.. ONE store did sell a “COMPLETE HANDLE replacement pack”, but that’s for a Side by side fridge, WITH TWO drawers, so its a full Four handle set..

    Guess i am going to have to try second hand appliance centers, to see if i can find the handle i need..


    • Franky Panky permalink
      March 12, 2022 2:27 am

      You insufferable idiot! Duct tape. It’s what you’ve been using to hold together that sad semen soaked mattress you’ve been sleeping on for your entire *adult* life. Try using some of it over your mouth and nose before you go to sleep.

      Or…eBay. Amazon marketplace. The actual manufacturer. And to think that I once was your Prince. You Dragonsfartites have gotten even stupider in my absence.

  477. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    March 11, 2022 10:28 pm

    Venger is the new Blooey. WON’T SOMEBODY PLEASE BUY SOME PRODUCT?!?!?!?

  478. Reason permalink
    March 16, 2022 7:34 am

    Some mental labour done pulling various rulings together

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      March 16, 2022 8:11 pm

      I suspect that Benjamin Cusack guy is a Zak sockpuppet. I also loved Zak’s accusation that calling him a trust fund baby is antisemitic. I’m not even Jewish, but I know a shanda fur die goyim when I see one.

  479. Heh permalink
    March 16, 2022 11:34 am

    Wow. The most important post of the year. Really does show you that Zak is floundering and will continue to do so.I don’t know much about Skerples, but he/she is going on my wall of heroes right next to that stand up comedian who runs Ukraine.


  480. Franky Panky permalink
    March 17, 2022 2:18 pm

    101 comments ATM, 24 of which belong to Sad Cabbages. A number of them are from obvious socks like Benny the Spaceman and a number more from Sad’s diminishing number of ballwashers. Is it true Sad only made $24,000 in 2019 and a pittance in 2020? That is hilarious, and bolsters the idea he is a trust fund baby ( most of which are WASPs anyway. So much for muh anti-semitism.) since he can still pay for the lawyers. Skruples referred to him as the stink in the basement. Missed opportunity. Take a moment, you’ll see it.

    Sad Cabbages is also active on the Demon City comments too. The usual tiresome crap of loaded questions, goal-post shifting and gaslighting. A one trick pony. Sad.

    On a lighter note: Did Kent die from the Coof?

  481. Dicey permalink
    March 17, 2022 7:48 pm

    Frank you fat fuck. How much money did you make in 2019. And why the hell could you not rile up a mob to come to your defense in comment sections?

    I had a dream the other night. You were at a convention that you weren’t banned from, probably Veger con or something. you ran into Charlotte Stokely who is scoping the place out for Zak. she was instantly smitten by you and within minutes she was blowing you in a broom closet. Then you both retired to your shitty hotel room the convention had arranged for participants and fucked the shit out of her coming in her face and having a heart attack right away. but because she was used to big giant black donkey dorks you didn’t really satisfy her. Later she ended up fucking Venger as he made devil horn signs with his hands and kept shouting “hail Satan”. because she was raised Catholic she really wasn’t down with that.

    I woke up and immediately jerked off thinking about it. Those are the greatest kinds of dreams. The kind that make you hammer one out Before getting ready for your shitty job.

    happy St. Patrick’s Day!

    • Franbky Panky permalink
      March 17, 2022 11:19 pm

      My Gentle Dicey, I earned a princely sum in 2019, mostly due to my Social Security payments, royalties from projects of yore, and alimony from my ex-wife. More than $50,000 AGI, which is enough for a single Wisconsinian man of modest needs with no debts. Off the books, I get a little extra from Cons to ensure that I stay away. Peter Adkison has been quite generous in paying me to skip GenCon. My couch surfing days are over. I’ll never ending up sleeping in a cardboard box on the sidewalks of Sepulveda Blvd.

      I would never touch Stokes. Too skanky, even for me. She’s also been had by Zakster, and who wants sloppy seconds to that little twerp? She’s also well past her best by date.

  482. Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
    March 17, 2022 8:09 pm

    So, uh, Phil had a little Nazism problem…

    The book is available for free download at archive-dot-com, and now I’m wondering if DCS drew the cover illustration, because it looks like his work

    • Franky Panky permalink
      March 18, 2022 12:15 am

      I wonder how JMal will handle this, what with his allegedly long running House of Worms campaign set in Tekumel.

      /r/osr. I see there is a place even more puerile and cringe-inducing than Dragonsfart.

      The cover does look similar to Sutherland’s style. We know he was very good friends with Barker and that crowd– that’s where he started. However, he was working at TSR and I doubt Lorraine Williams allowed any sort of free-lancing. There’s really no way to know. Barker was using different illustrators for his Tekumel crap published by businesses other than TSR. It could have been one of them. Similar styles to Sutherland.

      Well, time to ebay all of the Tekumel drivel I’ve gathered before the prices drop through the floor. Once everyone knows a neo-Nazi wrote it, it will be worthless, except to a certain sort of clientele that I would rather not do business with.

    • Reason permalink
      March 18, 2022 1:14 am

      Lol. Jmal can’t give up on Tekumel, it’s his thing.

      I predict posts about how art is art and separating art from author ala Conan & Howard & ignoring that Barker wrote that fucker in 1991.

      E.g the most milquetoast approach possible that allows him to just keep doing the same- ala fudging out on a 70k kickstarter & then just sliding back into blogging on the same blog that hosts the posts about his hustle like it’s no big deal.

    • Zartan Tssaguaa permalink
      March 18, 2022 6:43 pm

      Us long time YDIS denizens had already heard rumors of this on this fine site. Sad to see them finally confirmed.

  483. Rary's Erectile Enhancer permalink
    March 17, 2022 8:12 pm

    Oh boy looks like Zpastic hoovered up some nice crystal. He’s at it again on Demonshitty:

    about 16 hours ago

    I’m currently trying to get Zak to make me sign an affidavit like he so often offered. It is surprisingly hard to get him to type down what he’d like me to sign. Given how often he offers people to “put up or shut up” regarding him being a gaslighting sex pest, I would’ve assumed that he had the text all ready to go.

    Regardless, once I will have signed this, I will then make the allegation that he is a sex pest with the confidence of having signed a “legal document” regarding Zak’s abuse.

    I wonder if that’ll make him stop asking me to shut up.
    Showing 20 of 20 replies

    user avatar
    about 16 hours ago

    Sarish is lying.

    I asked which court case (after 3 years) Sarish wanted to submit their affadavit to: no answer.

    I asked for Sarish’s real name, so the paperwork could be finalized–no answer.

    Obviously if they had evidence some real abuse had happened and had any proof of that, they wouldn’t let an little technical hurdles like that stop them.

    Sarish is lying, and they should stop.
    user avatar
    about 15 hours ago

    If you believe that I am lying, please sign a affidavit under penalty of perjury to substantiate your claim. Ever put up or shut up.
    user avatar
    about 15 hours ago

    I have. I’ve signed several documents saying I am not guilty of any abuses of any kind and that anyone who claims I am is lying or misinformed–as have many witnesses– and I’ve testified to it in court under oath.
    user avatar
    about 14 hours ago

    You must be fun at parties, if you take jokes like this.

    Regardless, I’ve now signed Zak’s “affidavit”. I am know “legally” comitted to my claim that I believe him to have abused his ex-wife, as well as being a gaslighting sex pest as Zak wanted.
    user avatar
    about 12 hours ago

    you didnt sign an affadavit yet, you just signed a piece of paper —you need to contact opposing counsel. it also doesn’t say you “believe” it—it says you know it to be true.

    whete did we meet?
    user avatar
    about 12 hours ago

    “where@ that is?
    user avatar
    about 12 hours ago

    I do not need to “contact oposite counsel”. That would be if you had filed a suit against me. And, yes, I signed a piece of paper, I told you it’s only an affidavid if signed in front of an officer of the court, you told me it wasn’t needed. I’ve played your silly song and game. File a suit against me if you want to, or pay a notary to legitimize my affidavit, otherwise, I’ve done what you asked.

    You are a sex pest and a gaslighting abuser. Put up with your legal threat or shut up.
    user avatar
    about 12 hours ago

    1. It’s not an affadavit until it’s sworn and only the lawyer in the relevant jurisdiction can help you with that. So you need to do that to get an “affadavit”. Signing the piece of paper is just the first step.

    2. You appear to have put a fake address.

    3. You still haven’t told me where we met–which you’re going to have to do, if (as you claim in your statement) you’re going to testify that I did something wrong.

    4. I didn’t make a legal threat. A legal threat is “Don’t do x or I will do y”–I made no such threat against you. I said if you know I did something wrong you should sign an affadavit saying. So: contact opposing counsel and turn your statement into an affadavit in the jurisdiction of your choice.
    user avatar
    about 12 hours ago

    And: Where did we meet?
    user avatar
    Mike (wrathofzombie) EvansCreatorSuperbacker
    about 12 hours ago

    I have reported all these to KS as they don’t have anything to do with the kickstarter or the fulfilment of Demon City.

    Please take this conversation to other forums, emails, social media or whatever.
    user avatar
    about 12 hours ago

    It’s your main writer that offered one of your backer to engage in legal processing regarding his abuse, and the fact that he’s a sex pest.

    I see that as relevant.
    user avatar
    about 12 hours ago

    I am not a sex pest or abuser, you’re lying about that and should stop.

    And, of course–it makes perfect sense if you believed a word you were saying that you’d want to contact a lawyer about your alleged secret knowledge.

    You don’t believe it so you won’t contact that lawyer.
    user avatar
    about 12 hours ago

    i’ve dealt with very many affidavits over the last three years.

    pick the case that you would like your affidavit to apply to.

    you don’t need a notary just make your statement and sign it.

    Your own words. I told you an affidavit isn’t valable unless I get it notarized, you claimed it wasn’t needed. I’m willing to sign any paper you send me to testify that I believe you to be a sex pest and to have abused your ex wife. File a suit against me if you believe that what I say is untrue and libellous.
    user avatar
    about 12 hours ago

    The first step is to sign it. Which you alleged that yout did. NOW you need to contact the opposing lawyer and they can tell what you need to do to make it a legal affadaivt for their case.

    If a word of it was true, then you wouldn’t be putting up these silly roadblocks, you’d have rushed to contact them years ago with your allegedly vital insider information.

    But you are lying, you don’t know anything so you won’t.

    If you do:

    When did we meet? Where?
    user avatar
    about 11 hours ago

    @Mike Will you report the comments posted by your main writer, requesting backers to start a legal action against him too?

    As for you, Zak, I never claimed to have “insider information.” I believe the allegations against you regarding the abuse you’ve put multiple women through. And your behavior all throughout your carreer, as well as during this kickstart is a good proof that you are a gaslighting asshole.

    I’ve jumped through your hoops, stop moving the goalpost and sue me. Or just stop interacting with me and go back to digging a hole for what is left of your reputation.
    user avatar
    about 11 hours ago

    You did claim to have insider information in your statement you claim you signed:

    You said you had “percipient knowledge” that I’d comitted sexal abuses–that is, you claimed in your statement you are a direct witness.

    Your statement doesn’t say you “believe” it–it says you were a direct witness.

    When did this happen? What did you see?

    When did we meet?
    user avatar
    about 11 hours ago

    I have trouble understanding how you do not realize what a clown you show yourself to be.
    user avatar
    about 11 hours ago

    You claimes you directly witnessed sexual abuse, Sarish124.

    Where did we meet? What did you see? Why haven’t you contacted the lawyers of the folks I’m suing a long time ago with your vital information?
    user avatar
    about 11 hours ago

    I’m done teaching english or law to sex pest lol. And to say I thought you’d actually try to sue me. A shame
    user avatar
    about 11 hours ago

    At no point did I say I was going to sue you–and if I was, I wouldn’t need you to sign something.

    But let’s not let you dodge the question–

    You keep lying:

    You claimed you directly witnessed sexual abuse, Sarish124.

    Where did we meet? What did you see? Why haven’t you contacted the lawyers of the folks I’m suing a long time ago with your vital information?

    • Reason permalink
      March 18, 2022 1:24 am

      SadCabbage is getting slaughtered on Demonshitty comments by someone who actually took up his offer.

      Similar to the sad showing of Z & his holy socks +1 to the Skerples post where it seems a lawyer took him through the wringer for a while.

      It’s like Sad is a sci fi foe that the PC’s slowly, over the course of a campaign is actually just an AI capable only of about 4 reactions; false binary, goalpast shift, semantic bullshit, pseudo-lawyering…

    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      March 19, 2022 6:28 pm

      Hopefully Zak’s next street purchase will be laced with fentanyl and put him out of our misery.

      • Ballsweaty69 permalink
        March 20, 2022 12:39 am

        His mini mob of cultists shall appear, lead by that Cusak cunt. As dramatic organ music plays they will put him in a small barge and sail him down to Hell like the end of that old Dr. Phibes movie.

  484. CKDB permalink
    March 18, 2022 11:41 pm

    —Skruples referred to him as the stink in the basement. Missed opportunity. Take a moment, you’ll see it—

    I still miss Blooey.

    • bloodymage permalink
      March 19, 2022 6:25 pm

      Try a fresh install.

  485. Unblown Dragonsfoot Manchild permalink
    March 21, 2022 3:25 pm

    I don’t mind whatever people drink. A little helps loosen people up I find and adds to the experience, actually, but too much can make the last part of the session pretty nonsensical.

    We used to play in a pub so it was hard to avoid it, we would sometimes have to chip our character sheets off the sticky tables.

    It would help if alcohol didn’t taste like pee most of the time though. If it didn’t have the happy drunk feeling I would be super confused about why everyone is so mad for it. It’s mostly really rancid tasting. Bitter bitter nastiness. Not like a chocolate milkshake at ALL!! At least that’s WORTH all those calories mmmmmmmmmhummmm

    😯 :facepalm2: 😀


    • Franky Panky permalink
      March 22, 2022 1:16 am

      You Puerile pus sack! Maybe spend a little money for the good stuff instead of drinking Milwaukee’s Beast and that rotgut that comes in the plastic bottles.

      Sent while sipping a perfectly balanced vieux carre. Only the best for ol’ Franky. My friend Gary, who changed the world, enjoyed his Bombay Sapphire Gin. Drinking quality spirits is part and parcel of the OSR. It’s no surprise that a shit-crusted peasant like you would get that. You and your fellow dragonsfartsians have never demonstrated an understanding of old school gaming. Or an understanding of anything else. Stick to your stinkin’ Mountain Dew and Cheetos. It’s about as high class as you’ll ever get.

  486. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    March 22, 2022 7:53 am

    Anyone know when calling a privileged shithead sucking on his dad’s wealth whose never worked a day in his life a privileged shithead sucking on his dad’s wealth whose never worked a day in his life became anti-Semitic? That’s truly a weak sauce defence from the Saddest Cabbage. On one hand running a failed go fund me for cash but then also saying he doesn’t need the money because ummm… art sales?? Every time someone asks for anything concrete Sad Cabbage requests an Apple dabbit and then when someone goes, fine I’ll sign, he collapses like a house of cards and still refuses. I guess Sad Cribbage has to be satisfied with his two loyal sycophants and three orfour suck poopets he can muster as an army.
    If I were his disappointed father I’d tell him to quit wasting my money on useless lawsuits and spend my hard earned cash on fixing those choppers, yikes!

  487. Vengie permalink
    March 24, 2022 3:28 pm

    DR: M.A.R. Barker wrote a pro-Nazi, anti-Semetic novel under a pseudonym back in 1991. Folks are just finding out about this now, and are understandably devastated.

    Having said that, Cha’alt welcomes your fandom, patronage, and creative participation. If any wish to delve into the eldritch, gonzo, science-fantasy, post-apocalyptic campaign world, we’d be glad to have you!

    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      March 24, 2022 5:43 pm

      VengerCon Sausage Fest: Only 82 out of 100 available badges are left!

      • Blooey permalink
        March 24, 2022 6:55 pm

        Polly eggs, a dish created by my crazy old lady fiancee, will be available in the hospitality suite.

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      March 24, 2022 8:31 pm

      Cha’alt: It’s like Tekumel, but stupid!

      • Xartan Tssaggua permalink
        March 29, 2022 11:35 am

        Stu’pi’d – might need an umlaut too.

      • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
        March 29, 2022 1:52 pm

        V’e’n’g’e even invented a language for C’h’a’a’l’t, with its own alphabet, composed entirely of apostrophes in 26 different fonts.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        March 29, 2022 8:11 pm

        25 of which are variants of Comic Sans, the other is derived from Wingdings. However, Ven’e’gar has at least fulfilled multiples KSes in a timely fashion since Demon City funded. Sad Cabbages could learn a thing or two from him. If only Sad Cabbages could learn. Alas.

  488. Etrimyn permalink
    March 24, 2022 6:51 pm

    Hi Mr. Satan!

    You’ll forgive us if we don’t engage in an ethics debate with someone whose internet handle, and entire brand image, is a 13 year-old boy’s idea of bad ass.

    Grow up already. You’re embarrassing yourself and the hobby

  489. March 24, 2022 7:16 pm

    Rhyming demon Etrimyn has the right of it. What this hobby needs is a 14-year-old boy’s idea of ‘bad ass’, not Venger’s ‘skrillex’ haircut, or his liberary of literally regurgitated Witch Tok slogans rescued from a failed Waldenbooks ‘newage’ shelf.

    Fortunately, I am right here with all the hottest takes on the genius of the man I knew from afar as Randolph D. Calverhall and also admired as Philip K. Barker, Ph.D.

    ~~Jakalla Grognard

  490. Vengie permalink
    March 29, 2022 9:24 pm

    You fuckers can laugh all you want at my g’a’me d’es’ig’n (the same way I laugh at Will Smiff chimping out on Chris Rock’s monkey face). But you’ll all be laughing out of your ass when my updated Encounter Critical sweeps the Ennies!

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      March 30, 2022 8:09 pm

      I dunno about the Ennies, but you’ve already won the Blooeys for most abject shilling of RPG material.


  491. March 30, 2022 10:26 pm

    Hey y’all.

    New Mexico. Long story. Anyway I was there.

    I was walking through what I take to be some outskirt of some part of the center of some part of town. Like 2pm. Dust, rust. Broken car. Everything yellow.

    Homeless guy: “Spare a torchlight?”

    I carry a lighter, not for me, but for people who need a lighter– “All yours.”

    He lights up a lightbulb pipe, something blue collected in the bottom, breathes meth or crack smoke.

    “You look like a man in a hurry,” he says.

    I’m super not. Especially these days. Lawyers aren’t even awake in half the time zones I’m dealing with.

    I asked if I could have a hit. He sez only if I suck his dick. Long story short, I’m pretty high right now.

    But hobo dick cheese is super gross.

    • Affa, David. permalink
      April 3, 2022 6:41 am

      Meth isn’t blue…and so Zak reveals his only referent for the life he thinks he leads is an overrated FX melodrama.

  492. April 2, 2022 7:49 am

    this little slice of life of his is weirdly fake. He’s wandering some destitute part of town but doesn’t seem to know where he is. Just talking with and giving lights to crackheads. Drug addicts don’t go walking around in public looking for a light for their glass pipe. What a weird little story to make up. I guess he’s kind of living out a demon city scenario in his mnd. Life imitates “art “ It’s starting to be kind of sad.


    • Zak’s Unwashed Dishes permalink
      April 2, 2022 5:23 pm

      Pretty much the epitome of Sad Cabbage was him showing off his wad of bills that was a single $100 bill his dad gave him wrapped around a bunch of $1 bills. That is Sad Cabbage’s life, money his dad gives him wrapped around a near worthless core.

      • Zaks Bestie, Mike permalink
        April 3, 2022 3:53 pm

        I have roughly 100 pages left to proof. These just just final tweaks and catches from the original pass throughs. I’m waiting to hear back from Shawn (layout) on the final tweaks on his end so we can get this out!:)

        btw, I know for a fact Zak isnt talking to Shawn about the book. Shawn is just Pressuring Zack to help him get into a porn career since his layout jobs don’t seem to be panning out real well. This is what might be why Shawn is holding us up. I guess he hasn’t really looked into how many porno credits Zak actually has. knowing a handful of tore up and used up Skanks doesn’t exactly make you a mover and a shaker in the industry.

  493. Rath of Umbies Might Evar permalink
    April 4, 2022 10:58 am

    Layout is finished as of January but ummm we’re working on layout still but ummm… only 100 pages to go and then they go back to Sad Cabbage and Prawn to rework layout some more. So we’re on schedule for a release by 2025 and it’ll be the best game evar!

  494. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    April 6, 2022 2:27 pm

    So did Raggy the last manage to save his company from bankruptcy or is he just floating by trying to sell the remaining stock of garbage in his apartment? Haven’t noticed Greasy Jim panhandling or trying to huckster product lately and wasn’t sure if he was just limping along since his breakup with Sad Cabbage or if he was destitute and deported back to the United States. I’m sure Raggy is scouring old White Dwarf issues for his next module but it’s strange to have total radio silence from the poop golem. Maybe he’s suffering embarrassment that his shitty referee book is later that Dimmermont?

    • Pass The Duchy of Urnst Pon De Left Hand Side permalink
      April 6, 2022 10:58 pm

      From his facebook page it seems that the original raggamuffin is watching too much Japanese pro wrestling, ordering too many edgy psuedo-philosophical books on amazon and bitching about his health issues.

  495. Heh permalink
    April 7, 2022 8:31 am

    Good god. Almost 30 paragraphs to describe his knee issue. I guess his days of storming the award stage at Gen Con are totally over.

    And lord, that profile pic. what an ugly fuck.

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      April 7, 2022 10:19 am

      Obese Raggy blows out his knee because he’s fat as hell and says it’s an existential crisis? Probably from taking all those heavy Lotflop books up and down the stairs.

  496. James Raggi the Last permalink
    April 8, 2022 10:42 pm

    So it’s been five months now since Hanna’s been out of my life (not quite that simple, but essentially).

    Five months of just… bleh. Months passed, spent my birthday alone, Christmas alone, New Years, all the way on down. bleh.

    Just a lessening of caring about anything and everything. Supposedly I’m in the mental health system here (started a couple months before things went to hell) but besides give me a prescription they haven’t done shit, and I feel mentally and physically I’ve been degenerating this whole time.

    Past couple months I’ve been trying to fix things, eat better, exercise more, but whenever things get stressing, my brain goes from bleh to torture, so building better habits has been difficult.

    Past couple weeks or so I’ve been making a more concerted effort, and that effort lets in the worse thoughts. But I’m this time trying to power through instead of giving in.

    It’s weird. The divorce from my first wife was far worse, mostly because it had the “oh shit I’m now adrift in Finland how am I going to even live?” pressures I don’t have to deal with now, but this is otherwise the stupidest and most pointless destruction of a relationship I’ve ever been through.

    And it’s five months later and I’m still thinking of it as going through it.

    This is stupid.

    All started because I decided to work one weekend because I was behind on packing the hundreds of orders I was behind on.

    Got more complicated after that, but I wonder… in September I think it was when I started on the brain pills, they were immediately effective at calming my worst anxiety… I don’t want to call them attacks or episodes, but it lessened all the background radiation of that stuff. The freaky dreams I was having every night just stopped.

    I wonder though, if they’ve also affected other sensitivities because when other issues were brought to my attention I in effect just shrugged. I can’t say for sure this isn’t how I would have reacted regardless (I’m always thinking I should react this way even when I don’t), but the “oh let her get upset at this if she wants, I’m not bothered” impulse went right front and center, and the more upset she got, the less I cared.

    And I’m finding that even now, I don’t very much care about much at all, caring (about anything) is just stress and even dare I say it pain.

    And now I’m staring down having to go out and deal with the public again… Easter weekend. That’s going to be an interesting time.

  497. Reason permalink
    April 8, 2022 11:34 pm

    So Raggi ruined his life because he was _trying_ to pack boxes to get all his stuff to us so he must kinda hate it/us but he has product to sell so…

    • Blooey permalink
      April 10, 2022 4:30 pm

      It helps him keep the lights on. And launder the shit stains out of his sheets . They stay clean for all of 10 minutes.


  498. April 9, 2022 2:51 pm

    Hey y’all.

    I was totes in New Mexico wandering around some shitty part of town for no good reason. It could happen. I wasn’t trying to score drugs or anything. I just wanted to walk through the shittiest part of town.

    and a homeless crackhead totally came up to me and for reals use the term “torchlight” which is some thing some homeless drug attic would totally say. maybe he was an old DND player or something. and why is it so hard to believe he would take a hit right in front of me? most drug addicts like to go right out in public in the street and smoke drugs right in front of strangers.

    Sign a worn appldappledoovit if you don’t believe me.

    • POO POO RAGOO permalink
      April 11, 2022 6:51 pm

      Zak I still love you. I love you so much I’m on psych meds and weigh 600 pounds and blew out my knees. I love you so much I shit my pants. If I loved Hanna that much, she’d still be here in my life. Instead I’m surrounded by boxes. Thousands of boxes: pizza, Chinese takeout, unshipped product. No TP boxes though. I shit my pants.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        April 11, 2022 7:39 pm

        James, did Finland have a TP crisis back on ’20? How did you ever manage, you with your unique condition? On a related note, are there any Chik-fil-as in Finland? I hear tell that all the _cool_ kids go there to shit their pants.

        Will you be setting up a booth at VengarCon?

        One last thing. When I was in Helsinki this past autumn, I had sex with Hanna. I can honestly say, you’re not missing much. Get yourself on that popular dating app and start swiping right. You won’t regret it.

  499. Timotheus permalink
    April 13, 2022 5:45 am

    It’s a clash of the gay cultists! Pundejo vs. Jeffblow in a no-holds barred 3-hour snoozefest! The fundamentalism gets thick pretty fast. Listened to 5 minutes, a few gold nuggets. The best is when Tarnowski points out that the whole 1:1 game time thing was meant to be when you weren’t actually gaming. Jeffy had no reply except stupid silence. 1:57 mark.

    The comments are gold, too. “You CANNOT have a meaningful game without 1:1 time!” But yeah, totes not a cult.

    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      April 13, 2022 5:17 pm

      ‘TARDFEST 2022!

    • Ballsweaty69 permalink
      April 15, 2022 8:42 am

      Who gives a shit? Get a life, chum.

      • Timotheus permalink
        April 15, 2022 3:31 pm

        Irony is not your strong suit.

    • Vengers Post Con Tears permalink
      April 15, 2022 3:19 pm

      You listened to 5 boring minutes but somehow know what happened two hours in? Maybe you like gay cultists more than you think. Maybe you were sleep-gaying?

    • Timotheus permalink
      April 15, 2022 3:30 pm

      Tough crowd.

      Comments pointed out that exchange in the three hour beat fest.

      And there’s nothing wrong with sleep-gaying.

  500. Bloodymage permalink
    April 14, 2022 6:25 pm

    Well, I’m here at the DoubleTree in Madison East for VengerCon 2022 but apparently I showed up three months too early. Story of my life. Sigh!

    The staff at the DoubleTree let me take a quick shower in the janitor’s closet utility sink but then asked me not to sleep out in my car in their parking lot. Hopefully I’ll find a church lot to camp out in and then get myself a sit-down breakfast. I would greatly appreciate if my fellow gamers would send some donations to Steve “Blooey” Willet, General Delivery, Madison Wisconsin over the next three months until the convention starts. Venger, if you are around would you mind if I slept on your couch, mudroom floor, garage, or doghouse/cat litter box?

    I have some original adventures to run at VengerCon this year:

    A Summer’s Eve in Massengill: The Stink in Golanda II (OSRIC)
    Injun Trouble (Aces and Eights)
    White Man’s Burden: The Degenerate Mudpeople Horror (Call of Cthulhu)

  501. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    April 18, 2022 12:20 am

    Since we are doing chickenshit nobody cares about:

    Tenk and Rach give hygiene tips to their stench-emitting fandom. “ for God sake stop making Gary con smell like open ass.“ didn’t listen long enough to see if Ratch gives tips to the convention girlies on frequent douching habits.

    Tenker cops to showering every other day. Tops.

    • bloodymage permalink
      April 19, 2022 10:10 am

      I can’t stay clean all of five minutes! Sigh! 😦

  502. Heh permalink
    April 19, 2022 10:39 am

    How do these folk have a following? Tenkar is a toad and Rach looks like a ghoul or something. Is she a burn victim? Plastic surgery gone awry? And how can their fans not be offended by being spoken to like childred. “If you slept in a hotel hallway or your car because you are broke, take a “Polish” bath (as Tenk puts it oh so woke-ly) in the restroom. Don’t forget to rinse your pits.” Rach seems to have an attitude of being disgusted even having to tell people this shit.

    Looking forward to the next piece, “Don’t dine and dash at the hotel diner.”


    • Franky Panky permalink
      April 19, 2022 11:38 am

      The constable knows full well it is called a ‘whore’s bath’ when you bath from a restroom sink. He was NYPD, foot patrol at one point, and thus he’s very well versed in the ways of the cheap trollops and slovenly trulls that strut their wares through the mean streets of ol’ New York.

      • bloodymage permalink
        April 24, 2022 7:33 am

        I can recommend the whore’s bath in the Madison Doubletree janitor’s closet utility sink.

  503. Rigby was better. permalink
    April 19, 2022 7:11 pm

    Don’t know if anyone is following Skerples’ digest of all the zpastic lawsuits and decisions, but, the ultimate sea lion is now sealioning in the comments threads and has about a third of the total comments now. And he’s throwing around psuedo legal bullshit like this one re: Ettin

    “Most cases don’t go to trial: I got what I wanted from him, that’s what they call “winning” in lawyer speak.”

    Comedy gold.

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      April 19, 2022 9:38 pm

      When Skerples said no more content unless it’s an opinion of a lawyer there’s suddenly a suck poopets retired attorney defending the Sad Cabbage to try to reignite the comments. Fortunately it was about as pathetic an attempt as the usual Sad Cabbage tactics and flopped around like a beached Raggi.

  504. FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
    April 24, 2022 7:35 am

    GAMER STANK with Tenkar’s Turdshack and Nurse Rachet!

  505. April 27, 2022 10:07 am

    Hey y’all

    Freyja Erlings (aka Freyja Katra aka Freyja Catra aka Freyja Erlingsdottir aka other names back in the day) is the most aggressive harasser and conspiracy theorist in the online tabletop world period. She spreads antisemitic propaganda, she’s racist as fuck, and–unusually for a goon–she’s so shitty that major industry figures have actually shouted her out specifically. They remember her name.

    There’s probably no better example of the double-standard at play in goon thinking that Freyja gets to be part of their club despite all the harm she’s done to the community.

    • Bigby's Hairy Palm permalink
      April 27, 2022 11:42 am

      It’s always awesome when Mr. “I don’t have a trust fund but I’ve managed to live in LA without any income for the last couple of years” accuses someone else as having narcissistic personality disorder…

    • Franky Panky permalink
      April 27, 2022 1:31 pm

      Sad Cabbages, shame on you. We do not need to know that you are thirsty for tranny girl-dick. I’m certain Freyja would sodomize you if given the chance. Trannies are just incels trying another strategy to get some. You could probably rent yourself out to them at a Con for some money– which we know you need– if only, only, you weren’t banned from Cons. Well, there is always a spot on the street for a low rent boy like you.

      • The Saddest of Cabbages permalink
        April 27, 2022 8:13 pm

        Still wondering how sad cabbage thinks pointing out he is a spoiled rich brat that lives off his father and has never worked a day in his life is anti semetic?

  506. April 30, 2022 11:54 am

    Hey y’all.

    Your Pick
    I’ll be finishing up the series about the goons soon.

    As for what’s next on here, it’s up to you, I’m giving you three options–

    A) More of the research about the Goons.
    B) The research on the Old School gamers who joined the mob.
    C) Fuck the mob, I want more Cube World
    D) Wait I was hoping you would write about ___(fill in theblank)___, tell me
    Whichever gets the most votes wins. If D wins then I will pick from the responses.

  507. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    April 30, 2022 5:19 pm

    Those are 4 options, moron.

    let’s make it five. I’ll take option E) Stokes finds your pale corpse in the tub with slit wrists.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      April 30, 2022 6:43 pm

      Narcs don’t kill themselves. Option E) Stokes finds your limp carcass dangling in the closet because you pulled a Carradine. She is shocked to learn that you died jackin’ it to Furry shemale Pr0n. She never knew how depraved you really were.

      • James Raggi IV permalink
        May 1, 2022 12:37 am

        Surprised Sad Cabbage has 3-4 sycophants resurrected to lick at his flaccid, drooping, and empty nutsack. Cabbage’s next module will be called ‘Moving Home to Dad’ a zero level adventure for characters that found no gold on their own and have to return to their place of origin with heads held low in shame.

  508. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    May 3, 2022 2:13 pm

    He really is fucking deluded, the weirdo is. He continues on like he still has hundreds of readers, while its still just the few cultists. I suppose the same could be said for the Grognardia guy. They don’t understand that the OSR has passed and the game has gone to trannies and various they/them’s in their early 20’s who think Critical Role is D&D.

    • Ballsweaty69 permalink
      May 3, 2022 2:27 pm

      Oh, and in one of his comments he says something about having an uncertain future (further proving his “art” career is a worthless dodge, as Skerples pointed out). So doesn’t sound like suicide is off the table.

      Good lord, that relationship must be such a treat for Stokely. Looking forward to her “tell all” post when she finally smartens up or meets a real man who isn’t a man-child piece of crap punk wannabee poser.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        May 3, 2022 11:58 pm

        Stokes is heavily damaged goods and well past her sell by date. Her prospects for anything better than Sad Cabbages are very low indeed. She’s going to need to latch onto some betabux soyboy very soon if she wants something other than a bleak future of ever increasing degradation on film.

        I hope her final act before leaving is to dump a massive “grumpy” between the sheets while Zak sleeps away. Given how stretched her sphincter is, the ‘grumpy’ is going to be of an impressive girth, and even more impressive than anything The Good James Raggi IV has left in his pants.

  509. Bigby's Hairy Palm permalink
    May 7, 2022 2:00 am

    Poo Poo Ragu indeed…

    James Edward Raggi IV
    opSod1aat1 8AMhatl24 iM11 y :34 ·
    OK, I have a question about human basics.
    I understand why people want a clean toilet seat to sit on. I got that part of it.
    Why the fuck does the bowl need to be clean for someone to feel good about shitting in it? Tell me what sense that makes. If there’s a stench escaping from it, ok, it needs dealing with, but I mean you’re excreting your waste into it, maybe even a big old bean burrito dump, and you’re going to get all snooty about it if it’s not fucking sparkling?

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      May 7, 2022 7:15 am

      Jimbo Raggy loses another Flaming Princess when she visits his apartment and finds out he lives like a total ass stench slob. Probably eating pizza sitting on boxes of unsold Lotflap shit as chairs too.

  510. Ballsweaty permalink
    May 7, 2022 10:16 am

    Fat piece of crap doesn’t feel like being a clean member of society. And I suppose he hasn’t had a woman over there in a long time now. But Jesus. Who wants a toilet in your home to look like it’s from a Tijuana gas station. I hate to see what his microwave looks like.

    Also I thought he didn’t use the toilet. Doesn’t he just shit into his pants and his bed?

  511. POO POO RAGOO permalink
    May 8, 2022 9:37 am

    I’d like to hook up with Johnny Depp’s ex Amber Heard. I hear she doesn’t mind shit in the bed and will even take a sexy dump of her own on your pillow!

    Poor Zak though. This Johnny Depp defamation (defecation?) case has him hopeful for a win against Mandy, but he doesn’t realize the world sees him as the Amber Heard psycho bed shitter, not the loveable Johnny Depp.

  512. bloodymage permalink
    May 16, 2022 4:51 pm

    Well, I guess VengerCon will have a prayer breakfast after all. No Polly Eggs in the hospitality suite though. Sigh! 😡

    Magic Ritual performed by Venger Satanis (attendees are welcome to participate or observe, if they wish) “The Rebirth of Kort’thalis” to open the way between our reality and Cha’alt. This magical operation is from 10pm – 10:15pm

    Only 80 out of 100 tickets left, folks.

  513. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    May 16, 2022 10:19 pm

    Would be a shame if somebody called the hotel and let them know that the guy running an event is going to do a satanic ritual on the property. Maybe some local news outlets too. “…and finally tonight, Dungeons and Dragons is about Satanism after all”

    Would be even extra sad if the hotel management also knew that the news outlets are being informed about the the satanic ritual on their property.

  514. Sad Cabbage permalink
    May 17, 2022 12:44 pm

    Rebooter of Star Frontiers found to be a space-Confederate reinstating intergalactic Jim Crow laws and saving the universe with the aryan space Vikings! Oh ess arrr bros cannot believe it and demand iron clad proof and refuse to look at proof saying it’s not proof. Many closeted Not Sees revealed in the Shite today as they gather to support their white brother in his time of need. Steer Frontear sucked anyways mostly. I’d share links but no one is going to them anyways.

  515. Rob Cuntz permalink
    May 20, 2022 5:36 am

    If Saltine can make a post-whore career as a D&D celebrity, with cruises and mansion stays supported by the unblown, then surely Stokes can, too! I believe in you, girl!

    • Raggi’s Crunchy Undies permalink
      May 20, 2022 9:08 am

      Are there any hard numbers on the success of Satine ventures?

      Career? Doubtful. Unless you are in Critical Role you better have a legit side gig. Though Satine appears to have found some weird half a fag who maybe has some dough.

      DnD is like wrestling. Popularity goes up and down. It was alwas a fad to the masses. Things like Metaverse and such will lure folk away. And Satines elf ear career, as for other “lumiaries” will fully fade to hobby status. And if new hubby dumps her she’ll maybe go back to dumpster blowies at Meltown Comics.

  516. Arneson's Spectre permalink
    May 24, 2022 11:06 am

    Wait, Zak is a Jew? Does this mean his sockpuppets are golems or something?

    I made you out of clay!
    I’ll cancel you today!

  517. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    May 24, 2022 9:21 pm

    Zaks three or four true faithful arent even cultists. They’re “Simps.” like the followers of these pretty twitch girls and streamers. They know they will never get to touch them must less fuck them. they just want to love them from afar and are happy with that. You can tell by the way they’ll say something to Zack or make any kind of comment. He’ll turn it around even turn it against them to go along with his narrative. Them showing up on skerples blog just to defend him is total Simp behavior. It’s Hilarious. He doesn’t respect them or give a flying fuck about them but they still love him. They probably email him asking for pics of his feet.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      May 25, 2022 12:57 pm

      Those pretty twitch girls are called thots or ethots (That Ho’ Over There). It is funny to think that he has simps, but it is accurate.

  518. Heh permalink
    May 28, 2022 5:39 pm

    “Simps” indeed. Look at these happy dumbshits from 4 months ago. Whats the over under that they still feel so hopeful even now?

    “Zak, can’t wait! btw will there be any pics of demon feet, and if so dd you model your own feet for it? Asking for a friend. Oh, and wondering if you ever got blown by your friend Bailey Jay? asking because I jerked off fantasizing about that last night.”

    4 months ago
    Wooo! Never been closer!
    user avatar
    Mike NusbaumSuperbacker
    4 months ago
    It’s been a long wait. Three years so far. I’m looking forward to finally getting this.
    user avatar
    4 months ago
    user avatar
    Kevin Searle
    4 months ago
    Thanks for the updates, can’t wait to see it!
    user avatar
    Stephen MurrishSuperbacker
    4 months ago
    Woot! So happy for all of you and all of us.

    I can’t wait to get this thing in my hands and to read it and enjoy the art.
    user avatar
    Jeff BernsteinSuperbacker
    4 months ago
    Fantastic! Looking forward to it!

    June 9, 2022 11:25 am

    Herro Saltine Phoenix! You need rawyer?
    You are known for doing hardcore porn every orifice and wearing dumb elf ears. Also for being ardent Zak S supporter until it become stylish to shun him. Also for giving blowies in alley behind comic book shop.

    I see from Twitters you are officially cancelled now. You call me if you need rawyer. I can help you get out of Kickstarter commitment.

  520. Reason permalink
    June 9, 2022 2:23 pm

    What a bunch of retards. Nerds who hate bullies but realise they are now kings among nerds and bully anyone else the slightest chance they get…

    Now Stone is “triggered” (by his own assholery no less!) and says he was mean because tattooing the image of his D&D character (you only have one because they never die now)- which by the way looks exactly like him, but cooler- is traumatic for him.

    Why the fuck would anyone want to work with these fucktards? Is this really the D&D community on twitter? At cons? Sweet baby jeebus.

    June 9, 2022 7:25 pm

    Hahahaha yeah Saltine go from getting blown out by big black boners in every hole to I’M IMPORTANT D&D CELEBRITY GET ME A COFFEE NOW WHY ISN’T IT HERE YET?!!

    Victim: But Saltine, I don’t how you like your coffee!


  522. Rob Cuntz permalink
    June 11, 2022 3:54 pm

    Looks like i spoke too soon about Saltine being successful. Back to sucking seed for her.

  523. Heh permalink
    June 11, 2022 8:05 pm

    Is Inspector Tenkar on the case? He’s the Kickstarter overwatcher, no?

    • Bigby's Affirmative Consent Lubed Fist permalink
      June 12, 2022 3:22 am

      Funny you should ask!

  524. Bigby’s Phantasmic Black Cock of Stretching permalink
    June 12, 2022 3:14 pm

    Narcissistic people taking the lion’s share of cash and credit and demanding everyone bow to them and serve them? What a surprise! Never saw elf ears Saltine ‘I invented D&D’ Cracker as much more than a goofball that rose to prominence by letting neckbeards jerk off on her as anything more than someone would grift anything and everything she could with a smug smile. Twitter D&D fucktards who don’t even play empowered her in the first place. Glad people finally woke the fuck up, took them long enough. Her husband is like Zak 1.1 and resigning from a company he owns is a joke and he sure as hell isn’t going to put rocks for brains Saltine as the speaker as her charisma drops significantly when she opens her stupid mouth as immediately a Bigby’s Giant Black Cock flies into the waiting orifice. Couldn’t happen to a nicer company.

  525. June 19, 2022 12:07 pm

    Hey ya’ll.

    Just dropping by to wish Satine A very happy Father’s Day. I hope she’s enjoying many great memories of the man. Who is actually still alive but she’s probably not going to visit today.

    Me? I love my dad. I bet you all wish you had a rich dad too. enjoy your time with your bus driver ditchdigger fathers ha ha ha.

    Fuck off losers.

  526. Batpenis Johnson permalink
    July 4, 2022 6:51 am

    Crappy 4th, y’all but this is some entertaining reading:

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      July 4, 2022 5:21 pm

      Zpastic getting recanceled? Is it cause he made a shitty video restating his narcissistic opinion he’s right and everyone else is wrong because he was there and he knows?
      For something he did but never cared about Zpastic sure expends a LOT of his meth fueled chihuahua yapping at trying to get reinstated with the gaming circles. I’d sooner get a bohemian earspoon up my ass then listen to that loser that had every one of his projects rejected from Dungeon magazine because we had something called quality control. Enough time has passed that new 5e players do the cruelest comment of who is he and why should I care?
      I guess Zpastic thinks if Jamal can be reinstated as the Poop of the Oh Esss Arrrr he should be as well.

  527. Heh permalink
    July 5, 2022 9:39 am

    I love how they think he has an army of followers. It’s like four or five guys and a dozen sock puppets. And it’s hilarious he still somehow thinks he’s going to get out of this pit he is in.

    That piece of shit Satine Phoenix has more supporters. just fade away into obscurity and enjoy daddy’s money and gloomily fuck Stokes. until she eventually gets fed up with you and speaks up about you abusing her.


  528. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    July 11, 2022 4:38 pm

    Breaking News! After a long absence, the shit for brains subject of this very post returns to double down on his love for The Attack.

    • Ben E. KING permalink
      July 11, 2022 6:55 pm

      So this Jeff chubby chaser is into rapey gaslighty stuff too eh

  529. Heh permalink
    July 11, 2022 8:41 pm

    It’s The Attacks #1 simp/cult member conducting this thing. After the 3-hour mark he’s asked about the pants shitting thing. Wow. They cover all bases. This could not have been more scripted. And who is the fugly black chick? Was she hot back when they did I Hit it with my Jizz videos?

    Who the fuck is going to watch 3 hours? Probably Inspector Tenkar.

    And fuck…Zako has a double chin! Guess he’s been porking up on Chick Fil A.


  530. Jamison Phoenix permalink
    July 11, 2022 10:50 pm

    Zak also seems to have teeth missing. Drug addiction will do that to you.

    As for the double chin he should see me about his diet and I’ll get him in the gym. He’ll be flexing his biceps in no time. Charlotte will just love it. assuming she’s still with him, you don’t hear much about her these days.

  531. Zartan Tissagua permalink
    July 11, 2022 11:36 pm

    I can’t imagine looking at those faces for 3 hours – at least Raggi the Last isn’t in there! I scrolled thought on mute and at least Zak doesn’t seem to be a starving artist anymore but I can’t imagine anyone buying anything that devils threesome has to sell. I know Jeff has completely checked out of the hobby but is this really the way he wants to go out? At least he doesn’t have a business Zak can convince him to tank in solidarity.

  532. Franky Panky permalink
    July 12, 2022 1:46 am

    Here we are where this post began nearly 3 years ago, with Jeff Rients playing the role of chief ballwasher for Sad Cabbages. La plus ca change, eh?

    Ballwasher Ben with his 42 subscribers in 9 years. The video with 807 views. Will it crack 1000? Probably not. This Michelle, she was SpeakingManners, IIRC.

    Lol, Zak is fat. Perfect. Here’s to hoping he gets into deathfat territory. And grows a neckbeard. It must be his final form.

  533. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    July 14, 2022 6:43 pm

    Shouldn’t Zpastic have spent those three hours working on Daemon Shitty? Wonder how bad he is fuming that his army of suck poopets got shut down immediately? He should probably be calling up Saltine since she’s out of gaming as well. Maybe they can start their own game company together with seed money from Zpastic’s suicidal with disappoint at his son father? He’s surely still good for a couple bucks!

  534. bloodymage permalink
    July 15, 2022 4:50 pm

    Just an old gamer checking in. I’ve been living out of my car in Madison for the last three months waiting for VengerCon 2022 to start next weekend (only 75 of 100 tickets left!) but I’ve finally run out on my luck. Unless the good gamers at Suck Dungeon send me money to General Delivery Madison WI in the next 24 hours I will have to head home tomorrow and miss the convention. Sigh! 😡

    And what the in Hell happened to Saltine Phoenix’s roast beef curtains????!! They look like they have been through a wood chipper!

    • Heh permalink
      July 16, 2022 3:01 pm

      No way her nether-puss could be as ugly as that makeup free, pork-nosed apology face, with pints of snot oozing out it. Getting wiped away with fingers and no hanky in sight. That is an image I will take to my grave.

      Jamison surely just hooked up with her to try and get a cult going in the DnD scene. And by god it may have been working a bit. It’s just that they treated folk like shit. If you wanted to be the next Nexium cult, you need to be shit to your flock and appear nice nice to outsiders.

      Once he realizes the brand is truly dead he will likely move on from Satine Sow. But there are also rumblings they may be going to pull a Zak “I’m not dead yet!” They probably have a few simps left. But just like Zak, it will be fun to watch them squirm.


    July 17, 2022 7:27 am

    Herro Zak S aka Zak Sabbath aka Zak Smith aka Mandy’s Rapist and Abuser. You need rawyer?

    You are known for douchebaggery. Also for enormous self important narcissist ego. Why you think anybody would waste 3+ hours of their life watching your desperation video? And Jeff Reints must be complete fucking retard to enable you. With that overbearing wife of his I can see Jeff being a submissive pansy.

    Anyhoo, you about to get Dani Jang chop chop suey special in Canadian Loon Court. GO TEAM MANDY everyone believe her over you anyway, which is all that really matter.

  536. Rob Cuntz permalink
    July 22, 2022 7:53 am

    Someone named “Dylan” is trolling Pundejo on the ‘Shite by using his image as an avatar.

    Methinks this may be the work of blOwSR heroine Kent.!/135/

  537. bloodymage permalink
    July 23, 2022 11:57 pm

    Well, it took Venger all day Friday and most of Saturday to realize I never ponied up the $100 to attend VengerCon Sausage Fest 2022. I did manage to dine and dash all my meals though before ol’ Ass Nasty kicked me out of the convention and security threw me out of the Doubletree. “Aren’t you the guy who’s been sneaking in here to take a whore’s bath in the janitor closet utility sink for the last three months?” I can’t stay clean all of five minutes!

    I did get to run two sessions of my latest adventure, The Stink in Golanda II: A Summer’s Eve in Massengill. Everyone had a stinky good time. Speaking of lady stench, I was hoping to meet Saltine so I could ask her how her roast beef curtains got so mangled but I think she got cancelled on Twitter or something and didn’t attend the only convention left that would have her. Same goes for Zak (what happened to the other half of your hair? Were you in an accident that left you brain damaged?), Jim Raggi (at 600 pounds he’d have to buy two VengerCon tickets), and those nice Nazi fellers at NuTSR bringing back old school gaming and the Third Reich. Maybe they will all be at GaryCon.

    Oh and Venger taught us how to make real magical sigils Friday night so I made one to get this damn Yahoo toolbar off my computer.

    Please BUY SOME PRODUCT so I can keep the lights on.

    • Rob Cuntz permalink
      July 24, 2022 10:24 pm

      Can confirm Stink II playtest was a good time. Some special eggs were distributed by a retarded dog walker. Too much time relegated to a fresh install of Windows 6.5, but once everything started happening it was 1975.3 all over again.

      • Help keep the Lights On permalink
        July 25, 2022 9:46 am

        My crazy old lady fiancee dumped me years ago. That was actually that Time shadows lady with the unpronouncable setting. Urusk or something. She shows up to every shitty con.

    • Anfagio La Nasty permalink
      July 24, 2022 10:27 pm

      Star frontiers part deux is for real! I know you were all wondering!? ?
      By more shower cutains1 !

  538. Xartan Tssaggua permalink
    August 11, 2022 12:00 am

    Hours long tongue baths from the Unblown are not enough for Mr. Zaptastic. He’s now posting medical records and home videos. I wonder if he posted the one where he stonewalled for 6 hours about whether or not he spent the rent money on meth.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      August 11, 2022 2:57 am

      Medical records, eh? The ones that show that Zap is now obese and working his way to type 2 diabetes? Fat Zak is still hilarious. Here’s to a 50 pound weight gain before the end of the year. Did he mention anything about flying to Indianapolis last week the stalk Raggi and other TTRPG luminaries? Maybe harass a few Chick-fil-A employees to sign a warm apple betty stating that he did not shit his pants near the restaurant?

      He does offer a Demon City module to the faithful, for their 3+ years of waiting. The end is near, until the boneheads realize that printing schedules are jammed up (hmm, a pun there? sure) for months. Tack on another 6 months to whenever the thing heads off to the printers before it is done. So, another year of waiting.

      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        August 11, 2022 1:29 pm

        Yeah, Zpastic has some Ukrainian suck poopet reviving two year old threads so Zpastic can post actively again because no one gives a fuck about him. Best he can muster is demanding apple dabbles for why they think their is proof he is an asshole as being an asshole requires legal vetting and opinions aren’t like assholes he can’t be one. Zpastic is getting to be one chunky assed monkey asshole and all I can surmise is that his meth habit must have lowered a little due to being a broke assed little bitch so he can’t meth his weight off. Hopefully Papa Zpastic is going to pay for the dozen abscess gum operations in Zpastic’s future.
        Medical reports and the dirty ass dishes are still in the sink because Strokes is also too fucking lazy to do them. You’d think he’d have thrown the fucking things away by now but he’s also too ducking lazy to take the trash out. Funny how Zpastic used to say it was easier for Mandy to take out the trash since she had wheels… Asshole!!!!!

  539. Satines Snot Flow permalink
    August 13, 2022 10:19 am

    He’s Cherry picking from what could be 100 hours of video. And one of the first ones he seems to be kind of harassing her. She’s trying to remember game stuff on camera with her eyes closed and he keeps telling her to open them. It’s actually getting her upset it seems.

    “Chin up”

    Maybe she can sue him for harassment?

  540. Fucking Manners permalink
    August 13, 2022 2:02 pm

    Fuckface could probably pull at least 20 minutes of any one of his slags being a bitch on camera. Every D&D campaign has players with bad moments. But you can see why most of his “girls” defended him against Mandy. She was a whiny child (like a lot of sick people, they are hard to care for) and they didn’t like her for it. So, stepping up against the allegations may have been their way of payback.

    This seems like the desperate act of a desperate man. Does he really think any of this will win him back followers who have turned their back? Or is he preaching to the simps only? Certainly, his head cultist Benjie doing a prolonged and almost tragi-comical 4-hour interview hasn’t swayed anyone. He thinks this chickenshit move will?

    What a maroon.

    August 16, 2022 6:52 pm

    Zak, you are known for douchebaggery. Also for having some dirty scabby hoes with blown out vaginas and asshole in your porn stable (not by you though with that weaksauce).

    And how you go on for four hours on YouTubie about affidavits? That was 30 minutes tops in law school. Enough time though to know you don’t need to sign a sworn affidavit that somebody like you is an asshole.

  542. FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
    August 28, 2022 7:11 am

    Get a load of this retard:

    • Rigby's Left Testicle permalink
      August 29, 2022 4:11 pm

      lol like people are going to forget that before Mandy’s facebook post, Zpastic was still a Class A, High-Grade, Top-Notch Asshole. Dude was getting banned left and right before any of this.

  543. Heh permalink
    August 29, 2022 5:11 pm

    Jeffy comes out from behind the couch. Kind of a piss poor follow up to the Zak video.


  544. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    August 30, 2022 1:02 pm

    Nevar Forgeet Zpastic’s lawyer friend who was sick reached out with his dying breath to tell Zpastic he was innocent! Course he has to be a secret lawyer friend because his enemies will go after a poor soul that passed away. Probably the least believable thing would be Zpastic leaving his shitbag dirty dish apartment to see someone that was sick. Zpastic is way too narcissistic to give a flying fuck about anyone but himself.

    I’m trying to decipher whether Zpastic is deploying super sekret suck poopets to spread his ‘innocence’ or if these are the simpiest simps that ever simped.

    I’m happy that the net result to Zpastic’s shenanigans is indifference with a majority response of who and why should I care about this guy with a special needs lobotomy haircut?

  545. Fucking Manners permalink
    September 1, 2022 11:06 am

    This sounds about as made up as the story where he’s walking down the street in New Mexico and a homeless drug addict comes up and smokes the blue meth from breaking bad in front of him. And just like that story he doesn’t give any real context.

    Whats the point? Trying to humanize himself? sympathy?

  546. Jamison Stone permalink
    September 15, 2022 11:14 pm

    I read that at some point James Raggi did a video where he was laying naked in the snow crying about his horrible life. Does anybody know a link to such?

    Asking for a friend.

  547. Ben E. King permalink
    October 5, 2022 12:33 am

    It’s been almost 4 years is he still trying to get uncanceled and back on the approved Leftist list?

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      October 5, 2022 1:01 pm

      Absolutely! But he is officially a has been that never was and more than anything else that infuriates the fly weight, gut chunky, noodle boy with a lobotomy special needs haircut. His holding back Damon Shitty until he gets a sworn apple david from each and every backer is an epic joke and has destroyed Mike Evans as well relegating Mike to being stuck with Zpastic as a life partner. Only place Zpastic isn’t canceled is the Shite and I was DMing (messaging I’d never play a game with that loser) Pundejo earlier in the week and he’s pretty fucking sick of Zpastic’s shit too but has that forum principle about banning people and being a flea bite on the arrrr peeee geee nutsack of the world apparently isn’t a ban worthy offense. Pundejo mentioned he really thought Zpastic would be a swinging man by now but I reminded him Zpastic’s shitbox apartment doesn’t have any load bearing rafters that will hold his weight. Especially true since Zpastic is going all chunky monkey right now. It is hell when your dad lowers your allowance and you have to cut back on necessities like meth.

      Zpastic might say I’m lying about the meth but look at those teeth!

    • Franky Panky permalink
      October 6, 2022 4:42 pm

      It’s like that scene from “Officer and a Gentleman” where Richard Gere’s character screams that he has nowhere else to go. the Dee Eye Why Oh Es Arr is all that Sad Cabbages has left and he is going to cling to it with all the strength his noodle arms can manage.

      He and that tard DeadDMwalking are still sperging at each other on the shite.

      Last DemonCity update 2.5 months ago. Sad still dangling a module in front of the backers. 3 years 3 months overdue. Yeah bay-bee. Gunning for the Marmoreal Tomb fiasco now. The players handbook promised in March 2016 is finally being delivered.

      What’s the over under on Sad making a transition and exchanging his testicles for a stink ditch? Then as a marginalized person, she will have to be uncancelled. C’mon Zak, eunuch-dom beckons. It’s your only hope.

      • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
        October 7, 2022 9:22 am

        DeadDMwalking HAS to be cutting and pasting stuff from somewhere as there’s no way anyone other than the meth fueled chihuahua with the noodle arms known as Zpastic has the energy to actually write those walls of text.

      • Franky Panky permalink
        October 8, 2022 2:43 pm

        You’re saying DeadDMwalking is a Zak-puppet? I like it. It makes Sad Cabbages even more pathetic.

  548. Heh. permalink
    October 9, 2022 9:38 am

    I hate it all and I want to die very badly.”

    shit for brains still seems to sometimes have suicide on his mind. So it’s still possible that one morning we will wake up to read some good news to make us chuckle.


  549. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    October 15, 2022 9:26 am

    Anonymous Stokely said…
    Love you Zak – love stokes

    October 11, 2022 at 11:28 AM

    Why did Stokes post something that is usually reserved to say in private? I suspect Zak Attack is currently living in Dumpsville, population him.

    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      October 25, 2022 4:53 pm

      Another sock poop it expressing the narcissist’s self love.

      • Ben E. King permalink
        October 30, 2022 12:00 pm

        I always thought most RPGers were retards but seeing some were impressed by this Zack dude confirms it. His art is fucking Xeroxes and photoshop. His writing is like that of a high schooler trying to be transgressive. His argument style is that of a child who just took a first-year law class and didn’t understand any of it but wants to impress his peers by throwing out words and phrases like “affidavit” and “bad faith” and “witness.”

        Zack, a witness is someone who actually saw something. Not people you asked to write letters about what they didn’t see because they werent present. That’s actually the opposite of a witness.

      • Zak Sockpoopit permalink
        November 6, 2022 5:54 pm

        Sign a warm Apple Betty!

  550. Ballsweaty permalink
    November 4, 2022 9:01 am

    Charlotte Stokely celebrating her break up with Zak…

    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      November 6, 2022 1:20 pm

      Stokes has gone Full Saltine with big black penises in every orifice! Her parents must be so proud of their little whore. (Or did her daddy diddle her too like Saltine?)

  551. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    November 10, 2022 12:20 pm

    sad Cabbage finally got the pdf of Daemon Shitty done. Much golf clapping in a slow fashion ensued. He’s back on top babee! Everyone loves him again!

    • FEAR OF THE UNBLOWN permalink
      November 11, 2022 11:01 pm

      Anyone pay $8 dollars to get blue checkmark Zak S Twitter account yet?
      “I totes abused Mandy!”

  552. Zak's Number One Simp Benjie permalink
    November 15, 2022 1:27 pm

    Benjamin Cusack said…
    I have spent about a year compulsively checking in on the Demon City Kickstarter comments – waiting for updates, watching what people said – downloading every single test page or spread I could find and trying to read the low pixel count text.

    The amount of unbelievably evil commenters there who repeatedly talked smack was truly horrible – especially since Zak was pretty much the only person making any attempt to curb or curtail the horrible people and their misinformation and lies.

    Then once the PDF was done – they all shut up and the people who said nothing, but stay idly by saying nothing have been asking for copies, wondering where their email is, and praising the book.
    It’s no wonder you think the book is cursed Zak.

    After reading every comment multiple times, looking at times and names and long threads in the KS comments, and looking at any and all art you have put out that made it into this book (some from road of knives and obscure blogposts and gallery websites) it truly is a special book, and from what I have read and seen of it, it deserves the praise : but it is truly disheartening that people don’t understand that support is what makes things happen, not praise.

    When you need help, and want advice, or are overcoming adversity – that’s when people should step up and act – not when it is over and done with and they can just say, “good job”

    I wish I had been around to back Demon City, I wish I could have been in the comments trying to affect change.
    All I can say is that I’ve been watching and trying to do what I can to help Demon City be less of a burden, and I sincerely hope that after a few weeks, when I am out of school, I can find the time to go out and make things happen, I have places and ideas to go to and make things for.

    Good things do not always happen to good people : but good people can make good things happen.

    I hope Shawn Cheng is taking some well-deserved rest too.

    • Toad of Toad Hall permalink
      January 1, 2023 10:18 pm

      Benjamin Cusack = Zack Smithee

  553. Xartan Tssaqua permalink
    December 5, 2022 8:25 pm

    Jeff is trying to JMal it and just quietly go back to nattering on about D&D stuff. Zak jumps in with an insane list of all his grievances and Jeff apologizes to him instead of telling him to go get some help. Such a weird relationship.

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      December 7, 2022 9:36 pm

      Yeah, Jeff must have tried to send Mandie nudes and Zpastic has them now as blackmail. Just amazing that Jeff tries to talk gaming and Zpastic just steps in and sprays diarrhea shit all over everything and politely suggests Jeff better smile and lick it up.
      Not that it matters as Jeff is slightly less prolific than Sexxi Lexxxi anyways.

  554. Heh permalink
    December 15, 2022 7:41 pm

    The Attack in his comments right now performing his greatest sock puppet ever. He’s having a little argument with “Mandy.”

    • Reason permalink
      December 18, 2022 6:15 am

      Zac still doesn’t quite get that while the accusations forced scrutiny upon him, he was _really_ banished in the court of public opinion for being such an insufferable asshole… and his need to beat pretend Mandy in one of his pretend arguments just shows further what an insufferable asshole he is…

  555. Flying Fucking Pickle from Mars permalink
    January 3, 2023 8:26 pm

    Being an asshole got him into his now failed life, but his current true state is insanity. His flailing around like anything is going to get better for him is almost sad. But I think his thinly vailed threats of suicide are smoke. He’s a teenage girl with small cuts on her wrist. Call for help. But the help is useless. His zealots make no dent. He’s still doomed.

    But its fun to go gawk at Jeff’s comments. His followers are now just the Zak crowd. He’s like one of those simps now. Like a 25-year-old dude who only ever had one girlfriend, who gave him herpes, and every time he has an outbreak on his knob it reminds him fondly of her.

    • Xartan Tssaggua permalink
      January 5, 2023 9:39 pm

      They’re gold. Sexxi Lexxi dunking on Raggi, Zak slagging Lexxi, Venger running his dumb mouth, JB doing the thing where he doesn’t seem to realize everyone he’s communicating with are delusional maniacs. And above it all Raggi bleating about a lot of persecution even though it all stems from his poor decision to not to immediately cut ties with the herpes of the OSR and not his “edgy” content. Invest in some Valtrex Raggi.

  556. Flying Fucking Pickle from Mars permalink
    January 7, 2023 11:48 am

    Raggs is probably teary eyed with memories of those great con moments with the Attack. Acting the fool on the awards stage, dancing down the hotel halls with Zak and a throng of simps. Zak cajoling a grossed out Stokley or another one of his slags to blow the big fat smelly fuck while he sits in the corner and giggles and sips a Bud Light. Like Zak, he knows those Bada Bing backroom moments will never come again.

    Shit, his vid may as well be a subtle suicide not.

  557. Toad of Toad Hall permalink
    February 22, 2023 6:51 pm

    Is Zack still trying to get himself uncancelled? Lol

    Is he still pretending he makes money from his “art”?

    Is he still claiming to be a “porn star” despite no credits to speak of and a tiny dick?

    Is he still winning arguments with his sock puppet accounts?

    Inquiring minds wanna know lol

    • Franky Panky permalink
      February 25, 2023 1:13 am

      It appears he won his case against Vivka Grey. It’s on YouTube. A mighty 801 views in 4 days. ( I didn’t watch.) Comments by Zak’s ball washers. I’m guessing he won all of her worldly possessions, which are a half empty tube of uberlube and an old sleeping bag.

  558. Heh permalink
    February 25, 2023 11:07 am

    in the pic on his blog Zakster and some of his aging and porking up Skanks celebrating on a laundry mat bench certainly look like he’s uncanceled. Fuck man the nice suit combined with that stupid haircut that he has long since aged out of is reedickulouse!

    he’s destined to have the same half dozen simps including Rients for the rest of his life. Which will hopefully be short.


    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      March 1, 2023 4:21 am

      Guess Vivian Westwood didn’t get a decent lawyer and the judge’s eyes must have glazed over at the forced aut-speak Zpastic made his lolwyer recite and said, “fuck it, judgement settled, I hate you both so much right now.” Zpastic has an easy time suing people that don’t have trust funds to hire lawyers for pointless cases. Every time some mounts a defense Zpastic screams in his shrill voice about how Justice is unfair but when he smacks someone down with his dad’s cash he crows so much. Agree, pretty sure the settlement is a crusty bottle of lube and a flea infested blanket.

      • Zartan Tssagua permalink
        March 1, 2023 10:15 pm

        According to Officer Tenkar (I think) it was $1 American Dollar. He won 1 out of 8 of his charges and was probably lucky he didn’t get charged with a SLAPP violation.

      • Toad of Toad Hall permalink
        March 9, 2023 8:13 pm

        Is Zack still faggoting around looking like a mental patient and pretending to be oh so punk? Dude has fallen off the edge of the world since being exposed as a gaslighting woman abuser. He seems like a homo, though, so it’s unclear why he’s with these women unless it’s to mooch off their porno money because no one buys his art and his game “career” is over. It would be great if he committed suicide in protest of injustice.

        March 18, 2023 8:15 pm

        Herro Toad of Toad Hall! You need rawyer?

        Zak is not known for a doing gay, Zak is known for douchebaggery. He only get $1 damages because that is what his career would have been worth since 2019 when he outed for gasrighting and abusing Mandy Morbidity. Judge was no fool, he saw that half a head of methhead hair and instantly know that Zak is loser trust fund punk. Zak also get legal fees paid but he no see that money rawyers do and everyone in RPG community will Go Fund It To Me for Vivka anyway because they hate that piece of human garbage feces Zak. So Zak look like bigger delusional shitbag crowing about this so called “win”.

  559. Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
    March 2, 2023 1:48 pm

    Why is my feed suddenly filled with every moron with a TikTube channel and an inflated sense of self having a fucking orgasm over Shadowdark? It’s the NEW old!!!! Fucking dorks not realize how much they all sound like paid shills bleating out that their old school endorsement means something. Guess kudos to author for getting those dusty catpiss men to beat their canes and cocks on the game’s behalf but just wtf?

  560. Franky Panky permalink
    March 10, 2023 4:52 pm

    Anyone have their Demon City book yet? Not the PDF, the book, the book which was deliverable in June 2019, nearly 4 years ago. No? Of course not. Because the Demon City brain trust doesn’t have a printer for it. They are still shopping around, four months after the book was ‘completed’.

    This “There is now a Demon City RPG Discord channel for talking about this game and associated RPG stuff. If you want an invite, email me: zakzsmith AT hawtmayle dawt calm .” is totally not a honeypot.

      March 18, 2023 8:17 pm

      Demon Shitty sound dope!

  561. Bigby's Mighty Thumb of Diddling permalink
    April 21, 2023 9:44 pm

    Wow. Last week’s post by ZPastic is a humdinger. He tries to blame 5 missing teeth on being too poor to get dental work instead of his meth habit. He also claims he’s been winning nonstop when actually he’s gained a couple of fake apologies from people who live in Australia which has grossly light criteria for defamation. Then there’s the Gen Con appeal which wasn’t a win, just the court saying “ok, we got it a little wrong about dismissing the case with prejudice but actually he still has no case”

    Anyways, it’s a fun read.

  562. Reason permalink
    April 22, 2023 3:54 am

    I love this blogs by sockp… guys who are totally NOT Zak=k but mention Zak and Zak products like casually and coincidentally -in a totally cool way- like just by chance every second blog post- at least, more like 0.8 Zaks per blog post.

    But Hey that’s JUST A COINCIDENCE he’s just a cool guy who likes Zak and defends him on blog comments and posts about Zak and OSR stuff and Zak and Zaks blog posts and about Ukraine stuff and like, Zak and Zak stuff Zak sells bros. It’s cool.

    I mean if I was in Ukraine and liked the OSR I’d make some guy from 10 years ago the focus on all my blog posts too! Because Zak. Totally relevant to me right now bros. Just cool stuff for sale and cool games played and cool blog posts (by Zak) for me to talk about.

    Like totes NOT a sock puppet. 100% legit. CLEARLY an original human being.

    Don’t sue me. I won’t sign the applegravy.

    • Zac's Methed-up Teeth permalink
      April 23, 2023 1:55 pm

      Oh, Gawd! I read through autistic screech fest on Jeff’s gameblog and I feel stupider for it. When she complained about the sex being painful Zac gave her a pillow to bite down on, told her to suck it up and then continued the cornholing…. so zacs defense of not being a rapist is…. that he’s an abusive asshole that likes hurting women! Big win for the zacster, definitely deserves to be uncancelled

  563. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    April 24, 2023 8:48 am

    Even Tenkar is like “ this guy didn’t actually win nothin” whenever he comments on the current Zach “win.”

    but Jeff and the other simps just post the so-called “wins” on their pages and go on about how he’s uncancelled and his products are being printed and apologies are pouring in. That’s the most pathetic little cult in gaming to be sure.

  564. Franky Panky permalink
    April 24, 2023 2:36 pm

    Is it true that Jeff and his fat wife Amy invited The almighty Zak to form a polycule with them? I suspected Amy may be having second thoughts after reading about bite the pillow. Speaking of biting, Nice teeth. Proof he has no trust fund. If he had one he could afford dental care, or at least an orange to ward of the scurvy.

    Evicted and on food stamps, has the dim-witted Stokes finally wised up and kicked him into the gutter? Get a job Zak. Gay Pron awaits. I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who would enjoy seeing you get raw-dogged in the ass by a BBC.

  565. Ballsweaty69 permalink
    April 25, 2023 9:21 am

    Stokes is long gone, methinks. even the dumbest bitches are capable of wising up at some point. And in his 4 hour video awhile back you could tell he had missing teeth. That look, along with that hair doo which is beyond funny and just pathetic at his age, precludes him from even the most skeevy of gay boy porn. Even worse must be the discomfort. He’s got that thing where he’s got one molar free-floating with no other teeth next to it. I don’t think I could ever get used to that. The creep is officially a wretch.

    let this be a lesson lads. floss and brush and get regular cleanings at the dentist.

    • Franky Panky permalink
      April 25, 2023 3:00 pm

      He could be preparing his mouth for some gay porn. Imagine the irrumatio when he has no teeth. Sooner or later a group of POCs are going to run a train on his ass. If it’s painful, just gum the pillow Zak.

    • Zak Has No Real Friends permalink
      April 30, 2023 10:05 am

      The height of Zaks porn career was just over a half dozen credits. If thats all he could get almost 20 years younger, he doesn’t have much hope in middle age.

  566. Heh permalink
    April 25, 2023 3:23 pm

    I think it is so weird the guy took a close up of his gross mouth. Jeez. and it’s not proof that you don’t have any money. What it is is proof that you’re actually a slob who never really took care of his teeth. just another stereotypical D&D dork with terrible hygiene.


  567. Heh permalink
    May 13, 2023 1:02 pm

    looks like Zach attack is not going to get fat stacks from the Gencon lawsuit. so kiss the rest of his teeth goodbye ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha….


    May 17, 2023 6:04 pm

    Herro Zak! You are known for douchebaggery. Also raping women who say no to anal but you tell them to bite the pillow and rape anyway!
    You need rawyer? I no think so! YOU NEED DENTIST HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! No more rawyer for you, Zak. Stop with frivolous law suits and go to dentist to fix your missing teeth instead. You look like loser meth head with no teeth and hair cut from forty years ago.

    Next Zak news I hope is obituary HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  569. Anonymous permalink
    May 19, 2023 4:35 am

    Hmm totally not Sak but only posts about Sak, all the time, very time. Totally not a Sak puppet tho.

  570. Rob Liefeld permalink
    July 10, 2023 5:30 pm

    Just here to say I love the fact that 4 1/2 years on the shithead is still canceled and still doesn’t understand that no matter who he sues he will remain canceled. His cancelation has nothing to do with who he abused or raped or didn’t. That was just the useful excuse for people who never liked his shitty behavior and awful personality to say what they really thought of him. Karma is a bitch. I love it.

  571. Heh permalink
    July 16, 2023 10:13 am

    Attack did a long ass post about his numero uno simp Jeff (including a picture of Jeffy and boy howdy is he hilariously ugly). After weeks there’s only 4 comments. I think a lot of people including his minions are like me. They were only interested in his posts when it’s about his troubles and we get to watch him thrash around helplessly.

    I love that he is broke from lawyers fees. I’m sure he’s sleeping on the couch of one of his swiftly aging skank followers, running his a tongue along the gums where missing teeth used to be. Pining for Stokley, probably the last truly good-looking woman he will ever be with. Gloomily rubbing his pud while thinking about the good times, like storming the convention awards stage with fat Raggi.

    Damn, the pain and loss the guy has gone through makes me smile.


    • Ben E. King permalink
      July 24, 2023 8:26 am

      Schadenfreude is so much fun

  572. Ghost of Sauna permalink
    July 24, 2023 9:29 pm

    I scroll down through hundreds of comments to see a new one and this is all you got?

    • Rob Liefeld permalink
      July 28, 2023 12:44 pm

      Is Zack still fagging for small change in hopes of repairing his meth-damaged teeth? Would you lay him to suck your dick with that mouth? Pretty gross. But I guess gamers can’t have hugh standards. I mean, they accepted Zack for years.

  573. Jim Lee permalink
    July 31, 2023 2:44 pm

    So he needs five teeth. In Los Angeles where everything is top dollar, he will need about four grand per implant. if he waits long enough he may end up needing bone implants in there as well. Insurance usually covers none of this. this is why most people don’t get implants. A single one is a couple of months pay for some people. I don’t know how many paintings he would have to sell to cover even a few of these but clearly he doesn’t make enough from that to get his teeth fixed. Not a one. And the five teeth had to come out then it’s likely there’s going to be more. A few years ago I got a root planing at the dentist to prevent the loss of some teeth. That was around a 10 or $12,000 procedure. But I had good insurance at work and ended up paying about four grand for that.Maybe the best money I ever spent. I didn’t want to go through the rest of my life chewing steak on one side of my mouth or getting a partial denture which most people abandon after using for a little while.

    So around 20 grand or more is money he would rather spend on lawsuits that will get him a maximum or a $5000 settlement. Gencon was his best shot at big-time money. there ain’t much more lawsuit money he’s gonna be able to get.

    i’m going to guess that his Simp in Japan or whatever who claimed he’s going to re-print red and pleasant land will end up not following through on that when they realize all the hassle and printing costs and all that shit. So doubtful there will be any money there. And it seems pretty clear that Zak will not be able to literally and figuratively suckle on the teat of Charlotte Stokely for a place to sleep.

    seems that demon city money as long gone. And that was a laughably bad unusable piece of shit of a game. He better come up with another red and pleasant land lickety-split or we’re going to have to truly start calling him toothless. And dad’s either helping him out to some degree or is he sleeping on somebody’s couch. I’m thinking maybe that Fogli black bitch from the four hour laugh fest video.

    • Janet Jackson permalink
      August 14, 2023 9:46 pm

      He could get his teeth fixed in Tijuana for a few hundred dollars. I doubt he has the $ despite his alleged art career. You know, the one he claimed was his main occupation and RPGs were just a sideline. The one where nobody can find any evidence that anyone has actually paid for his “art” (i.e., shitty photoshop fake-punkery). What an asshole. He was already an ugly scrawny piglet but now he’s just hilarious like a cliché wannabe Sid Vicious without the balls to overdose.

    • Ben E. King permalink
      August 14, 2023 9:49 pm

      Welll….he copied and pasted his :ideas” for an Alice in Wonderland thing from the usual sources without giving any credit so surely he can rip off maybe some “Dark n edgy” Wizard of Oz and do a Green & Wonderful Land or some equally retard shit that doesn’t require any actual insight or ideas of his own. The rpg nerds might lap it up just like the Red Pleasant one since they don’t read real books.

  574. Ben E. King permalink
    August 15, 2023 10:23 pm

    Has anyone called this genderfluid twink out on his casual racism yet?

    What a little turd he is. Imagine having to deal with his shenanigans in person. Or maybe he doesn’t pull the same shit in person because unlike the internet he might get his ass kicked and he can’t just build his little strawman and fake rules of engagement that only apply to others. I’d actually kind of like to meet him if only to kick him in the shriveled balls and knock out his rotten teeth once he utters some racist bullshit or other mouth check his ass bank can’t cash.

  575. Toad of Toad Hall permalink
    August 15, 2023 10:26 pm

    Can we start 1 of those or move on or what ever the fuck petitions demanding Zak commit suicide?

  576. Toad of Toad Hall permalink
    August 15, 2023 10:27 pm

    Also, is Zack still trying to get himself uncancelled? Lol

    Is he still pretending he makes money from his “art”?

    Is he still claiming to be a “porn star” despite no credits to speak of and a tiny dick?

    Is he still winning arguments with his sock puppet accounts?

    Inquiring minds wanna know lol

    Or if we can just get that suicide, assisted or otherwise, happening, that’d be great 👍 👌

  577. Rob Liefeld permalink
    August 15, 2023 10:30 pm

    Why does this site never have any news? Surely some stupid shit has happened in the rpg world in the past 3 years. Or even news about Zach losing his livelihood and “friends” (assuming he had any that weren’t just hangers on for daddy’s checks) and losing his teeth and “career” would be fun to read. I can’t be bothered to check if he still has that retarded fake punk “dnd” blog where he pretends he was ever old school. Wouldn’t want to give him any traffic and the illusion that anyone but his sock puppets visits. Come on! YDIS!

  578. Holly Johnson permalink
    August 15, 2023 10:37 pm

    I am Holly Johnson of Frankie fame. Our version of Born to Run is better than Bruce. I’m out and proud since the 70s. This Zak Smith person is horrible. Why are he and his ilk allowed to parade around without repercussion whilst I can only get Frankie together for a one-off at Eurovision? It seems to me he should be slaughtered as any bovine with anthrax would be. And I should be treated at least as respectfully as Morrissey. My lyrics are better and so was my band. We actually had hits. And I’m not afraid to be out and proud since the 70s, Stephen. It was really nothing. How can you stay with a rotted-tooth boy who’ll say “Would you like to marry me?, and if you like you can buy Demon City despite it being whatever the print equivalent of vaporware is so I can finally visit a dentist”? Cheers! Relax! Don’t do it!

  579. Tard McFarlane permalink
    August 16, 2023 6:32 pm

    I’m offended by those who say that Zak attack has no porn credits. He actually has about eight. like 5 sex scenes where he dribbled weak loads on some herpetic slag and then three that he has appeared in as things like “punk rock retard jerking off in a corner number 3”

    of course all of us here have jerked off a god awful lot to Internet porn over the years. If we saw the same guy in two different films then that guy has been in over 100 of them that we haven’t seen. But we’ve never seen Zack on accident in a single one. That tells us all we need to know about his vaunted sex worker career. unless you count him sucking off that tranny skerples shemale cock a couple of times before they had their big falling out. Oh and fucking Patrick Stewart and Joe the lawyer up the bunghole let’s not forget about that. But none of that was filmed. Sadly.

    • Shaquille O'Neal permalink
      August 20, 2023 11:20 am

      I’m sure there’s video somewhere of Zak sucking dick. He’s clearly a phag.

  580. Rary's Clitonic Enhancer permalink
    October 27, 2023 4:26 pm

    Raggi update. Eating too much and getting lost in his own town and having mental episodes. Forgetting about conventions, fearing he’s been cancelled, complaining about censorship. And Zpastic chimes in every once in a while with the worst comments. If you haven’t been to James Edward Raggi IV’s public facebook account yet, you need to go have yourself a nice treat. TGIF.

  581. Hunter Bidens Limp Whisky Dick permalink
    November 1, 2023 12:47 pm

    Yeah Zaks replies there are the greatest. Usually making it about himself and his fucked up life. Or trying to get raggs to take some kind of proactive action about some minor thing. Raggs misadventures with the Finland mental healthcare system are pretty fun to read as well. He’s always having some kind of mental crisis and then he goes down to a place and it’s the wrong appointment time or the wrong office or some shit. It really seems to suck being fat lonely and insane. his love of bad euro metal seems to be the only thing keeping him going.

    and has anyone noticed that Zak is now posting regularly about things in a frequency he hasn’t in over half a decade? He’s acting like he’s been uncanceled. And sometimes it takes the better part of a week for his faithful to chime in and toss him a mercy comment so he ends up with maybe three or four. That’s a far cry from the days when he used to get dozens of replies to his shitty posts. haven’t heard anything about the re-printing of red and pleasant land by one of his simps. I wonder how that’s going?

    I love the sad fucking losers are still around for me to get a good laugh while going about my life. I hope they never fade away. Unless they kill them selves and that would be cool as well.

  582. Hamas Jewrape permalink
    November 1, 2023 8:43 pm

    Hasn’t been a post at Grognardia in weeks. last one said “lots going on right now. ”

    Divorce? death of a child? maybe he found out he has ass cancer?

    • Ben E. King permalink
      November 14, 2023 9:08 pm

      Probably running out on a commitment, isn’t that his schtick

  583. Jamison is tired of cumming on Satines greasy Face permalink
    November 15, 2023 10:58 am

    A month or so seems like a long time for him. Mr. constantly posting. But he’s such an unhappy seeming mope a lot of the time I’m going to guess divorce may be in the cards? he’s back to posting but just like Zak and others doesn’t get anywhere near the amount of replies that he once did. I think the only thing that keeps him going is his bafflingly long empire of the petal throne campaign that he still runs. It’s probably the only thing he likes to bring up. everything else is filler. But he probably keeps telling himself I am a writer I’m a writer I must write I must write. But his stupid fucking posts don’t really count as writing. The Osr is basically dead. Tenkar seems to have a pretty good following but his YouTube posts get like 40 views. maybe it’s time for these pathetic shits to just knock it off with the public stuff, play their games or whatever, but otherwise grow the fuck up and realize you don’t need people looking at your ugly mug and hearing your pointless words. when someone like the RPG pundit is doing way better than you it’s time to pack it in.

  584. Rary's Erotic Enhancer permalink
    November 16, 2023 5:56 pm

    Satine is trying to uncancel herself like nothing happened. Good luck. Like the mainstream supersafesensitive D&D community is going to forget what she and her husband are like…

    I, on the other hand, managed to find her earliest porn and it’s excellent. To imagine that she’s only a year or less away from getting pounded by her dad when it was filmed makes it extra special. Honestly, I don’t blame the guy. She was a hot piece.

  585. Vengers Micro Penis permalink
    November 16, 2023 9:54 pm

    Zak is doing some weird Asian game that looks totally unrunnable. Samurai and ninjas and a big blobby tower of flesh for some reason? I wonder if we’re going to have another entertaining kick starter on our hands here

  586. Blue haired fat chick who owns the couch Zak has been sleeping on permalink
    November 24, 2023 1:09 pm

    Could somebody else out there let Zak have a turn sleeping at their place? it’s been months now and things are getting kind of old. I have a boyfriend now who doesn’t really understand the arrangement. And the worst part has been hearing him sob at night. Sometimes it’s about Charlotte and sometimes it’s about losing the spotlight. He told me that he has recurring dreams about storming the awards stage at Gen Con and flashing the devil sign. Then he wakes up reaching out to grasp at empty air. It’s kind of sad, but really Thanksgiving yesterday was the last straw. His dad’s in Cabo with his secretary and Zak doesn’t really have any other family. So I took them to have dinner with my family. My dad doesn’t really understand why he’s a part of my life or the “gobbledygook” that he’s constantly spewing about politics etc.

    So Jeff, Benji, somebody. please take a turn helping out. For the most part he just sits around focusing on his new projects which he thinks is going to save him. I don’t know what to say. But as his friends our goal should be to try to keep him as happy as we can to keep him from ending it all.

    • Ben E. King permalink
      January 18, 2024 7:26 pm

      Zach is homo wannabe loser fake punker rough bottom for bears for meth I bet

  587. The OSR is Dead permalink
    January 19, 2024 1:58 pm

    “Jennell Jaquays died. It sucked, she was always very kind to me.

    I would go on about her but considering how shitty people are on here I don’t want to invite people trolling about it.”

    Zaksuck Blatant insults his readership on his blog but those weird sick simps keep coming back for more. and if they say even the slightest wrong thing in his comments he’s all over them like shit on Ed Greenwoods toilet seat.

    I wish he would kill himself like he’s been promising for years. But still it’s fun to watch him rot in his own little hell.

    • Ben E. King permalink
      February 2, 2024 12:26 pm

      Aren’t his blog readers just him under fake account names?

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      January 30, 2024 1:04 pm

      Too fucking funny that Zpastic writes yet another shitty article usurping a writer’s name since she left herself logged in at the public library. Funnier still are the sycophants faking into lockstep that this is a smoking gun and poor Zpastic never did anything wrong. Zpastic seems awful desperate!

  588. Patrick S. Tomlinson permalink
    February 1, 2024 6:51 pm

    No Stlakers, Zak is not homeless, toothless and womanless. Those are your delusions. Enjoy Prison.

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      February 1, 2024 8:32 pm

      Isn’t he couch surfing at Jeff’s now?

    • Toad of Toad Hall permalink
      February 2, 2024 12:28 pm

      Does Zack pay you to defend him or are you just another of his sock puppet accounts?

      • Patrick S. Tomlinson permalink
        February 2, 2024 6:44 pm

        No, child, Zak does not pay me. I fight against felony online harassment wherever I find it. Your life is over stalker. Enjoy prison

    • jeff rients jr permalink
      February 5, 2024 3:12 pm

      is St. Laker from Minnesota or Los Angeles?

  589. Zaks Jack O Lantern Grin permalink
    February 2, 2024 2:09 pm

    Christ, Tomlinson. Get that gut and bitch titties into a gym whydontcha?

    • Rob Liefeld permalink
      February 2, 2024 3:03 pm

      Lol why is Zack still trying so hard to get back in the good graces of Leftards who will never accept him and back into the ROG industry when he claims he’s a big deal and makes money in his alleged “art” (i.e., photoshopping and scrawling ugly lines everywhere)?

    • Patrick S. Tomlinson permalink
      February 2, 2024 6:49 pm

      I am not fat, not by any medical standards, stalker. Those are pecs, stalker, not tits. I go to the gym, weekly. I enjoy the steam room there, just as you will enjoy the showers in prison.

  590. Xartan Tssaggua permalink
    February 3, 2024 10:02 pm

    Holy Shit! Zak I have to hand it to you sending in one of your minions to try to convert the unwashed remnants of this dying site shows full commitment to the bit. You might be a prick but no one can say you don’t give it your all. Why is another question.

    • jeff rients jr permalink
      February 5, 2024 3:10 pm

      has it been 5 years now that RPG circles have been largely free of that dick Zack who thinks he knows how laws work but doesn’t and is as clueless in that arena as he is in debates ?

  591. Turd McFarlane permalink
    February 7, 2024 11:34 am

    All the obsession with gay rape proves its a Kent sock puppet.

  592. Pringles Can Jon permalink
    February 15, 2024 10:48 pm

    My buddy Fatrick Tomlinsons bio…

    • Franky Panky permalink
      February 17, 2024 1:59 pm

      Looks like this guy lives near me in the great state of Wisconsin. He appears to be the be the usual drunken poor white trash that drifts into Milwaukee in search of fame and fortune. His twitter is hilarious. @stealthygeek is the name. The guy is insane. If I see hi out and about, I will avoid him. He has nothing to do with Zak…wait, he once had a lizard named Toothless. Is that the connection?

      • Franky Panky permalink
        February 17, 2024 2:05 pm

        Looks like he’s a Pathfinder player. That explains a lot. Man, is he gross looking. Good job on stealing his wife, Jon. He’s like Zak, on steroids that are on steroids. 

  593. Not Zack permalink
    March 7, 2024 8:36 pm

    Zack is definitely innocent of any wrongdoing ever or even ever being wrong ever. It was proved he’s innocent because some people who weren’t there didn’t see him do anything except be awesome and right all the time. All the RPG sites totally need to apologize and let Zack back on under as many usernames as he wants. They should also pay him even though he totally makes a lot or money on his art that is totally not just photoshop with scribbles on top. And I’m totally not Zack.

  594. Not Zak pretending to be Mandy morbids Dad permalink
    March 9, 2024 11:28 pm

    hey y’all, this is totally Mandy morbid’s dad. It’s not right the way she completely and utterly destroyed his amazing and promising RPG designing career. sure he could still make tons and tons and tons of cash from his super amazing art career and also his world famous porn acting career. but that is besides the point.

    during the last holidays I actually cried thinking about how he could’ve been such an amazing son-in-law for me. I really wish he was still able to come to the family get togethers. his favorite part of the dinners was the mashed potato volcano with the gravy lava.

    anyway go to his blog and buy a snake themed dungeon level for only five bucks in the store

  595. Charlotte Stokley permalink
    March 16, 2024 1:28 pm

    Hey Mandy’s dad. It was me that got Zach into mashed potatoes and gravy with Dino shaped chicken nuggets. On game night we all show up at the Blue Haired fat chick who owns the couch Zaks been sleeping on’s apartment. I pour gravy all over the mashed potato volcano and watch it all drip down and off the tray and onto a table. I like it because it reminds me of the big hot cheesy cobra loads black dudes in my videos would shoot all over me. Unlike Zaks weak dribbles.

    Anyway I’m not really into DND anymore since the fad seems to be fading a bit. But I still go to Zacks game nights because in all honesty we’re all trying to keep him from killing himself. But it is getting tiring. Sometimes when he goes to the bathroom to sob for a few minutes we all kind of whisper that may be it would be better if we just let nature take its course.

  596. Adam K permalink
    April 13, 2024 2:38 pm

    Hey, it’s Adam. I’ve relocated to a rural property in Canada, but I’m in town today, using the free wifi while Mireille holds up the 7/11. She’ll be running back this way in a minute so I’d better start gunning the truck. Anyhow, thought I’d stop by to spread the word. There’s a storm coming, something much more important than boudoir photography or RPGs, and you’d all better get ready. I also wanted to let you know about my new storycrafting game, “The Storm.” It’s set in a world where decent people such as Zac and Andrew Tate get forced underground but start to fight back. Speaking of fighting back, I think Mireille’s been shot and I can hear sirens. Check out the funding campaign for my new game The Storm on TrustFund. Gotta run,

    Much love,


  597. Amazing Predictions permalink
    April 23, 2024 10:26 pm

    March 12, 2019 2:08 pm captain Kirks dick blood said about Zak..

    ..I get the feeling Jizzhead is ultimately going to settle for a small handful of sycophants, all speaking in hushed tones about his eventual triumphant return like Voldemort’s Death eaters.

    • Lamentations of Gary Gygax’s Ghost permalink
      May 12, 2024 12:10 pm

      Zpastic and his Shitty crew snail mailing the book around and making handwritten notes and corrections in the digital age is fucking hilarious and about the most obvious stalling tactic. It’s already been lost in the mail and mysteriously returned to sender 5-6 times. Sure Zpastic is claiming digital just cannot capture the art, man! Mork Borg is 1000 times more artistic and was all cleared and designed digitally with ease. I guess Zpastic is 1000000000 times more autistic though. It’s no Fart East but just about as flaccid as are peee gees go.

  598. Radovarl permalink
    May 14, 2024 9:20 am

    Bump. Why, I cannot say. I guess I miss the “old days” when a troll didn’t have to be on “X”.

    • Carlos Danger permalink
      May 14, 2024 2:43 pm

      Is it confirmed that Zack sucks off trannies to get a few dollars per load to finance his meth habit? If not, who does he suck off for nickels and dimes?

  599. Raggi the Last permalink
    May 30, 2024 8:44 am

    I am attending a convention in the UK and my luggage got lost and I have no clean clothes or toothbrush or deodorant. Three days now. I showered at the hotel before setting up my booth, but they have high-end soap in the shower and I’m not using that shit. but boy after three days, my normal stench had become off the charts. I wish Zack was going to be at this con because in the past he was the only one who was forward enough to tell me how much I stunk when I hadn’t showered for a couple days or had under wiped my ass.

    at least I didn’t shit the hotel bed. So I’ve got that.

  600. STFU and just do it Zak permalink
    June 5, 2024 6:13 pm

    Jesus, this fat loser lives in a war torn country and all he he fucking blogs about for 10 years is the unfairness towards his god Zak. this video is a day old and he’s gotten like 20 views. So cut that in half and you have how many supporters that fckface still has.

    That war is been going on a while, but this fat fuck must’ve been hoarding food. Soon he is going to get conscripted they’re going to put a rifle in his hand, kick him in his blubber butt, and send him out to die. Maybe he can preach the gospel of Zak to the Russian soldiers well they smoke cigarettes and torture him to death for entertainment.

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